MARCH 23, 2019
Announcers: Rich Bocchini, Jim Cornette
We started the show by seeing Teddy Hart and Daveboy Smith Jr. in a seemingly frantic discussion. Rich Bocchini filled us in that Hart was about to be arrested on charges of vandalism to MJF’s car. Hart handed smith a huge stack of money, and his gold chains. Hart told Smith to let MJF know if he saw in in the street he’d beat his *bleep*. Pillman showed up upset that Teddy has being arrested, as Smith tried to calm him down. MJF and Holliday showed up next, as MJF said it was horrible Teddy threw a brick through his car (he left out window, so it sounded slightly awkward). Pillman yelled “snitches get stitches”, as Smith said he needed to go bail Teddy out.
We got the Fusion intro next.
Rich welcomed us in, saying we would get more info on the situation with Teddy Hart later. He then ran down the rest of tonight’s card. We would get to see a deathmatch, based on a beer accidentally being spilled. We would get to hear from CONTRA Unit about their actions for the first time. First, though, we would get a member of the “Free Rich Swann” movement in action.
Myron Reed made his way our first with tape over his mouth which read “Free Swann.” Cornette said Swann was suspended for a good reason, and Rich added that the two men (Swann and Reed) felt like the ref’s were biased against them. Next out came Chicago’s own Gringo Loco, who is a fan favorite of any MLW crowd. The ref checked each guy to start the match, but Reed was reluctant due to the “conspiracy” against them. The match started out with reversal after reversal for Gringo, as he showed off the agility he has even at his size. A Gringo Loco chant started, but Myron shut it up with a kick to the back of Gringo’s head sending him out of the ring. Myron hit a headscissor takedown outside the ring. He tossed Gringo back in, but only got a two count. Myron played to the crowd, wasting time. Gringo dodged a corner shoulder, and caught Reed out of a roll into a powerbomb. Gringo pulled Reed up into a piledriver next. Gringo Loco signaled the end, but Reed reversed his move into a modified stunner. Several reversals ended with Myron Reed on the outside, where Gringo hit a big tope. He sent Myron back in, and headed up top, but Reed crotched him to stop any momentum Gringo had. Reed hit a hurricanrana from the top, and followed it with a springboard 450 for a two count. Reed missed a shoulder in the corner, giving Gringo a chance to hit a springboard stunner. Gringo then went to the top hitting a twisting senton for the win.
WINNER: Gringo Loco
(Matt’s thoughts: The match felt rather slow and disjointed for two guys who usually excel in faster paced matches. Gringo is loved by the MLW crowd, and you can see why when he wrestles. He is so agile for a big guy, that he is fun to watch. Myron Reed has a bright future ahead, but he is still young and it shows in the ring. I haven’t been the biggest fan of this Rich Swann story-line, and this didn’t seem to help it along to me.)
After the match Reed confront the ref, saying he gave a fast count for Gringo Loco. Myron grabbed the official, and then threw him down. He tried to confront Rich Bocchini, but officials came out and separated them.
Rich changed subjects, telling us about the upcoming deathmatch between LA Park and Mance Warner. He reviewed what happened last week, where Mance used Jim Cornette’s tennis racket to cost Hijo de LA Park his match. He pitched it to Kaci Lennox who was standing by with The Southern Psychopath. Mance said he had some news for everyone. He brought out the whiteboard, which I love, giving us his steps for success. He told us that 1 was light beer, 2 was eye pokes, and 3 was knee pad up knee pad down. He asked Kaci what all that added up to, which she replied 6. That was obviously wrong, as Mance corrected her saying (in so many words) that it added up to him laying LA Park out and taking his mask. He then said he was going to get some lite beers,and to come on. Kaci said she didn’t drink that.
We get tossed to Matt Stryker in the control center. The newest news is that we would be getting Jimmy Havoc vs. Tom Lawlor at Battle Riot. Stryker told us how Havoc was the last person to beat Lawlor, so Havoc wanted a title shot. Matt then told us the newest entrants in Battle Riot, and rand down the list of guys already announced.
We got a recap of what happened earlier with Teddy Hart. We then cut to MJF and Richard Holliday having a grand time at Hart’s expense. MJF said he was sent a mugshot of Teddy Hart, which he would turn into a billboard to put up in Calgary.
We saw a video of the destruction caused by CONTRA Unit thus far. Rich told us we’d hear from them next.
Rich told us that earlier this week, MLW officials received a communicae from CONTRA Unit saying “play this video unedited, or suffer the consequences”. They played the CONTRA promo next. Footage aired from all the previous weeks of them causing chaos, spliced in with the three men talking. Simon Gotch told us that March 2nd would mark the beginning of a new world. Josef Samael said that was the day they took up arms. Jacob Fatu said to ask Tom Lawlor what is CONTRA Unit. They called themselves the Crusaders of Nihilistic Terror. Fatu said they wan the gold and the power, and that they were the international dealers in violence.
Ace Romero had a promo up next, saying CONTRA Unit would have to pay the price after attacking him.
Hammerstone was out first, accompanied by his Dynasty mates MJF and Richard Holiday. MJF took the microphone when he got into the ring, as usual. The crowd cut him off with boos several times, not letting him talk. He finally said he had a PSA, and told the crowd his breaking announcement was that Teddy Hart was in jail. He called him a white trash scumbag, and relayed that he was better than everyone…and they know it.
