MARCH 13, 2019
Announcers: Renee Young, Byron Saxton, Percy Watson
- EC3 keeps trying, and trying, and trying…
- Where did Breeze’s “Wheel of Beards” land this week?
- See what WWE thinks of Kofi
Breeze entered and proudly flaunted his new facial hair: a stylish Van Dyke. After the bell rang, EC3 offered his hand to shake, and Breeze quickly complied. EC3 immediately slapped Breeze across the face, then shrugged and mugged at the hard camera. EC3 fired Breeze’s face into opposite turnbuckles before leveling him with a reverse elbow. EC3 executed a standard scoop slam, then urged the crowd to say his name: E! C! 3! Percy said that EC3 is what WWE needs, and informed us that he (EC3) has a million dollars in his bank account. Renee countered that EC3’s method of flirting is ineffective – that he can’t come out, flex his muscles, and expect a response.
Meanwhile, EC3 was caught up in chanting his own name again when Breeze caught him with a superkick – Breeze covered for a two-count. Renee asked if EC3 was here for the wrong reasons, what with the silver spoon in his mouth. Percy stated that he is here and is giving 100%. EC3 approached Breeze at the apron and was kicked once again in the face. Breeze ran the ropes, but EC3 intercepted with a big clothesline. EC3 then moved Breeze into a corner and delivered a barrage of kicks.
In the middle of the ring, EC3 began to set up for a power bomb or piledriver, but Breeze wriggled free and caught EC3 with an enzuigiri. EC3 staggered backward, really selling the blow, and collapsed in the corner. He got to his feet, and Breeze rewarded his effort with two elbows. Breeze tried for a third, but EC3 intercepted and scooped Breeze up and into a fireman’s carry cutter.
Re-energized, EC3 ran to the ropes and screamed at the crowd. He lifted up Breeze by his hair, screamed “EC3” in his face, and began a suplex motion but Breeze reversed and whipped EC3 to the mat with a hurricanrana. Breeze had EC3 mounted and pinned – he hooked both legs behind him and got the three-count. Breeze rolled out to the ramp and did some exhausted celebrating, while EC3 sat in the ring corner looking stunned and dejected.
WINNER: Tyler breeze by pinfall.
(Meyers’s Analysis: A short match with some cool moves. Once again, EC3 is really struggling to get someone’s – anyone’s – attention. He gets the lion’s share of commentary from the announce team, and he’s literally getting his name out there to the entire crowd throughout his match. Breeze’s grab for attention is more subtle, as his facial hair merry go round spins further out of control.)
-Main Event recap session:
- Replay of in-ring Shield reunion from Raw
- Replay of Ambrose vs. McIntyre from Raw
- Replay of Kofi – Vince in-ring discussion from Smackdown, where a Main Event voiceover indicated that Kofi was “duped once again,” regarding his interactions with Vince McMahon leading up to this segment
- (Meyers Fun Fact: The noun definition of “dupe” is: a person who is easily deceived or fooled. The verb definition is: to make a dupe of. Origin of dupe is from vulgar Latin “uppa,” a bird thought to be especially stupid. WWE, with no ambiguity, reinforces that good guys are suckers.)
- Recap of Lynch vs. Charlotte from Fastlane
- Recap of Rousey’s heel promo from Raw
- Recap of Lynch’s face promo from Smackdown
Viewers at home were not treated to the entrance antics of Lucha House Party, but we did get to enjoy Mahal and the Singhs. As they climbed into the ring, Renee said, “The Singh brothers are wacko! They’re always tweeting me about hockey stats and stuff. What’s their deal?” Line of the night.
Dorado started off against Singh. Singh applied an early arm bar and did a “Bollywood Dance” while operating Dorado’s left arm like a fleshy water pump. Dorado flipped his way out of the maneuver and arm dragged Singh to the mat and into an arm bar. Lucha House Party made quick tags in their corner, taking turns landing flying blows to Singh as we cut to commercial.
After the break, Singh had Kalisto in a chinlock. Kalisto escaped with a jawbreaker, but was immediately leveled with a clothesline and was covered by Singh for a two-count. Singh tagged in as Singh tagged out, and the brothers attempted a comedically drawn-out double suplex, but Kalisto defied all odds (and physics) by reversing the maneuver into a double DDT.
Mahal screamed angrily at the prone Singhs while Kalisto crawled to his corner and tagged in Metalik who flew into the ring to knock Mahal from the apron, then rocked the legal Singh with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Metalik applied a pin but the count was busted up by Singh who entered from outside. Dorado entered the ring and landed a Cara Dorada – a handspring stunner – on the interfering Singh. Mahal finally got involved and demolished Dorado with a big boot to the face. While Mahal was briefly distracted during a meditation exercise, Metalik was able to knock him out to ringside with a low-altitude superkick that Mahal had to hunch over to have connect.
The legal Singh was now to his feet, and Metalik executed a springboard sunset flip, but the wrestlers were near enough the apron that Singh was able to grab hold of the ropes and block the follow through. Furthermore, he squatted and mounted for a pin, but the ref stopped the count when he noticed the nefarious use of the ropes for pinning leverage. Metalik knocked Singh down to the canvas with an enzuigiri, then scaled the corner and landed a springboard elbow drop off the top rope. Dorado tagged in and launched into a shooting star press which was good for the three-count.
WINNERS: Lucha House Party by pinfall.
(Meyers’s Analysis: Gran Metalik is back in action this week after having his place taken by Tyler Breeze in last week’s six-man tag, although no explanation was provided by the announcers regarding his status. More of the same action from these groups, including Mahal’s lack of involvement. This was nothing more than a match to get the live crowd marginally more fired up than the previous singles match.)
SHOW SCORE (0-10): 6.2
FINAL THOUGHTS: EC3 needs to be given a real chance, and more time, on the main roster. He needs to get a mic in his own hands, and not in the embarrassing way he was blown off by Mandy Rose and Sonia Deville at Fastlane. Given his current trajectory, we may never see his character develop beyond the snippets of info the Main Event announcers are allowed to give us.
NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S REPORT: 3/6 WWE Main Event TV Report: EC3 vs. Apollo Crews, Saxton explains EC3’s character, Breeze & Kalisto & Dorado vs. Jinder & Singhs
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