WWE RAW RESULTS (5/20): Keller’s report on Jey Uso vs. Gunther in semi-final and Valkyria vs. Iyo Sky in semi-final, Sami vs. Gable

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor

Full analysis and results of this week's episode of WWE Raw


MAY 20, 2024

Commentators: Michael Cole, Pat McAfee

Ring Announcer: Samantha Irvin

Attendance: WrestleTix reported earlier today that 8.031 tickets had been distributed; arena is set up for 9,421.



-They showed wrestlers arriving at the arena and strolling through the arena earlier in the day as Michael Cole talked about their planned matches.

-Sami Zayn made his ring entrance to his intro song as Cole and Pat McAfee introduced the show. Sami welcomed everyone to Raw. He spoke about his match at King & Queen of the Ring in Jedda, Saudi Arabia. He said his issue with Chad Gable is very personal because he suplexed him in front of his family in his hometown after his match. He said he’s got an ass kicking coming. He said as far as Bronson Reed goes, he wants his title and that’s it. He said it’s an interesting match between the mind, body, and soul. He called Gable manipulative and crafty. He said Reed is brute force. He said the soul of the match is himself. He said he’d bet on soul every single time. He said that’s why he’s holding the Intercontinental Title now.

Gable walked out with Otis, Akira Tozawa, and Maxxine Dupree. and said he’s too damn nice because he coached Sami into being able to beat Gunther. He said he has also been too nice to the rest of his crew. He chewed out each of the Alpha Academy members behind him.

Sami asked them how much longer they’d put up with his crap. Gable said no one talks to his people other than him. He said they have all agreed to step up. He said Sami is trying to drive a wedge between them.

Gable said he doesn’t have to pin Sami to win his title, but he plans to. He said he’s sick of hearing Sami talk about his heart and soul. Fans chanted, “You suck!” Gable said he won’t just take his title, he’ll take his soul. Sami said that’s “all well and good.” He said they won’t be in Saudi Arabia until Saturday. He said they are scheduled to wrestle one-on-one tonight. “Let’s do it right here, right now,” Sami said.


The bell rang 11 minutes into the hour. Sami took early advantage. Cole said this would be Gable’s first PLE match since WrestleMania 39 which was 14 months ago. They cut to an early break less than 2:00 in as Gable threw a fit at ringside and rejected consoling from his Alpha Academy members. (They had a cart of Logan Paul’s energy drink on a cart at ringside with a giant bottle that appeared to be obstructing the view of fans who spent high dollar to sit ringside.) [c]

With Gable in control, Maxxine wound up to slap Sami when he was leaning on the middle rope, but she couldn’t go through with it. Gable chewed her out. Maxxine, though, still acted distressed when Sami was punching Gable seconds later. Tozawa also passed on an opening to punch Sami. Gable called both Tozawa and Maxxine failures for not following his orders. He did the referee routine of kicking them out of ringside to the back. They left without throwing a fit, but they did seem dejected. He told them not to look back. Sami landed a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall at 9:00. Gable rolled to the floor in front of Otis. The QR code flashed on the screen as they cut to another break. [c]

Sami was in control after the break and scored a near fall after a Michinoku Driver. He set up a Helluva kick, but Gable ducked and put Sami in a standing anklelock instead. Sami made it to the bottom rope to force a break. Gable threw Sami to ringside. Otis walked up to him and had an opening. Cole implored Otis to do the right thing. Otis wound up, but hesitated and then stepped back. Gable threw Sami into the ring, then asked Otis, “What the hell is the matter with you?” He slapped Otis and then grabbed the Intercontinental Title belt and brought it into the ring. Sami landed an Xploder suplex into the corner. Otis stood on the ring apron and clotheslined Sami as the ref was checking Gable and the belt. Gable then gave Sami a Chaos Theory suplex. Otis looked conflicted if not regretful at ringside. Fans chanted “You suck!” at Gable as his music played.

WINNER: Gable in 16:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Solid action, as you’d expect with these two, but it was secondary to the storyline with the Alpha Academy members at ringside.)

-Cole and McAfee stood at ringside and talked about the QR codes.

-A vignette aired on Iyo Sky who spoke about being a champion before, but now being ready for a crown.

-Cole and McAfee hyped the tag team title match later. Then they showed Bron Breakker walking backstage and heading out for his Raw debut. Cole called him “intense, powerful, unpredictable badass.” [c]

-Jackie Redmond began to interview Alpha Academy when there was a ruckus backstage. Redmond ran over and saw Cruz Del Toro down and clutching his leg in pain as Rey Mysterio, Joaquin Wilde, Zelina Vega, and Dragon Lee checked on him. Rey wondered if it was Carlito. Adam Pearce yelled for medical help. Redmond said it was chaos.


