OCTOBER 12, 2022
Announcers: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz
-Renee Paquette introduced Christian Cage to the stage area. He was asked how it was to be back in Toronto, and as the face of the city and all of Canada, he guaranteed while making fun of the maple leaves, that Luchasaurus would win tonight. Cage then introduced Luchasaurus, and the two walked to the ring.
Jungle Boy quickly got the advantage on Luchasaurus, Perry stood on the back of Luchasaurus and did the Christian Cage jump down face punch. Luchasaurus took advantage of Jungle Boy as he was taunting Cage. Luchasaurus hit a German Suplex and then sent Perry to the ground and put a table next to him. LS tried to slap JB, that was dodged and Luchasaurus slapped the ring post. From here the two men battled on the outside with Jungle Boy being tossed into the barrier multiple times. [c]
Luchasaurus dominated throughout the split screen break, Jack Perry tried to put Luchasaurus through the table but was countered. LS was about to hit a choke slam but was countered as well. Perry tried a Death Valley Driver, but sold his back. The two then battled with Luchasaurus on the apron. Here Jungle Boy jumped over and hit power bomb slam and sent Luchasaurus through the table.
Christian Cage left the announce table and walked down to the ring, Perry looked and then entered the ring and hit a series of kicks. But, Luchasaurus fought back and got a two count pin on Jungle Boy. Both men were battling on the top rope, Jungle Boy dodged and got to the back of his opponent, he then set up the tree of woe. But Luchasaurus countered from this position and hit an off hand choke slam for a near fall.
Jungle Boy got up and got a near fall quick pin. Perry then tried for a kill switch, Luchasaurus countered and Perry hit a DDT and a strike for a near fall. Perry then tried to apply the Snare Trap, and did, but the bottom rope broke the hold. Luchasaurus hit a slam off the turnbuckle and then hit a fireman’s carry slam to get the pinfall win on Jungle Boy.
WINNER: Luchasaurus
(Sage’s Analysis: An above average match based on my expectations for these two. This was a well told story in the ring, and storyline wise. I like the way Christian and Luchasaurus won in order to continue this story that has been reheated.)
-Ethan Page and Stokely were backstage they said they had the rights to Private Party’s contracts. Hardy stepped in for a match to defend their honor, and set up a rampage match. [c]
-QT Marshall was out and taunted the team of WarJoe. Wardlow and Samoa Joe promptly walked out.
QT Marshall and Nick Camarado attacked Wardlow and Joe as the match started, when the match became civil, Wardlow and QT were legal. QT was promptly dispatched, Wardlow then hit a belly-too-belly suplex on Camarado. Wardlow then slammed Camarado and tagged in Joe who teamed up for a senton and then Joe applied a sleeper for the win.
(Sage’s Analysis: A good way to get Joe on the show and feel important if he isn’t 100% A fine squash match.)
-Post match Wardlow hit power bombs on QT. Gate of Agony came out and called out WARJOE and FTR. FTR’s music then hit to make the save. Dax Harwood introduced a mystery partner who turned out to be Shawn Spears, they set up a match for rampage.
-Chris Jericho and company were backstage to promote the main event. Angelo said that Bryan Danielson made this personal when he made Daniel Garcia leave them. Magic Daddy said that Garcia would pay for that. Jericho said that Garcia has not talked to him since last week, but he would leave ROH champion tonight.
The crowd sang on behalf of Billy Gunn as the opening bell was rang, once the physicality started Gunn struck Swerve with a face slap. Gunn took Swerve down and did some old school mr. ass stuff with his shorts. Swerve hit a drop kick off the rope to gain control as the break started. [c]
Swerve was in control and when full screen returned he sent Billy Gunn to the outside and then dived out onto the leg of Gunn. Swerve worked and got Billy back in the ring. The crowd cheered for Gunn and he got in a last effort attack that allowed Gunn to hit clotheslines and a vertical suplex.
Gunn tried for the Famouser, it was dodged and Swerve hit a DDT then a stomp off of the top rope for a near fall. Then after a kind of confusing exchange and camera angle, Swerve grabbed the ropes on a pin and who because of that.
WINNER: Swerve Strickland
(Sage’s Analysis: About as good of a match as could be expected, I like the build to Swerve’s heel run.)
-Mark Sterling and Tony Nese came out and had a document that Sterling had the trademark to the term Scissor Me in Wrestling. The Acclaimed did not scissor, but Tony and Sterling did.
-MJF was backstage, he was asked about almost shaking hands with Yuta last week. MJF was about to answer, but Stokely interrupted him. MJF said that he was now in timeout and warned him that he would fire him if he interrupted him again. MJF said he didn’t know if he was going to shake, he said that nice guys finish last. He said that he knows the locker room hates him, but he said that no one knows what it’s like to be him and that he has to wake up and be the bad guy. He said that he doesn’t like who walks through that curtain either, but he is doing what he needs to be the best ever. [c]
-Tony Schiavone introduced Jon Moxley in preparation for his title defense next Tuesday on Dynamite. Moxley walked through the crowd and into the ring. He said after three years it was great to be in Toronto, and that he has been AEW champion a good portion of those three years. He said there have been lots who have came for him, he said that people get to that spot and have unforced errors. He said that a champion cannot be like Hangman Page, who’s music hit upon his name being said.
