NXT UK TV REPORT (Episode 70)
NOVEMBER 21, 2019
-Before the bell, Kona Reeves, an NXT alumni, was on the microphone insulting NXT UK and stating that the brand was the ” little crooked-toothed sister of NXT.” He then started to rip into the beloved Trent Seven.
Seven ran right at Reeves as soon as the bell rang and took control of the match immediately, with Reeves going over the top rope. Seven brought the fight to the apron, which backfired as Reeves pulled the apron over Seven and beat him while he was blinded. A legdrop to Seven followed. As they made it back into the ring, Reeves laid in some boots to the corner before Seven moved, chopped the throat, and hit Reeves with a snapdragon suplex before a near-fall. The fight went out and back into the ring. When coming back in, Seven went to the top rope and missed a senton. The two then exchanged strikes, Seven hit a Sever-Star Lariat, followed by a two count. Reeves got up, connected with a headbutt and put Seven on his shoulders. However, Seven countered and hit the burning hammer for the win.
– As Trent Seven was giving high fives to the crowd post-match, Eddie Dennis appeared in the crowd and held Sevens hand tightly as they made eye contact. Commentary noted that Dennis has not been in an NXT UK ring in months.
WINNER: Trent Seven @ 3:33 via pinfall
(Koenig’s Analysis: Nice, quick match. Seven went over and Reeves got over through his mix work, and showed he is pretty good in the ring. He has a unique look and build and I’m curious to see how he is utilized in NXT UK going forward.)
– Radzi Chinyanganya shown interviewing Ilja Dragunov as he is walking into the venue. Dragunov was asked why he sided with Gallus and went on saying that Alexander Wolfe used to train him, and also used to make decisions for him and that he was still trying to do the same. He went on saying that he felt disrespected by that and that he would “step out of Wolfe’s shadow” in their match tonight.
– Survivor Series commercial
– NXT UK Takeover 2 commercial. It will be streaming live on January 12, 2020 from the Empress Ballroom in Blackpool, England.
A-Kid brought the match to the mat quickly. They locked up a couple of times before going back to the mat and A-Kid put Starz in a front face-lock, followed by a one count. They went back to their feet, and then back to the mat. Starz countered a headlock with head scissors. The two exchanged various holds before a single leg take down brought the two back to the mat. Starz went to work on A-Kid’s leg, but countered with a rear chin lock. Starz escaped and was attempted an armbar before A-Kid countered with a triangle. Starz powered out of that hold and hit a powerbomb followed by a near fall. Back to their feet, Starz landed a couple of European uppercuts, which A-Kid countered with a backslide and a two. On the ground, A-Kid got Starz in an omoplata for a submission victory.
WINNER: A-KID @ 4:14 via submission
(Koenig’s Analysis: Nice little old school grappling match. The veteran Starz helped A-Kid shine a bit.)
– Radzi Chinyanganya in another backstage segment. This time interviewing Jinny & Jazzy from earlier today. Jinny essentially tore apart the women’s division, particularly Piper Niven. Looks like they are setting up a match between she and Niven for a contenders match for the women’s championship.
– NXT War Games commercial
– Commentary hypes the main event. Grizzled Young Veterans interrupt Tom Phillips mid-sentence and make their way to the ring. They touted that they would have beaten Flash Morgan and Mark Andrews a couple of weeks back and that Gallus’ and Imperium’s interruption cost them the titles. They are looking for a Championship match.
– Jordan Devlin backstage in front of a television screen. He said that he made a “Best of NXT UK” video, which was chock full of video snippets of himself at his best. I liked this. Clever. He will be facing A-Kid next week.
– Holiday themed WWE Shop commercial.
Note: This is the debut match for Holland, who I have noted the past few weeks that I have enjoyed the build for. The vignettes for him were a bit dark and had an (obviously less murderous) Jack The Ripper feel to them. Cloudy British streets with his silhouette walking around. They were done well.
Holland starts off by tossing Carter around the ring. Holland is a big bruiser and he was displaying his power until Carter ducked a punch and was struck by an enziguri and horribly botched head scissors that Holland properly sold. Carter went to the top rope for a cross body, but was easily caught and slammed to the mat. Carter worked his way to the corner but Holland stomped away at him. Holland kept the beatdown on the mat until he lifted him for a straitjacket, which weakened him back down to the canvas. Carter “hulked” back up to his feet and landed a little offense, but it was short-lived as Holland connected with a shoulder tackle and headbutt. His finisher, the Northern Grit, ended the match.
