JUNE 8, 2022
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur
Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts
Tonight after AEW Dynamite, join Wade Keller live with guest co-host Jake Barnett from ProWrestling.net to break down the show with live callers and emails.
•CALL: (347) 215-8558
•EMAIL COMMENTS/QUESTIONS: wadekellerpodcast@pwtorch.com
-Jim Ross introduced the show as the camera panned the audience.
Daniel Garcia, Lance Archer, and Tony Nese were in the ring. Darby Allen made his way to the ring to his music. Eddie Kingston came out next. He went right at Garcia. Excalibur explained these were the first five, and more would enter at intervals. Darby bashed Archer on the back with a skate board. Archer no-sold it. Darby hit him two more times to knock him to the floor, then he dove through the ropes and knocked him down. Fans chanted “Eddie!” as Darby re-entered the ring. They exchanged wild swings mid-ring.
Next out was Ricky Starks, who ran to the ring to his music and went right at Darby. Darby gave Starks a Code Red to slow him down. Starks fired back seconds later with a spear to Darby. Jake Hager, Rey Fenix, Swerve Strickland, and Keith Lee came out to round out the second batch of five. A graphic advertised Hangman vs. David Finlay and a Wardlow interview. Tony Schiavone said they’d update the C.M. Punk situation later in the show. (Yeah, that announcement was made on Rampage seen by less than half of Dynamite’s typical audience, so they probably should have led with that news. It’s the World Title, after all.) Lee eliminated Nese. Archer and Lee had a moment staring at each other before going to battle. Archer clotheslined Lee over the top rope, but Lee landed on the ring apron. Lee lifted Archer powerbomb style and dumped him over the top rope to the floor to eliminate him.
The next batch out was John Silver, Kokosuke Takeshita, Max Caster, Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn.
Caster took digs at Patrick Mahomes and took credit for breaking Punk’s foot, and he said he’s going to send Hager and Garcia back up Jericho’s butt. Anthony Bowens came out in a wheel chair and did some mic work, including trying to get the crowd to sing “Ass Boys!” They cut to a split-screen break. [c/ss]
(A Pride month segment aired where Nyla Rose said she’s a black indigenous trans woman who is living her best life on the big stage. She said times are changing, not always as fast as they’d like, but people like her are helping cultivate that change.)
Entering next were Powerhouse Hobbs, Dante Martin, Bobby Fish, Kyle O’Reilly, and Wheeler Yuta. Caster was eliminated next. Colten and Austin were eliminated by Lee. Swerve then dumped Lee over the top rope from behind. Ross called it street smarts. Schiavone said he swerved him. Andrade El Idolo was the final entrant. The announcers said he’s a newly married man and it’s been a while since they’ve seen him. He went after Darby and Swerve first. Schiavone said people might be wondering about Wardlow, but he’d speak with him later because he has a surprising thing to say about that. Kingston eliminated Garcia, Hager eliminated Kingston, and Yuta eliminated Hager. Starks and Hobbs knocked Takeshita off the ring apron to eliminate him. Starks ducked a charging Dante, who then flew over the top rope to the floor. Darby eliminated Fish. Swerve eliminated Darby as Darby charged at him. Andrade knocked Swerve over the top rope.
It came down to Fenix, O’Reilly, Hobbs, Andrade, and Yuta. Yuta came up behind Hobbs and dumped him over the top rope. Excalibur said if Yuta won, he’d face his Blackpool Combat Club partner in the main event. O’Reilly and Andrade double-teamed Yuta. Yuta fought back and then leaped off the top rope with a dropkick on Ancrade before kipping up. O’Reilly and Yuta battled as Andrade kneed a flying Fenix in the jaw. Fenix fired back with a spinning hook kick. Andrade gave Fenix a low blow mid-air and then eliminated him.
O’Reilly, Yuta, and Andrade were left. Yuta dukced a charging Andrade to eliminate him. Yuta then dumped O’Reilly onto the ring apron. O’Reilly and Yuta battled on the ring apron. Yuta kicked O’Reilly in the head. O’Reilly gave Yuta a dragon screw, though, and then knocked Yuta to the floor.
WINNER: O’Reilly in 25:00 to earn a slot against Moxley in the main event.
(Keller’s Analysis: That was a surprise winner. I had him least likely to win among the final three for sure. That was a fun battle royal.)
-They went to Moxley backstage who talked about going big game hunting in New Japan and AEW. He said things have been crazy in AEW lately. He said he vowed in January to grab pro wrestling by the balls and tonight, the “Wednesday night war” has come to life. He said he’s facing the wrong guy at the wrong place at the wrong time because this chance to headline Forbidden Door for the Interim Title belongs to him. He closed by saying, “Hi Mom.”
