DJZ announced for EVOLVE 92 and 93, Shine talent list announced, Style Battle, Darby Allin update (w/RADICAN’S ANALYSIS)

By Sean Radican, PWTorch Columnist

A.R. Fox photo credit Sean Radican (c) PWTorch


-EVOLVE will run two shows this month. They have begun releasing more matches for both shows. The first show will take place in Detroit, Mich on Sept. 22. The second show will take place on Sept. 23 in Summit, Ill. The biggest news update is that DJZ has been signed for both shows. On Sept. 22, he will face Fred Yehi and on Sept. 23 he will face Darby Allin.

The lineups for both shows are as follows:

EVOLVE 92 in Detroit, Mich.: EVOLVE Champion Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Davey Richards, WWN Champion Matt Riddle & Keith Lee vs. Chris Dickinson & Jaka, DJZ vs. Fred Yehi, and EVOLVE Tag Team Champions James Drake & Anthony Henry vs. The Troll Boyz (Ethan Page & ACH).

EVOLVE 93 in Summit, Ill.: WWN Champion Matt Riddle vs. Tracy Williams (w/Stokely Hathaway) in an Anything Goes match, Keith Lee vs. Davey Richards, DJZ vs. Darby Allin, and EVOLVE Champion Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Fred Yehi in a Non-title match

EVOLVE 92 and EVOLVE 93 will air on

Radican’s Analysis: I‘m very excited to see DJZ in EVOLVE. He’s one of those high-flyers that jumps off the screen not just for his look, but for his flashy presentation and entrance as well. His entrance at AAA’s Triplemania recently was fantastic, as he wore a light up suit and helmet. Yehi and Allin are perfect opponents for DJZ. 

EVOLVE needed a talent influx and Davey Richards and DJZ are two big additions to the card. Richards’s matches are very interesting as well, as he faces Sabre for the EVOLVE Championship and then he takes on Keith Lee the following night. Those two matches could be electric. I’d love to see Richards vs Riddle in an EVOLVE ring at some point down the line.

-Shine is set to return to action on Sept. 15. at The Orpheum in Ybor City, Fla.  Already signed are SHINE Champion LuFisto, SHINE Nova Champion Priscilla Kelly, Allysin Kay, Ivelisse, Holidead, and Jordynne Grace.

Shine will air live on

Radican’s Analysis: I’m surprised Ivelisse gets bookings given her problematic social media and documented use of homophobic slurs in the past. She’s not booked in many places, but she continues to get opportunities in Shine. The initial talent roster looks solid, but I’m surprised more talent and matches haven’t been announced given the show is a week away. 

-The entire field has been announced for Style Battle S1:E7. The wrestlers competing in the one night tournament on Sept. 17 from Port Richey, Fla. will be A.R. Fox, Darby Allin, Nathan Cruz, Kai Katana, Ethan Case, Matt Palmer, Leon Ruff, and Saieve Al Sabah.

Style Battle S1:E7 will air live on

-Darby Allin has moved from Florida to Atlanta to train with A.R. Fox at Fox’s WWA4 Wrestling School.
Radican’s Analysis: I worry for the safety of Fox and Allin as they train together. I hope they don’t inspire each other to do anything too insane. Both are incredible high-flyers and Allin has done a lot of damage to his body during a short amount of time in EVOLVE while doing some big stunts in high-risk matches. 
These two are so innovative, so I’m sure they are going to come up with some mind blowing things while training together in WWA4. 

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