Brian Pillman Jr. was out next, alone unfortunately, and hit the ring quickly attacking Hammerstone. MJF jumped in with the announcers and said they were killing the Hart Foundation one member at a time. Pillman and Hammerstone exchanged momentum back and forth for the first few minutes, until Hammerstone’s power seemed to take control. Hammerstone hit a wicked spinebuster, and followed it with mounted punches. Hammerstone got a one count after a standing dropkick, and went in to a rest hold to ground Pillman further. Pillman broke free and the two exchanged chops, Pillman getting the upper hand over Hammerstone. Pillman hit a nice flying body press, shades of his father, for a two count. MJF distracted Pillman long enough for Hammerstone to hit a press slam into a guillotine on the top rope. Hammerstone hit the Nightmare Pendulum next, for the quick win over Pillman.
WINNER: Alex Hammerstone
The beatdown of Pillman continued after the match, as they stomped and choked the second generation superstar. Hammerstone destroyed the chains Teddy Hart had given Pillman, as Holliday and MJF held him and made him watch.
(Matt’s thoughts: This match was short, and honestly not very noteworthy. Hammerstone got the win thanks to a distraction by MJF, but honestly it wasn’t played out well enough to keep Pillman looking strong. Whether intentional or not, this makes Brian Pillman Jr. just look like the weak link in the Hart Foundation. The beatdown afterwards, and Hammerstone destroying Teddy’s chains, gives more fuel to the fire that is the Dynasty vs. the Hart Foundation. I am enjoying this rivalry, this match just seemed like a gap filler until they get to further in the story.)
We get a walking talking Tom Lawlor next, who said he was getting back to work in the gym. It showed him doing some boxing, as he talked about his upcoming bout with Jimmy Havoc. He showed off his submission work while doing some ground work in the ring, making his sparring partner pass out.
Rich tells us that next we get what we’ve waited for, our Deathmatch between LA Park and Mance Warner.
(3) MANCE WARNER vs. LA PARK (w/Saline de la Renta)
Mance is out first as Jim Cornette corrected the ring announce on Mance’s home. It’s Bucksnort, Tenn., not Buckshot. That’s right off of I40 between Nashville and Jackson. Come on! Cornette called Warner “goofy as a pet coon,” which is a fairly common Southern expression. Out next walked the Chairman, LA Park, being escorted by the maniacal Salina de la Renta. The crowd is pro LA Park, despite him being the heel in this match.
The bell rang, and we were underway! We had dueling chants going, as the men faced off nose to nose. LA Park did his strut and shimmy to a crowd pop. Mance copied it, but got booed in the process. The action started, and spilled quickly to the outside. They two men went fought in and out of the crowd. Mane set up a table outside, but then walked off to find a chair. They took the action back inside, Mance using the chair. Mance hit a tornado ddt off the chair, and followed with his famous “knee pad up – dramatic pause – knee pad down”, which got him a two count. Warner went and found a kendo stick, and used it on Park back in the ring. Mance laid in a few headbutts, which hurt him as much as Park. Mance had another knee pad spot countered into a side suplex onto a chair, putting LA Park in control. They went back outside, as LA Park placed Mance on the table from earlier then hit a running senton from the ring apron through the table on Mance. LA Park set the table BACK up against the rail and hit a running power slam through it, breaking it again.
We made our way back in the ring, as LA Park took off his belt and whipped him. Mance seemed to like it, and asked for another. Each blow seemed to power Mance up. Mance took of his suspenders, and the two traded blows back and forth whipping each other. LA Park seemed to knock one of Mance’s teeth out with a chop to which Mance picked up and popped back in like it was normal. LA Park headed outside tossing in several chairs, and a large sheet of wood. Park set up the wood on two chairs, like a table, and then put Mance on it. LA Park climbed the ropes, and hit a HUGE senton onto Mance and through the wood. Park slowly rolled him over for a two count. The Chairman used one of the wood pieces and broke it over Mance’s head. Another slow cover by LA Park led to a two count. Park threw Warner out of the ring, then hit a suicide dive into the guardrail. We go back to the ring, where after waiting on Mance to crawl in LA Park got another two count. They traded chops, but Park kept control of things. Mance finally found an opening, hitting a draping DDT on LA Park. Mance launched a chair into LA Park’s head, but only got a two count. Mance tried to go up to, but LA Park returned the favor and threw a chair into his head, the chair flying into the crowd. They were showing that replay, and LA Park hit SOMETHING off the top on Mance but we missed it. LA Park climbed up for a flying dropkick from the top, and then hit a spear for the win.
(Matt’s thoughts: This wasn’t a great match by any standard, but when you have to entertaining guys in the ring it makes it fun. Aside from the tossed chairs, there were no CRAZY spots for a deathmatch, but it told a good story as LA Park was frustrated that Mance kept getting up. I don’t know if this was a one off, or if this feud continues, but I wouldn’t mind more Mance taking on Promociones Dorado in the future.)
Rich said we’d get an update on Teddy Hart next week, and closes out the show.
FINAL ANALYSIS: After the last several weeks of great shows, this one maybe wasn’t QUITE as good, but it was used as a bridge for the storylines. Free Rich Swann is in full effect, as I’m guessing his suspension will be over sooner rather than later. The Dynasty continues to be a thorn in the side of the Hart Foundation, as they got Teddy arrested this week and put a beating on Brian Pillman Jr. This feud has a lot of legs left, and is heading in a good direction. We finally got to hear from CONTRA Unit, and get a glimpse at their motivation. As long as they keep this up, I will definitely be hanging around to see where it goes. Did we see the last of Salina vs. Mance Warner, or was this the start of our latest feud in MLW? Finally, as we count down to Battle Riot we find out we get Tom Lawlor vs. Jimmy Havoc for the title, as Havoc was the last man to pin Filthy. There’s definitely some excitement on the horizon for MLW. Until then, once again, Matt out!
NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S REPORT: 3/16 MLW FUSION TV REPORT: Hart Foundation vs. MJF & Richard Holliday, Hijo de LA Park vs.Puma King
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