SEPTEMBER 29, 2019
Kamitani said it was her first time in Nagoya and she’d try her best. Kashima told her to bring it on.
Kashima won with an armbar.
WINNER: Saki Kashima in 6:38.
-They hugged after the match and took a series of bows together.
-Konami and Kimura argued about Kimura always showing up late for promos. Kid said they were facing the Grand Prix finalists. She and Iida couldn’t be in the tournament but they wanted to show their strength.
(2) TOKYO CYBER SQUAD (2019 Grand Prix Winner Hana Kimura & Goddess Of Stardom Champion Konami) vs. STARS (Starlight Kid & Saya Iida)
Konami and Iida started. TCS worked as soft heels, double-teaming the rookies, taking cheap shots, and doing the Oedo Tai pose with Iida trapped in the ropes. Kimura no-sold a series of dropkicks from Iida. Iida tapped to Kimura’s octopus.
WINNERS: Tokyo Cyber Squad in 8:43.
(Pageot’s Perspective: Kimura made a big deal out of her new Tiger Lily combo finisher when she first busted it out and then hasn’t won a match with it since.)
-Sumire was still in the midst of getting her gear on when the cameras caught up with Oedo Tai. She and Tora ran off. Nakano was ecstatic to be teaming with her favorite person.
(3) STARS (Mayu Iwatani & Tam Nakano w/Producer P) vs. OEDO TAI (Natsuko Tora & Artist Of Stardom Champion Natsu Sumire)
Nakano with a tiger suplex to Sumire for the win.
WINNERS: Stars in 11:12.
-Oedo Tai said nothing. Onozkaki said her team would be careful and win.
(4) QUEEN’S QUEST (World Of Stardom Champion Bea Priestley, Momo Watanabe, AZM, & Leo Onozaki) vs. OEDO TAI (Hazuki, Jamie Hayter, & Artist Of Stardom Champions Kagetsu & Andras Miyagi)
Hayter with the falcon arrow backbreaker to Onozaki.
WINNERS: Oedo Tai in 9:19.
(Pageot’s Perspective: Oedo Tai needs to take in Saya Kamitani just so matches like this aren’t so utterly predictable and inevitable. As soon as you see the eight competitors listed you know it’s Onozaki taking the loss so the rest is just biding time.)
-Death did her usual chanting. Riho said it was her first defense of the high speed title. She didn’t know what Death would bring but she’d be ready for her.
Riho sent Death to the floor early on and hit a high crossbody. Tiger feint kick. Another crossbody in the ring. Bridging suplex for a two-count. Superplex from Death. Back senton avoided. Wheelbarrow suplex. Running knees from Death for two. Running knees from Riho for three.
WINNER: Riho in 4:21 to retain the high speed title.
-Starlight Kid hit the ring. She said she wanted to be the next challenger for the title, but she also wanted to know more about Riho. How about teaming together in the tag league? Riho said she’d like to get to know Kid better too so okay!
(Pageot’s Perspective: Nice little match. Riho & Kid make a perfect pairing for the tournament and the crowd’s going to love the first time they hit a stereo tiger feint kick on their opponents. It’s also a good pairing on paper in that Riho likely won’t get pinned much if at all but Kid loses the majority of her matches.)
-Avary said this is the biggest opportunity she’s had in Stardom. She might get her skull kicked in but she might also get a white belt. Hoshiki had envisioned herself defending against Kagetsu but she’ll accept a challenge from anyone. She won’t lose the title until she gets to defend against Kagetsu.
“Arisa” chant from the crowd. Avary with a figure four variation around the ring post. Cattle mutilation. Hoshiki made the rope break. Blockbuster from Avary. Draping double-stomp. Avary went up top but Hoshiki kicked her off. Running knees on the apron sent Avary to the floor. Running knees from off the apron took her out at ringside. Step-off kick avoided. Lungblower from Avary. Running knee strike from Hoshiki. Brazilian kick.
WINNER: Arisa Hoshiki in 7:26 to retain the white belt.
-Kagetsu showed up while Hoshiki celebrated. She congratulated the champ. She thought Hoshiki would defend against her today too. November 15 is the next time they’re in Nagoya, for the tag league finals. She can’t wait that long, though, and suggested they settle it in Korakuen Hall instead. “Let’s do it!” Hoshiki said. Kagetsu said she’s not really interested in the white belt but she’ll win it anyway. She faked out on a handshake and left.
Hoshiki looked around for Tam Nakano. Her frenemy showed up and asked what she wanted. Hoshiki said she was the first person she defended the white belt against. At the time Nakano said she’d be the one to take the title from Hoshiki. Nakano admitted that she really doesn’t like Hoshiki and remains determined to take the white belt from her. But until then, she wants her by her side. Hoshiki suggested they team up for the tag league and Nakano relented. She ran off without a handshake too.
(Pageot’s Perspective: An okay match but not a main event and a weird choice for the first championship match post-Grand Prix. Avary just can’t keep up with the Stardom women and her matches drag because of it. Luckily this was the last one. We’re getting some strange bedfellows in this year’s tag league. First Priestley & Hayter, now Hoshiki & Nakano. Meanwhile Natsu Sumire has teased teaming with Session Moth Martina on social media and Zoe Lucas hinted to me when I spoke to her in August that she’ll be a part of the tournament too. My initial thought was teaming with Bobbi Tyler but Hana Kimura could be a viable partner as well.)
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