The following report originally published 5 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…
NOVEMBER 6, 2019
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excallibur.
Ring announcer: Justin Roberts
-The AEW Dynamite opening theme aired. Then Jim Ross enthusiastically introduced the show as the camera panned the crowd and pyro blasted. They went to Ross, Excalibur, and Schiavone on camera who listed advertised matches – a match between Private Party and Dark Order to determine who would be added to the SCU vs. Lucha Bros. tag title match at Full Gear, Jamie Hayter & Sakura vs. Riho & Shanna, Cody’s announcement, and Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara vs. Hangman Page & Kenny Omega. When Cody’s face appeared on the big screen, a big “Cody!” chant broke out. They also cheered when the main event graphics came on the screen. Ross then said Trent vs. Pac was up first.
(1) PAC vs. TRENT BERRETA (w/Chuck Taylor, Orange Cassidy)
The announcers talked about Pac and Hangman Page battling on PPV this Saturday night in a “rubber match.” Fans chanted “Pac, you suck!” Pac got in Cassidy’s face at ringside, then reentered the ring and went after Trent. Trent got the better of him. Pac took over and took it to Trent at ringside. Fans chanted “Pac, you suck!” again. Schiavone talked about the great crowd in Charlotte, then shifted to plugging the Dynamite event in Memphis, Tenn. with ticket launch this Friday. Pac landed a corkscrew dive to the floor, then a missile dropkick back in the ring. Fans were chanting “Let’s go Trent!” Pac scored a two count, then settled into a wrenching side headlock. The announcers touted AEW’s tag team division. They showed a cool camera angle from behind about the sixth row.
Cassidy nonchalantly entered the ring as Chuck distracted the ref. Pac then kicked Cassidy in the face and shoved him out of the ring. Fans were insanely into what was happening (such a contrast to Raw in Long Island on Monday). Trent took it to Pac next, including a flip dive of his own onto Pac at ringside. Nice impact on that one. Pac managed to not make it look like he was standing there waiting to catch him for any longer than necessary. Trent speared Pac on the floor. A “Trent! Trent!” chant broke out. Trent gave Pac a running knee from behind for a two count. Trent landed a tornado DDT for a two count. Pac took a great bump. Back at ringside a minute later, Pac surprised Trent with a sudden brainbuster suplex. Both were slow to get up. Pac landed a his Black Arrow finisher. The ref oddly stopped his count at two even though there wasn’t even a hint of a kickout. Pac then quickly applied the Brutalizer for the win via ref stoppage. Ross said Pac “got pissed” and turned it up a notch.
WINNER: Pac in 14:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: I don’t know what was supposed to happen there – probably Pac forgot to lift Trent’s shoulders before three to tell the story that he wanted to finish him with his Brutalizer submission – but the ref has to finish the three count there no matter what he thinks the finish is supposed to be. That looked terrible. On another note, why is Trent lasting that long with Pac? Trent is portrayed as a comedy mid-card tag team act. Pac is a top level intense “bastard” in a top singles match on Saturday. I don’t agree with the notion that a good 14 minute match is better than a more one-sided eight minute match because there’s a larger story AEW is telling, and a good evenly fought 14 minute match doesn’t always make sense for the two wrestlers in different places on the card. That said, it was a really good match and the crowd is insanely into this product. It’s such a refreshing contrast to the disintegration of goodwill and enthusiasm fans have with WWE right now – even those attending live events.) [c]
-Cody made his ring entrance. Schiavone interviewed him mid-ring. Schiavone said Charlotte is one of pro wrestling’s great wrestling cities and the birthplace of Cody. Cody said they’re not surprised that the arrival of Chris Jericho and The Inner Circle “has been blunt and strategic.” He said they’ve taken a scalpel to The Elite. He said they’ve been looking for them from the start. He said they’ve looked for names they could put their name on a card against. He listed himself, The Bucks, Kenny Omega, and his brother. Fans loudly chanted “AEW!” He said this Saturday he finds himself on the marquee “with our AEW World Champion, Chris Jericho.” Boos.
Cody asked for fans to indulge him as he rattled off some names – Eddie Graham, “Cowboy” Bill Watts, “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes. A loud “Dusty!” chant broke out. He said they were all titans in their business – both bell to bell and at the box office. He said those who saw them in person have memories that reverberate in their heart. He said there’s an air of controversy that surrounds some of them. He said in addition to being competitors, they were management “not unlike myself.” He said he’s told everyone how proud he is of AEW and the all-inclusive nature of the schedule and that they listen. “This is Ellis Island for a professional wrestlers. This is freedom!” They cut to fans standing and cheering. Then came an “AEW!” chant. He said when he hears the same criticism of being in management and in a title match, “I can’t not hear it.” He said with that said, he is announcing that if he doesn’t defeat Chris Jericho – at which point the crowd interrupted with a loud “You deserve it!” chant – and win Saturday, he will never challenge for the AEW Title again. Boos.
