Whenever a big prospect comes up or a huge return happens, the wrestler or wrestlers want to give notice to the rest of their division. The best way to do that is to have a match against a jobber. In that match, the jobber gets little to no offense.
As a result, the match is one-sided, often ending in a decisive victory. By doing that, the known wrestler demonstrates their power and ability inside the ring. The WWE Vault put together a playlist containing over 40 minutes of entertaining squash matches that have taken place in WWE. Doing so highlights not only the known wrestlers’ abilities but also introduces people to new wrestlers from previous eras, expanding their wrestling knowledge.
This was a great video showing how squash matches are effective in getting a wrestler over in the ring. Wrestlers such as Kurt Angle and Braun Strowman excel in these types of matches, as they use their size and strength to demolish their opponents. There were singles matches, tag team matches, and even a handicap match in this playlist.
Using a great amount of variation between match types demonstrated that not all squash matches are the same. However, I think a Colin Delaney match should’ve made it onto the playlist. He took his role as jobber seriously, taking an insane amount of damage during his matches in ECW. Squash matches can take on many forms, but they always allow for one wrestler or tag team to be dominant over the other in a big way.
Overall, this was an entertaining video showcasing the most high-impact, one-sided squash matches that have happened in WWE over the years. A lot of wrestlers, such as The Undertaker, Goldberg, Braun Strowman, and Asuka were featured in this action-packed video.
When a squash match happens, the jobber has to make it believable that the known wrestler is both powerful and destructive. The lesser known opponents in the video did their jobs to perfection. I enjoy watching content from the WWE Vault, as the channel uploads videos from decades ago that people haven’t seen in years.
This was another great video demonstrating the channel’s purpose in a great way, by showcasing intense squash matches from every era of WWE.
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