The following report originally published 10 years ago here at PWTorch.com…
DECEMBER 29, 2014
(I’m filling in for James Caldwell tonight, who’s attending a college football game. I’ll be updating this throughout the evening with detailed coverage and commentary as the show progresses.)
-They opened with video clips of Apr. 11, 2011 when Edge (Adam Copeland) announced his retirement due to chronic neck problems.
-Then Edge and Christian were introduced. They came out to Edge’s music. Christian said they should end 2014 with a bang E&C style. He said he has decided to have a Peep Show. Edge took exception, wanting instead a Cutting Edge show. Edge said the Peep Show sounds like something perverts in the 1920s would pay to watch. Christian said that’s what he was going for. Edge said that was disturbing. This played like an intro routine at the Emmys or Oscars by presenters who are bantering.
Edge said they should work together and do the first-ever Cutting Edge Peep Show. Christian liked it and asked the crowd. They cheered. Edge said Seth Rollins would be their guest. The fans booed. Edge proposed Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns.
(WK Reax: They’re giving that away on Raw with no notice ahead of time?!!? A match of that caliber shouldn’t be put out there without a week advanced notice at least to convey how important it is.)
Christian announced that Rusev would battle Dolph Ziggler and “they’ll both be completely naked.” Edge said nobody wants to see that. Christian said, “Okay, then just Lana then.” Edge said that was better. Christian asked if the fans would like to see Daniel Bryan. The crowd popped and began the “Yes!” chants.
Edge and Christian shifted to their “Five Second Pose” for the benefit of those with flash photography. Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar interrupted. Michael Cole said that can’t be good for the guest hosts, since Lesnar attacked previous guest host Chris Jericho last time he was on Raw. JBL warned Edge and Christian to leave the ring right now.
Heyman introduced himself, of course. He said: “I can’t help but wonder why a guy with a broken neck who can never wrestle again and a man with far too many concussions to ever wrestle again would swim in the shark-infested waters that are inhabited by the biggest, most unmerciful predator in the WWE Universe – the reigning, defending, undisputed WWE Heavyweight Champion of the World, Buh-rock Lesnar!” He said a single smack across the face of either of them could result in their landing in a wheelchair the rest of their lives. He assured them Lesnar has no desire to break their necks or end their careers, because their careers are already over. He said his client “is a conquerer who wants to penetrate the virgin neck of someone whose conquering is truly newsworthy like, for example, ehhh, your hero, John Cena.”
Out came Cena. Nice of him to show up to stand up for Edge and Christian. That’s what heroes should do in pro wrestling. He stared down Lesnar as Cole said Cena would face Lesnar for the final time at “the Royal Rumble event” live on PPV and the WWE Network.
(WK Reax: Not sure if it portends a price change, but we’re not hearing $9.99 much anymore, are we? It’s worth more than $9.99, so they have every right to change it with notice to subscribers, and it’s probably the right move economically.)
A very loud “Let’s Go Cena / Cena sucks!” chant broke out.
(WK Reax: I just love Lesnar’s facial expressions. He is so freakin’ good at his role. As usual, Heyman was tremendous.)
Cena said the only reason he doesn’t knock him out now is so he doesn’t limp into the Royal Rumble with an excuse. He said he has a resolution and a gift. He said his resolution is to take the WWE Title from him, and his gift is for Heyman. He grabbed Heyman. Lesnar charged. Cena set up an Attitude Adjustment. Lesnar slipped free and bailed out to ringside with Heyman. Heyman pretended to be talking Lesnar out of re-entering the ring. Lesnar caught his breath, held up the WWE Title belt, and then jawed at Cena as he backed away.
(WK Reax: That’s what heels should do – back down from a fight.)
-Cole said up next Ziggler would try to give Rusev his first pinfall or submission loss. [c]
-They showed the exterior of the White House and joked about congress going back in session and President Obama not liking it.
(1) DOLPH ZIGGLER vs. RUSEV (w/Lana)
Ziggler came out first wearing his Intercontinental Title. Then Rusev came out with the U.S. Title. Cole said it’s been an incredible year for Ziggler. He said he told WWE.com he expects 2015 to be even better. Rusev overpowered Ziggler out of the gate. They cut to an early break. [c]
Ziggler made a comeback after the break and hit the Fameasser for a near fall. Next Rusev chopped Ziggler in the throat and powered him to the mat. When he charged in the corner, Ziggler moved and then landed a super kick. Cole was good with the dramatic call of the referee’s counts. Both were slow to get up. Rusev threw Ziggler into the ringpost and then stomped on him over and over in the corner. The ref ordered him to stop. When he didn’t, the ref DQ’d him.