He shifted to what Jericho has said about him and their fans – calling him a “self-entitled millennial bitch.” He made fun of Jericho’s book being available for three dollars on Amazon or at flea markets. He said he neglected to read about the upbringing he had that was “so hard.” He said: “You talked about my silver spoon. Gosh, it must’ve been so difficult being the upper-class son of a famous hockey player. It is almost like we shared the exact same silver spoon, you stupid dick.” They cut to fans reacting to what he said. Cody said Jericho dismissed every accomplishment he made. He said Jericho is a carney succubus. He said Jericho needs this generation more than it needs him, and he’s surrounded himself with them. He said this isn’t about his dad – not the dead. He said it’s about the living – his mother, wife, and the 14 years it took him to go from undesirable to un-god-damn-deniable. His voice cracked as he said that. He paused and took a deep breath. He said at Full Gear he’ll beat him and become champion. He said The Elite are coming “and we are going to eat you alive.”
(Keller’s Analysis: Tremendous. Just great passion. I thought he was heading toward saying he wasn’t going to be in management anymore. I wish he’d have talked about what he did to earn the title shot rather than apologizing, in a way, for it.) [c]
Check out the latest episode of the “All Elite Conversation Club” with Joel Dehnel and Gregg Kanner, part of the PWTorch Dailycast line-up: CLICK HERE to stream (or search “pwtorch” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any other iOS or Android app to subscribe free)
They cut to a break a few minutes in with Grayson of Dark Order landing a springboard senton at ringside onto Kassidy. They cut to break at Dark Order gathered at ringside. [c]
In the end, Grayson hit a 450 splash for near fall, then set up for the Fatality on Kassidy, but Quen broke it up. Then Kassidy hit Uno with Silly String. Private Party then finished Grayson with Gin & Juice for the win. Ross touted the resilience and youth of Private Party, “two 27 year old kids.”
WINNERS: Private Party in 14:00.
-SCU came out as Private Party celebrated and trash talked them about their AEW Tag Team Title match on Saturday. The Lucha Bros. came out too.
-Ross said they received a video from Chris Jericho that they haven’t seen yet but are going to play. (Dangerous!)
-The video began with Sammy Guevara walking up to Jericho who was seated at a table. He suggested different bubbly for Jericho, who seemed lost in thoughts. Jericho picked one and then kissed him on the cheek. Guevara said Jericho is like a father figure to him. They showed Jericho in a bubble bath in his wrestling gear, sipping bubbly out of a bottle. “Soultrain Jones” (a/k/a Virgil from the WWF) talked about how he’s known Jericho since he was 12. “He was as driven back then as he is right now.” Santana said no one works harder than Jericho. Ortiz said Guevara isn’t a man; he doesn’t even have chest hair. A woman purporting to be Jericho’s “Aunt’s Friend from Church” said she knew when Christopher was a young boy, he’d grow up to be an AEW Champion. He said he hopes Jericho survives. Guevara said at age 48, Jericho is the youngest AEW Champion in history and in the prime of his life. Fans laughed. They showed Jake Hager, but he didn’t talk. They showed Jericho working out. The old lady said she knows Jericho is going to beat the shit out of Cody at full gear. Hager took another deep breath in front of a brick wall. Virgil said Jericho is like the Olive Garden bread sticks – unlimited. Fans laughed. Jericho said Cody has management meetings on Nov. 9 whereas all he has to do is sip a little bit of the bubbly. Jericho said it’s a lot of responsibility, but one he has to face “because I’m the cham-pay-own.”
(Keller’s Analysis: Tremendous. Start to finish. Love the old lady saying Jericho was destined his whole life to be AEW Champion. Virgil was a nice cameo. Good portrayal of Hager.)
-The announcers hyped Santana & Ortiz vs. The Young Bucks at the PPV, and showed Santana & Ortiz attacking The Rock & Roll Express last week. They hyped other Full Gear matches, too.
In the end, Sakura gave Shanna a Vader Bomb. Riho broke up the cover and then landed a double-stomp off the ropes. Sakura then leveraged Riho down with a Magistral Cradle after a series of reversals. Excalibur said Sakura gained momentum heading to Full Gear to challenge Riho.
WINNERS: Sakura & Hayter in (you’ll never guess…) 14:00.
-Ross threw to a video saying “the evolution of Brandi Rhodes continues.” Brandi talked about working so hard to get where she is today, but she is dismissed from her merit because of who she is. She said she’s seen as a pretty face getting an advantage because of Cody. She sat on a red chair and looked to be dressed up for Halloween. Awesome Kong’s image flashed on the screen. She said with her brains and Kong’s powers, they can create night terrors and rip through everyone’s dreams and make them long for what were their worst nightmares. She said they won’t be denied. “Who are the bullies now?” she asked.
