The following report originally published 5 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…
JANUARY 7, 2015
-The show opened with a mystery figure opening a note on “Destination America” stationery that read: “Tonight Destination America becomes Destination Impact!! Your limo bus will be outside to take you to the Manhattan Center. BE READY!”
-They cut to Bobby Lashley’s hotel room where he was shirtless facing the window stretching out. They cut to Gail Kim next, then Robert Roode packing his title belt, then Ethan Carter III being all “American Psycho,” then a shot of New York City’s streets. James Storm growled that 2015 is the year of the revolution. Then he Pro Wrestling Laughed/Evil Movie Villain Laughed. Abyss seemed especially receptive. Then they cut to Roode who gave a pep talk to a group on a fancy limo with colored lights. He said it’s a fresh start, but it doesn’t mean they forget who they are. He said they’re going to prove why they’re the greatest pro wrestlers anywhere and proud to be in this locker room. He got cheered.
(WK Reax: I like the different feel out of the gate and cool production values. I’m really, really sick of the old mid-‘90s ECW trope of “it’s us against them” where “us” is the TNA locker room and “them” is implied to be WWE. TNA needs focus on feuds within their own universe, not be battling some mythical war with another company based on how good and entertaining their matches are.)
Next they cut to MVP saying it’s “seek and destroy,” the same attitude as before, but on a new network.
-Josh Mathews narrated footage of the TNA wrestlers gathering outside the Manhattan Center surrounding Lashley and Roode as they had a final staredown and exchanged a few words. They seemed content with that, but then Kenny King said, “Man, to hell with that, seek and destroy!” He punched Roode. Everyone started brawling in the street and into the venue.
(WK Reax: First Jon Jones and Daniel Cormier, and now this?!?! Can we have no peaceful staredowns anymore?)
-They cut to the arena where the wrestlers brawled into the ring and into the stands as Taz said the wrestlers just couldn’t wait any longer. Josh called it “bedlam and chaos.” The crowd chanted “This is awesome!” Taz said it was great to hear that again. The crowd also chanted “Bobby Roode.”
-Kurt Angle walked out six minutes into the show and asked security what they were doing. He said, “Do you know where you are? This is New York City! This is the Manhattan Center. And this is Impact Wrestling!” He asked the crowd if they wanted the fight to continue. He asked where Low Ki was. He said as X Division Champion he will defend his title tonight. He called out Taryn Terrell, saying she will defend her Knockouts Title tonight. Next he called out Abyss & James Storm, the tag champs. He said every champion will defend their titles tonight. He also hyped Roode vs. Lashley III. He predicted it’ll be Match of the Year.
He said he had one more important announcement to make. MVP slid into the ring from behind and asked if he was going to announce that Angle assaulted him. The crowd chanted “Shut the f— up!” The f-word was bleeped. It made for an awkward listening experience on TV for about 30 seconds. MVP turned his back to Angle and dared him to hit him again. When Angle didn’t hit him, he said he remembers an Angle he used to study on TV and present masterpieces. He said that Angle is apparently gone in 2015. He said the new Angle wears a suit and tie and has no balls. “Kurt, you’re done!” he said. Then Angle said he’s right, he is done as Executive Director. He said 15 minutes ago he was reactivated as an active wrestler. He booked himself against MVP in a street fight as his last act as Director. He punched MVP to jump start the fight.
-Mathews excitedly said that match takes place after the break. [c]
(1) KURT ANGLE vs. MVP – Street Fight
The match was joined in progress after the break with MVP in control 16 minutes into the show. MVP grounded Angle with an armbar and leglock. As MVP wrapped Angle’s leg around the ringpost, the NY crowd had to be bleeped again as they chanted “M-V-Pussy.” MVP bashed Angle’s knee with a chair at ringside. Next came “M-V-Penis.” That didn’t get bleeped. I guess it’s more officially anatomically medical than the female “P” word. Mathews called more moves by name 20 minutes into this show than he did in his last year in WWE. Angle burst out of a mathold and gave MVP the Angle Slam for the win. Taz said Angle is back! Angle yelled in victory as MVP grimaced at ringside.
