The following report originally published 10 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…
WWE Smackdown review
January 2, 2015
Taped 12/30/14 in Norfolk, Va.
Aired on USA Network
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist
– WWE Open.
– A video package aired, succinctly telling the story of the main event segment on Raw.
– Edge and Christian came out. They didn’t seem all that upset by the happenings of Monday night. Michael Cole on commentary said that Edge & Christian have filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against WWE, Stephanie McMahon and Triple H for breach of contract, assault and battery and “loss of consortium.” We’ll have to get Pat McNeill on this to discuss whether they have a leg to stand on. Edge spoke somberly about what happened Monday, but then Christian said they have a great show for us. Edge said The Authority can’t do anything about it. I’m not sure why. As they were about to kick things off, a limo arrived backstage. You know, there aren’t enough limos in wrestling anymore. Out came Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury. Noble criticized the limo driver for having some sort of feces on his shoes.
As Edge and Christian were getting back to business in the ring, the music of Seth Rollins began playing. Out walked Mercury and Noble, Mercury with a folder in hand. Edge made a short joke and Christian called them geeks. Noble said they had a prepared statement that The Authority wants read. Mercury took it out. The letter, that is. He said The Authority disavows any knowledge of the attack from Monday, saying that Seth Rollins did it on his own accord. The Authority did apologize for what happened. The Authority understands that Edge & Christian are contractually obligated to host Smackdown and The Authority won’t intervene. However, J&J Security will be appointed “official observers” of Smackdown. Hey, after eight years, I think I deserve that title. In this context, it meant that any funny business by E&C would be reported to WWE Headquarters.
Edge noted that after all that, they’re still in control. And the first match he wanted to make was J&J Security vs. Ryback. But he didn’t want to do anything to endanger lives, so instead he made Ryback vs. Big Show. Christian had other ideas, specifically the main event, wherein Rusev would take on Roman Reigns. Noble said he’s taking notes and that all of this will go on their permanent files. Edge said he doesn’t even work there anymore. Christian said their show starts right now. Bray Wyatt walked to the ring with his lantern as they went to break.
[Commercial Break]
Yes, they’re giving this match away with no hype. I don’t think we should be shocked anymore, however, at what matches WWE is willing to just give away. Wyatt yelled for Rowan to “lay down” for him, but Rowan refused. Rowan went on offense but missed a corner charge and went shoulder-first into the post. Outside the ring, Wyatt sent Rowan head-first into the post. “Why are you doing this to me?” Wyatt asked. Wyatt released Rowan from the Wyatt Family because, according to Cole, Wyatt said, “I fixed him.” Rowan fought back and headbutted Wyatt in the corner. A couple of Irish whips and splashes followed. Rowan yelled a lot, which got the crowd into it a bit. Rowan seemed to show some compassion and apologize to Wyatt, only for Wyatt to hit him with Sister Abigail for the win.
WINNER: Wyatt, at 4:00. So not only is Rowan a loser, but he’s a sucker, too. But hey, at least he’s a genius. That’ll be an easy babyface to root for.
A few high-impact moments of the match were replayed. Wyatt got the mic after the match and addressed Dean Ambrose. He said if he’s willing to do “that” (what he just did to Rowan) to his own flesh and blood, to someone he loves, what does Ambrose think will happen to him? Wyatt said his story with Ambrose ends with Ambrose lying in the back of an ambulance.
– Still to come: Ryback vs. Big Show.
– Edge and Christian were backstage. They saw J&J walking up so began to talk loudly to get their attention. Noble and Mercury did the five-second pose for Edge & Christian, who just walked away.
[Commercial Break]
– Goldust, Stardust, and Adam Rose were in the ring for six-man tag action. They showed Rose attacking The Bunny after a loss to R-Truth two weeks ago on Raw. R-Truth then came out, making a separate entrance from his teammates, The Usos. A recap aired of The Usos regaining the Tag Titles Monday night, defeating The Miz & Damien Mizdow.
Truth and Rose interacted with the fans, leading to Truth rolling Rose up for two. One of the Usos was quickly sent to ringside soon after, where Stardust tore off his t-shirt. They went to break at 1:02 of the match.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 4:37 with Goldust working over Jey Uso. A powerslam netted him a two-count at 5:12. Stardust then tagged in and stomped on Jey’s leg. Adam Rose entered legally and dropped a knee across the throat of Jey. Goldust whipped Jey into the heel corner, where Jey clotheslined both Stardust and Adam Rose off the apron. Jimmy finally tagged in at 7:37, and he got the upper-hand on Rose. Truth launched himself over the top and onto Goldust. Stardust landed a Falling Star onto Truth outside the ring. Party Foul was countered with a superkick and Jey splashed Rose for the win.