WINNER: Ziggler via DQ in 11:00.
-The ref called for help from the back. Several referees ran out and pried Rusev off of Ziggler. Then Ryback made the save. Rusev went after him, but Ryback knocked him out of the ring in a couple seconds. He then led the crowd in a “Feed Me More!” chant. Rusev stumbled away with Lana and his flag.
-They went to the announcers at ringside who plugged on WWE Network right after Raw they’d premiere the Rivalries series focused on Edge & Christian vs. The Hardys. Lawler then plugged the New Year’s Eve special evening featuring WrestleMania 30 and the Hall of Fame ceremony. JBL pushed the $9.99 price. The graphic on screen said “With Six Month Commitment.” I thought that was dropped. Did they bring it back or is that a mistake? Cole plugged Miz & Mizdow vs. The Usos for the WWE Tag Team Titles later on Raw. [c]
-Ryback remained in the ring. He said he feels like ever since he debuted in WWE, there’s been a bit of a misunderstanding about what he’s all about. He said his first WWE live event was when he was 12 years old. He said he was the guest bell ringer at the Thomas & Mack Center. He said he decided then he wanted to be a WWE Superstar. He said he got his start ten years later on the Million Dollar Tough Enough as Ryan Reeves. They aired a clip of Al Snow announcing he was eliminated. Daniel Puder and Miz were two others in the final four.
Back live Ryback said he went into a deep depression afterward like any normal human being who lost their dream job. He said he didn’t talk to his family for nearly a year because he was so ashamed he lost everything he had worked for. He said he got a job at a BBQ joint in Louisville, Ky. working 12 hours a day. He said he was in a negative state of mind and would return every night to an empty apartment. All he had was a stack of WrestleMania DVDs. He then read “The Secret,” a book on Positivity. He said he learned about the Law of Attraction and how influential the power of the mind can be. He said shortly thereafter he got re-signed by WWE. The crowd applauded. Shortly thereafter he made his debut with The Nexus. A clip aired of The Nexus when Ryback was known as Skip Sheffield. It included Ryback giving Cena the Meat Hook Clothesline. Man he looked different back then.
Back live Ryback said he was 28 years old and had his dream job and everything was perfect, but then he broke his ankle in three places in 2010. He got up and broke his leg in three places. He showed a long deep scar on his left leg. He said he feels so lucky to be in a WWE ring today. He said after two bad surgeries and two doctors telling him he’d never wrestle again, “Ryback was born and I made my return to WWE.” A video clip aired of Ryback highlights.
Back live again, Ryback said his match with Rusev isn’t going to be a USA vs. Russian thing, “it’s going to be one big guy kicking another big guy’s ass thing.” He said he takes things negative people say and he eats them. He said he puts them into his stomach and turns them into positives. He said he sees them all in Rusev and it makes him say “Feed me more.”
(WK Reax: I liked that the promo humanized Ryback. I kind of wish Ryback would have addressed that he strayed briefly last year and bullied people and it only reminded him of how important his belief in positivity is because that didn’t lead him anywhere good. It could have been a nice anti-bullying message.) [c]
-A commercial aired hyping the return of Total Divas on Sunday. Can’t wait!!!
(2) NIKKI BELLA (w/Brie Bella) vs. NATALYA (w/Tyson Kidd)
A minute in Natalya kicked Brie off the ring apron right into the arms of Kidd. Kidd caught her and they seemed to enjoy their embrace. It was like a romance novel cover. Natalya slide kicked Nikki after Tyson let go. Brie then shoved Tyson at ringside for some reason. JBL defended Tyson. “A Divas falls into his arms; what is he going to do?” Nikki gave a distracted Natalya a Rack Attack for the win. Cole pushed the season premiere of Total Divas on E!
WINNER: Nikki in 2:00.