Page offered his hand, Moxley handed him the mic instead of shaking it. He said that he wanted Moxley to say whatever he had to say to his face. He said that Moxley had glowing things to say about him, and that meant the world to him. He said that he is a great man in and out of the ring. A great man and husband and Father, a man that Page wants to be. He said that last week all that was shattered when Moxley called him a “Nice Kid.” Moxley said that is exactly what he means, he said that if he could take him out he doesn’t know if he has the guts to do it.
Hangman said that he blew it in May and blew the trios titles, he said all his friends are gone or have left him. He said that he is depressed and the meds aren’t working, but he is still here because he is a man. He then compared his life experiences to Moxley and said he is a man and punched himself. He said that he knows what he has to do next week, he said that he will beat him to an inch of his life to get back that thing he should have never given up. He said he will be the next AEW world champion. He said unlike MJF he wanted to say all that to his face and man-to-man.
(Sage’s Analysis: A tremendous promo, as I watch live it is hard to not say that was Hangman’s best ever. The power of Moxley to get the best out of everything continues.)
-A video recap of Jericho and Danielson’s feud was shown.
Jericho offered his hand, Danielson kicked the hand away and then both men traded strikes standing in the middle of the ring. Danielson hit a slingshot to send Jericho out of the ring, he then dove out and continued the assault. The crowd sand Judas while this was going on, back in the ring Danielson remained in control. Jericho came back and laid in chops and then down punches in the corner. Danielson followed that up with more chops, Jericho put Danielson of the top turnbuckle and hit a hurricanrana. [c]
Danielson fought back durning the break, Jericho hit a lariat off the ropes and then a middle rope drop kick, that sent Danielson off the apron and onto the floor. Jericho jumped down and continued his assault. Jericho went to the top and was pushed off by Danielson. Here, Danielson hit a butterfly suplex front he top to the mat. Danielson then locked in the cross face, but Jericho got out and applied the Walls of Jericho, he let up and tried to transition.
Danielson took advantage, and rained down shots. Danielson then applied a two legged Boston Crab, Jericho powered out. But, Danielson hit a big kick and got a near fall on Jericho. Danielson then applied 12 to 6 elbows, Jericho then hit a fireman carry slam for a near fall on Danielson. Jericho then missed a Lionsault, Bryan hit a knee then a leading knee off the top. Danielson followed that up with a dive, but Jericho countered with a Codebreaker and got a near fall.
Jericho tried a Judas effect, then the ref was knocked down after Danielson hit him on accident. The ROH belt was thrown in the ring, Jericho then set up Danielson for a belt strike, Daniel Garcia then ran down and confronted Jericho. Danielson then hit the running knee on Jericho. Garcia then hit Danielson with his belt and he stared at both men. Jericho came to and pinned Danielson.
WINNER: Chris Jericho
(Sage’s Analysis: A really well worked match with a surprising finish, I was hoping it was Garcia choosing to be his own man. But, we will see where it goes from here.)
-Nyla was backstage with her stolen TBS Title, Anna Jay demanded a match and got it. [c]
Hikaru Shida and Jamie Hayter started the match, both went back and fourth. Toni Storm was tagged in and got the advantage on Hayter. Britt Baker grabbed Toni’s foot, allowing Hayter to get the advantage into the break. [c]
Shida and Baker were locked in a striking battle, Shida hit a running knee and then attacked Britt in the corner. Hayter attacked on the apron and was slammed back into the ring. Shida then hit a double knee strike from the corner, Shida tried for the Katana Kick. Hayter hit a back breaker, then Britt applied the glove, Shida fought both Hayter and Baker. Storm made the save and then hit a DDT on Baker.
Shida entered and covered after a storm zero was hit. Hayter pushed Storm into the pin to break it up. Shida went for the finish, but Britt countered and almost applied the lock jaw, Shida rolled through for a near fall. The two traded several pinning reversals until Shida got the three count.
WINNER: Toni Storm & Hikaru Shida
(Sage’s Analysis: A solid match, with a surprising result. Britt has been putting people over a lot, which seems healthy. Shida seemed to be the focal point of this match with Storm feeling like the least important person based on how the match was laid out, which is strange.)
-The Butcher & The Blade challenged Moxley and Claudio to a match. [c]
Pac was in control early with high octane elbows and uppercuts, Pac then put Orange Cassidy’s hands in his own pockets and hit joke kicks on Cassidy. Pac went for the windup kick, but Pac popped up and hit a snap drop kick. The two fought to the outside and here Pac hit a standing falcon arrow as the final break started. [c]
Pac dominated throughout and at one point hit a pile-driver on the ramp. Cassidy beat the ten count as the full screen show returned. Here Pac put him in the brutalizer, but Orange fought out. Pac went to the outside where Cassidy dove out, the hit a DDT. In the ring, Cassidy hit two DDT’s and an Orange Punch for a near fall. Cassidy then hit a driver on the apron, Cassidy then tried for an Orange Punch, Pac dodged and locked in the Brutalizer, but Cassidy broke the hold with the rope.
Pac went for the hammer at ringside , but was cursed by Danhausen. Pac punched him. Pac tried to use the hammer, but Cassidy hit an Orange Punch and thought about using the hammer himself. Pac rolled up Cassidy for a near fall. Cassidy then hit two Orange Punches for the pinfall win.
WINNER: Orange Cassidy
(Sage’s Analysis: I was wondering why this was I the main event, and then it hit me of yeah Cassidy getting his first title in AEW feels right as a main event. A really fun match with both characters being used to their best extent. I could have gone without Danhausen in this exact spot, but it made sense to stop the hammer strike from happening. Overall a fun way to close out a quality show.)
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