AEW DYNAMITE RESULTS (5/15): Keller’s report on Swerve vs. Brian Cage, Okada vs. Dax, Storm vs. Harley Cameron, Mox & Danielson vs. Fletcher & Cobb

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor


MAY 15, 2024

Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts

Attendance: WrestleTix reported earlier today that 3,204 tickets had been distributed so far; arena is set up for 3,876.



-They opened with Jon Moxley’s ring entrance to “Wild Thing.” They followed him from the hallway to the crowd. Excalibur introduced the show. He noted that Don Callis was with him, Taz, and Tony Schiavone. Jeff Cobb and Kyle Fletcher attacked Mox at ringside. Bryan Danielson charged out to his music and made the save, going hard after Fletcher first and then Jeff Cobb. Mox choked Fletcher as Danielson beat up Cobb at ringside.


Once Danielson and Cobb entered the ring, the ref called for the bell 4 minutes into the hour. When Mox entered, fans chanted “Moxley! Moxley!” Excalibur said Cobb isn’t part of the AEW roster, but he might be after tonight depending on how things go. They put a countdown clock in the corner indicating when Swerve Strickland vs. Brian Cage would start, at the top of the second hour. They cut to a double-box break at 6:00 with Danielson in control. [c/db]

Fletcher tripped Danielson running the ropes. Danielson dove onto him at ringside seconds later. Back in the ring, Danielson avoided a standing moonsault from Cobb. who had paused to antagonize the fans first. Danielson tagged in Mox as Fletcher also tagged in. Fletcher landed a Michinoku Driver. Danielson broke up the cover on Mox. Mox finished Fletcher a minute later with a Death Rider.

WINNERS: Moxley & Danielson in 13:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Wild all-action crowd-pleasing show-opening match.)

-Konosuke Takeshita jumped Mox and Danielson as they celebrated. Claudio Castagnoli ran out with a crow bar to clear the ring of the heels.

-A video package aired on Swerve Strickland’s media tour as AEW World Champion followed by highlights of last week’s angle with Christian Cage and Mogul Embassy turning on him.

(Keller’s Analysis: It was odd they included a headline that said Swerve was “named the first African American” AEW World Champion.)

-Adam Copeland came out on the stage to his entrance theme. Malakai Black, Brody King, and Buddy Matthews attacked him. They dragged him to the ring and continued to beat on him. Malakai ordered Brody and Buddy to take his wedding ring. They did. The announcers wondered what was going on. Schiavone said he plays mind games on a different level than anything they’ve seen before. Kyle O’Reilly ran out for the save. House of Black beat up O’Reilly and further attacked Copeland.

-They cut to the announcers at ringside. Excalibur said Saturday on a New Japan event on Ontario, Calif., it appeared Kingston suffered a serious injury. A clip aired of Jack Perry showing up with The Young Bucks and attacking Kingston as a promo aired with Perry doing most of the talking.

-They went to the Bucks, Perry, and Okada backstage who said it looks like Kingston won’t be able to wrestle them at Double or Nothing. Kazuchika Okada said that he’ll make Dax Harwood his bitch. [c]

-Renee Paquette interviewed FTR backstage. Cash Wheeler said they’ve found a new partner.


Perry joined in on commentary. He said they were lucky to have him. He complained that Justin Roberts wasn’t as enthusiastic as he should have been introducing the Bucks. The bell rang 34 minutes into the hour. Sydal got in some early offense that still has some of that sudden snap to it that defined his style in his prime. When Daniels tagged in, a “Fallen Angel” chant broke out. Taz said Daniels is sick of being subservient to the Jacksons. Perry indicated Daniels should be grateful to the Jacksons for giving him his job. They cut to a double-box break at 3:00 with Matthew in control of Sydal. [c/db]

Daniels received the hot-tag after the break. Excalibur called out Perry for calling Matthew “Matt.” Taz said he’s part of the Elite so he can. The Bucks finished Daniels with the TK Driver. Perry asked if anyone was surprised they won. Schiavone said, “Not really.”

WINNER: The Bucks in 9:00.

-Afterward, Matthew said they are trying to clean up the toxicity backstage. He then fired Daniels, but said he’d get a 30 day severance package. Schiavone said he does so much backstage with talent relations. Matthew said they arranged for him to be escorted out by security. Perry applauded the Bucks for making tough decisions. Perry then poured his drink over Schiavone’s head. A drenched Schiavone said, “Son of a bitch. This sucks.” Excalibur asked for a mop.

