TNA IMPACT TV RESULTS (6/6): Lilly’s report on Grace vs. Kay, Kazarian vs. Nemeth

By Darrin Lilly, PWTorch Contributor


JUNE 6, 2024

-Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

-Clips of last week’s events.

-New show open welcoming us to the 20th anniversary show.


After locking up, they traded punches. Jake clotheslined Kon over the top rope, then out the other side. Kon pulled Jake to the outside and ran him into the ringpost. Back in the ring, Kon had the upper hand. They traded clotheslines and traded the advantage. Jake caught Kon with the Into The Void and got the pin.

WINNER: Jake Something in 6:00.

After the match, Kon attacked Jake from behind and chokeslammed him. Kon went to twist Jake’s neck, but Eric Young ran in for the save and sent Kon to the outside. Eric took the mic and said he was celebrating. He talked about the Impact TV show being 20 years old today. Fans chanted “TNA!” He talked about the fans being the lifeblood of TNA. Fans cheered.

-Clip of Moose attacking Matt Hardy last week.

-Gia Miller interviewed Frankie Kazarian. They were quickly interrupted by The System. Brian Myers offered to strike a deal and be friends with Frankie. Frankie offered to eliminate Nic Nemeth in exchange for getting a World Title shot. Moose agreed. [c]

-Recap of PCO’s infatuation with Steph De Lander. Gia Miller interviewed Steph. Steph admitted that PCO may have a crush on her. Gia asked what her answer would be to PCO and she said she didn’t know. Xia Brookside interrupted and said it was sweet and she should take time before making her decision. Steph said she would take a week.


This was Shaw’s return match and she received a huge ovation. Gail Kim was shown on the inset looking at the match on a monitor. Shaw took Shazza down early. Shaw dropped Shazza with a kick. Shazza snapped Shaw’s neck over the top rope to turn the tide. Shazza punched Shaw and bowed to the crowd. Shaw slapped and clotheslined Shazza. Shaw caught Shazza with a cutter and finished her with a knee strike for the pin.

WINNER: Gisele Shaw in 4:00.

(D.L.’s Take: A great reaction for Shaw, who seems re-energized.  Shazza, who is popular on the independent scene, had a good showing.)

-Rosemary promo. She talked about being stripped of our family and allies. She talked about those who came to battle with her. She said for our sins, they are gone. Images flashed during the package, including shots of Havok and Father James Mitchell. She said those responsible would pay. [c]

-Clip of the Rascalz attacking Steve Maclin last week. Maclin approached Mike Santana backstage. Maclin offered to be partners to take on the Rascalz, since they attacked Santana too. Santana was reluctant, but agreed to do it one time.

(3) SPEEDBALL MOUNTAIN (“Speedball” Mike Bailey & Trent Seven) vs. MUSTAFA ALI & CAMPAIGN SINGH

Singh & Bailey started the match. Speedball Mountain double teamed Singh. Ali caught Bailey with a spin kick. Singh and Ali tagged in and out to keep the advantage on Bailey. [c]

Trent Seven made the hot tag and chopped Singh. Trent got a two count after a suplex. Singh gave Seven a DDT. Ali stomped Seven. Seven punched Ali and got a two count before Singh pulled him out of the ring. Bailey did a dive to the outside on Singh. Ali clotheslined Seven. Seven returned a clothesline and both wrestlers were out on the mat.

Bailey dropkicked Singh from the top rope and followed with more offense. Ali pulled Bailey out of the ring. Ali gave Bailey a DDT on the outside. Seven chopped Singh, followed by a lariat. Seven gave Singh a Burning Hammer (as Ali backed off) and got the pin. [c]

WINNER: Speedball Mountain in 14:00.

(D.L.’s Take: This one was action packed, but had a predictable ending. Ali continues to shine as a heel.)

-The Concierge introduced Ash By Elegance, who he said recovered from her minor surgery. Ash smiled big and sat at ringside.

(4) JORDYNNE GRACE (c) vs. ALLYSIN KAY (w/Marti Belle) — TNA Knockouts Title match

Jade Chung did the in-ring introductions. Grace gave Kay a series of clotheslines. Kay suplexed Grace on the top rope. Marti Belle kicked Grace at ringside. Kay chopped Grace. Kay threw Grace out of the ring and Marti gave her a flurry of punches. Grace backdropped Kay. Kay rebounded with kicks. Grace slapped and speared Kay for a two count.