WINNER: Ridge Holland @4:15 via pinfall
– Ashton Smith, the tag partner of Oliver Carter, appeared in the ring to check on his friend as they were recapping the match. As Holland was up the ramp, the two made eye contact so I presume an upcoming match between those two in the near future.
(Koenig’s Analysis: A good semi-squash. The vignettes didn’t really show the physique of this new star but man, is he impressive. What a physique! It was noted in commentary that he was a former rugby player and by looking at him now I absolutely believe it I felt this was a strong debut (literally and figuratively for Ridge Holland.)
– Recap video of last weeks match between Ligero and Travis Banks, and the run in with Joseph Connors at the end. The two competitors of the match displayed their disdain for what he did in brief vignettes and Connors mentioned that he was “happy to make an impression”.
– Smackdown commercial
– Carter & Smith shown walking backstage after Carter’s match. Noam Dar interferes and mock the tag team. Ashton Smith challenges him to a match next week.
-Piper Niven vs. Jinny next week.
They lock up at the and bell continue the hold all over the ring. At one point they break and Dragunov stops, taunts Wolfe and tells him to come at him. Wolfe put his hands behind his back, offering his chest to Dragunov. He slapped Wolfe’s face. They hit the ropes and Dragunov landed a cross-body for a two.
They bring the fight outside and exchange strikes. Wolfe tossed Dragunov into the barricade and laid him out.
Wolfe grabbed a cable as if he would choke out the smaller Dragunov, but thought twice and instead placed him in the ring. Dragunov worked his way back out of the ring and returned the favor by tossing Wolfe into the barricade and then rolling him back into the ring. The two continued to battle on the apron with Wolfe landing a spinning neck breaker off of the middle rope. Wolfe slammed Dragunov onto the mat again and Dragunov worked his way into the corner with Wolfe right on his trail. He held his foot to his throat. The ref broke it up and the Dragunov got to his feet, struck Wolfe, but was brought back down to the mat. Wolfe laid fists and an elbow drop to the chest and a near fall.
The two men worked their way back up while Wolfe held Dragunov in a headlock H countered out of that and struck Wolfe across the chest. Wolfe then started beating Dragunov around the ring for a good minute or so, before tossing him out of the ring. He picked up a steel chair and again, putting it down and abiding by Imperium’s rule that the mat is sacred and shouldn’t be disrespected. Wolfe sent Dragunov back into the ring, but not without a straight kick to the cranium first. Kickout at two.
Wolfe worked various holds around the ring until Dragunov countered with a kick to the face, followed by an uppercut from Wolfe. Wolfe went for a suplex but Dragunov countered with an impressive suplex of his own. Back on their feet, the two exchanged strikes, highlighted by an enziguri from Dragunov. A running knee strike and lariat to Wolfe followed.
A lot of back and forth offense for the next couple of minutes. Dragunov made it to the top rope with Wolfe rolling into the other corner. A smile came across the face of Dragunov as he connected with a coast to coast, followed by a two and a half count. Dragunov went back to the top for a senton, but was met with Wolfe’s knee. Wolfe was starting to sell an injured leg at this point. He was still able to get Dragunov up for a bridged German suplex. The two then worked their was up to the turnbuckle and Wolfe landed a superplex which put Dragunov to the mat for two.
Wolfe got Dragunov in the middle of the ring and grabbed his hair and got in his face, telling him that it was “his fault” for this beating for not joining Imperium. The two made it back up to their feet and went fist to fist with each other, with a spinning backfist bringing Wolfe to his knees. They made it back up once again and Dragunov connected with a 61- Line lariat. Dragunov went for a Torpedo Moscow but was stopped as Imperium made their way to the ring. While he was distracted, Wolfe hit a DDT for two, immediately followed by a powerbomb which put this match to bed.
WINNER: Alexander Wolfe @ 15:17 via pinfall
After the match, Imperium jumped in to attack Dragunov but Gallus ran down to help. The two teams battled, with Gallus standing tall in the ring at the end of the match.
(Koenig’s Analysis: I loved the story going into, and throughout the match. It is obviously not over yet. An incredible match with some impressive feats of strength by Dragunov.)
Why did the new guy have to go over at the expense of the new guy who came in just before him?