The following report originally published 10 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…
WWE Smackdown review
December 26, 2014
Taped 12/21/14 in Sioux City, Iowa
Aired on USA Network
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist
– WWE Open.
– Smackdown Open.
– Smackdown kicked off with Hulk Hogan. He’s no longer Ho Ho Hogan. Michael Cole: “There’s no place I’d rather be the day after Christmas than Sioux City, Iowa!” That phrase was dripping with sarcasm. Hogan noted that he was in charge of Smackdown tonight, and reminded fans of his pose-down with Daniel Bryan a few days after Bryan won the WWE World Title following Wrestlemania. He also reminisced about winning the tag titles with Edge, who, along with Christian, will be running Raw next week. Before he could reach back for another memory, Seth Rollins’ music interrupted and he walked out with his Money in the Bank briefcase and J&J Security.
Rollins approached the ring complimenting Hogan and saying he wanted to shake Hogan’s hand. After listing Hogan’s accomplishments, he said people will start to call Hogan “The Seth Rollins of the ’80s.” Rollins said Hogan is one of the main reasons he got into the business. But, he said, Hogan doesn’t belong in the ring anymore. He said the ring belongs to him. Hogan interrupted and said he’s running Smackdown whether Rollins likes it or not. Rollins again went off on how Raw and Smackdown have been “in the dumps” since The Authority was ousted. Rollins continued his role as Authority bootlicker and went on to call Hogan a “carnival sideshow.”
There was a “Hogan” chant. Rollins told Hogan to spend his time doing something worthwhile, like telling the fans who is going to lead the company into the future. Rollins asked Hogan to endorse him as the future of WWE. He said Hogan may then realize it’s almost 2015 and that his ass doesn’t belong in a ring. Hogan said Rollins may not make it out of this ring. Rather than Rollins, Hogan noted Dolph Ziggler as a possibility for someone who would lead WWE into the future. Ziggler’s music hit and he walked out with a microphone.
Ziggler said those words were humbling coming from Hogan. But Ziggler acknowledged Rollins is the future; after all, just ask him. Ziggler told Rollins that, since he’s The Future, he should just leave WWE and not show his face for the next ten years. Rollins said being The Future is not a popularity contest. Rollins threatened a curb stomp and Ziggler pretty much blew it off. Big Show’s music interrupted and he too cut a promo on the way to the ring. He said he appreciates Rollins’ intellect, but sometimes you can’t use wit, you have to use force. He said he’s going to knock out Hogan and Ziggler right now. But before he could enter the ring, Roman Reigns came out from the crowd. You know, Show had plenty of time to knock out Hogan and Ziggler before Reigns even got to ringside. But of course, he didn’t. Reigns entered the ring, also with a mic.
Rollins and Show were standing on the apron. Reigns told Show not to come through the ropes unless he wants to get hit in the mouth again. Hogan polled the crowd about a tag match pitting Seth Rollins & The Big Show against Dolph Ziggler & Roman Reigns. Hogan said he gives the people what they want, unlike The Authority. So Hogan made the tag match official for later in the show. It took almost 15 minutes to set up THAT tag-team match. Thank God for all those writers on staff!
– Next, Ryback vs. Kane.
[Commercial Break]
No entrance for Kane. When Ryback came out, they showed Rusev attacking him during his entrance last week on Smackdown. Then, Ryback coming out during Piper’s Pit with Rusev. Kane booted Ryback down early on and kicked away at him. JBL threw in a reference to one of Kane’s previous gimmicks, Christmas Creature. Ryback rebounded with rights, then gave Kane what appeared to be a slow-motion spinebuster. Rusev’s music played as Ryback was getting pumped for the meat-hook clothesline. Rusev tried to get in the ring but Ryback kicked him down. Ryback avoided a chokeslam and gave Kane a clothesline. Shell-Shock finished Kane.
WINNER: Ryback, at 2:09. I was afraid Rusev’s distraction would cost Ryback the match, but WWE avoided the 50-50 booking temptation here to keep Ryback strong for an inevitable meeting with Rusev.
Rusev hopped onto the apron after the match. He entered the ring and gesticulated some. Kane distracted Ryback, allowing Rusev to side-kick him. Then Kane delivered two chokeslams to Ryback. Yeah, gotta keep Kane strong. Rusev applied the Accolade to Ryback. Okay, I can see that: Like a good heel, Rusev finishes off Ryback after someone else did most of the dirty work. A number of referees had to come out to break the hold.
– In tonight’s main event, Dolph Ziggler & Roman Reigns face The Big Show & Seth Rollins.
[Commercial Break – An ad was shown for a 2CW show built around Mickie James and Jim Duggan, at the First Arena in Elmira, N.Y. tomorrow.]