WINNER: Angle in 6:00.
-They showed a side view of Low Ki warming up backstage. Then they cut to James Storm & Co. And then Taryn Terrell. And then Roode prepping in his locker room. Mathews quickly ran down their previous matches. [c]
-MVP was yelling at King backstage for not being there for him. Kenny said he was with the girls. That didn’t satisfy MVP. He asked where Lashley was because he wants to remind Lashley why he was champion in the first place. King looked like he had screwed up bad.
-They went to Taz and Matthews on camera sitting in front of a backdrop with both Impact Wrestling and Destination America logos. Josh took a deep breath and welcomed everyone to “a whole new world, my friend.” Josh threw to a camera in the corner of a locker room showing wrestlers chatting with each other. They also went to a camera of John Gaburick and Al Snow in the production area. They were set up like they were hidden security cameras. Josh said if something happens, you’re going to see it.
(WK Reax: We’ll see where it goes and how it’s used, but I like that TNA is creating a reason for cameras existing and catching things behind the scenes. The King-MVP exchange had a filter on the camera that made it look like it was peering at them without their realizing it. So it gives off a big of a creepy pervy vibe, but it also explains in an internal narrative sense why we as viewers are seeing what we see.)
-Backstage they cut to ECIII with that Brodus Clay guy, I mean Tyrus standing behind him looking mean. Then a clown guy tried to get in the picture, but Tyrus shoved him away with a palm to the face. ECIII scolded viewers for breaking their New Year’s Resolutions already. He called them “fatties.” He complained that he, the American Hardcore Icon, should have been on the show by now. He vowed finish what he started in 2014 with Rock Star Spud and “take the whole thing.” Tyrus held up a bad of Spud’s hair.
-Back to Taz and Matthews who talked about Spud maybe getting a haircut tonight. Mathews said he is thankful for a chance to sit next to Taz and call play-by-play on Impact, accepting the reins from “The Professor” Mike Tenay. He said Tenay has been there since day one, and he’s still involved.
-They went to Tenay who talked about Impact Wrestling Unlocked, a Saturday show with “enhanced viewing experience” with stats, facts, and opinions. He gave a sample of the type of interviews they’d present with a clip of his interview with Storm earlier in the day. They were in the upper deck. Tenay said he has to admit he didn’t see the formation of The Revolution coming. Storm said if he can blind the great professor, everyone else is smooth sailing. Tenay asked what his motives are. Storm said management didn’t fulfill their part of the deal because he did everything they asked, so now he’s there to collect. Tenay asked why his group flocks to him, such as Sanada, Manik, and Abyss. Storm said those guys have seen the light and know he will speak the truth to them. Storm said he won’t tell Tenay his plan. “We’re not here for wrestling matches, we’re not here to entertain these people. They can keep their titles. We are here for blood.” He leaned in and asked Tenay if he believes in God and if his mom warned him about the devil. He said Tenay’s mom should’ve warned him about James Storm. He gave him the eerie whistle.
(2) THE REVOLUTION (James Storm & Abyss w/Manik, Sanada) vs. EDDIE EDWARDS & DAVEY RICHARDS – Impact Wrestling Tag Team Title match
Jeremy Borash handled ring introductions. Jim Ross might be upset the tag champs were introduced first. From a production standpoint, they probably wanted to flow right from the Tenay-Storm segment to Storm’s whistling on his entrance song. Mathews called Edwards & Richards “two time TNA Tag Team Champions.” If there were any references to TNA before that, there weren’t many. The “Impact Wrestling” brand has been pushed instead. The Hardys music played and they began to walk to the ring. Mathews wondered what that was about and said they’d sort it out next. [c]
The bell rang to start the match. The Hardys were watching at ringside. Taz said the wrestlers in the match ought to keep their eyes on them. They showed the Hardys watching at ringside as Storm took control of the match against Richards. Abyss catapulted Richards into Storm’s DDT for a near fall. Edwards came in to even the odds and knocked both Storm and Abyss down. Manik got on the ring apron as if he could tag in. When Manik and Sanada entered, the Hardys entered and took care of them. Abyss knocked Matt out of the ring. Jeff then jumped Abyss as Abyss grabbed his noose and cowbell. Edwards and Jeff bumped into each other, then Storm landed a Last Call super kick for the pin. For what it’s worth, Borash announced Storm & Abyss as “still World Tag Team Champions,” but didn’t say “TNA” in the name.
