WWF Raw Report – 10/7/96
The show opened with hype for the TV main event of Goldust vs. Sid, plus they showed The Roadie singing in a studio saying, “Jeff, eat your heart out”… Kevin Kelly and Jerry Lawler opened the program. Kelly said Ross was in the building, but not at ringside yet… (1) “Wildman” Marc Mero (w/Sable) beat Diesel via DQ at 8:15. Ross walked Diesel to the ring. Ross said as “vice president of administration” for the WWF, he was late because he had business to tend to. It didn’t take long for Ross to bring up his new title given to him last week. Ross said fans are happy about Diesel’s arrival because they like that new, young, powerful wrestlers are entering the WWF. Ross said this is no “Outsider” situation. If anything, he said it is an “Insider” situation. He said he wishes the WWF all the best and he is just trying to create a more competitive environment. Lawler said he heard that Gorilla Monsoon is working hard to void the contracts of Diesel and Razor Ramon. A soundbite aired with Ramon who said he was going to ringside for a closer look. When he got there, Mero hit him with a flip plancha. Ramon then entered the ring and joined Diesel in attacking Mero for the DQ. Ross then said he doesn’t condone the actions of Diesel and Ramon… A clip aired of Undertaker digging Mankind’s grave. He said Mankind’s existence on Earth is about to end…
Kelly interviewed Sid regarding his TV main event… A promo aired for Mr. Perfect vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley in two weeks on Raw. Ross said the return of Perfect to the WWF is like the return of Michael Jordan to the NBA. (Can the WWF afford to disappoint/deceive the fans again if Perfect doesn’t end up actually wrestling, but instead turns out to be Hunter’s manager?)… A Smoking Gunns promo aired. Billy said he couldn’t wait to get Sunny back after winning the tag belts. Bart told Billy to just worry about the tag titles, teasing a break-up… (2) The Smoking Gunns beat The New Rockers. Ross interviewed Sunny on the phone. Ross told her Ahmed would be her guest in studio for Live Wire next week. Sunny plugged her e.mail address. Billy Gunn looks to have lost quite a bit of weight. He even had to pull his pants up during the match. Lawler told Ross the only thing Monsoon’s investigation of him has turned up is that he is the V.P. of wrestling administration and that he has a no-cut long term contract with the WWF…
Todd Pettengill narrated a feature on Double J. Jesse James said the WWF called him and asked him if he was still aligned with Jeff Jarrett. He said he doesn’t hate Jeff because Jeff took him further than he had gone before, but “I took him further than he will ever be. He’s not the world’s greatest entertainer. He’s not even close to being a good entertainer. He can’t dance, he can’t sing. And like I said, that’s not being cocky, that’s me being honest. He can’t do those things.” He then said Jarrett couldn’t beat people without his help. He invited Jeff Jarrett to return to the WWF to be his road dog, his driver… Ross interviewed Jim Cornette and Vader. Cornette thanked Ross for helping get Vader to the WWF. Ross played down the comment. Cornette accused the WWF of protecting their merchandising cash cow…
(3) The Sultan (w/Bob Backlund, Iron Sheik) beat Aldo Montoya. Backlund acted like a nut. He wore sunglasses because the WWF forced him to because the WWF didn’t want him staring at fans and scrutinizing them and telling them not to take drugs. Ross responded to Cornette’s comments earlier by saying there are at least a dozen wrestlers in the WWF whom he recruited and brought to the WWF. “It’s part of my job. What do you think vice presidents do?” When Lawler said he didn’t know Ross was a vice president, Ross said he doesn’t brag about it (actually, that’s all he’s done since getting the position)… A skit aired with Mankind and Paul Bearer in the grave Undertaker dug… (4) Sid beat Goldust (w/Marlena, sporting a nice new hairstyle). Ross interviewed Michaels on the phone. After Sid chokeslammed, powerbombed, and pinned Goldust, Vader ran in and splashed Sid. Sid popped up and Vader fled. Nonsensical booking since there is no need to pay to see Sid get revenge…