-Miz told Mizdow backstage that he thinks he’ll take his tag title belts to his New Year’s Eve party. Naomi jumped into Miz’s arms. She asked Mizdow to leave them alone – EVEN THOUGH SHE WAS TALKING IN FRONT OF A CAMERA BROADCASTING HER LIVE ON USA NETWORK AND WORLDWIDE. Mizdow left. She said she called a producer in Hollywood who at first acted like he didn’t know her, but she dropped Miz’s name and then he asked to meet with her about future projects. Miz said that’s great, but he seemed conflicted and surprised. She thanked him and wished him luck. Miz continued to look bewildered, like he had no real expectation the producer would help her. [c]
Check out the latest episode of “PWTorch ’90s Pastcast” with Patrick Moynahan and Alex McDonald, part of the PWTorch Dailycast line-up: CLICK HERE to stream (or search “pwtorch” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any other iOS or Android app to subscribe free)
(3) THE USOS vs. MIZ & MIZDOW – WWE Tag Team Title match.
The Usos got in some early offense and Miz and Mizdow did some antics. They cut to an early break. [c]
Jey hot-tagged Jimmy who rallied against Miz with high-energy. Jimmy dove onto Miz at ringside, then grabbed his wrist in pain. The crowd liked the action and chanted “This is awesome!” JBL claiming the crowd was chanting “Miz is Awesome!”
(WK Reax: Miz should claim not only that fans chant for him during his matches, but that sometimes they break out in chanting “Miz is Awesome!” in the middle of other people’s matches. It could kill the chant, but that would be fine with me. It’s kind of played out, plus it plays into fans enjoying moves rather than rooting for one wrestler to beat another or lose to another, which I think is the more enjoyable way to truly get invested in and enjoy a great wrestling match. There are exceptions, but it’s gone too far the last dozen years.)
After a tag to Jimmy that Miz didn’t see, Jimmy and Jey stereo-superkicked Miz. Jimmy hit the top rope splash for the win. Naomi joined Jimmy in the celebration.
WINNERS: The Usos in 13:00 to capture the WWE Tag Team Titles.
(WK Reax: Another nice call by Cole. The announcing is treating this like a sporting event rather than like the wrestling is a backdrop to their talk radio show.)
-Lawler interviewed The Usos in the ring afterward. The Usos invited Lawler to their celebration party. He asked if he could bring Johnny Manziel. Jimmy said family comes first, even his brother who gets on his nerves sometimes. He said he and his wife are always on the same page. He said victory feels good.
(WK Reax: As I’ve been touting for a while in my Raw reports and VIP Daily Keller Hotline, I really think post-match interviews bring out the most believable side of wrestlers because they’re so in the moment with adrenaline flowing. This was evidence of that.)
-The announcers hyped the major announcement from Daniel Bryan. Lawler strongly hinted it might be a retirement announcement. He said he saw him earlier and while Bryan wouldn’t tell him anything, he sensed from his body language he might join Edge in retirement. Then Cole hyped Reigns vs. Rollins.
(WK Reax: They laid the “retirement” possibility on so heavy, it pretty much gave away it won’t be a retirement announcement. WWE just doesn’t know how to be subtle with their reverse-psychology.) [c]
-Cesaro sat in the corner of the ring with a towel over his head. I guess C.M. Punk is gone so that’s open again for someone else to do. He said 2014 should have been his year because he won the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. He said “WWE decision-makers” say he doesn’t connect. Interesting he didn’t say Vince McMahon by name. He said he doesn’t connect, he delivers in the ring. He said he doesn’t care about connecting with the fans or fancy elaborate entrances. He said all he cares about is what he does inside the ring. He said there is nobody in WWE who can hold a candle to him when he steps into those four ropes. He paused and corrected himself: “Four sides.” He asked someone to come out if they doubt him. Out came Wade Barrett. He said, “It’s me! It’s me! It’s BNB” in the same cadence as Diamond Dallas Page saying “It’s me! It’s me! It’s DDP!” He said he was afraid he had some bad news for Cesaro. He said Cesaro may not care about connecting with the fans, but he has a Bull Hammer that will connect with his head.
(WK Reax: I like that WWE is acknowledging how popular Barrett was before his injury with the Bad News gimmick catching on with fans. I also loved Cesaro’s heel promo, although it was almost a babyface promo because he said he didn’t care about pyro, just winning. It seems like some wrestlers are “grabbing the brass ring” this week. It’s almost like there was a wrestler intervention demanding some changes in how things were being done that limited their ability to get over.)
Cole said Cesaro was out six months recovering from shoulder surgery. Barrett took early control. The fans chanted “BNB.” Back and forth match ending with Barrett’s Bull Hammer finisher.
