DECEMBER 10, 2024
NXT Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T
Ring Announcer: Mike Rome
Backstage Correspondent(s): Sarah Schreiber, Byron Saxton
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[HOUR 1]
-NXT opened by showing shots of Orlando, welcoming themselves home after being on the road (Note: I will be in attendance for the NXT TV taping in Lowell, MA next week). Followed by a video package recapping Deadline.
-Giulia made her way to the ring to address the audience after her victory in the Iron Survivor Challenge. She grabbed a mic and exclaimed that she’s the Iron Survivor. She called Roxanne out at New Year’s Evil in January as the number one contender for her title. Roxanne Perez made her way to the ring, cutting off the next thing Giulia was about to say. She sarcastically congratulated Giulia and then said that Giulia, nor any of the rest of the women’s division, is on the same level as Giulia. Giulia grabbed a mic and said that she wanted to do this right now. Cora Jade came out from the audience and said “I don’t think you’re going to make it to New Year’s Evil. She said that Stephanie Vaquer won’t be helping Giulia, and they cut to a shot of the back where Stephanie had been attacked. Kelani Jordan ran out to make the save, clearing the ring and helping Giulia escape the champion and her best frenemy.
-The Ethan Page parking lot interview from Deadline was shown, the one where he said he didn’t know if he could keep doing this. A handful of the men’s roster were then shown watching it on a TV in the back. Tony D’Angelo then walked up to a sullen Ethan Page, sitting on a couch nearby the TV, and said he’s killing the vibe in the room. He lost, he needs to get over it. Page said that he didn’t know how to get over it. D’Angelo took pity on him and offered a North American title shot. Ethan Page said that he was a former NXT Champion and called D’Angelo’s title a step down for him. D’Angelo took offense, and then opened the match up to anyone in the room. Everyone stood up and asked for a shot when Page interjected and said that he’d take the match after all. If he couldn’t beat a lower card champion, he shouldn’t be here in the first place.
-Lexis King asked Charlie Dempsey for a shot at the Heritage Cup. He said he’d think about it. Then he walked up to the other members of the NQCC and praised them for their efforts, even though they lost, at Deadline. OTM and Jaida Parker walked in and started in on Myles Borne and Tavion Heights. Jaida started in on Wren Sinclair. Everyone was arguing, with Dempsey trying to break it up, as they cut to the next segment.
The match started out about as explosive as it could. The two traded punches until Evans backed Lee into the ropes. The ref broke it up, and Wes returned the favor. Evans threw Lee out of the ring, then plancha’d out of the ring to take Lee out. The fight spilled back into the ring when the producers had to call air traffic control (okay, not really… but… they probably should have), both men would hit a handful of high flying moves in very quick succession. Wes Lee slowed things down when he got control of the match. He threw Evans outside and then into the barricade. He tossed Evans back in, which gave Evans a chance to jump back out of the ring and take Lee out on his way down. Lee worked the leg of Evans, climbed into the ring, and performed a plancha of his own on Evans as the show cut to commercial (c).
Back from the break the two were fighting for position on the top turnbuckle. Evans was knocked down, Lee looked to take him out. Lee jumped, Evans hit him with a kick for a two count. The two continued to trade control of the match, incorporating some incredible springboard offense along the way. Incredible sequences followed by some incredible false finishes. It looked like Lee had Evans beat when he put his feet on the ropes during a pin attempt. The ref saw it and forced him to break the pin. Evans looked to regain control here, but was met by a Cardiac Kick from Lee. Lee covered him and amazingly, Evans kicked out. Evans hit a superkick, and crawled his way to the top rope. He nailed a corkscrew splash from the top for the win.
Winner: Je’Von Evans in approx 13:00
-Nathan Frazer and Axiom, battered and beaten, had a heart to heart back stage and addressed their concerns going into Deadline now that it’s over.
-Vic Joseph announces that the North American Title match between D’Angelo and Page was made official and will take place later in the night. (c)
-A video package aired showing Josh Briggs wrestling in Pro Wrestling NOAH earlier in the year. He said that Yoshiki Inamura stood out to him. Inamura said that when the opportunity to join NXT arose, he jumped on it so he and Briggs could destroy the tag division.
-Booker T got very excited about Josh Briggs when Vic threw to Sarah Schreiber backstage in medical looking for an update on Stephanie Vaquer. Kelani Jordan and Giulia emerged from Medical. Giulia cut an intense promo in Japanese. Jordan said that she thinks Giulia said that “what goes around comes around” and she said that she and Giulia vow to take out Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade for their attack.
-Sol Ruca and Zaria were in the locker room talking about the ups and downs of their Iron Survivor match. Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson came in and said that if one of them were in the match, they never would have made it in to the match in the first place. (c)
A video package hyping up the NXT taping in Lowell, MA next week aired
Before the match, they showed Hank and Tank eliminating Tyson and Tyriek from the battle royal match last week.