WINNERS: Storm & Abyss to retain the TNA Tag Team Titles.
-A clip aired of the Sept. 17, 2014 Lashley vs. Roode match on Impact Wrestling ending with Lashley winning with a Spear. Mathews said they’d show highlights of Roode-Lashley II later.
(WK Reax: Nice graphics refresh and good presentation of the Impact Wrestling World Hvt. Title as being a big deal while framing the match as the third in a trilogy.)
-Backstage EC3 pulled the roving cameraman to follow him to document his “unfinished business from every camera angle.”
(WK Reax: I was hoping he wasn’t headed to the bathroom.) [c]
-A commercial aired for ShopTNA.com.
-Mathews hyped Roode-Lashley III.
-Backstage MVP yelled at Lashley for not having time for him. He brow-beat him for not appreciating him. “Without you, there is no Lashley.” Lashley heard enough and turned and shoved MVP against the wall. Lashley said this isn’t about MVP, it’s about him getting his title back. MVP asked if he’s really putting his hands on him. MVP asked Kenny to leave with him. He sarcastically wished Lashley luck in his title match. Lashley glared at him.
-Borash stood mid-ring and said having been part of TNA from the start, he couldn’t be prouder than to be in New York City for their first show on Destination America. When he was about to introduce a special guest, he was interrupted by EC3.
EC3 said what he says is gospel and truth. He said when he says he is very good, it’s fact. He said when he says he is unbeaten for 15 months, that’s fact. He said 2015 is the year he becomes “TNA World Hvt. Champion,” that is fact. They cut to Borash who seemed less than pleased with EC3. The crowd chanted “You can’t wrestle!” He did his “I disagree… I’m very good” routine.
EC3 entered the ring, gave Borash a hard time, and then asked Rock Star Spud to come to the ring so they can finish their business. The fans chanted “We Want Spud!” EC3 said, “I agree.” Spud crawled to the ring looking beaten up. Tyrus followed behind and then dragged Spud to the ring by lifting him by his belt. Spud broke free and tried to hit Tyrus, but Tyrus no-sold it and tossed Spud down hard.
EC3 chanted “Scab! Scan!” at Spud. Borash asked EC3 if he thinks he’s done enough. EC3 told Borash to stand down. Borash didn’t budge at first, but then hung his head and turned like Cena. Borash then turned back around, unlike Cena, and slapped EC3 in the face. Taz said he couldn’t believe he did that. Mathews praised Borash for standing up for his friend, Spud.
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Tyrus splashed Borash in the corner. Spud tried to help, but Tyrus dropped him. EC3 said there’s a change of plans. As Tyrus held Spud, EC3 began shaving Borash’s head. He took a big chunk out. Spud went down to check on his friend as EC3 and Tyrus gloated.
-Backstage Kenny tried to get MVP worked up over Lashley putting his hands on him. MVP said they tried to do business and play by other people’s rules. The sound mix was rough here with the crowd to hear exactly everything MVP said, but Kenny liked it. [c]
-Highlights aired of Lashely-Roode II from Oct. 29, 2014, Roode’s victory to win the title.
-Mathews plugged the third encounter live later on the show.
-Low Ki made his ring entrance wearing all yellow with black trim. Mathews threw to a video package on the X Division featuring highlights of the division over the years. Angle said the X Division guys have separated TNA from every other company in pro wrestling. Low Ki gave a refreshing promo in tone, showing a sports-like approach to answering the topic at hand. “I take a lot of pride in it, so if you are representing the X Division, you better be on the level.”
