15 YRS AGO – WWE in Rochester, N.Y.: Triple H vs. Booker headlines, plus Steiner vs. Lance Storm, Molly vs. Jackie, Rico vs. Cappotelli, RVD vs. Christian, Hardy, D-Von, Jericho

Chris Jericho (art credit Grant Gould (c) PWTorch)


The following was published on PWTorch.com 15 years ago…

WWE Raw house show report
March 2, 2003
Rochester, N.Y.
Report by Greg Parks, PWTorch.com correspondent

(1) The Hurricane beat Steven Richards.

(2) Rico beat Matt Cappotelli. This was one of many changes on the card, as Cappotelli was listed as taking on Chief Morley, and Rico was scheduled to team with Molly against Spike & Jackie. After Rico won, Spike came out and said Matt did a great job and challenged Rico to a match.

(3) Spike beat Rico. This was an impromptu match that lasted about less than 2 minutes when Spike won with the Dudley Dog.

(4) Molly Holly beat Jackie. Molly faked an injury early in the match, going so far as to have the trainer and another ref come out and attempt to help her backstage.

(5) Scott Steiner beat Lance Storm. Storm was scheduled to team with Regal against the Dudleyz and Steiner was scheduled to face Batista. Obviously, they had to be changed due to injuries.

(6) Rob Van Dam beat Christian.

(7) Jeff Hardy beat Christopher Nowinski.

(8) D-Von Dudley beat Chief Morley. Bubba came out and distracted Morley. He was in obvious pain as he walked through the ropes into the ring.

(9) Chris Jericho beat Test (w/Stacy Keibler). Stacy had her ribs taped and walked around the ring gingerly, probably selling her attack on Raw. Christian came out and interfered a number of times on Jericho’s behalf.

(10) Triple H beat Booker T. to retain the World Title. After the ref got bumped, Booker T. hit a spin kick and tried covered Helmsley, but there was no ref to count. While Earl Hebner was still out, Charles Robinson came down and attempted to count a pin for Triple H, but Booker kicked out. Triple H then punched Robinson. In the end, Triple H got a chair from ringside, used it against Booker, and got the pin.

NOW CHECK OUT THE PREVIOUS 15 YEARS AGO FLASHBACK: 15 YRS AGO – WWE in Reading, Pa.: Orton injured in tag match with Batista against Dudleys, Triple H vs. Booker T, plus Jericho, Storm, RVD, Hardy, Steiner

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