Jaoqin Wilde vs. Angel Garza Breakout Tournament match – MISS: When this tournament was introduced I assumed it was to highlight talent that has been underutilized. What we got was a bracket of talent that I am not familiar with. So automatically they have to introduce the talent and hope that they get over during the tournament. If they don’t make a least one star or prospect in this tournament, it will have been a failure. A Miss here for me as I was expecting credible talent who were going to be given a chance at getting some of the spotlight. The match itself was good, but the crowd seemed not to make a sound untill the end of the match, despite them working hard.
Kushida video package – HIT: A Hit here as they are really putting over Kushida and his reputation as a top talent. They made him seem special and the future for Kushida looks good, as long as they continue to let him wrestle his style and keep him with top talent going forward.
The Street Profits vs. The Forgotten Sons – MISS: A Miss here as I was sure the Street Profits would at least wrestle a different team than The Forgotten Sons. These two teems have wrestled for what seems like months now. Nothing is wrong with the matches, but the tag team division feels very dull right now. NXT is in desperate need of some credible tag teams to enhance this division. Both teams looked good here, specifically The Street Profits. Hopefully, we get some new faces to challenge for these titles or at least in fresh matches.
Nikos Ricos vs. Keith Lee – HIT: I’ll give this a Hit here as this match was to keep Lee looking strong. With that said, they have to start putting Keith Lee in matches with higher profile talent. There is only so long you can get wins over enhancement talents and jobbers before it gets old and redundant. Keith Lee has potential, and it’s about time he gets to either sink or swim.
Adam Cole video package – HIT: A video package is shown of Adam Cole traveling the world as NXT Champion. He states Johnny Gargano does not travel first class like him. As much as Cole is beloved by fans, he does a great job being the snobby heel. Great stuff, and it makes Cole look like a strong heel champion.
Cage Match featuring Shayna Bayzler vs. Io Shiria – HIT: This was a decent, but not a great main event, and it leaves a lot of questions. Shayna Bayzler has ran through all competition, so much so that there are not any credible challengers for her title. If there was a good time to finally dethrone Shayna, this cage match with Shiria was it. One has to wonder if she will ever lose it and be called up and vacate the title like Asuka did. Maybe she spends her career in NXT and never moves up to the main roster. Either way, they have some work to do in the Women’s Division. What is next for Bayzler? What next for Io Shiria? Candace LeRae helped Shiria in the match and, after Shiria lost, she attacked Candace LeRae seemingly in a fit of frustration and rage.
FINAL THOUGHTS: This was not what I expected this week, as I was selfishly wanting one good high level singles match on the show. The breakout tournament hopefully creates a prospect, but that also was a let down seeing how the participants are unproven and unknown. No Undisputed Era, Velveteen Dream, or Matt Riddle made this show feel very bland. I really hope the quality of matches on NXT weekly show starts to pick up, because it is one of the very few high spots for wwe at the current time.
Idiot. It is Shirai, not Shiria. Big difference. Also, it was an amazing match with high spots and great psychology. The heel turn had been building for weeks and the payoff was well executed by Io. How you can say that wasn’t “high level singles match” is beyond me.
Is this your first time writing an article about wrestling? Seems like it. How’d you get your job there…must not have too high a standard. Basically the whole show was a hit, you’re just a nitwit! The prospect tournament has known wrestlers moron…have you ever watched anything outside WWE? I don’t know only 2 or 3. But it’s supposed to be like that, they’re looking for some new talent. You want this to be filled with all complete known and seasoned veterans? Not what this is about, not what they’re going for. Go find a new job, please! You know nothing!
Garza Jr. and DJZ are “unknown” talent? Just wait til the never-before-seen mystery men, Shane Strickland and Trevor Lee have their match next week. C’mon man…
I can understand making a typo, but you spelled Shirai as Shiria 5 times, which leads me to believe you don’t actually know her name?