They exchanged strikes. Marti tripped Grace and Kay used the distraction to get the upper hand. Kay got a two count after a suplex. Grace slapped Kay and gave her a Muscle Buster, but Kay kicked out at two. Grace brought Marti into the ring and gave her a spinebuster.

Kay rolled up Grace for a two count. They traded pin attempts. Grace powerbombed Kay and followed with the Juggernaut Driver for the pin.

WINNER: Jordynne Grace in 6:00.

(D.L.’s Take: This was a relatively short match, but they packed a lot into it. Grace is on a roll during this title run and Allysin had a good showing. I hope The Hex sticks around.)

-DMTV segment. Sami Callihan talked about Jonathan Gresham and said he felt like dogs**t after wrestling him. Sami challenged him to a match at Against All Odds and said he was having sushi for lunch. [c]

(5) LAREDO KID vs. AJ FRANCIS (w/Rich Swann) — TNA Digital Media Title match

Kid used his speed early and was able to kick AJ. Kid dropkicked AJ from the top rope. AJ caught Kid doing a dive to the outside and slammed him on the apron. AJ choked Kid over the middle rope. AJ gave Kid a knee strike and celebrated with a YouTuber at ringside. Kid made a comeback. Kid gave AJ a DDT. Kid gave AJ a neckbreaker from the top rope and did a dive on Swann. AJ caught Kid coming off the top rope and eventually turned it into a chokeslam for the pin. [c]

WINNER: AJ Francis in 5:00 to win the TNA Digital Media Title.

(D.L.’s Take: The push of AJ continues. Kid’s title reign was very brief and uneventful.)

Matches for next week:

*Dani Luna vs. Tasha Steelz

*Mike Santana vs. Zachary Wentz

*Masha Slamovich vs. Marti Belle

*Nic & Ryan Nemeth vs. ABC

-Hannifan and Rehwoldt plugged matches for Against All Odds.

-Jordynne Grace promo. She said it was her time and all eyes were on her. She talked about the Royal Rumble and beating Stevie Turner. She said she would beat Roxanne Perez for the NXT Title at Battleground. She talked about Roxanne and her having a lot in common. She said she was a catalyst for change. She said the TNA audience would remember her forever and so would the WWE Universe.

-Frankie Kazarian and Nic Nemeth did their ring entrances. [c]


Frankie got a two count after a legdrop. Nemeth dropkicked Frankie. They fought on the floor. Frankie got a two count after another flying legdrop. Frankie suplexed Nemeth, gloated, and said “I’m here to show the world! (like Nemeth’s WWE theme song). Frankie gave Nemeth a Russian Leg Sweep for a two count. [c]

Nemeth made a comeback, but Frankie trapped him in the chicken wing. Nemeth reached the ropes to break it. Nemeth got a two count after a superkick. Frankie gave Nemeth a slingshot cutter for a two count. They traded pin attempts. Nemeth got the Danger Zone for the pin.

WINNER: Nic Nemeth in 15:00

(D.L.’s Take: These two worked well together and it was a main-event worthy match.)

Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards ran down to attack Nemeth. Ryan Nemeth made the save. Moose ran in and hit the Nemeths with the title belt. Fans chanted for Matt Hardy. Moose gave Ryan Nemeth a spear, then gave one to Nic. Joe Hendry’s music played and he ran to the ring. He threw out Moose, then took out Myers and Edwards. He picked up Moose but Alisha hit him with a kendo stick.

Moose speared Hendry. Myers gave Hendry a DDT. Eddie gave Hendry a Boston Knee Party. Fans chanted “You suck!” Alisha hit Hendry with the stick again and Moose speared him. The System raised the belts high and posed.

-Matt Hardy promo. He said Moose couldn’t break what was already broken. He said he was more focused and driven. He invited The System to meet his family at the Hardy Compound next week. A wide shot showed the family sitting with him.

FINAL THOUGHTS: This was another episode that was heavy on in-ring action. They played up the 20th anniversary aspect but it never really came into play. Making AJ Francis Digital Media champion makes sense to play into his character. Jordynne Grace continues a strong title reign. I was pleased with the guest appearances from Shazza McKenzie and Allysin Kay, as well as the return of Gisele Shaw. Good main event to cap off the show.

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