WINNER: Barrett in 4:00.
(WK Reax: Not sure if giving mic time to Cesaro only to have him lose to Barrett is the right sequence. How about that same promo from Cesaro followed by a squash victory over Zack Ryder or someone along those lines? Then give Barrett a comeback squash win against a heelish jobber? Then announce Barrett vs. Cesaro on Main Event or Smackdown and give them 15 minutes?)
-A promo aired with Luke Harper saying he celebrates those he loves. He is a product of the environment, therefore he is nightmare come to life.
(WK Reax: These are a bit too much like Bray Wyatt, but I’ll take it because it helps viewers connect with what Harper is all about.) [c]
-A brief promo aired with The Ascension saying their trite cliches.
In the end Swagger went for the Swagger Bomb, but Harper kicked him in the face and then gave him a clothesline for the win.
WINNER: Harper in 10:00.
-Clips aired of the Cena-Lesnar angle at the start of the show.
-Backstage Cena was chatting with Edge and Christian. Cena and Edge reminisced about their feud. The moments were kind of light-hearted, but then Christian asked Cena if he remembered when Edge broke into his house and slapped his dad around. Christian saw the mood change and pretended someone called his name. He left. Cena told Edge they were two guys who proved to doubters they belonged. He thanked him for all he did and he earned his respect. He said he is “one of the few people in this business who is a decent human being.” Edge welled up a bit as they hugged.
(WK Reax: The Christian line was funny, but it actually took away from the Cena-Edge moment because it made Cena seem a bit too forgiving. I mean Edge beat up his dad, but after being reminded of it, Cena said Edge is one of the few good people in the business. It was too incongruent to be credible unless you were shaken out of your suspension of disbelief and thought overtly about how the Edge thing with Cena’s dad “was just for show” and Cena “really meant the thing about Edge being a good guy.”)
-Roman Reigns made his ring entrance through the crowd.
(WK Reax: Reigns apparently is expecting a great flood because of that life preserver jacket he wears all the time.) [c]
-The Smackdown commercial aired hyping that Smackdown as moving to Thursdays featuring wrestlers seeing a psychologist and telling him all they saw on ink blots was Smackdown moving to Thursdays.)
[Hour Three]
(6) ROMAN REIGNS vs. SETH ROLLINS (w/Jamie Noble, Joey Mercury)
Big Show was on commentary. He defended his actions lately, saying that he did what he had to in order to provide for his family. He’s a better heel than a babyface. Show said he wants everyone to see what happens when he punches Reigns in the face. It will have more effect than Reigns’s Superman punch on him. They cut to a break at 7:00 after Reigns gave Seth the running double kick from the floor onto the ring apron, then Seth gave Rollins a running knee after a distraction by J&J Security. [c]
Show continued to say he did what anyone would have done in the same situation. He said he loves watching Seth work and called him the future of the business. Seth settled into a mid-ring chinlock. Reigns made a comeback with a tilt-a-whirl slam. “Where did that come from?” Show asked. The action picked up with some back and forth rapid-fire exchanges including Reigns avoiding a Curb Stomp and landing a Superman Punch. When Reigns stood in the corner and signaled for the spear, Show yanked him out of the ring by the legs, punched him several times, and threw him onto the padded chairs at the announce table. Show tipped the announce table onto Reigns. Show and Seth left as medics checked on Reigns. Cole called it a “serious, serious situation.”
WINNER: Reigns beat Seth via DQ in 16:00.
(WK Reax: Show is a good heel, but his commentary tended to undermine what should have felt like a bigger epic match between these two former Shield members. It made Show vs. Reigns seem like a big deal, and Seth vs. Reigns a transition to get there. I understand the thin roster since they had half the crew elsewhere at a house show tonight, but they needed to make Seth-Reigns into a bigger deal and treat it as such.) [c]
-They replayed the Show attack on Reigns.
-Seth told J&J that he’s going to invite Cena to his toast of Cena later on the Cutting Edge Peep Show.
-At ringside, the announcers were without the desk. They threw back to Hell in a Cell’s Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose main event. Then they announced Bray vs. Dean in an ambulance match on Raw next week. Yes, they announced a Raw match a week ahead.
