September 30, 2020
Announcers: Jim Ross, Taz, Excalibur
The match started with both men going almost immediately outside the ring. Once back in the ring Darby took control with mat wrestling moves, Allin got Starks on the apron and hit a suplex on the apron. Allin then hit a suicide dive into Starks.
Brian Cage walked into the ring to get Allin. Will Hobbs came out to defend Allin. He and Cage brawled into the backstage area. Starks threw Darby off the apron hard onto his back, to the outside of the ring. Starks got Allin back in the ring, and got offense in until Allin countered briefly. Starks countered that and got Allin into a One-Leg Boston Crab hold.
Darby countered a power bomb attempt, and hit a destroyer for a near fall on Starks. Allin then got wrist control, putting Starks in an armbar, then a double armbar, before he broke the hold on the bottom rope. The two then traded slabs and forearms in the middle of the ring. Starks countered Allin’s springboard move with a spear to get a near fall.
After the spear, Allin was put on the top turnbuckle by Starks. Allin countered at the top of the corner, Starks was hit into the middle, Allin hit the Coffin Drop for the Pinfall.
WINNER: Darby Allin in 11:00
(Sage’s analysis: This was an absolute barnburner of an opening match. A full live crowd would have eaten that up. It was a great opener that made both men look great.)
-Cody made his way into the arena. [c]
-The crowd did a welcome back chant, Cody was asked how his injury was doing. He said that Al Snow told him to wrestle hurt, but not injured. Cody mused that what if his spirt was broken, not his body? Cody said pre-pandemic that wrestlers used to shake hands, because there need to be two wrestlers in any match. He got the call form Hollywood to do a new show, he talked about his celebrity co-hosts. He then talked about people wanting him to be the Ace of the company. He ran down champions and got to Mr. Brodie Lee .
He was then asked if he would take up the offer of a dog collar match, he refused and walked out of the ring. He turned back to the hard cam and walked back into the ring. He grabbed the mic, he then accepted the dog collar match for next week on Dynamite. Mr. Brodie Lee came out and what looked like the entire locker room came out to separate them. Brandi came out and did a dive onto the dark order, Anna Jay attacked Brandi. Nyla Rose attacked people from the crowd. Brodie Lee reentered the ring and the men were separated again. Lee held the TNT Title on the stage and Lee again entered the ring and then he left the arena with the dark order.
-Tony was backstage with FTR and Tully. They were asked about SCU. FTR talked about how they won last week, then about SCU and how they were the first champions. FTR needs to solidify their legacy by beating SCU. Then they talked about The Young Bucks and how they blew there chances. Matt Jackson then super kicked Tony to end the segment.
-SCU was in a backstage segment next. They were asked about their opportunity, Sky talked about getting back on the road to being champions. Sky walked past Shawn Spears, setting up a future feud. [c]
(2) FTR vs. SCU
Dax and Frankie Kazarian started the match. The story in the beginning of the match was about Adam Page on commentary, he was talking about Kenny Omega and himself. Cash and Scorpio were then in the ring. The two wrestled on the mat, then ran the opes simultaneously. Cash then fell to make it look like Christopher Daniels tripped him. The ref then threw out Daniels.
Both teams did a series of quick tags and moves, leading to a top rope dive by Sky. Sky was then laid out by Cash Wheeler on the outside. [c]
Sky and Cash were brawling when the show returned from break. Sky had a 8 second pin on Wheeler, but Harwood was distracting the ref and the long count was just a near fall. SCU remained in control, Kazarian got two near falls in a row. But, For were able to get Kazarian in their corner and worked tags to get control. SCU got a double pin near fall, Scorpio Sky then hit a cutter and got another near fall.
FTR hit tandem moves and got a near fall of their own on Kazarian. Wheeler went to the top rope and was knocked down, Wheeler and Kazarian battled, leading to a power bomb of Kazarian. Scorpio Sky had a moment where he got 4 near falls on Cash Wheeler. Tully interfered but was thwarted by the ref and not removed. Wheeler pinned Sky, as Tully held Sky’s foot down.
WINNER: FTR in 16:00
(Sage’s analysis: I am not sure going over the top with FTR as old school heels cheating every step of the way is the best way to have everyone of their matches go. This match was really good, but there was too much going on from a FTR cheating perspective. It took away from the good match and made me only think about ref logic and other things that don’t help FTR as a group.)
