Ric Flair chews out pizza restaurant manager after getting upset over long wait to use bathroom

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor

Ric Flair documentary announced for Peacock


Ric Flair made headlines when TMZ reported that he chewed out a worker at pizza restaurant after he took longer than Flair wanted in the bathroom.

The restaurant manager told Flair he was cutting him off from being served more drinks. When Flair asked what his first name is, and the manager said “Nicholas,” Flair called him “Nicholas Dickhead.” Flair said he didn’t do anything wrong and denied saying a cuss word. He called him a “dipshit” and said he was leaving and wouldn’t come back again.

When Flair invited him to talk about it in the parking lot like a man, the manager said he was on the clock. Flair called it “the pussy clock.” Another patron then invited Flair to talk to him in the parking lot instead.

Flair posted on Instagram that he spent $1,500 at the restaurant and was “disrespected more than I haever have in my entire life.” He said he took photos with 20 customers and staff, but then was asked to leave because he took issue with a worker taking too long in the bathroom.

A video of the exchange was released online. Watch it HERE.

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