(Keller’s Analysis: I like the idea of Brandi being the spokeswoman or leader of Kong – one might say “an advocate.” She was really good in this well-produced vignette.) [c]
Cutler was already in the ring. They cut to the stage and Spears was sitting on a chair on the stage. “The Chairman has arrived,” said Excalibur. (Is this just meant to undercut or co-opt Vince McMahon’s title in WWE?) He stood and brought his chair to the ring; Tully Blanchard accompanied him. Spears revealed a t-shirt that said, “No More Garbage Wrestling.” They showed a clip of Spears using pliers to try to rip Joey Janela’s tongue out “earlier this week” on AEW Dark. Schiavone said, “That’s kind of crossing the line, don’t you think?” he said. (Uh, yeah. One might say that.) Schiavone talked about Tully’s legendary status.
Cutler took control early and landed a guillotine legdrop on the edge of the ring apron. Spears came back and threw him into the ringside barricade twice. Then he pummeled him with punches and landed a running knee. Back in the ring, Spears finished Cutler with his running Death Valley Driver.
WINNER: Spears in 4:00.
-When Spears went after Culter afterward, setting up a Death Valley Driver on a chair, Janela ran out, so Spears and Blanchard retreated. Fans chanted “Joey!”
(Keller’s Analysis: This was spot on the right presentation of Spears, and Cutler is valuable in this role.)
-A video package aired on the Omega-Moxley match. It included snippets of Mox’s promo last week. Omega said Mox shouldn’t act surprised the match is unsanctioned. “What did you think we were going to do, chain wrestle?” They showed past brawls the two had this summer. Omega said his best work was never when he was handed anything, it was because he had to sacrifice something. They showed footage of Moxley in a hospital with is elbow taped up, then tearing off bandages. They showed vintage clips of Moxley in a barbed wire match. Omega said he’s glad they’re going to a dark place and he can’t wait to see him there.
(Keller’s Analysis: Good video. They still haven’t really established who Omega is supposed to be for newer viewers, but at least he got to talk a bit and convey his quirky personality.) [c]
-Ring entrances took place for the main event. [c]
Omega and Guevara entered the ring first, but then Jericho tagged in. Before locking up, Jericho tagged out and Guevara re-entered. He chomped his gum and acted cocky. Schiavone touted Omega as maybe the greatest wrestler in the world who can do anything. Omega and Page took turns beating up Guevara until he tagged in Jericho. Jericho made a comeback against Page and landed a missile dropkick. He stomped away on Page. Sammy tagged back in. He took control against Omega, but Omega caught Sammy mid-air on a springboard move with a dropkick. Sammy bailed out to ringside. The crowd stood and clapped as Omega signaled for a running dive to the floor. Jericho cut him off. Omega then knocked Jericho to the floor. As he set up a running dive and bound into the ropes, Hager hit Omega. Sammy took over again and played to the hard camera. [c]
They stayed with the action on split screen. Back from the break, Omega hot-tagged in Page. Page knocked Guevara off the ring apron. Then he dove onto him on the floor. Back in the ring he dropped Jericho with a wind-up lariat. Jericho went for a Walls of Jericho, but Page powered out. Omega entered and battled Guevara, but Omega backdropped him into the arms of Hager at ringside. Omega then finally flip dove onto both Hager and Guevara. Page then landed a moonsault onto Jericho and Guevara at ringside. Jericho distracted the ref as Pac came out and kicked Page in the crotch. Jericho hit the Judas Effect for the win.
WINNER: Jericho & Guevara in 14:00.
-Jericho, Guevara, and Hager attacked Page. Cody ran out for the save. Jericho ran away, but Cody caught Guevara with a dropdown uppercut. Cody yanked off his white jacket and tie. Jericho backed away and talked the whole way up the ramp. MJF then came up behind and whacked Hager with a chair, then tossed Jericho into the ring. Cody gave him a Crossroads. Fans chanted “Cody! Cody!” Cody looked down at the belt. Then he held up the belt.
Suddenly Moxley showed up with a barbed wire baseball bat, walking thorough the crowd. He climbed to ringside as fans chanted “Holy shit!” He entered the ring and stood opposite of Omega. Jericho hit a distracted Cody from behind and yanked him to the floor. Omega rolled out to ringside as Mox stood his ground in the ring. Omega returned with a barbed wire broom. Santana and Ortiz then knocked Moxley into Omega. They stomped away at both of them and then picked up the barbed wire weapons. The Young Bucks ran out for the save and delivered superkicks to clear the ring. Fans went bonkers as they dove through the ropes and tackled Santana and Ortiz. They brawled up the ramp as fans chanted “AEW!”
Santana and Ortiz set up Matt Jackson for a powerbomb off the stage, but Omega made the save. Omega then delivered a V-Trigger to Ortiz. Moxley delivered a Paradigm Shift DDT to Santana. Then he turned back to brawling with Omega into the entrance tunnel. Matt Jackson stood on the entrance tunnel and flip dove onto a crowd of wrestlers brawling below on the stage. He took out a cameraman, too. A very loud “Holy shit!” chant broke out. They closed with the Bucks, Cody, and MJF on the stage yelling down at Jericho & Co. Then they charged and brawled again.
(Keller’s Analysis: One hell of an ending to set up a bunch of PPV matches in one wild segment. Really effective.)
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