Tank and Tyson started for their respective teams. The two traded momentum then Hank tagged in. Tyriek tagged in and they used double team offense to take Hank to the mat. Hank and Tyreik continued to trade momentum until Tank tagged in and they pulled off their “Honk Honk” train looking double team move on Tyreik. He managed to tag Tyson in, who turned the match around and took Tank to the mat, then splashed him for a two count. Tyson continued to dominate Tank, then tagged in his partner. They worked together to keep Tank away from Hank, cutting him off any time he tried to escape. With Tyreik as the legal man, Tank managed to get the hot tag on Hank, who fired up and dropped both Tyson and Tyreik.
Hank hit a sidewalk slam and ripped the shirt off his back. He tagged in Tank and they double teamed Tyson. Tank covered for the win.
Winners: Hank & Tank in approx 6:00
After the match, Hank and Tank tried to shake the hands of Tyson and Tyriek. Tyson accepted, Tyreik shook them off and walked out of the ring. Tyson followed him, confused as to he wouldn’t shake their hand.
-Oba Femi was shown walking through the hallways of the NXT Arena, seemingly on his way to the ring to address the audience on his Iron Survivor win. (c)
-Oba Femi made his entrance after the commercial break, the crowd very much behind the men’s Iron Survivor winner. Femi grabbed a mic and said “Surprise, the Ruler is back!” He celebrated his win and shifted his focus to Trick Williams and the NXT Championship at New Year’s Evil in four weeks. He said that though they’ve both been dominant, he and Trick had never really crossed paths. Trick Williams music hit, and the champion entered the ring, limping after his war with Ridge Holland just a few days ago at Deadline.
Trick grabbed a mic and then stood toe to toe with Oba Femi. Eddy Thorpe’s music hit and he said that he isn’t going to sit by while Oba Femi gets his shot after attacking him and replacing him in the Iron Survivor challenge. Femi denied attacking Thorpe, yet Thorpe said that though he didn’t see the attacker, the attacker hit him with more power than he’d ever been hit with before. Trick interrupted and turned focus back to Femi, ignoring Thorpe. He continued to hype he and Femi’s match at New Year’s Evil. Thorpe looked on, seemingly getting angrier as Trick and Femi talked about their match. Femi told Trick that there was only a “Whoop That Trick” era was because he allowed it to happen. As Femi finished his promo on Williams, Thorpe cut a promo on Williams, calling him out for ignoring him. Asking him why he didn’t call Femi out for attacking him. Thorpe said he was wrong about Trick, he’s not a righteous champion. He’s just a manufactured sports entertainer. Williams wouldn’t last two weeks in a Japanese Dojo like Thorpe came up in. Williams finally told Thorpe to shut up and that he is sick of the doubters. He told Thorpe that if he thinks he can beat him for the title, to come try. Next week, he vs. Thorpe. He looked towards the back and told Ava to “set it up” as he punched Thorpe in the face and exited the ring.
-Fatal Influence were in the locker room talking about Gigi Dolan’s return and how they need to get rid of her. Gigi Dolan and Tatum Paxley were walking back stage strategizing about how there’s only two of them and three in Fatal Influence. Izzi Dame comes out of nowhere and starts verbally assaulting Dolan since Dolan beat her last week. Shawn Spears, Brooks Jensen and Niko Vance came into frame, seemingly to protect their interest — whatever that may be — in Dolan. Dolan and Paxley walked away disgusted. (c)
Jayne and Paxley squared off for their respective teams with Jayne take control quickly. She backed Paxley into the corner and tagged Nyx in. Paxley overpowered Nyx and tagged Dolan in. Nyx and Dolan traded momentum until Dolan managed to dropkick Nyx, who landed outside the ring. No selling the fall, Nyx stood up and threw Dolan into the ring post, then back into the ring. Jayne and Nyx traded tags, keeping Dolan wounded in their corner. Dolan finally made the hot tag on Paxley, who cleared the ring by taking out both of her opponents. Paxley went to the top rope, but was pushed off by Fallon Henley — out of view of the ref. Jayne then rolled Paxley up for the win.
Winners: Jacy Jayne & Jazmyn Nyx in approx 3:30
Fatal Influence attacked Gigi and Nyx after the match when all of a sudden Shotzi’s music hit and she made the save on behalf of Dolan and Paxley, clearing the ring of the three Fatal Influence members. Shotzi, Paxley and Dolan embraced in the ring as they ended the segment.
-Nathan Frazer and Axiom sat back down for another heart to heart. Axiom said that he went to Ava and got a one on one match against Oba Femi, looking to get some retribution from what Femi did to Frazer during the Iron Survivor Challenge match. Frazer then told Axiom that he was “about to tell” him that he felt bad about making Axiom carry the team at Deadline, so he also went to Ava and got them a title defense. Axiom asked him when. Frazier said “Next week”. Meaning that Axiom will pull double duty next week, just as Frazer had to do at Deadline.