WINNERS: Truth and The Usos, at 8:44. Fine for a mid-card match, and it was nice to see Truth and Rose hobnobbing with champions.
After the match, a few Rosebuds tried to enter the ring and attack the winners, but they were disposed of quickly. The Usos dressed up with some of the gear worn by the fallen Rosebuds.
– Tonight’s main event, Roman Reigns vs. Rusev.
– Next, Daniel Bryan’s important announcement from Raw will be revisited.
[Commercial Break]
– Tom Phillips announced that John Cena was honored with a 2014 Celebs Gone Good award.
– The announcers were shown on-camera discussing Daniel Bryan’s announcement on Monday. Phillips pitched it to that announcement from Raw.
Check out the latest episode of the Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Post-show covering the latest episode of Smackdown: CLICK HERE to stream (or search “wade Keller” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any other iOS or Android app to subscribe free)
As Ryback came to the ring, we saw part of his speech from Monday night. Show clotheslined Ryback over the top rope early on. Ryback got his boot up in the corner and came off the second rope twice with double axe-handles to the head. As Ryback readied for the Meat Hook clothesline, Show exited the ring. They went to break at 1:36.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 4:41 with Show laying into Ryback. Show continued working over Ryback, specifically the leg, so the announcers could bring up the injury to his leg Ryback mentioned on Raw. Show took off Ryback’s kneepad and continued to focus on the left leg. When Ryback finally got to his feet, Show delivered a bodyslam near the ropes so Ryback’s legs crashed into them. Ryback bought himself some time by side-stepping Show, who ended up at ringside. Show came back in but Ryback’s usual power moves had little effect. A Thesz Press did, however. Splash by Ryback followed by a “Feed Me More” chant. Ryback came off the middle rope but Show caught him by the throat. Ryback signaled Show to go up and he jumped right into a spinebuster. As he set up for a clothesline, the Russian flag unfurled and Rusev and Lana walked out. Ryback went to the apron to, I don’t know, stare and sneer at Rusev rather than concentrated on his opponent. That allowed Show to land a knockout punch, sending Ryback to the floor below. He was counted out.
WINNER: Show, via count-out, at 11:30. Not an aesthetically-pleasing match. So not only is Ryback a loser, he’s a sucker, too. That’ll be an easy babyface to root for. Hmm I’m getting a sense of déjà vu
After the match, Rusev went after Ryback and tried to give him the Accolade. Instead, Ryback fought free and clotheslined Rusev over the top rope. At least Ryback came out on top in the end, I guess. Of course, in this instance, the saving grace is that match results don’t matter, which isn’t much of a saving grace in the long run.
– Rusev vs. Roman Reigns is still to come.
– Edge was standing outside the bathroom backstage. Noble and Mercury walked up asking where Christian was. Edge said he’s in the bathroom. Noble insisted on going in. A woman screamed. Edge moved away from a “Women” sign that he was covering, indicating it was the women’s restroom. Edge said Christian was in the men’s bathroom.
[Commercial Break]
Another inset interview aired with Cesaro, Tyson Kidd, and Natalya, reacting to The Authority’s return to power. They were happy. Cesaro and Kidd high-fived, but Kidd left Nattie hanging. No entrance for Los Matadores. Double-team move by the Matadors for a near-fall. Blind tag by Cesaro as Kidd was dropkicked off the apron. Fernando came through the ropes for a suicide dive on Kidd, but Cesaro met him with an uppercut. Double back-body drop by the heels on Fernando. Cesaro gave the swing to Fernando, then Kidd hit a dropkick in mid-swing. Fernando avoided a second double back-body drop. He also dropkicked Kidd, who was coming off the top rope. Tag was made by both men. Diego’s flying headbutts found the mark in Cesaro’s chest. He did a near head-stand on the turnbuckle and JBL mused, “I remember when I used to do that.” The heels got the advantage and Cesaro put Diego up for a powerbomb, allowing Kidd to come off the top with a blockbuster for the win.
WINNERS: Cesaro and Kidd, at 4:01. Impressive performance by Kidd and Cesaro, especially the finish. The team just keeps getting better.
The finish of the match was replayed.
– Dean Ambrose was walking backstage. He’s in action, next.
[Commercial Break]
– Curtis Axel was in the ring to face Dean Ambrose. It figures Edge and Christian would go easier on the babyface tonight, giving him Axel while Wyatt had to face Rowan. Before the match even started, Ambrose attacked Ambrose and acted like a wild man. Axel collected himself briefly, but not enough to get anything sustained going. Ambrose delivered Dirty Deeds He asked for a mic. Ambrose cut a promo on his way to the back, hyping his Ambulance Match with Wyatt on Raw. There just happened to be an ambulance to the side of the entrance. He told Wyatt what he’s going to do with him on Raw. Most of the violence was ambulance-related. He said he’d take Bray Wyatt to “Happy New Year Hell.”
