The Undertaker made a special appearance on the “Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon” Wednesday night on NBC. Included was Taker delivering a Tombstone to a guy in a turkey suit.
Taker’s appearance was during the pre-interview segment where Fallon read suggestions from the studio audience on what bits he should do on the show.
The final suggestion was “The Undertaker from WWE” should Tombstone a guy in a turkey suit. Fallon pretended like that’s not possible on short notice, then Taker’s gong played in the studio. Taker’s entrance music played, the blue fog light filled the stage area, and Taker emerged from behind the curtain in full ring gear.
Taker slowly made his B.A. entrance in the darkness, to the amazement of the studio audience, as a man in a turkey suit began gobbling around him to laughs. Taker then scooped up the mascot and dropped him with a Tombstone. Taker folded the man’s arms in his classic pinfall pose and a bell sounded off-camera.
Fallon approached Taker to shake his hand, but Taker glared down at him as if to indicate Fallon was next in a comical moment. Fallon stepped back and plugged WWE’s Survivor Series PPV on the WWE Network, where WWE celebrates the 25th anniversary of The Undertaker.
Fallon ran off-stage, then Taker’s music played and he walked back toward the curtain to wrap the segment and send the show to commercial break.
Taker did not say any words, allowing the entrance, his size, the Tombstone, a well-placed glare tell the story in a fun bit. N.Y. Rangers goalie Henrik Lundqvist preceded Taker in a Thanksgiving-themed suggestion.
On Twitter, former WWE Head of Talent Relations Jim Ross had fun with Taker’s stare down of Jimmy Fallon…
My payoff was WHAT?! @wwe @jimmyfallon
— Jim Ross (@JRsBBQ) November 12, 2015
WWE CEO Vince McMahon also chimed in on Twitter.
How did @jimmyfallon land #Undertaker? #HesAGenius
— Vince McMahon (@VinceMcMahon) November 12, 2015
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