The following report originally published 10 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…
WWE NXT Takeover Report
December 11, 2014
Live at Full Sail University
Report by Justin James, PWTorch contributor
* Video package on Hideo Itami and Finn Balor against The Ascension. Alex Riley calls Itami and Balor “unproven,” but is looking forwards to the match. Funny enough, they have Full Sail University mugs instead of Diet Mountain Dew. More likely to drink out of those mugs, too.
* Portion of a sit-down interview with Sami Zayn. He says he wants to win the NXT Championship before heading to the main roster, so tonight is sink or swim.
* Video package on Corey Graves. Graves, at the announce booth, says that the concussions have added up really quickly, and the doctors are telling him to retire, so he is. He is moving to an announcer position.
[ J.J.’s Reax: Sad to hear, as Graves is a stand-out talent. He’ll be a great addition to the booth. Of particular note is WWE acknowledging the dangers of repeated concussions and that they can end careers. ]
* Package on Kevin Owens. Renee Young quotes Seth Rollins that Owens has a ton of heart.
* Another portion of Zayn’s sit down interview. The stipulation (“win or quit”) isn’t “official,” but it is “personal.”
* Video package on the Vaudevillains.
* Rich Brennan interviews the Lucha Dragons. Kalisto says this is “our evolution” and vows to keep the tag titles.
* Video package on Charlote vs. Sasha Banks.
* Riley backs Neville, while Albert and Graves go with Zayn.
Live Show
Takeover: R-Evolution starts with a package of each participant vowing that tonight is their evolution. Baron Corbin is included, though I don’t recall him having a scheduled match.
The announcer booth is Rich Brennan, Alex Riley, and Corey Graves. JoJo is handling introductions tonight.
Kevin Owens (Kevin Steen) comes out breathing heavy and with a “I can’t believe I’m here” look. There’s a “Fight Owens Fight” sign. He looks nervous as anything. To give him some easy heat he’s facing C.J. Parker.
A pair of big clotheslines out of the bell, a cannonball, and Parker is wrecked. Owens trashes Parker’s sign, then flies over the top rope with a huge dive. “Holy s—” from the crowd, “looks can be deceiving” from Owens. The crowd is nuts for Owens. Parker with a surprise roundhouse to drop Owens. “Owens’s gonna kill you!” Owens rolls under a running senton. “Third Eye” from Parker but Owens kicks out at nearly three. The crowd rallies Owens. Double knees to Owens, but he comes out with a lariat, his face is covered in blood, must have gotten busted open on the Third Eye, or he bladed as he hit the ground. Pumphandle grab into a shoulderbreaker. Pop-up powerbomb ends it.
WINNER: Kevin Owens in 3:30. I. Am. Sold. Absolutely brutal debut for Owens. Fantastic three minutes of in-ring action.
Clips from Neville’s interview with Michael Cole talking about Sami Zayn’s self-imposed stipulation. He points out that he priority is his career and life.
Video package on the Lucha Dragons.
Sin Cara and Gotch lock up. Springboard moonsault from Sin Cara. Lucha Dragons double-team Gotch. English blind tags and drags Sin Cara out of the ring as Gotch blocks a Sunset Flip. Sin Cara gets isolated. Sin Cara finally makes the hot tag to Kalisto, who goes nuts on the Vaudevillains. Sin Cara keeps Gotch down and out. They dump English over the rope onto Gotch. Double suicide dives, and Gotch shoves English into harm’s way, rolls Kalisto in, but takes the Solida Del Sol.
WINNERS: Lucha Dragons in 6:45. Since when is a tag team championship match the comedown match from the debut of a new wrestler? Or get lower billing than a women’s championship match or a non-champion tag match?
Tye Dillenger is out for some unannounced singles action. The announcers tell us that next week will feature an interview with Kevin Owens. Smart follow-up there. Dillenger is facing Baron Corbin.
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Corbin just stares at Dillenger, then Dillenger locks up and does some damage. Huge Snakes Eyes, Big Boot, and Corbin stares down Bull Dempsey in the audience, then End of Days to wrap it up as he stares at Dempsey.
WINNER: Baron Corbin in 0:45.
Post-match, Corbin and Dempsey look at each other across the barricade. Lots of intensity here. Amazing that NXT can build a feud with neither man saying a word.