– Another plug for Reigns vs. Rusev tonight.
– An Ascension vignette aired. They mentioned the Road Warriors (curiously, not the Legion of Doom) and Demolition and said they’re next to carry on that lineage. They’re also up next.
[Commercial Break]
– The announcers were again shown on-camera. John Cena vs. Edge is now “one of the most storied rivalries in WWE history.” They once again showed some of the final segment on Raw. I’m still not used to short-haired Edge.
– On the first Raw of 2015, The Authority returns. Even though technically, they returned this past Monday.
Viktor stomped away at one of the poor youngsters in the corner. Konnor tagged in and kept him in their corner. A double beal out of the corner and the next guy tagged in. He had silver and pink tights. They splashed both men in the corner then finished off the second guy with the Fall of Man.
WINNERS: The Ascension, at 1:20. I think, if the Ascension is to get over on the main roster, obliterating jobbers is how they’ll do it.
A few replays from the match aired.
– Edge & Christian were backstage making small talk. Speaking of small, Noble and Mercury walked in. They said it’s about time they get the office ready for The Authority. So they started taking down the E&C props in the office (including a Canadian flag) and started setting up for The Authority. I’m not sure why, as The Authority wasn’t going to be there anyway. Edge took out a few markers and they started drawing on the blown up Triple H & Stephanie’s Muscle & Fitness cover that J&J Security had set up. Ten years from now, the WWE Archivist on Twitter will Tweet (or whatever social media platform is around then) a picture of that from the warehouse.
[Commercial Break]
– The announcers plugged WWE Countdown following Smackdown on the WWE Network, as well as the Royal Rumble.
As Reigns came out, they showed Reigns delivering the Superman punch to show on Raw two weeks ago. Then, this past Monday, Show interfered in the Reigns vs. Rollins match. Rusev missed a haymaker in the corner, allowing both opponents to reset in the middle of the ring. Rear waist-lock take-down of Reigns by Rusev. This is the first match where I feel the audio sweetener is really noticeable. Reigns clotheslined Rusev over the top rope as they cut to break at 1:39 of the main event.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 4:36 of the match. Reigns plowed into the mid-section of Rusev with shoulder shots. Rusev was brought throat-first across the top rope by Reigns. Reigns missed a shoulder charge in the corenr though and Rusev delivered a German suplex. Another suplex followed for two at 5:34. Rusev took Reigns down with a back elbow and stomped away on his competitor. Fall-away slam by Rusev for two at 7:15. Rusev settled into a rest-hold. Reigns blocked an attempt by Rusev to send him face-first into the buckle. Rusev sent Reigns outside the ring, but Reigns pounded on the announce desk in anger. He re-entered the ring and gave Rusev a flying clothesline. He continued the offense with a unique roll-up for two. Rusev took back over and stomped on the ground like he was Mantaur. Hey, if it were 1995, he just might’ve been. A Superman punch sent Rusev to ringside. Reigns put Rusev back in the ring, but noticed Show walking down the aisle. Reigns wasted no time in coming over to him and giving him the Superman punch. Back in the ring, jumping side kick by Rusev for two. Rusev got to his feet first. He missed another side kick and Reigns speared Rusev. He was close to the ropes, which meant Show pulled Reigns out as he went for the cover. Referee Charles Robinson signaled for the bell.
WINNER: Reigns, via disqualification, at 12:30.
Show tossed Reigns around at ringside. He continued throwing Reigns into the barricade, then Show speared him. Show arranged the announce table to his liking and went to chokeslam Reigns onto it. THE move was unsuccessful. Reigns gathered himself and gave Show a jumping dropkick. Show dove at Reigns, but Reigns side-stepped him and Show went over the desk. Reigns tipped the desk over and onto Show. Replays were shown, beginning with Show’s involvement, and bleeding over into the post-match affair. Reigns looked on at his handiwork as the announcers plugged The Authority’s return and the Ambulance match for Raw.
Did you watch Friday’s Smackdown episode? Send your 0-10 score & Reax to pwtorch@gmail.com for our TV Reax feature.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. He is the host of “Moonlighting with Greg Parks,” a PWTorch VIP-exclusive audio show posted each weekend. Follow him on Twitter @gregmparks for live Tweeting during Raw, Impact, and PPVs, as well as other bits of wisdom. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.
OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: R-Truth on nearly losing a leg to an infection, his favorite comedy segment, whether he tries to make people break character, the possibility of a heel turn
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