Breaker expressed frustration about not even being in the King of the Ring tournament. He then turned and speared Dixon. Dixon sat up and his hand was shaking. Breakker threw him out of the ring. Bron then ran around ringside and speared Dixon. He let out a yell and celebrated intensely. Cole said he’s one of the most explosive men you’ll ever see. Cole said he runs the ropes at 23 MPH. McAfee said that’s speeding in some school zones. Back in the ring, the ref wanted him to go for the pin. Bron wouldn’t. The ref called for the bell.

WINNER: Breakker via ref stoppage.

-Breakker speared Dixon right out of the referee’s arms as the ref was helping him up. Then he kicked him to the floor. He picked up the top of the ringside steps. WWE officials ran out to stop him and protect Dixon. Bron smashed Dixon with a chair instead. Cole said they needed “emergency help out here.” [c]

-They replayed what happened with Bron before the break. They showed Dixon being rolled to the back on a gurney. His right hand was quivering as he was loaded into an ambulance. Pearce yelled at Breakker and asked what he was thinking. Breakker said he didn’t pick him for King of the Ring, so what happens is on him. Pearce asked if everyone was alright before closing the ambulance door. The ambulance drove off, sirens blaring.

(Keller’s Analysis: Bron reacting to being left out of King of the Ring borders on corny, but overall I like the idea that he’s intensely resentful over what he perceived as disrespect or being overlooked by Pearce and now being out of control. It seems like a role he can embrace and execute well.)

-They went to Cole and McAfee at ringside who threw to a video recap of the Queen of the Ring tournament so far.

-Becky Lynch gave Lyra Valkyria a pep talk backstage.

(3) IYO SKY vs. LYRA VALKYRIA – Queen of the Ring Tournament Semi-finals

The bell rang 52 minutes into the hour. They cut to a very early break after a rapid-fire opening minute or so with some two counts by Lyra. [c]


Sky dominated after the break. Lyra eventually made a comeback and scored a two count. Sky countered into a crossface at 11:00. She springboard moonsaulted off the second rope onto Sky at ringside at 13:00. They cut to a break as Sky celebrated. [c]

Sky set up her moonsault 19:00, but Lyra blocked it and went for a Samoan Drop. Sky slipped free and powerbombed Lyra off the second rope. She then went for an Over the Moonsault, but Lyra moved. Sky landed on her feet. Lyra then went for her Knight Wing finisher, but Sky shifted into a sunset flip attempt. Lyra sat down on Sky’s shoulders for a three count. Cole said Lyra, Sky, and even he was shocked.

WINNER: Valkyria in 20:00 to advance to the Queen of the Ring Tournament final.

-Redmond interviewed Lyra afterward center-ring. Sky interrupted and grabbed the mic and ranted briefly before storming away. Lyra said she couldn’t have imagined three weeks ago being in this position. She said you don’t always have to know how you’re going to get the job done as long as you believe you can. She said she’s one Knight Wing away from becoming Queen of the Ring.

(Keller’s Analysis: This pushed the limits of fan interest at 20 minutes. The match was certainly solid, but it seemed like it was filling time more than telling a story that needed 20 minutes.)

-Backstage, R-Truth was telling Pete Dunne how to stick his left arm in and shake it all about. Miz walked up and asked what was going on. Tyler Bate said they might see them down the line for the tag team titles. Miz told Truth they need to focus because The Judgment Day take advantage of numbers. Truth said he spoke to Andre the Giant and he said he was going to have his back tonight. Miz said Andre “passed away” 30 years ago. Truth asked, “Passed away what?” Truth told Miz to trust him and then left. When Miz looked up and said they could use Andre, Truth asked what he was saying and looked up and said, “And they say I’m the crazy one.”

-Kayla Braxton interviewed Ilja Dragonov who said there is no shame in losing to the man they call the Main Event. He then got intense when talking about Gunther. In walked Ricochet who said they set the bar pretty high, and just because he got the best of him one time, that doesn’t mean it’s over. Breakker then speared Ricochet. [c]

-Cole said Breakker is out of control. They replayed what Breakker did to Ricochet before the break, then medics checking on him backstage. Pearce looked upset as Dragunov fretted oddly in the background.

-Cole threw to a video package recapping the King of the Ring tournament so far.

-A segment aired that was filmed earlier with Gunther speaking about fans filling Jey Uso’s heart with hope and illusion. He said he’s in the business of taking away people’s hope. He said tonight’s match isn’t who’s the more exciting act on their way to the ring. He said in the ring, he is superior to him, and after the final bell, all those people are going to embrace him, the general of the sacred ring and soon to be the King of the Ring.