-Excalibur annonce a eight man tournament (the first three announced combatants are Jungle Boy, Rey Fenix, and Kenny Omega) The winner will get a world title shot. The finals will be at the Full Gear PPV [c]
Jericho backed Kassidy into the corner with face pushes. Kassidy pushed back and got Jericho to the mat and hit him with several strikes. Kassidy controlled the first two minutes of this match, Jericho hit a stiff shot after he kicked out of a near fall. Kassidy catapulted Jericho out of the ring and tried a bicycle slide. Jericho was thrown into the crowd. Luther did not like that and threw Jericho back into the outer ring area. Jericho was in the middle of the ring after a mover and Kassidy hit a senton onto Jericho for a near fall. Jericho kicked out and got a solid push to take control going into the break. [c]
Jericho hit a slam on Kassidy as the show returned. Kassidy tried to make a comeback, but Hager tripped him, not seen by the ref. Both men went back and fourth trying to get the advantage. Kassidy was able to hit a stunner and get a near fall on Jericho. Jericho was visibly gassed as Kassidy hit a second springboard stunner. Jericho was able to attempted a lionsault and it missed, leading to another near fall. Kassidy hit a codebreaker into, you guessed it, another near fall.
Kassidy went for a springboard move and was met with a Judas Effect, Jericho got the pinfall.
WINNER: Chris Jericho in 12:oo
(Sage’s analysis: This was fine, but predictable. There has been a ton of heel cheating and dumb refs on this episode. But, it was nice to see the Judas Effect again and how deadly of a move it is.
-After the match, Inner Circle attacked Kassidy but were stopped by Marc Quen and Hardy. Jericho and Hager then beat up on Luther and Serpentico.
-Miro and Kip Sabian had a vignette with someone that is a world record holder? I missed who the third person was.
-FTR talked crap to Best Friends back stage, Orange Cassidy called FTR weenies. [c]
(4) Orange Cassidy vs. 10
10 took off Cassidy’s glasses and put them on John Silver. 10 then proceeded to work over Cassidy with a series of power moves. 10 stood Orange up and put Cassidy’s hands in Cassidy’s pockets. The Dark Order then did a mocking Best friends hug. They were rewarded with a dive from Cassidy. Cassidy took advantage and hit an Orange Punch and another move for the pinfall.
WINNER: Orange Cassidy in 5:00
(Sage’s analysis: This was what it was)
-MJF was outside Jericho’s locker room, backstage. The Inner Circle was celebrating, MJF had a gift for Jericho, and the gang. They were a series of vintage style jackets. Well he has one for everyone but Sammy, MJF blamed Wardlow for the missing jacket. Jericho asked if MJF wanted to join the Inner Circle. MJF then asked if he is wanted in the Inner Circle. There was no resolution to this as we will almost certainly find out more next week. [c]
The two battled with traditional holds and mat moves. Baker controlled the match in the earlier portion with solid wrist control. Velvet got a counter drop kick into a bulldog, Baker countered with a clothesline. Baker then hammered Velvet with forearms and threw her into the middle rope. Baker hit a super kick and then a neckbreaker, then pinned Red Velvet.
WINNER: Britt Baker in 6:00
(Sage’s analysis: It is a match that needed to happen to re-establish Baker as the top heel. I miss Thunder Rosa)
-The announce team ran down the show for next week.
-Eddie Kingston and his friends walked out to the arena [c]
Kingston talked about how he did not tap out last week, but that Moxley said he could pick his next opponent. Kingston asked the ref why he rang the bell last week. The referee said he Calle dit to protect Kingston from himself, Moxley came out to save the ref. Kingston announced that Mox would be facing The Butcher.
The Butcher attacked Moxley from behind and owned the first moments of the match. [c]
The Butcher was still beating up Moxley when the match retuned form break. But, Moxley soon countered with a neck breaker and he got wrist control. Butcher countered that into a knee submission, then Butcher got into guard position and stood up, allowing Moxley to get up. Butcher had Moxley again in a single leg crab, but he just let go of it. Moxley fought back, but he was put into another single leg crab. Moxley got out and was laid out with a clothesline.
Moxley ended up outside the ring, he then threw Butcher into the railing. The two then traded shots in the middle of the ring. Moxley sold his injured leg, Butcher hit a cross body and got a near fall. The ref started a 10-count as both men were down on the mat. The two traded big shots again. The Butcher sat on the turnbuckle, Moxley grabbed him and hit a superplex, but Moxley was put back into a one leg crab. That was countered and Moxley hit a package pile driver for a pinning attempt. Moxley hit the DDT and Locke din the bulldog choke for the submission victory.
WINNER: Jon Moxley in 11:00
(Overall show analysis: This episode was not very good, it was all heel diversion and people who were getting worked 80% of the match coming through at the last second and winning. Overall one of the weakest episodes of Dynamite in a long time.)
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