-Renee interviewed Toni Storm, Mariah May, and Luther backstage. She said she’ll finish Harley Cameron later and then Serena Deeb at Double or Nothing. She said Deeb will find herself like everyone else in Las Vegas passed out with an ass in her face wondering where her dignity went. [c]

-A vignette aired with Malakai holding up Copeland’s wedding ring. He agreed to a barbed wire cage match against Copeland, and he said if Copeland loses, he will have to bend at the knee.


The bell rang 52 minutes into the hour. Hook avoided an attack at the bell from Wolfe and finished him with a suplex and Red Rum quickly.

WINNER: Hook in under 30 seconds.

-Hook said he’s there for Chris Jericho and his FTW Title. He called him to the ring. Jericho made his way out to his music, accompanied by Big Bill. Taz said Jericho makes him want to puke in his own mouth and then swallow it. Jericho waved at the fans like Eugene used to. Jericho said he loves being on Dynamite so much, he’s glad he called him out. Hook challenged Jericho to a match for his FTW Championship tonight. Jericho asked the fans if they want to see that. Jericho said, though, it’s not a fighting moment, it’s a teaching moment. He told Hook to be unselfish like him.

Fans chanted for Jericho to retire. He said he knows the fans want to see him retire so they can see him be inducted into every pro wrestling hall of fame. He said the FTW Title is “for the world, not for the hook.” He said he’s such a scamp for putting his name on the title and chuckled. He told Hook he has to win a qualification match first. Hook said that sounds great. “You know what else sounds good?” he said. He conked Jericho in the head with the mic. Big Bill attacked Hook. Katsuyori Shibata ran out for the save. Jericho and Bill retreated.

-Swerve Strickland said he formed Mogul Embassy, but they bit the hand that fed them so he put them down. He said his focus is now Christian Cage. He said Brian Cage is the final nail in the coffin of the Mogul Embassy. The camera then followed him as he headed to the entrance stage.


(4) SWERVE STRICKLAND vs. BRIAN CAGE – Eliminator Match

Cage came out next. Swerve landed double-knees at the bell three minutes into the hour. Cage took over quickly. He caught Swerve at ringside and went for a suplex, but Swerve broke free and kicked Cage from the apron. Four minutes in, Cage pressed Swerve and tossed him into the corner turnbuckles upside down. They cut to a double-box break. [c/db]

Cage was still in control after the break. They battled back and forth. Cage ended up landing a faceplant for a two count at 11:00. Swerve rolled up Cage seconds later as a counter to a Drill Claw. Swerve knocked Cage to the ring apron with a headbutt. He kicked him in the chin and then landed a leaping stomp to send Cage crashing to the floor. Back in the ring, Swerve landed a 450 splash for a near fall. Cage came back with two quick powerbombs for a two count. Fans chanted “This is awesome!” Swerve countered a powerbomb with a leaping stomp and then snapped Cage’s arm from an awkward angle. He followed with his House Call kick for the three count.

WINNER: Swerve in 15:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Good match. It felt like Swerve beat someone given how strong Cage looked at times in the match, but you have to ignore now few wins of any significance Cage has had over the years on TV.)

-Swerve smashed Cage’s arm with a chair afterward. Schiavone said he doesn’t blame him. Christian Cage’s music then played and he walked out with Mother Wayne. Nick Wayne then entered the ring from behind Swerve and gave him a low-blow. Nick then bashed Swerve with a framed photo of Swerve’s family. Swerve suffered a cut near his temple above his eye and blood squirted out of his head. The camera zoomed in. Yikes. Christian then cut a promo on Swerve as Wayne held his him against the ropes. He then rubbed the family photo in Swerve’s face, smearing blood all over it. Christian said he took his blood and in two weeks, he’ll take his World Hvt. Title. Swerve snarled in anger as they cut to a break. [c]

-Renee asked Hook if the odds are against him. Hook said he can get past anyone he needs to in order to get back his FTW Title. Shibata pretended to type on his phone and his phone said he wants another shot at Jericho. Hook said he’ll face him if push comes to shove. “That’s fine by me,” he said. In walked Samoa Joe who asked Hook who he is now. He said he used to think he was something special. He said Jericho it trapping him and now he’s got him at odds with his own friend. He said they might be dangerous if they stop playing themselves. Hook yelled, “I’ll fight you, Joe!” Shibata’s phone then said, in reference to Joe’s shirt, “He’s too large to be wearing a floral pattern.” Renee nodded and Hook didn’t break his intense look.

(Keller’s Analysis: There was a small effort by Shibata to make it seem like he was actually typing the words before they were translated into an English audio message. Hook has tripled or quadrupled his total previous word count in his career on TV tonight. He’s not bad.)