-Cole hyped Jey vs. Gunther in the main event.

-A sponsored recap aired of the four-way tag match last week on Raw that Finn Balor & J.D. McDonagh won after Carlito interference against Pete Dunne.

-Priest gave a pep talk to Balor & McDonagh. He then told Carlito that he heard what he did and that means the LWO is pissed and coming looking for him. Carlito said he had to strike first and now he’s just lying low with them until the heat dies down. “Did I miss the sign that says APA?” said Priest. Dominik Mysterio said he helped them win last week. Priest said that’s why he’s welcome with them this week, but he has to keep earning his keep. He told Balor and McDonagh to go do their thing. Balor quietly told Priest that he wishes it was them as a team again. He said he’s the champ now, though. They fist-bumped and then Balor left. Carlito tried to charm Priest by saying the Knicks losing was a tough break. Priest, irked, asked why he’d bring that up.

-Miz and Truth rapped their way to the ring. [c]

-They showed Baron Corbin at a pro bowling tournament, presenting the winner with a WWE replica belt. McAfee also commented on Corbin bowling and knocking over nine out of ten pins.

-Sonya Deville showed up and approached Shayna Bazszler and then introduced her to Zoey Stark. Sonya said she had something talk to them about. Baszler said they weren’t interested in what she was selling and then left with Stark.

(4) MIZ & R-TRUTH vs. FINN BALOR & J.D. MCDONAGH (w/Dominik Mysterio) – WWE Tag Team Title match

Balor and McDonagh made their entrance. The bell rang 38 minutes into the hour. Cole noted that Balor trained McDonagh and was instrumental in bringing him into The Judgment Day. They cut to a break at 3:00. [c]

Truth rallied after the break and landed a Lie Detector on McDonagh. Carlito put McDonagh’s boot on the bottom rope to stop the count. Braun Strowman marched out to his music. Carlito went after him in the aisle. Braun threw him into a barricade and then chased McDonagh around ringside and into the ring. Truth then gave McDonagh an Attitude Adjustment instantly for the win. Cole wondered if Braun was who Truth was referring to as the giant who had his back. Braun hugged Miz and Truth afterward.

WINNERS: Truth & Miz in 10:00 to retain the WWE Tag Team Titles.

-Becky Lynch congratulated Lyra on her win. Lyra then ran into Liv Morgan. She tricked Lyra into looking behind her and then took a cheap shot. [c]

-Bronson Reed walked up to Sami in the locker room and told him he doesn’t need to be concerned about Gable and his mind games. He said he is soulless and all he cares about is business. He said he makes his money through violence, and he’ll use his body as a weapon to get his biggest payday yet. In walked Otis. Sami turned to him and said he cost him his match. He said he expected better from him. He asked if he was proud of himself. Otis said, “I’m sorry; I really am.” Sami said he knows he is because he’s a good guy. He said Gable isn’t. He said he’s been in his shoes before. He told Otis to start listening to the fans and he’ll be a lot better off. He patted him on the chest. Fans chanted “Otis! Otis!”

-Becky Lynch made her ring entrance. She talked about facing Liv Morgan this weekend. She said they have a lot of history together. She said Liv has never once defeated her. She said Liv is hell bent on revenge and hitting people from behind. Liv interrupted Becky and walked onto the stage. She said all she cares about is finishing the Liv Morgan Revenge Tour.


Becky congratulated, sarcastically, Liv figuring out her purpose after nearly ten years there. Becky said she knew her purpose from the time she arrived, which was leaving WWE better off than when she first arrived. Becky asked what is next if she wins. Liv said Becky is really really really really lame. Liv said she’s embarrassed that she thinks she has broken down barriers. She said Becky is the most selfish person in WWE. She said she doesn’t care about the fans. In response to “What?” chants, she said they can’t hear her because they’ve got their heads buried up Becky’s ass. She predicted victory on Saturday.

Becky said the fans know she is lying because you can’t trick them. She said they know she does everything for them and puts her body on the line for them. She said she came there looking for a fight, so she told her to put her money where he mouth is fight her. She slammed the mic down. Liv walked to the ring, but then backed off. She made fun of Becky looking stupid and said she’s waiting to fight until the belt is on the line.

(Keller’s Analysis: Liv is effectively obnoxious and abrasive as a heel. Becky had some scattered boos and a soft overall crowd response it seemed at first, but Liv helped get some fans vocally behind Becky.)