In the locker room, Sami Zayn is looking nervous. Inset clip of his sit-down interview as he talks to Amore and Cassady while Owens is in the background.
Video package on Hideo Itami and Finn Balor and The Ascension. Great package that makes this look like the Feud of the Year. Itami has a new gold and black Gi. Balor comes out wearing some outfit that makes the crowd go “holy s—” and he is very theatrical and creepy. Weird paint makes it look like his jaw is the top of a monster’s mouth and his neck is the bottom. The Ascension sell being out-classed in the creepo department.
The Ascension rush the ring before the bell. Itami and Balor get the upper hand with ease. Double hesitation corner dropkicks and The Ascension are out of the ring. Viktor comes into the ring, the ref calls for the bell.
Big kick from Itami gets one, then Balor is in. Viktor gets a boot up in the corner. Konnor gets embarrassed by Balor and Itami. Big flapjack puts The Ascension in control of Itami. Itami slips out of a body slam. Konnor tags in Viktor who clears Balor from the apron before Itami gets to him. Riley heels it up saying that Itami and Balor don’t speak English. “Corey, how do you beat The Ascension?” “I don’t know, I lost my tag team titles to them.” Graves is proving himself in the booth. Itami is struggling to get enough traction to make a tag. The crowd refuses to quit on Itami. Itami almost tags out but misses by an inch.
Itami dodges a corner charge, then dumps Konnor into the ring, but Konnor yanks Balor off the apron to stop the tag. The crowd is dumping on that. Itami finally makes the tag and Balor destroys Viktor, then steps off Viktor to dropkick Konnor through the ropes. Uppercut catches Balor off guard, but an enziguri knocks Viktor outside and a big dive takes out The Ascension. Viktor rolled into the ring, enzifuri keeps Konnor off the apron, Viktor rolls under the top rope footstomp. Brainbuster suplex, Konnor breaks up the pin, Itami clears Konnor from the ring. STO from Viktor, and Itami breaks up the pin. Itami lifts Viktor, Konnor breaks it up. They are risking DQ. Itami yanks Konnor from the ring to prevent the Fall of Man, then a Pele Kick from Balor to Viktor, a dropkick plants Konnor mid-ring, and double diving footstomps leads to Balor pinning Viktor.
WINNERS: Hideo Itami and Finn Balor in 11:00. Great match in the last few minutes, though they kind of forgot the rules of tag team matches. Lots of excitement and the presentation of Balor was bonkers. How many top rope dives can one PPV feature? We know we’ll see a few in Zayn-Neville. On commentary, Graves is starting to warmup, he’s had a couple of mis-steps, but he’s being put into a high-pressure situation for his debut.
Backstage, Renee Young has Roman Reigns. Guess who gets no love in Full Sail? Young asks him about his Superstar of the Year award. He puts over Zayn vs. Neville.
Backstage, Charlotte is getting her make-up done and Ric Flair stops by to give her some encouragement.
Video package on Charlotte – Banks.
5 – NXT Women’s champion CHARLOTTE vs. SASHA BANKS – NXT Women’s Championship match
Banks jaws at Charlotte, who gets angry. Banks runs, then takes advantage of referee Charles Robinson. Charlotte gets physical, but a knee from Banks turns it around. Charlotte catches a chop and turns it around. They brawl outside. Banks sends Charlotte into the stairs. Back elbow from the corner can’t get Charlotte out of the corner. Banks lays Charlotte across the corner ropes and a double knee drop puts Charlotte on the ground. Banks licks her hand, goes to slap Charlotte, but Charlotte ducks then breaks free.
Fast back-and-forth action. Bankrupted into a hold by Banks. Banks grounds Charlotte. The crowd is evenly split between Banks and Charlotte. Charlotte stands up and hits an electric chair and they are both down. Then get up and elbows and forearms and chops trash Banks. Banks slips out of a suplex, reverses, Charlotte reverses into a neckbreaker. Charlotte to the outside, and suicide dive from Banks lays Charlotte out on the ramp. Cover in the ring gets two and they are both pretty battered. They trade blows to “Yay/Whoo” and then Charlotte hits the ropes and nails a spear turning Banks into a mess. Drop toe hold puts Charlotte’s face into the turnbuckle. Bank Statement, but Charlotte shrugs off, Charlotte wants the figure-four, but Banks goes for a small package for two then a neckbreaker for two, re-cover for two, re-cover for two. Banks is nuts.