(3) LOW KI vs. AUSTIN ARIES – X Division Champion
Mathews said Aries is a vegan, but got the definition wrong. He said it’s someone who doesn’t eat meat or processed foods. A vegan can eat processed food, but rules out all animal products – not just meat; so eggs and dairy is also not consumed. There are a lot of “unhealthy vegans” who eat a diet very heavy in processed grains and sugary drinks. Taz made it clear he’s not a vegan. Mathews noted that Low Ki had wrestled on the very first Impact Wrestling show on June 19, 2002. Mathews plugged Taz’s new podcast. Taz said Matt Hardy and MVP would be guests soon on his “Human Podcast Machine” show. The crowd chanted “Let’s Go Ki / Let’s Go Aries.” Mathews said this is the kind of match he signed with TNA in order to call.
(WK Reax: I wish we got more of a backstory to this match than just the X Division style action put TNA on the map. I want a reason to root for someone, against the other. Saying Aries is a vegan and Low Ki was on the first Impact doesn’t get me invested in the outcome.)
At 5:00 Aries dove through the ropes into Low Ki at ringside. Next he leaped off the top rope with a dropkick. Low Ki countered the next move with his Bite of the Dragon submission finisher. The crowd continued to chant for and cheer both guys. Aries made a comeback and gave Low Ki a brain buster suplex for the win.
WINNER: Aries to capture the X Division Championship in 7:00.
(WK Reax: Good action. Too short to really stand out, and it really needed more pre-match hype about the wrestlers personalities and not just “the X Division is awesome because these little guys do cool spots.”)
-They cut to Taryn Terrell backstage stretching. Mathews announced the Knockouts Title would be defended in a battle royal.
(WK Reax: I get TNA wanting to get a bunch of the Knockouts on the first show, but it makes a mockery of the title that a champion has to defend in a battle royal for no reason other than filling TV time with a gimmick match. It’s one of those situations where the “means” to the end is more costly than the “end” itself is beneficial.
(4) KNOCKOUTS BATTLE ROYAL for the Knockouts Title.
The Beautiful People ring entrance took place with Jesse Godderz and D.J.Z. accompanying them. Z said they were about to introduce a reality TV mega-star who is returning to Impact Wrestling after “one amazing race” (referring CBS’s “Amazing Race,” of course), Robbie E. Robbie said he didn’t win a million dollars, but everyone should agree he looks like a million dollars. He blamed his ex-girlfriend for his losing. He said he kicked her to the curb, The Amazing Loser, Brooke. Taryn Terrell ring intro interrupted him.
Terrell’s challengers included Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, Madison Rayne, Gail Kim, and Havok. Mathews plugged the Knockouts 2015 Calendar. Josh called Taz “the best color analyst in the business,” and then added, “The competition’s not real stiff.” I like this version of Josh Mathews. It came down to Terrell, Havok, and Kim. Havok tried to eliminate Kim, but Kim turned it into a head scissors and was about to dump her over the top rope. Terrell dumped them both over the top rope to win.
WINNER: Terrell to retain the Knockouts Title in 8:00.
When Havok was giving Terrell a post-match attack, the lights went out. When they came back on, Awesome Kong was standing in the ring face-to-face with Havoc.
(WK Reax: I kinda think Paul Heyman’s top legacy should be being blamed/credited with the lights-out-back-on-surprise-wrestler-in-ring gimmick.)
When the lights came back on, Awesome Kong was standing forehead-to-forehead with Havok. Mathews said, “No frickin’ way!” He said it was a “fantasy booker’s dream come true.” The crowd chanted “Holy shit!” Taz said, “I agree.” Was that a clever takeoff on EC3’s “I disagree” response to fan chants? The ref ordered Kong out of the ring. She chokeslammed him. Taz said, “She’s back, baby!”
(WK Reax: I wish Josh or Taz would have expressed some outrage that she chokeslammed a ref. That should never, ever be treated as “business as usual.” It totally undercuts the intended effect.)