– Rusev and Lana were walking backstage. Hogan came up to them, irate. He told Rusev he’s in the USA so he better start training, saying his prayers, and taking his vitamins. And tonight, he’s putting his U.S. Title on the line, brother! And a “sister!” for Lana.
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Fox was already in the ring. They showed stills of Fox, Summer Rae, and R-Truth who were visiting troops in Kuwait last week. During Naomi’s entrance, they showed how Naomi lost in her shot at the Divas Title last Tuesday night. Naomi worked out of a headscisors but was dropkicked down. Naomi, for lack of a better description, rubbed her butt in Foxy’s face. The Miz was watching the match closely on a backstage monitor. Tilt-a-whirl back-breaker by Fox. Phillips was rightly chastised by JBL and Michael Cole for saying Naomi and Jimmy Uso should be wary of Miz because he has lied for a long time and all of his movies are lies. I guess because he’s playing a role. JBL noted that on this date, Alundra Blayze debuted and won the Women’s Title from Heidi Lee Morgan. Naomi showed some fire in her comeback, but Fox pinned her for a two-count. Fox set herself up on the top rope but Naomi dropkicked her down. Split-legged moonsault from Naomi for the win.
WINNER: Naomi, at 3:18. Okay match. A solid win for Naomi as she continues to establish herself as a top-tier singles wrestler.
Miz was shown dancing along with Naomi’s moves as he was watching backstage.
– Next, we’ll see what happened when Ho Ho Hogan ran Raw on Monday night.
[Commercial Break]
– The announcers were shown on-camera for the first time. Phillips tossed it to the Raw Rebound.
– Naomi was walking backstage when Jimmy Uso came upon her. Jimmy said Naomi is on a roll and Naomi said it’ll continue when Jimmy kicks Miz’s face in tonight. Naomi and Jimmy did the “U! So!” chant together. They gave each other a kiss and Naomi sent Jimmy on his way.
– R-Truth came to the ring. As he did, they showed more stills of him going on a “handshake tour” in Kuwait last week with the troops. When the announcers joked about Truth having trouble remembering what city they’re in, Cole dryly said, “how could he forget Sioux City, it’s such a unique place.” Does somebody in Sioux City owe him money or something? Truth is in action next.
[Commercial Break]
– Adam Rose came to the ring as Truth’s opponent. Rose stopped at the end of the party line and gave one of his Rosebuds a dark stare, but then smiled at him and implored everyone to dance more. During his entrance they also showed Rose losing to Truth on Raw and Rose going nutso on the Bunny. The Bunny was not part of the entourage on this evening. The Rosebuds wanted him to do the fall off the apron but Rose sent them back.
Rose was aggressive going after Truth. He even stomped away on him in the corner. Snap suplex by Rose for two. Truth worked out of a side headlock and nailed Rose with a heel kick. Big splash in the corner by Truth. Rose sent Truth shoulder-first into the post. Party Foul by Rose for the victory.
WINNER: Rose, at 2:06. Rose slowly devolving from party guy into psycho heel could’ve been a fun story had Rose been over in the first place.
They replayed a few moments in the match.
– The main event tonight pits Roman Reigns & Dolph Ziggler against Big Show & Seth Rollins.
– Next, Rusev puts his U.S. Title on the line against an mystery opponent.
[Commercial Break]
– As Rusev came to the ring, the announcers were shown on camera, setting the stage for the United States Title Match. Lana took the mic and declared this unfair. She complained about the disrespect he has faced. Regardless of the opponent, she promised that Rusev would crush him. Then Dean Ambrose’s music played and he was revealed as the opponent.
Eden Stiles handled formal ring introductions. Ambrose put the boots to Rusev in the corner, and Rusev followed suit. Ambrose hit Rusev with a cross-body and chopped away at Rusev. Two dropkicks followed that. Suicide dive outside the ring took out the U.S. Champion. Double-leg take-down by Ambrose into a pin for two. Rusev turned things around dropping Ambrose throat-first across the top rope. Rusev settled into a chin-lock at 2:30 of the match. Ambrose stepped on Rusev’s feet to break the hold, but Rusev delivered a knee-lift. Rusev did some damage while Ambrose was tangled in the ropes. They went to break at 4:10 of the match.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 7:41 of the match with Rusev working the dreaded nerve hold. Ambrose tried another cross-body, but Rusev caught him and gave him a fall-away slam for a near-fall. Jumping side kick found the mark from Rusev. Rusev went for the Accolade, but Ambrose was able to reach the ropes before it could be applied. Rusev continued the assault with kicks in the corner. A splash missed, however. Desperation roll-up by Ambrose for two. Ambrose bulldogged Rusev out of the corner. To the top he went, but he avoided a Rusev charge and gave him a slingshot clothesline. Elbowdrop from the top for two at 11:37. Rusev created separation from Ambrose and went to ringside. Ambrose went after him and blasted him from behind. Rusev was sent into the barricade, but out of nowhere, Bray Wyatt just ran right over Ambrose. The bell rang for a disqualification.