-A pretaped vignette aired with Bray saying everything in this life must come to an end. They showed Bray in the back of an ambulance, although when it panned back, you could see Downtown Minneapolis in the background, so this was taped last week. Bray said it’s already too late for Ambrose because he already has his soul. The ambulance drove away with Minneapolis landmark “First Avenue” in the background. They didn’t represent it as “live,” so not a big deal, but those familiar knew he wasn’t in the building.
-They showed Bryan hugging R-Truth and shaking hands with the Usos backstage. Cole plugged that he’d have a “career-defining moment” next. [c]
-Daniel Bryan made his ring entrance. He said it’s an honor to be in the ring every single time he steps into it. He told his biography of being a B+ player who main vented WrestleMania. He said nobody thought it could happen except the fans. He said he can never repay the fans for that. He talked about getting married and going on his honeymoon afterward, then returning to find out his dad died. He began to tear up as he said he wasn’t there for him. He said then a month later he had a career changing injury that required surgery. He said doctors didn’t know what was wrong because they couldn’t fix him.
Bryan said all he could do is sit at home and watch. He said all he wanted to do was be in the ring because being in the ring is the only thing that has ever taken the pain away. He said this is what he loves and has dreamed of his entire life. He said he doesn’t think there was anyone who cheered louder than when Cena beat Rollins and sent The Authority out of power. He said it hurt to not be there for that moment. He said doctors didn’t have any answers and he even talked to Edge about life-altering injuries. He said you get to a point where you have to make a decision about whether it’s worth it to continue. He said because the fans supported him his entire career, he wanted to make his announcement live in front of them.
He then said, “Is my career over?” The crowd chanted “No! No! No!” Bryan paused dramatically, then said, “No!” The crowd erupted with cheers. He yelled: “That is not the announcement I came here to make! I came here to fight and I’m ready to compete.” He said he will be in the 2015 Royal Rumble. The crowd chanted “Yes!” JBL said he might be making a mistake. Bryan led the crowd in “Yes!” chants as he left the stage.
-Cole plugged that Rollins said he’s going to “toast John Cena tonight.”
-Backstage Miz and Mizdow interrupted Christian playing a kazoo. Edge mockingly sang Miz’s theme song, or was it the AWA WrestleRock Rumble? Miz told Christian he’s so talented maybe he should set him up with his agent. Christian said he should set up Miz with an appointment with a Tic Tac. Edge took out a hand puppet and mouthed the puppet along with his own words a la Mizdow and Miz. Edge said he’s going to have Miz and Mizdow blow off steam with another match tonight, but not a tag title rematch.
-They went to the announcers who wondered who Miz & Mizdow would have to wrestle. Then they threw to a preview of the Rivalries documentary on WWE Network. [c]
-Cole advertised The Cutting Edge Peep Show on Smackdown with Bray Wyatt.
Miz and Mizdow stood in the ring awaiting their unnamed opponents. Then the music for The Ascension played and they walked out to the ring in their red and black face paint and shiny shoulder pads and pants. Konner went after Mizdow first, then quickly tagged in Viktor. Then they quickly finished Mizdow with a high-low. Cole said it was an impressive debut. Miz just sat at ringside soaking up the loss with a pouty face.
WINNERS: The Ascension in 2:00.
(WK Reax: This was not an impressive debut.)
-Backstage Renee Young asked Rollins if he really invited Cena onto the Cutting Edge Peep Show. Rollins said of course he did. He said he is feeling so good, he may extend another invitation to Brock Lesnar. He smiled and chuckled with self-satisfaction, then walked away.
(WK Reax: The camera hovered on Renee after Rollins walked away, but she pulled it off without those four seconds seemingly awkward. She is so good at what she does.) [c]
-Cole hyped the Ambrose vs. Wyatt ambulance match next week on Raw.
(WK Reax: I actually like the split crew tonight. It forces WWE to utilize the talent they have better and it prevents the overexposure of everyone every week. Having Ambrose off the show for a week make me more eager to watch him next week.)
-Edge and Christian stood in the ring for the Cutting Edge Peep Show. After some witty exchanges at the expense of Rollins, they called him to the ring. Rollins made his entrance with J&J. Rollins said, “Do we sit on the stools? Let’s take a seat and enjoy, boys. Great night, huh?” Christian and Edge asked why he’s so chipper. He said they are heroes to him growing up, so he’s honored to be the first-ever guest on the Cutting Edge Peep Show. He said if not for them, he might not be in the ring today. “You are heroes of mine,” he said. Edge said he appreciated it, but he doesn’t necessarily believe it. He said it sounded condescending. Rollins said they’re way too cynical.