-Excalibur hyped Pac vs. Buddy Matthews was up next. [c]
-They went to the announcers who said the surgery on Punk’s lower leg was completed successfululy and the doctors are pleased. They shifted to an announcement about a new title coming to AEW. Schiavone narrated a video package calling Tony Khan a visionary. They announced the All-Atlantic Title. The brackets are Buddy Matthews vs. Pac, Miro vs. Ethan Page, Penta Oscuro vs. Malakai Black, and two wrestlers from New Japan. The finals will be at Forbidden Door.
(Keller’s Analysis: Belts for everyone! I can’t wait to see what belt they’ll add next month.)
(2) BUDDY MATTHEWS vs. PAC – All-Atlantic Title Tournament match
They cut to a split-screen break a few minutes in. [c/ss]
Pac landed a Poison Rana and a running pump kick to the face. He followed with a top rope Black Arrow for the win.
WINNER: Pac in 11:00.
-Penta and Fenix celebrated with Pac afterward. Malakai Black, Brody King, and Julia Hart met a defeated Matthews on the ramp.
-Eddie Kingston cut a promo about Hager costing him his chance to become champion. He said Hager, Garcia, “2point0 whatever your names are,” and Chris Jericho not to count him down. He challenged Hager to a match on Friday before or after the NBA and NHL. He grabbed a producer and told him his minute is up. [c]
-Trent Beretta stood mid-ring and said it’s supposed to be National Best Friends Day, but his friends weren’t there. He told FTR to come on out and make things right by giving him and Rocky Romero another title shot. FTR came out to their music. Fans began chanting “FTR!” Cash Wheeler said they’re the best tag team on the planet. Dax Harwood said if it were up to them, they’d give them a title match right now. Dax said his partner isn’t there, though. He said Trent’s issues shouldn’t be with them, though. He said he should be upset at who attacked them and cost them the title match, “Will Ospreay’s bitch boys.” He was interrupted by music and a New Japan logo on the big screen. Out walked Will Ospreay. Excalibur said he’s the leader of the United Empire. Ross said fans are rejoicing. Aaron Henare, Kyle Fletcher, and Mark Davis attacked DTR and Beretta. Ross said Ospreay is considered one of the top three or four wrestlers in the world. Ospreay gave Trent a running elbow to the back of his head. The United Empire struck a post mid-ring.
-Schiavone interviewed Kyle O’Reilly who was with Fish, Adam Cole, and William Regal. Regal asked O’Reilly if he’s sure he wants to face Moxley beacuse his wife and friends are going to miss him. He said he’ll be on commentary as he gets his head cracked open. O’Reilly shook his hand and snarled at him. O’Reilly said he came to AEW to fight the best in the world and fight for the AEW Title. Cole told O’Reilly he’s got it.
-A graphic hyped Moxley vs. O’Reilly.
(Keller’s Analysis: I like that we heard from O’Reilly, and having Regal part of it made it better.)
-Cole made his ring entrance to his music and joined the announcers on commentary. [c]
They cut to a split screen break a couple minutes in. [c/ss]
Finlay leaped off the top rope, but Hangman rolled through. Finlay shifted Hangman into an inside cradle for a two count. Finaly back suplexed Hangman nearly onto the top of his head. Hangman fired back with a lariat and then a Buckshot Lariat for the win.
WINNER: Hangman in 11:00.
-Hangman stood in the ring with a mic in hand as fans chanted “Cowboy Shit!” He said there’s a lot he wants to say about the AEW World Championship, but tonight isn’t the night. He said he wasn’t in “the little battle royal and it doesn’t look like I’m getting a title shot anytime soon.” He said since that’s the case, he remembers that there’s not just one World Championship in pro wrestling. He said the last Sunday in June, he’s issuing a challenge to the IWGP Champion Okada. Cole stood up and asked Hangman if he’s that delusional. Cole said Jay White might be IWGP Champion by then. He said Hangman isn’t champion anymore, whereas he won the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament. He said he’s on a role, and he should be the one to get an IWGP Title. He said it’s his time. He said AEW is all about Adam Cole, bay bay. He said he should stay out of his way. He said “Boom” and dropped the mic.
(Keller’s Analysis: Too many AEW wrestlers are walking around with belts.)
-They showed Thunder Rosa issuing an open challenge to anyone, even if they’re not in the top five. Marina Shafir walked in. Rosa asked if she has a problem. Shafir said she’d like to be her problem and she challenged her to solve her.