Ethan Page made his entrance looking dejected and defeated, yet somehow determined.
Once the bell rang, the two chain wrestled looking for control of the match. Page eventually landed a big right hand and scoop slam and looked like he was about to take control, but D’Angelo managed to reverse a move, then clotheslined Page so hard that they both went over the top rope as they cut to a commercial break. (c)
Back from the break, D’Angelo was solidly in control of Page. That is, until Page sent him flying shoulder first into a ring post. He covered D’Angelo for two. He picked D’Angelo up to his feet, but the Don managed to hit a belly to back suplex to shift momentum. D’Angelo hit another series of suplexes and then a huge spear on Page for a near fall.
The Family looked on as Page snuck in an inside cradle for a near fall. He went for the Ego’s Edge, but D’Angelo scouted it and worked Page to the top turnbuckle. He tried for a superplex, but Page pushed him down then gave him a flying kick followed by a cutter for a near fall. Page once again looked for the Ego’s Edge, but D’Angelo reversed into a powerbomb of his own for the win.
Winner: Tony D’Angelo retains in approx 9:00
The Family celebrated as they walked up the ramp. Ethan Page sat on the apron nearly in tears after this crushing defeat.
-Lexis King was back stage talking to a really tall man, eventually revealed to be Ryan Leaf from the NFL. Leaf gave him some advice and a pep talk when Dempsey walked up and agreed to give him a Heritage Cup match. Only if he could keep up with Dempsey during a workout. King agreed immediately, foreshadowing that he has no idea what he’s about to get himself into.
-Ethan Page was caught leaving the building, still in his gear. He said to the camera that “I say I’m All Ego. But, the reality is… I don’t think I am.” He said he’s lost and ashamed, then walked off into the (extremely dangerous – Good Luck, Page!) NXT Parking lot.
-Vic Joseph promoted Oba Femi vs. Axiom, Axiom & Frazer vs. Gallus, and Sol Ruca Zaria vs. Meta Girls for next week’s NXT from Lowell, MA. (…and I have a front row seat!)
Jade & Perez made their entrance first, followed by Guilia. Before Giulia barely even made it out of Gorilla, Jade and Perez attacked her in the entrance way. Kelani Jordan sprinted from the back to even the odds. The brawl made it into the ring, and the four continued to fight before the bell rang. Jordan and Giulia attacked with fire, wounding their opponents as the ref finally got control of the chaos and rang the bell.
Jordan and Perez kicked the match off with Jordan looking for a quick pin. Perez kicked out, Giulia tagged in and rushed the Champion. With a clear fire in her eye, Giulia attacked Perez. Perez smartly avoided most of the offense. Jade tagged in, she and Giulia briefly trading blows before Jordan made the tag. Jordan and Jade locked up and jockeyed for position. Jordan, also very clearly fighting with a fire in her eye, kept on Jade. Perez tried to interject herself to help her partner, which just resulted in Giulia and Jordan tossing their opponents out of the ring as we move to a commercial break. (c)
Back from the break, Perez and Jordan were the legal competitors. The two scrapped in the middle of the ring until Jordan get’s knocked out of the ring. Perez performed a suicide dive, then threw her opponent back into the ring. Jade tagged in, Jordan looking for the strength to take on a fresh opponent. Perez and Jade cut the ring in half and kept Jordan on their side of the ring, but that was all for naught as she managed to make the hot tag to Giulia. Giulia took out both of her opponents, slammed the champion to the mat with something that looked like a modified Northern Lights suplex for a two count. Perez got a second wind and started fighting back heartily against Giulia, but Giulia managed to hit a German suplex, then tagged in Kelani Jordan. She set Jordan up to hit a top rope splash into a pin. Cora Jade broke it up.
Jade tags in and the two try for some double team offense, but Giulia makes the save. The fight spilled outside the ring, Roxanne manages to hit Pop Rocks on Kelani Jordan on the outside. Kelani gets rolled into the ring, Jade then hit a Double Arm DDT for the win as Perez and Giulia fought up the ramp and to the back.
Winners: Roxanne Perez & Cora Jade in approx 11:00
All of a sudden, Stephanie Vaquer’s music hits. She emerges from the crowd and attacks Cora Jade. She snapped Jade’s baseball bat in half, and then chased Jade out of the arena as the segment ended.
-Eddy Thorpe was in Ava’s office signing the contract for his title match next week. Ava tells Eddy that they were still looking into who attacked him. The ink in Thorpe’s signature was still wet when he looked Ava in the eye and said “I know who attacked me. I attacked me. I just got my title shot, and I didn’t have to go through 25 minutes of hell just to get it.”
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