-They showed Roode and Lashley each getting ready for their main event match.
-A commercial hyped that Impact will begin airing on Fridays starting next week. [c]
(5) ROBERT ROODE vs. BOBBY LASHLEY – TNA World Hvt. Championship
They filmed the roof of the arena, but then panned to the entrance stage. They had the lights low in the stands all night because so few fans were there. Lashley came out wearing a “Future Legend” black and white t-shirt. Taz said he’s an all-business competitor. Then Roode came out. Mathews touted that Roode’s first TNA Title reign lasted 256 days, a company record. Mathews announced Hardys vs. The Wolves would take place next week. There was an early “Let’s go Lashley / Bobby Roode” battle chant.
(WK Reax: As the match began, it really stood out we didn’t hear from the champion before the title fight. Why not have a promo from the champ before the featured World Title match? We needed more of a personal issue to be at stake than they’ve traded wins and the title’s at stake.)
At 4:00 the announcers said there was something going on backstage. King and MVP tried to get to ringside accompanied by two guys in masks. It would’ve been great if they were revealed to be Cesaro and Tyson Kidd. Security said they couldn’t stay, but they pushed past him and beat him up. MVP shrugged. They cut to a break. [c]
Back live, Lashley tossed Roode into the ring. Roode showed some life, but Lashley retained control and settled into a mid-ring waist lock. Taz did his best to try to sell it to viewers as a devastatingly painful hold this late in a match. Nice try, but it was way too long for a move like that on a big live TV show like this. Roode made a comeback at 13:00. They exchanged big moves and near falls as the pace picked up. Lashley bled from his mouth. Lashley went for a spear, but Roode side-stepped him and gave him a spear for a near fall.
MVP and King walked to the ring with the two mystery masked men. Lashley rolled up Roode. Rhode escaped and applied a crossface. Lashley powered up. Rhode gave him an Attitude Adjustment for a near fall. Rhode applied a crossface. The fans chanted “Tap! Tap! Tap!” King yanked the ref out of the ring before Lately could tap out. King then punched the ref. MVP shrugged. Angle ran out. King and MVP attacked him. The two masked thugs joined in. Rhode leaned out of the ring to check on things. Lashley had time to recover somewhat, although he was still facedown on the mat. The masked men then unmasked revealing Low Ki and Samoa Joe. They actually didn’t catch Joe unmasking, as he did it at the same time as Ki and they could only film one at a time. Oops. Then Eric Young ran out with a chair to help protect Roode, presumably. Taz wondered what is going on with Ki and Joe. Young then jabbed Roode in the gut with a chair and bashed him across the back. Taz asked, “What the hell happened here?” Josh said there’s a big history between Young and Roode. Taz said it goes back to Team Canada. Lashley then speared Roode and the ref recovered enough to count the pin. Josh asked what would happen next week.
WINNER: Lashley at 19:58.
(WK Reax: Josh was strong on this show, but he seemed a little too nonplussed by what happened at the end. As for what happened, it was one of those “setting the stage for a new season” happenings. It’s supposed to leave everyone wanting to see the fallout on the next show and watch everything play out. I get the “need” for that. I’d like see a new approach to booking, though, where a World Title match is enough. A clean finish is the rule except for maybe once every three years. And big angles like this are done during a title win celebration the next week or during an in-ring interview or any other circumstance other than screwing up the integrity of the title match and the championship itself. New Japan showed how epic title matches can feel when all of the nonsense and ga-ga is saved for other times and kept separate. This is TNA braintrust’s assumed way of how things have to be, but there really is another way, and a way that I think feels fresher and would work better. In the end, those hidden cameras and such didn’t mean much. Maybe in future weeks, right? Overall, while it felt different in the first 10-15 minutes, by the end, it was typical TNA, with the good and bad that comes with it.)
-The show ended with a graphic that said: “TNA Wrestling Production.”
(If you watch Impact, we’re looking for your Reax, 0-10 Score, and Best/Worst Match sent to pwtorch@gmail.com after the show.)
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