WINNER: Ambrose, via DQ, at 12:32. This match showed, if there was any doubt, that Rusev can be carried to a good match. Evidence has shown he’s not yet at the level to where he can carry others, though.
Wyatt continued his assault of Ambrose, sending him into the announcers, then into the timekeeper’s area. Ambrose threw a chair at Wyatt, and lobbed more into the ring. Wyatt high-tailed it before he could come into contact with any more steel. Ambrose’s music played to close the segment.
– Still to come, Reigns & Ziggler vs. Show & Rollins.
[Commercial Break]
– Cole plugged some meaningless poll that has Total Divas up for Reality Show of the Year for 2014 on some website I’ve never heard of, and asked fans to go vote.
Damien Mizdow and Jey Uso were out supporting their respective charges at ringside. Jimmy pulled Miz outside the ring and slammed his head against the apron. Samoan drop by Uso. Miz escaped the ring on a butt splash attempt by Jimmy and was trying to walk away when Jimmy caught up with him. Jimmy tossed Miz into the barricade. Back in the ring, Miz begged off. Miz said he can help Jimmy and his family. He offered a hand and Jimmy appeared to think about it. In the end, Jimmy superkicked Miz when Miz tried to help do the “Uso” chant. Another superkick, then a splash from the top by Jimmy ended things.
WINNER: Uso, at 3:07. Not a lot to this one. I’m not sure if the Jimmy vs. Miz feud is going to be blown off in a Jimmy vs. Miz singles match, or in an Usos vs. Miz & Mizdow tag match.
Parts of the match were replayed. “I just realized, there’s a reason Lewis & Clark didn’t stay here…Sioux City, that is,” said Cole. He never really explained what he meant. I’ll just guess that attendance was low and Vince McMahon was telling Cole to put the city down.
– An Ascension promo aired.
[Commercial Break]
– Goldust was staring into a Van de Graaf generator. Goldust got zapped by it when Stardust came in and just did his hand signal. Maybe Goldust will get Tourette’s again.
– Ziggler, Reigns, and Hogan were shown talking backstage.
– Seth Rollins came to the ring with J&J Security. The announcers discussed how this match came together. Big Show came out next. They cut to break at that point.
[Commercial Break]
– Dolph Ziggler and Roman Reigns made separate entrances for the main event. When Ziggler came to the ring, they showed him beating Luke Harper on Raw. And as Reigns came through the crowd, they showed the end of his match with Big Show from Monday.
Shoulder knock-down by Rollins on Ziggler. Hip-toss by Ziggler for not even a one-count. Reigns tagged in but Rollins escaped Ziggler’s grip and tagged Show. Reigns hit the ropes and Show leveled him with a shoulder tackle. Rollins came in with Reigns on the defensive. It didn’t take long for Reigns to come back with a few arm-wringers. Ziggler tagged himself in and hit a neck-breaker. The security team provided a distraction, allowing Show to grab Ziggler by the hair and allow Rollins to take over. They went to break at 3:21 of the match.
[Commercial Break]
Back at 6:18 with Ziggler stuck in a rear chin-lock. There was a “Big Slow” chant at Show. Show registered a two-count on Ziggler. He continued to make truth-tellers out of the fans. Ziggler came back with a fameasser. Ziggler jumped to tag Reigns right at the ten-minute mark of the match. Rollins bumped around for him until Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury got involved. Mercury was sent out by Reigns, allowing Rollins to roll him up for two. Rollins measured him for a superkick and delivered. Only a two-count, though. Rollins landed on his feet on a back-drop attempt. Show and Ziggler both got involved, with Show getting speared by Reigns. Ziggler was thrown outside by Rollins. J&J went after Reigns at ringside and Rollins delivered a suicide dive. Ziggler took out security, distracting Rollins, who walked into a spear.
WINNERS: Reigns and Ziggler, at 12:35.
They replayed the spear of Show, Ziggler taking out J&J, and Reigns spearing Rollins. Cole got in a final plug for Edge & Christian hosting Raw Monday night as the babyfaces celebrated in the ring to close the show.
Did you watch Friday’s Smackdown episode? Send your 0-10 score & Reax to pwtorch@gmail.com for our TV Reax feature.
Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. He is the host of “Moonlighting with Greg Parks,” a PWTorch VIP-exclusive audio show posted each weekend. Follow him on Twitter @gregmparks for live Tweeting during Raw, Impact, and PPVs, as well as other bits of wisdom. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.
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