WCW Nitro Report – 10/7/96
(Live from Savannah, Ga.)… Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko opened the program… Highlights aired of the tag title change from WCW Saturday Night… (1) Harlem Heat beat The Public Enemy at 13:12. During the match, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Ted DiBiase, and Six showed up in the crowd. With a wireless mic, Hall and Nash tried to intimidate Heat. Schiavone said that even though WCW extended their hand to Sting last week by painting the WCW race car with his name and logo on it, they haven’t heard from him. Zbyszko accurately criticized WCW for placating to Sting’s crybaby attitude and said that WCW needs a real leader. The match ended when Rocco was knocked off the top turnbuckle through a table to the floor while Heat nailed Grunge in the ring with a chair… A limousine pulled up to the arena and Jeff Jarrett walked out. He put on a black leather jacket and said, “Boy, do I have something to say.” Schiavone and Zbyszko said he must be with the NWO because he came out of a limo…
They showed an interview with Nick Patrik saying he is recommending WCW fine Randy Savage $1 million and suspend him. He also said that there used to be an announcer around throwing accusations his way, but now he’s nowhere to be seen. He said that should tell people something. As a take off on the Roberto Alomar controversy, Schiavone and Zbyszko argued whether Savage’s physical abuse of Patrik constituted missing his title match at Halloween Havoc… (2) Diamond Dallas Page pinned Jim Powers (mgd. by Teddy Long) with the Diamond Cutter at 2:30. Page shoved Long around after the match… Mike Tenay interviewed Randy Savage. Savage then brought out the WCW driver. Footage aired of the NWO crashing into the wall. Savage mocked the NWO car for not finishing the race. The WCW car finished 10th. Elizabeth came in at the end and begged Savage to listen to her explanation. Savage walked away… (3) Barbarian & Meng beat High Voltage when Barbarian pinned Rage at 3:40… (4) Glacier beat Mike Wenner at 2:35…
Eric Bischoff, Bobby Heenan, and Mike Tenay introduced the second hour of Nitro as fireworks shot off… (5) Jeff Jarrett beat Hugh Morrus at 4:20 with the figure-four leglock. Jarrett came to the ring to country music. Bischoff said a few months ago he received a call from Jeff who wanted a one-shot chance on WCW to prove himself, but now that he’s joined the NWO, he’s disappointed. Bischoff talked about Jeff’s roots with his father who promotes in Tennessee. Jarrett dominated offense at first and rested in the corner saying, “This is too easy.” He strutted and acted heelish. Bischoff said he was swindled into bringing Jarrett into WCW and never would have if he knew he would join the NWO… Schiavone interviewed Jarrett on the rampway. Jarrett addressed Hulk Hogan’s comments recently. He talked about Hogan claiming that his father Jerry Jarrett, Verne Gagne, and others wouldn’t have existed without him. Jarrett said Hogan never once put food on his father’s table. He said Hogan started in Tennessee. Fans chanted “NWO.” He said the history of the Funks, Briscos, and Thesz mean something to him. “You and the rest of the NWO can stick it.” Before going to a commercial, Bischoff said, “You know, I’m feeling a little bit better about life right now”…
(6) Arn Anderson beat at 7:20. Lex Luger ran to the ring afterward and cleared it of Anderson… (7) Lex Luger beat Dave Taylor. Tenay talked about Blue Blood Lord Steven Regal’s world tour defenses of the TV Title… (8) Rick Steiner (w/the injured Scott Steiner) beat Chris Benoit (w/Steve McMichael) after Rick grabbed McMichael’s metal briefcase and KO’d Benoit at 12:35. During the match, they showed a limosine pulling into the arena. Hulk Hogan and Giant stepped out. Hogan had Giant watch his back because he had business to take care of… The main event was scheduled to be Randy Savage vs. Ric Flair. The NWO then attacked Ric Flair backstage and when Randy Savage saved Liz from the Giant, Hogan attacked Savage. See cover story for details… [WK]
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