The bell rang 28 minutes into the hour. Storm took Cameron down with a Thesz press early. She landed a hip attack to send her to the floor. Serena Deeb then walked onto the stage. Cameron threw a distracted Storm into the ringside steps. They cut to a double-box break at 2:00. [c/db]

Cameron controlled the action during the break. Both were down when they returned to full screen. After a series of leverage near falls and reversals, Storm finished Cameron with Storm Zero for the win. The screen went black and white for Storm’s celebration as she eyed Cameron on the stage.

WINNER: Storm in 7:00.

-Arkady Aura hosted a face-to-face with Will Ospreay and Roderick Strong. Strong was joined by Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, and Wardlow. He said Strong is playing mind games poorly. He said he doesn’t respect Strong because he never respected him anywhere they’ve crossed paths. Strong said that’s the smartest thing he’s ever said. He said Ospreay is so talented inside the ring, but he’s an idiot outside of the ring. He said he’s still a little child that he’s been and always will be even with a wife and a kid. He said he overcame a neck injury that almost ended his career, but he doesn’t quit. He said he doesn’t care who everyone else thinks he is, he’s a fraud and a coward and a child. He said he’ll end it at Double or Nothing. Ospreay said he is internationally known as the greatest wrestler in the world and he will show him why he’s at another level.

(Keller’s Analysis: Ospreay is being pulled down toward the mid-card sharing screen time with this group. That said, Ospreay showed good serious intensity here and Strong delivered well on the mic here.)

-Renee stood mid-ring and introduced Mercedes Moné. Then Willow came out. They sat at a table to sign a contract. Willow said she respects everything Mercedes has done in her career. She asked if Mercedes respects the TBS Title. She pointed at the belt. She said it celebrates the legacy of pro wrestling that dates back more than 50 years on this channel. She said her smile is her strength and the title is what matters to her. She said through all of that, she won’t let Mercedes just walk into AEW and take it away from her. She signed the contract and shoved it over to Mercedes. Fans chanted, “Willow.” Mercedes said, “Ev-er-ett, please say hello to your CEO.” Scattered boos and no cheers.

Mercedes asked if she’s really talking about legacy to her. She let out her weird guttural laugh. She said when Willow was training, she was changing the game forever. More scattered boos. She said she “broke down doors and kicked down glass ceilings.” She said she is the greatest of all time. She stood and declared that she’ll be the new face of TBS. She talked about her throwing out the first pitch and sitting courtside. “Because that’s what a CEO does,” she said. She said she’s healthy now, and Willow losing to her will be the best thing that ever happens to Willow. She said her legacy is all about winning.

Willow said the last time they wrestled, she walked away a champion “and you didn’t walk out at all.” Mercedes slapped Willow and grabbed the TBS Title belt. She took a swing, but Willow ducked and then powerbombed Mercedes through the table. Fans cheered.

(Keller’s Analysis: It seemed to happen against AEW’s plans, so it’s hard tell when they committed to it, but this sure seems to confirm everyone has come to terms with how unlikable Mercedes has been and she’s in the heel role. She was good on the mic in the sense that she keeps leaning on the Women’s Revolution part of her career in a way that makes fans just want her to move on and stop incessantly talking about it. Willow was delivered what she needed to in this segment.) [c]

(6) KAZUCHIKA OKADA vs. DAX HARWOOD – AEW Continental Title match

Okada made his entrance first. Renee, in a sideline reporter style moment, talked about what Dax told her earlier in the day. She said he said things she can’t say on TV, but it boiled down to Dax contending that Okada has been resting on his laurels and he planned to make him work. Dax then made his entrance. The bell rang 54 minutes into the hour. They cut to an early double box break. [c/db]

Okada got the better of Dax during the break. Back to full screen, Okada was working over Dax’s leg as Taz was heard saying, “And this job is not helping.” There was no context, but then they shifted back to match commentary.


Dax began a comeback at 14:00 and took Okada down with a lariat and a rebound powerbomb, but Okada rolled through. Dax reversed it and scored a two count on Okada. Dax went for a sharpshooter, but Okada slipped free. Dax landed a tombstone seconds later for a near fall. Dax went for a top rope headbutt, but Okada rolled out of the way. Dax still managed to lock on a sharpshooter seconds later, but Okada quickly pulled himself to the bottom rope to force a break. Okada grabbed his belt from ringside. Dax went after him. The ref threw the belt out of the ring. Okada gave Dax a low blow and then a Rainmaker for the win.

WINNER: Okada in 17:00.

-Afterward, Perry and the Bucks attacked Dax. Danielson ran out for the save. The Elite soon took control over Dax and Danielson. Darby Allin’s music played and he attacked The Elite with his skateboard. The announcers declared that he must be the replacement for Kingston at Double or Nothing.


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