AUG. 13, 2017
Jim Smallman came out and talked about all of the obstacles the company had dealt with including a smoking hot venue last night, T.K. Cooper’s injury in New York, and their coach bus to Boston not showing up.
Pete Dunne and T.K. Cooper are in the building.
(1) Jeff Cobb vs. Mark Andrews. Cobb dominated with his power early. Andrews fired back and came off the top and hit a hurricanrana. Cobb went for a delayed vertical superplex, but Andrews eventually slipped out and hit a Liger bomb out of the corner for a 2 count. Andrews eventually hit a moonsault that he turned into a twisting DDT for a 2 count. Cobb caught Andrews going for a kick and hit the shell shock for a near fall. Cobb tried to rag doll Andrews, but he rolled him up for a 2 count. Cobb caught Andrews trying to float around him, but Andrews hit a stunner! Cobb then popped Andrews up and hit tour of the islands for the win! This was very good while it lasted.
(2) Deonna Purrazzo vs. Jinny Couture vs. Dakota Kai in a Three-way match. Kai hit a big kick to Couture’s back and then a kick to her front for a 2 count. Kai and Purrazzo had a great exchange and came to a stalemate, but Couture came back into the ring and attacked them both. Couture posted Kai on the outside and hit a neck breaker on Deonna back inside the ring. Kai fired back on Couture and hit her signature running kick in the corner. Kai missed a double stomp and the action broke down. Everyone ended up down on the mat and they got up and hit a three way forearm spot and everyone was down and the fans fired up again. Purrazzo hit a German with a bridge on Jinny, but Kai came off the top with a double stomp and got the pin on Deonna. This was really good.
(3) Travis Banks vs. Jack Gallagher. Pete Dunne picked Bank’s opponent. Banks won the SSS 16 this year and is the #1 contender to the Progress Championship. Gallagher got the upper hand on the mat and went after Banks’s arm. The fans began chanting for Banks as Gallagher continued to target the arm. Banks fired back and lit up Jack with kicks to the front and back before finishing off with a roundhouse kick to the head. They had a strike exchange and Jack lit him up with big knees to the cut and then several uppercuts. Banks staggered out of the corner and Gallagher tagged him with a big kick to the head for a 2 count. Gallagher went for an arm bar, but Banks blocked it. Gallagher got on top of him and hit several forearms and got a triangle. Banks tried to lift him up, but Gallagher let go and nailed him with a sick headbutt! The fans went nuts and Banks hit a shotgun dropkick and then a step up double stomp to the back for a near fall! The fans fired up and chanted for both men. Banks went for his springboard kick, but Gallagher got out of the way. Banks set up for a dive, but Jack nailed him with a huge forearm as he came through the ropes. Gallagher springboarded into the ring right after Banks and got a rear naked choke. Banks struggled, but managed to get to the ropes.Jack went up top, but came up empty and Banks hit a clothesline and a modified here it is driver for a near fall. Banks went into the corner and hit a flying headbutt off the turnbuckles. Gallagher came right back with a corner dropkick for the win. WOW! That was great.
Gallagher cut a promo after the match and said he loved wrestling on the indies even though he’s in WWE. He said he’s sorry Banks lost, but he’s happy he won. They shook hands. Gallagher said three years ago he went to a dojo in Japan and Banks was doing training. The next time he saw him, he was in America training with Davey Richards. He said Banks was a step ahead of him. He told Banks to get his head in the game. He said everyone that Dunne had chosen had beaten him. He said he needed the fighter to come out of him. He said it’s because this is Progress. He pointed to Bank’s heart. Pete Dunne then ran into the ring and shoved Banks in Jack. Dunne took his shoe off and hit Banks with it. He then hit a pedrigree and the fans booked. Gallagher came back into the ring to chase off Dunne.
