APRIL 28, 2019
Commentary: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman
Video recap of Matt Taven winning the three-way ladder match at G1 Supercard three weeks ago to capture the ROH world title.
-Opening theme.
-In the arena Taven walked out on stage in silence before The Kingdom music lit up the video screen. The camera lingered on a pocket of fans with Taven signs who were applauding the top heel in the promotion. Sigh. “You deserve it” chant from a handful of fans while others tried to shout them down. “You’re right, I deserve this!” Taven yelled. He said there’s not a man on this Earth more worthy to call himself world champion. “Taven” chant from about four people. He talked up his track record this past year in ROH and CMLL. He said any future challengers are going to have to earn their title shot.
Cue Flip Gordon, owed a world title shot following his win of the Sea Of Honor tournament on the Jericho cruise last fall. He wore a three-piece suit and brought up his title shot. Taven diminished winning some matches on a cruise where everybody’s half-drunk versus winning the top prize in Madison Square Garden. Gordon said he spoke to ROH officials and he’s the new #1 contender to Taven’s title. “Flip” chant from the crowd to close the segment. [C]
(Pageot’s Perspective: This was filmed in Pittsburgh, right? I almost thought we were at Full Sail University there with how obnoxiously the fans were cheering for ROH’s top heel. This setup was fine and it’s nice to see Gordon finally cashing in on his title shot. Is he really the #1 contender, though? PCO’s challenging for the belt in 11 days at War Of The Worlds: Toronto. So, unless Gordon gets his match tonight or next week on TV, that would make PCO the #1 contender and Gordon #2.)
-Video recap from 17th Anniversary on March 15. The Kingdom attacked Jay Lethal during his match against Taven. Jonathan Gresham tried to make the save but had his knee attacked with a chair by the goons. Silas Young furthered the injury by kicking his leg out backstage. Two weeks ago on TV Gresham and Young faced off in a singles match, which Young won via a low blow behind the ref’s back. They had another backstage confrontation afterwards with Gresham claiming Young couldn’t beat him in a fair wrestling match.
-Riccaboni said Gordon gets his world title match in three weeks on the May 19 episode of TV. (Presumably he’ll challenge PCO if Taven loses the title next week.)
Young had vowed to win this rematch with a wrestling move. Aggressive, fast-paced action from the start, nicely selling their intense dislike of each other. Referee Todd Sinclair had to physically separate the men on two occasions. [C]
Young frustrated Gresham with some standing switches and a take down. They talked trash and traded chops. Young goaded Gresham into throwing a closed fist, which forced Sinclair to admonish him. Young continued to rile up Gresham, seemingly trying to push him into getting himself disqualified. Gresham was in control going into another break. [C]
Young rolled to the floor following a DDT. He grabbed a steel chair and put the ring bell hammer in the back of his tights. Sinclair grabbed the chair and Young clocked Gresham with the hammer when his back was turned. Young put an abdominal stretch on Gresham and Sinclair called for the bell because he was out cold.
WINNER: Silas Young in 11:22 via referee stoppage.
(Pageot’s Perspective: I’m a fan of both men but their main event match from three weeks ago didn’t do a lot for me. This was completely different. They hooked me from the opening seconds and I look forward to a third encounter now, hopefully on a pay-per-view so they can really cut loose and show everything they can do without multiple commercial breaks interrupting the action. Young’s stealing of the win was creative and Gresham is the perpetual underdog so it doesn’t hurt him at all.)
-Video recap of Kelly Klein turning babyface and winning the Women Of Honor title back from Mayu Iwatani at G1 Supercard. Post-match The Allure (Mandy Leon, Angelina Love, & Velvet Sky) debuted. They’re mean girls and they like to draw lipstick anarchy symbols on the foreheads of women that they think aren’t as pretty as them.
Klein was interviewed on a deserted street. She said the WOH title is about skill and wrestling, not just getting attention. She said they’re a hot mess and she’s going to clean it up. [C]
-Video recap of Rush squashing Dalton Castle in sixteen seconds at G1 Supercard. Post-match Castle beat up his Boys. We’ll hear from him next week.
-Video recap of Bully Ray putting Tenille Dashwood through a table backstage last week.
Mark Haskins and Tracy Williams were interviewed outside at night. They spoke about Haskins and Juice Robinson being attacked backstage by Ray recently as well. They got a measure of revenge in the six-man street fight at G1 Supercard but it’s not enough. Next week they face The Kingdom to clean up some unfinished business. Then they’re coming for Ray.
(Pageot’s Perspective: Ray attacked Dashwood unprovoked in September and put her out of action for six months. Then he attacked her again last week, powerbombing her through a table onto a concrete floor. Nobody is as outraged as they should be. Lifeblood should have been the first ones out of the curtain, demanding Ray tonight. Joe Koff should have been in the ring, vowing to fire Ray for good. “We’ll beat this other tag team next week, then we’re going to try to get a match with you” is not an appropriate response.)
-The two tag teams made their entrances ahead of the main event. [C]
(2) THE BRISCOES (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe) vs. TEAM CMLL (Carístico & Soberano Jr.)
Soberano and Mark started. They both tagged out after two minutes. The Briscoes beat up the luchadores at ringside. [C]
Jay remained in control over Carístico. Tag to Soberano at 8:40. They took out the Briscoes with flips onto them at ringside. Crossbody to Mark for two then a crossbody variation of the Doomsday Device. Carístico sent to the floor. Death valley driver to Soberano from Jay. Redneck boogie but Soberano kicked out. Jay Driller. Froggy-bow.
WINNERS: The Briscoes in 12:55.
(Pageot’s Perspective: Matches like this are a big part of the reason why ROH television feels so unimportant. Yes, it’s cool that ROH has a working relationship with CMLL. It’s very fun to get to see these stars of Mexico in ROH. But there was literally nothing more to this match than “wow, cool, these guys.” It isn’t tied in with any stories in any manner. It doesn’t feed into any character development for the Briscoes. It doesn’t leave us with any sort of cliffhanger, wondering where the Briscoes go from here or what will happen next week on ROH. It’s just a random match that means nothing the second it’s over.)
-Next week: it’s The Kingdom vs. Lifeblood, Eli Isom vs. PJ Black, and Kelly Klein vs. Ray Lynn.
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