-Priest asked Balor and McDaongh what went wrong. He asked Carlito what he did to earn his keep. Dom said he thought McDonagh was supposed to handle Braun. Priest told McDonagh to asked Pearce for a match against Braun next week. He said they need to get back on track and he doesn’t recognize them anymore. He stormed off. Balor said Priest is right. He told McDonagh to go talk to Priest.

-Kairi Sane & Dakota Kai made their ring entrance. [c]

-Backstage, Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston celebrated Xavier getting medically cleared. Kingston left, and in walked Karrion Kross and Scarlett. Kross offered Xavier their support and said there’s always time to turn things around. He smiled and then walked away.

(5) DAMAGE CTRL (Dakota Kai & Kairi Sane) vs. KATANA CHANCE & KAYDEN CARTER vs. SHAYNA BASZLER & ZOEY STARK vs. IVY NILE & MAXXINE DUPRI  – Fatal Four-way for a future Women’s Tag Team Title match

The ring entrance for Carter & Chance aired. The bell rang 14 minutes into the hour. They cut to a break at 2:00. [c]

Carter and Chance sent Zoey off the top rope with a huracanrana onto Baszler’s knee. Maxxine took advantage of some resulting chaos to deliver a reverse Caterpillar for a two count on Dakota. Kairi landed an Insane Elbow on Maxxine as she applied an anklelock. Baszler and Stark pinned Maxxine a minute later after Stark launched Maxxine into Baszler’s knee.

WINNERS: Baszler & Stark in 10:00 to earn a future tag title match.

(Keller’s Analysis: Just too many overly complex spots where everything felt choreographed.)

-Kayla interviewed Ludwig Kaiser backstage who took shots at Sheamus. He said he’s just a keyboard warrior and he’s going to put him down. After Kaiser left, Drew McIntyre walked in. He asked what he was doing there. He said Pearce decided not to use him tonight on Raw. He said, “Screw that.” He said Priest thought he got one over on him last week, but that’s not true. He said he’s playing chess whereas Priest is playing with eye liner. Drew said Priest is spreading himself too thin with all of the Judgment Day’s affairs. He said they’ll have a match soon and he’ll beat him. [c]

-Cole plugged WrestleMania Vegas tickets.

-Gable was talking with the Creed Brothers when Otis walked in and asked to speak to Gable. Gable smiled and called him his no. 1 guy. He asked where he was. Otis said he apologized to Sami. Gable assumed it was insincere and liked the strategy. He said they need to head to Saudi Arabia so Otis can help him win the IC Title. Gable told Otis to say “no matter what” when it comes to him doing whatever it takes to help.

-Cole hyped the PLE on Saturday, starting at 1 ET, 10 PT. Cole hyped the line-up as scenes of Jedda aired.

-Jey Uso backstage said tonight is the night. He said Gunther was going to catch a beatdown and he was going to catch a crown. He clapped and then the camera followed him from the back to the ring.

-Gunther made his entrance. [c]

(6) JEY USO vs. GUNTHER – King of the Ring semi-final

The bell rang after the break 42 minutes into the hour. Jey landed an early dive through the ropes. Gunther avoided a top rope move by Jey and then threw him shoulder-first into the ringpost. Gunther then threw him into the ringside steps. They cut to a break at 3:00. [c]

After the break, Jey caught Gunter on the top rope and set up a superplex, but his arm was weakened. Gunther applied a keylock, but Jey powered out of it and leaped off the top rope, sending Gunther hard to the mat. Both were down and slow to get up. Gunther came back a minute later with chops. Jey caught Gunther with a step-up enzuigiri. Cole mentioned Steve Austin and Triple H won King of the Ring and it meant a lot to their careers. Gunther landed a powerbomb a minute later and scored a two count with a stack pin. He then applied an armbar. Cole said no one would lose respect for Jey if he tapped. Jey rolled out of the hold, but Gunther kicked him and applied a sleeper. Jey leveraged Gunther’s shoulders down, so Gunther released the hold. Gunther then landed a top rope splash for a two count at 14:00.

Gunther clotheslined Jey and scored a two count. Gunther chopped Jey hard. Jey went down. Cole said it sounded like an explosion. Jey slapped Gunther. Gunther chopped him rapid-fire in response. Jey speared Gunther, but the ref got knocked down. Jey landed a top rope splash, but was slow to make the cover. When he did, the ref turned and counted to two. Gunther then wrapped Jey in a sleeper with a body vice applied with his legs. Jey’s arm went limp and called for the bell. Cole said Gunther will face Tama Tonga or Randy Orton on Saturday.

WINNER: Gunther in 19:00 to advance to the final.


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