The following report originally published 20 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…
NOVEMBER 8, 2004
-The show opened with Triple H and Batista standing in mid-ring. Hunter said in the week he was gone, chaos broke out as a “useless” general manager, Eric Bischoff, caused Ric Flair to get hurt and put control of Raw at stake. Bischoff walked out and defended his decision. Hunter grabbed Bischoff and shoved him to the ground. Bischoff told Hunter to please let go because otherwise he was forcing him to recommend he get stripped of the World Hvt. Title. He said that doesn’t do either of them any good. That got a decent crowd pop. Bischoff then said the obvious – that Hunter shouldn’t be worried because they won’t lose the match, then they’ll control Raw. Hunter yelled back, “My team will win at Survivor Series.” He said nobody can beat him. Bischoff said, “Then we have nothing to worry about, do we?” Bischoff added, “Enough talk. Let’s get back to what makes Raw so great – the action!” That’s blasphemy around WWE. It’s not the action, it’s the brilliance of the skits written by the bookers. Or so Steph and Co. believe. He announced Randy Orton vs. Batista would be up first. Ross said the match could have major Survivor Series implications.
[Commercial Break]
1 — BATISTA (w/Hunter) vs. RANDY ORTON
The match was joined in progress after the break. Ross said he “truly believes” this Sunday will feature a “historic Survivor Series.” That’s pretty much guaranteed. Everything that happens becomes part of history, technically. Ross said “moment is everything,” when selling the importance of the match. Batista put Orton in a chinlock at 5:00. Orton reached for the bottom rope and Hunter trash-talked him. Orton did a nice job of struggling to get out, although a few times it looked as if he could have wedged himself out easily. Chinlocks should be shoots. Wrestlers should really try to get out and the other should really have to keep them in it. That’s the only way they don’t look fake, and the only thing more boring than a chinlock is a fake-looking chinlock. Orton came back with elbows and shoulder-blocked Batista to the mat. Hunter yanked at Orton’s foot, distracting him. Batista blind-sided Orton with a clothesline. The ref ordered Hunter to the back. Hunter threw a hissy-fit. Ross pointed out it was just giving Orton a chance to recover from the clothesline. They cut to a break.
[Commercial Break]
They showed that during the break Batista whipped Orton into the ringside stairs. A minute later, live, Batista threw Orton shoulder-first into the ringpost. He scored a two count at 14:00. Batista then went back to a chinlock with a body scissors added to, you know, make it really interesting to watch. Orton eventually stood and elbowed out of it. Orton clotheslined Batista over the top rope and tumbled to the floor himself. They brawled at ringside. Orton DDT’d Batista on the floor. Back in the ring Orton hit a crossbody block off the top rope for a near fall. He followed with a backbreaker and then signalled for the RKO. Batista blocked it and then surprised Orton with a spinebuster. Orton sunset flipped Batista for a surprise two count. Orton went for another RKO, but Batista blocked it again. He then cradled Batista for the leverage pin. Batista made mad faces in the ring afterward, which were a little over the top. He was bleeding a little from his forehead.
WINNER: Orton at 20:00.
STAR RATING: *** — Good match.
[Commercial Break]
-As Orton discussed the Survivor Series match with Maven, Chris Jericho, and Chris Benoit backstage, Batista jumped Orton. Agents quickly broke it up.
-Ross and Lawler were shown on camera discussing the Edge-Chris Benoit situation. A highlight package aired regarding their feud. Then they went to a clip of a bloodied Benoit after Raw went off the air last week. He said he believes in respect and honor, but next week (i.e. tonight) he would be sure his wife and kids wouldn’t be watching Raw. He said he doesn’t have any catch-phrases to close out his interview. “I’m going to leave you with my anger. Sleep well.” Ross said that showdown was coming up later.
[Commercial Break]
-They showed clips of the Detroit Pistons wearing the WWE-style World Title belts during their championship ceremony last week. Ross said he doesn’t think David Stern was necessarily pleased with the display.
Ross plugged Christian challenging Shelton Benjamin for the IC Title at Survivor Series. Give WWE credit. As much as they push size over everything else much of the time, at least Tomko vs. Benjamin is the free match and Christian vs. Benjamin is the PPV match. Christian jumped up onto the ring apron. Benjamin kicked him to the floor, and then T-Bone Slammed Tomko for the clean win.
WINNER: Benjamin at 2:00.
STAR RATING: 1/4* — Not much to it.
-The Smackdown Rebound aired. They did not include any part of the Kurt Angle-Daniel Puder situation. They jumped right from pasta eating to Torrie Wilson announcing her “Sex Test” next week.
[Commercial Break]
-Chris Jericho introduced “Highlight Reel.” He then introduced his guests, Trish Stratus and Lita. Jericho said because of Trish’s presence, he would be able to cancel his subscription to “Better Sluts and Gardens” because he had the real thing in front of him. Lita told Trish she was going to take out all of the rage from the past few months on Trish. Gene Snitsky intervened and brought a baby roll to the ring with him. There were baby sounds. Snitsky asked the baby it’s name. He mocked Lita for not knowing the name of her baby because she lost it before she could give it one. Snitsky asked if she wanted to hold the baby. He then said she couldn’t because it was his. He then punted it into the crowd. (“Kick the baby!”) A fan in the front row caught the baby. Thank god! That would have been disaster if the baby actually hit the floor. The fans oohed and then chanted “asshole.” Jericho attacked Snitsky. Snitsky, though, rammed Jericho into the ringpost. Lita sat in a trance-like state at ringside.