-Schiavone interviewed Wardlow. He said Wardlow decided not to be in the battle royal. He said he knows Wardlow has something on his mind. Fans chanted “Wardlow.” He welcomed Kansas City to “Wardlow’s World.” He said he asked not to take part in the battle royal . There were scattered boos. He said Punk is their champion, so if he’s not making him tap or pinning him, he doesn’t want it yet. “So heal up real quick champ, because you bet your ass I’ll be waiting for you when you come back.” He said there is a title he does want. He said some men have brought prestige to this title, but since then others haven’t. He said he wants the TNT Title. “It’s time for a change around here,” he said. Scorpio Sky walked out with the TNT Title belt. Dan Lambert and Ethan Page ran out to try to stop Sky. Lambert called Wardlow a piece of trash for issuing a challenge to Sky when he’s got a bad knee. Wardlow said now that he’s All Elite, he can wait until he’s 110 percent.
-“Smart” Mark Sterling stood backstage with six security guys. He yelled a message to Wardlow. He said Wardlow can face him in a court of law or wrestle 20 security guys in an elimination match next week. “Either way, you pay,” he said.
(Keller’s Analysis: I get AEW wanting to explain why Wardlow wasn’t in the battle royal or even in the Moxley spot, but having him say he only wants to beat Punk because Punk is the real champion undercuts the prestige of the Interim Championship. Having him turn down a chance to become Interim Champion and then face Punk when he’s healthy and instead facing 20 security guys makes him look rather silly. His promo ability is not high-end right now. I don’t know about declaring it “Wardlow’s World,” either.) [c]
-The Young Bucks were lounging in a furnished room. Matt Jackson said they’re back and they want their titles back. The Hardys barged in, saying they overheard them. Matt said they beat them at Double or Nothing “clean as a whistle.” He said they deserve a tag team title shot. In walked Christian, Jungle Boy, and Luchasaurus. Christian challenged both teams to have a match that put them on the map – a triple threat ladder match for the tag team titles. The Hardys and the Bucks were all in. The Bucks told Brandon Cutler to cut the camera and called him a “dumbass.”
(Keller’s Analysis: This felt amateurish. Everybody just happened to be walking by the doorway? Where were they, anyway?)
(4) THUNDER ROSA vs. MARINA SHAFIR – AEW Women’s Title match
They cut to a split-screen break a couple minutes in. [c/ss]
Rosa ended up winning with a roll-up.
WINNER: Rosa in 7:00 to retain the AEW Women’s Title.
-Rosa celebrated with her back turned to Shafir. Shafir kicked her from behind. Fans booed. Shafir judo threw her hard to the mat and then applied a submission hold on the mat. Toni Storm ran out for the save. Rosa came back and sitout powerbombed Shafir mid-ring. Storm picked up the AEW Title belt and looked over at Rosa. She paused, then handed Rosa the belt. Ross said of course Storm has the title on her mind.
-Schiavone interviewed Jade Cargill, Stokely Hathaway, and The Baddies (Red Velvet, Keira Hogan). They talked about Kris Statlander facing Velvet next week.
-Excalibur plugged Rampage: Velvet vs. Statlander, FTR & Beretta vs. United Empire, Jake Hager vs. Kingston, Satnam Singh in action, and Hook and Danhaussen would talk. Dynamite next week will feature Jericho vs. Ortiz, Wardlow vs. “Plaintiffs,” Ethan vs. Miro, and the three-way ladder tag match for the AEW Tag Team Titles. [c]
(5) JON MOXLEY vs. KYLE O’REILLY – AEW Interim Title semi-final
With O’Reilly in control at ringside, they cut to a split screen break. [c/ss]
They battled at ringside during the break. Back from the break, they were back in the ring and exchanging strikes mid-ring. Moxley took O’Reilly down with a cutter and then set up a Gotch-style piledriver. O’Reilly sat up and applied a triangle sleeper. He elbowed Mox in the head while having the hold locked on. He shifted to an anklelock. Ross touted what a great wrestling match it was after a strong night of wrestling. Regal called it a clinic. Mox punched out of it and then piledrove O’Reilly for a near fall. O’Reilly came back with a barrage of strikes. They collided mid-ring and each hit three lariats and then fell together to their knees. “This is AEW,” Regal said. “This is where we fight. Leave the entertainment elsewhere. This is what it’s all about.” Mox put O’Reilly in a sleeper. Fans chanted “This is awesome!” Mox gave O’Reilly a running Regal knee followed by the Paradigm Shift for the win. Excalibur breathlessly speed-read matches scheduled for next week.
WINNER: Moxley to advance to the Forbidden Door main event for the AEW Interm World Title.
(Keller’s Analysis: Really good match, just as you’d expect with these two in a spotlight position like this.)
Tonight after AEW Dynamite, join Wade Keller live with guest co-host Jake Barnett from ProWrestling.net to break down the show with live callers and emails.
•CALL: (347) 215-8558
•EMAIL COMMENTS/QUESTIONS: wadekellerpodcast@pwtorch.com
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