(4) Martin Stone vs. Progress Atlas Champion Matt Riddle in a Non-Title match. Stone countered Riddle on the mat and snapped his toes apart out of the ankle lock position. Riddle slapped Stone across the chest. He asked for another and Riddle tagged him. They then began exchanging big chops. Riddle kicked Stone into the corner and nailed him with a big running forearm. He hit another running forearm and the fans fired up. Riddle hit a third and then finished Stone off with an exploder and the fans applauded. They went back and forth and Stone tagged Riddle with a big strike for a 2 count. Riddle hit a tombstone and Stone kicked out a short time later. Stone hit a destroyer, but Riddle no-sold it. Stone got a crotch crab and hit a series of big strikes. He went to cover Riddle, but Riddle got the upper hand and hit several forearms and elbow strikes. Stone had his hand in to block the bro-mission, but Riddle nailed his mid-section with several strikes and got the bro-mission on fully for the win. This was a good match.
After the match, Stone grabbed Riddle’s titles and then got on a knee and handed them to him. They then shook hands and hugged to show respect. Riddle got on the mic and a big bro chant started. He thanked Stone and said that was awesome. He said it was awesome to face him and he couldn’t wait to do it again. Both men hugged. Riddle said he’s the first two time Atlas Champion. He told Walter he could have his rematch whenever he wanted. He told Walter to bring it.
(5) Jimmy Havoc vs. Zack Gibson. Gibson cut his usual pre-match promo to boos. He asked the sound guy to turn his sound up. He gave up and gave Jim Smallman the mic back. He eventually grabbed the mic back from Smallman and the fans really booed. He finally told Havoc he was going to end the match by submitting him. Gibson avoided the acid rainmaker and hit a lung blower for a 2 count. Gibson tossed several chairs into the ring and asked Havoc if he wanted to be hardcore. The ref told Gibson he would DQ him. Havoc threatened to kill the ref if he DQ’d him. The ref told them to kill each other. Havoc put his hands behind his back and took a chair to the head. He fired back and elbowed the chair into Gibson’s head. Both men sat down in the chairs and began tagging each other. Havoc ended up poking Gibson in the eyes. He went for a swinging DDT out of the corner and connected. Gibson ducked another rainmaker attempt and hit a twisting brainbuster onto the chairs. Havoc set up Gibson across the chair and set up another chair on top of him. He then set up another chair on top of Gibson and hit a double stomp off the top and the acid rainmaker for the win.
(6) Progress Tag Team Champions British Strong Style (Trent Seven & Tyler Bate) vs. RINGKAMPF (Walter & Timothy Thatcher). Seven kept trying to fight a young fan in the stands. The ref stepped in and got between them. He went back up to the apron and went back after the the kid. The mom got involved and the fans wanted Seven to kiss her. Thatcher went to work on Seven’s wrist during the early going and the fans gasped. Walter finally tagged in and Bate looked like he didn’t want any part of him. He ran away from Walter and tagged in Seven. Seven didn’t look very happy. Walter no sold chops from Seven and Bate. Thatcher smiled as Walter obliterated them both with big chops RINGKAMPF then hit their pose with BSS on the floor and the fans applauded. Thatcher and Walter tagged in and out to suplex Seven around the ring. Thatcher really seemed to enjoy it. Trent hit a low blow when the ref broke his hand apart from Bate in the corner. I’m not sure why that didn’t count as a tag. Trent had the upper hand and the fans booed. Bate and Seven tagged in and out to work over Thatcher. They hit a combination of moves on Thatcher and knocked Walter off the apron. Seven then hit a piledriver on Thatcher for a 2 count. Thatcher thwarted a double pedigree attempt and tagged in Walter, who ran wild. Walter suplexed Bate and almost hit Thatcher in the process. He made the cover and got a 2 count. Bate tried to lift Walter up, but Walter lifted him up into a lung blower. Thatcher tried to hold Seven back, but he shoved him into the Walter to break up the pin. Bate when for a deadlift German on Walter after a HUGE exchange and hit it for a near fall and the fans applauded. WOW! Thatcher got the fujiwara armbar on Seven. Bate ended up fighting off Walter and he made the save. Thatcher got the fujiwara armbar again. Walter had Bate in the choke, but he rolled back on top of him for the win. This was tremendous.
Walter and Thatcher teased not getting along. Walter said if they had differences they would take care of them in the ring. Walter said he was going to put Thatcher in his Atlas Title match and walked away. Thatcher told Walter to come back to the ring and they shook hands.
Contact Sean at pwtorchsean@gmail.com. Follow Sean on twitter HERE. Follow and like Radican’s Wrestling Community Facebook.com HERE
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