[Commercial Break]
-Ross called what Snitsky did in the previous segment “one of the most heinous acts” he’s ever seen. They showed Snitsky kicking the baby doll. Ross had to sell it as if Snitsky kicked a real baby, which is ridiculous. The only way to play that was for Ross to say it obviously wasn’t a real baby, but it was still despicable for Snitsky to taunt Lita like that. Instead, it seems they were trying to leave open the possibility he kicked a real baby. That’s just stupid because people either (a) think Ross is an idiot for buying that it was a real baby, or (b) think Snitsky kicked a real baby, in which case WWE really crossed the line.
-Simon Dean came out. He taunted a woman in the front row, telling her that she is so big she can’t shower properly and smells as a result. He then mocked a man in the front row for being unable to “clean himself after a bowel movement.” He then shifted to a woman in the front row and offered her a year of the Simon System. He said she proves the old adage that things really are bigger in Texas. He asked her when the last time was that she had “sexual relations.” She said it was none of his business. Simon said, “I’m sure all of your friends hang around you just to make themselves feel more fit and attractive.” The woman’s facial reactions were so exaggerated she made Kenzo Suzuki seem like a subtle actor. She accepted an invitation to try his Simon System drink. She admitted it tasted good. He said it would take a woman of her size about 20 gallons a day to lose weight. She threw her drink on him. He poured the pitcher of the drink over her head. Lawler joked that she was losing weight before our very eyes. What did Bischoff say earlier in the show about “action” being “what makes Raw great”?
[Commercial Break]
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This was supposed to be a chance for Hunter to get revenge on Tajiri for imitating him last week. Instead, after Triple H’s full ring intro, Snitsky attacked Tajiri in the aisle. You knew something was up when Tajiri was being introduced after Hunter. Snitsky demolished Tajiri at ringside as Hunter looked on and smiled. Hunter then told Snitsky: “That was impressive. You bring that intensity to Survivor Series, it’s a done deal. Welcome to the team, big man.” Snitsky yanked the mic out of Hunter’s hand. He said he has never been much of a team player. He said after they win at Survivor Series, it will be all because of him. He added, “Just so you know, when it’s my turn to run Raw, I’m coming for your World Title.”
[Commercial Break]
-Muhammad Hassan and Khosrow Daivari were shown standing in a nice neighborhood. Hassan said he grew up in the U.S. with his family and fit in just fine, but since 9-11, everyone looks at them differently. He said he doesn’t want to be judged. He just wants the chance to represent the fans in WWE. What jerk would boo that statement? What jerks would book that as a heel act? WWE has to come up with a way to make them actual heels rather than sympathetic characters without going down the road of having them sympathizers of terrorists. Ross didn’t put any spin on the segment afterward, instead just objectively stating their names and saying they were headed to WWE.
-They went to a segment with Michael Cole and Tazz plugging the Smackdown matches at Survivor Series.
[Commercial Break]
-Lawler got the fans in Austin, Tex. to chant “OU sucks” to taunt Ross. Ross said “Five wins in a row!”
-Maria interviewed Edge, who plugged his book and talked about how great it felt to make Benoit bleed and tap out to his own finisher. He said it gave him an epiphany. Hunter interrupted and tried to give him a pep talk. Edge said after the Survivor Series match, it won’t be Snitsky going after his title, it will be him (Edge).
[Commercial Break]
-Hunter told Batista backstage that he was upset and going to take it out on someone. After he left the room, Batista eyed Hunter’s World Title belt, then held it, looking as if he was fantasizing about being champion himself.
Christy Hemme was introduced by Lilian Garcia as the guest ring announcer. Isn’t that like asking a factory worker to train in his replacement before he’s laid off? Anyway, she screeched a bit, so Lawler asked her to cool it and save her ears. When Ross brought up Batista’s reaction to the title belt, Lawler told him not to even go there. Edge attacked Benoit as the match began. They brawled with really good intensity in the opening minutes.
[Commercial Break]
Orton, Maven, and Jericho came to ringside to offset the presense of Hunter and Batista. They’ve still done nothing at all to establish Maven role in all of this. He’s just a tag-along, the way it’s portrayed. At 15:00 Edge bled from the forehead after some brawling at ringside. Benoit went for a sharpshooter, then shifted into a series of three German suplexes. When Benoit locked on the Sharpshooter, Snitsky, Edge, Hunter, and Batista interfered. Just as Snitsky and Edge got in Hunter’s face, Orton, Maven, Jericho, and Benoit cleared the ring.
WINNERS: No contest at 17:30.
STAR RATING: *** — Good action sans a clean finish. It did a nice job setting up the Survivor Series main event with tension coming from many angles between a variety of parties.
OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: The Rock admits to urinating in bottles on movie sets, cries BS on other claims
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