Rollins said it’s the end of the year, a time for reflection. He said who’s had a better year than him? He said he engineered the rise of The Shield, he masterminded the destruction of The Shield, he won Money in the Bank, he became the new standard-bearer of WWE, and is now worldly recognized as the absolute Future of Sports Entertainment.
(WK Reax: I like that Rollins, a heel, used the Corporate Phrase “sports entertainment.” It should be reserved for heels trying to kiss up to management.)
Rollins rhetorically asked who has had a better year. Edge suggested Cena. Christian said Ziggler. Then Sting, Bryan, and Slick had better years. Rollins said he didn’t come out there to reflect on his accomplishments, he wanted to reflect on the past month and how difficult it has been for him since Survivor Series. Rollins said he’s been a party pooper. “I don’t want to be that guy anymore. 2015, that Seth Rollins is gone,” Seth said.
Rollins called out someone who also sees the value in personal evaluation at the end of the year – The Big Show. Show came out with a big smile. Rollins then asked Cena to come out because he helped him realize the error of his ways. Cena didn’t come out. His music didn’t play, either. Rollins said he wanted something from him. “So get out here, John. Get out here, John!” he said.
Rollins got serious and angry and said he is forcing his hand. He then whacked Christian with the Money in the Bank briefcase in the gut. Edge stepped up to defend him, but he was soon surrounded by Rollins, Show, Mercury, and Noble. Show grabbed Edge by his neck and shoved him face-first onto the briefcase. Rollins called Cena out again. “If you’re half the man you say you are, you’ll come out here and stop me from paralyzing him.” Cena ran out, without music (!!!). Rollins told him to freeze once he got to ringside. “Not another move,” he said. Rollins insisted he give him what he wants or he will break Edge’s neck.
Rollins told Cena not to take the chance if he cares about Edge as much as he says he does. He told Cena if he wants Edge to ever play with his kids again, he’ll give him what he wants. Cole said, “He wants The Authority back.” Lawler said Cena is the only one who can do it. This dragged on and on with Seth asking Cena over and over if he’s got the guts and he’s the real deal. Rollins finally said, “John, bring The Authority back. I swear to God. You made my life hell. I will make your life filled with regret.”
Rollins sent Noble to Cena with a mic in hand. Cena said, “I bring back The Authority.” He said it under his breath at first. Rollins asked him to repeat it. Cena shouted it. Rollins celebrated with J&J. “What a way to end the year, ladies and gentleman.” Rollins then said, “You gotta know me better than that, I’m gonna kill him anyway.” He bounced off the ropes and set up a stomp, but Cena charged in and speared Rollins. Edge rolled out of the ring. Cena tried to fight Show, Rollins, Noble, and Mercury. Cena couldn’t fight them all and ended up taking a Curb Stomp from Rollins. The announcers were silent until after the Curb Stomp. Cole said Cena had no choice. Lawler agreed.
As Rollins and Show celebrated on the stage, Heyman and Lesnar walked out and looked impressed with what Rollins just pulled off. JBL said, “What a way to end the year. This is awesome!” Then Triple H’s music played and out walked Triple H and Stephanie McMahon.
(WK Reax: My Twitter feed @thewadekeller is blowing up with mostly complaints about the return of The Authority this soon, and the set-up of a wrestler threatening death and paralysis to get it, although there are some defenders. I have a lot to say about this newsworthy episode – with a lot of good and bad – in tonight’s 60 minute VIP Daily Keller Hotline dedicated to reviewing this episode including what will be a surprising (for some) take on The Authority’s return and a theory on Bryan’s Rumble announcement that could explain a lot and upset a lot of his fans. Check it out by going VIP: www.PWTorch.com/govip.)
STEVE AUSTIN SHOW ANNOUNCEMENT I’ll be Steve Austin’s guest on this week’s new Steve Austin Show Show on Podcast One. We recorded it today. It drops Tuesday. We do a Year-in-Review discussion, C.M. Punk-Michael Lansberg talk, what WWE should change in 2015, the state of wrestling announcing, Jim Ross announcing New Japan on Jan. 4 and what people should look forward to on that show, why WWE should bring back squash matches, Pro Wrestling vs. Sports Entertainment, and more for a total of around 90 minutes.
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