“This is awesome” from the crowd as the match resets. Charlotte with a sick suplex. “This is wrestling.” Charlotte to the top for a moonsault, but Banks moves, Charlotte lands on her feet and bounces right into a senton, but Banks gets her boots on the ropes. That was just beyond amazing. Charlotte wants the Last Ride powerbomb, Banks blocks, then uses her legs to pitch Charlotte into the turnbuckle face first. Banks wants a superplex, but Charlotte blocks then tosses Banks off the top with a front suplex, stays on top and looks for a top-rope Natural Selection, hits it.
WINNER: Charlotte in 14:00. I knew Charlotte puts on some great matches (see: Charlotte – Natalya), but Banks just put herself on the map big time here. I’ve liked Banks’s work but she went beyond “the next level” tonight. This was an outstanding match that demands a watch if you missed it. The top-rope front suplex from Charlotte had Cesaro-like strength to it.
Another video package on Zayn vs. Neville.
Zayn comes out to a big reaction, while Neville gets boos. Neville has new trunks, for what it’s worth. The crowd is nuts for Zayn.
6 – NXT champion ADRIAN NEVILLE vs. SAMI ZAYN – NXT Championship match
Lots of delay out of the bell as the crowd cheers Zayn. Neville quickly backs away from Zayn to avoid a lock-up. Neville drops Zayn, then chain wrestle and grapple for a few minutes with neither man gaining an edge. The pace quickens with Neville’s speed keeping him alive until a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker sends him outside. Zayn bounces off the top rope and lands on Neville. Zayn celebrates in the ring, then brings Neville in the ring. Top-rope cross-body gets two. Neville back-springs, gets caught in an electric chair position, and then hits the Blue Thunderbomb. Running uppercut from Neville, but Zayn charges and eats boots. German suplex into a cover gets a nearfall for Neville.
Neville wants a Styles Clash, but Zayn blocks, looks for Old School, and Neville escapes. Thrust kick and a sick sit-out powerbomb for a nearfall. Huge exchange of blows, then Neville dodges the Hulluva Kick, and the crowd chants “No” as Neville goes up for the Red Arrow. But, Zayn gets knees up, Koji Clutch mid-ring… Neville can’t get out… the crowd is turned all the way up until Neville gets a boot to the rope. The crowd just lost all their air.
Zayn wants an exploder suplex into the turnbuckle, but Neville rolls up Zayn. Zayn kicks out and Neville’s boots clobber the ref. Zayn is conflicted and checks on the ref, then walks into Neville with a superkick. Huracarana from behind into a cover and Zayn barely kicks out. Pair of German suplexes and a throw, but Neville rolls under the ropes. Torpedo DDT draws the third “Holy s—” of the night. Helluva Kick, but the ref catches a piece of the kick. The ref is knocked out, Neville is on the ring. “This ref sucks” from the crowd.
Neville grabs the championship belt and slides it into the ring, but a big boot blocks the belt shot. Zayn picks up the belt and sells conflict. The ref is still out. Zayn thinks about the belt shot. But, he hesitates. Neville is on the ground looking like a sad sack. The ref won’t see it, and Zayn is torn. Zayn shakes his head and refuses to do it. Zayn gets bleeped out. Neville with a schoolboy as Zayn tosses the belt away, close nearfall. Exploder suplex from Zayn into the turnbuckle. Helluva Kick #3 connects again, and this gets the three count.
WINNER: Sami Zayn in 21:00 to capture the NXT Title. I think Zayn’s matches with Cesaro were a quarter-notch higher, but the emotion of this series, given Zayn’s two-year quest for gold, was unmatched.
Post-match, Zayn has a long, extended celebration. The NXT locker room empties to congratulate Zayn. Kevin Owens hugs Zayn, his nose has stitches and gets busted open again, Owens bleeds all over Zayn.
Neville finally recovers and gives Zayn a look. Zayn sets the championship down, and extends a hand. Neville kicks the hand away to boos then gives Zayn a big hug. Zayn raises Neville’s hand. Neville departs to give Zayn his moment.
Lots of celebrations. Zayn with more time in the ring. Owens comes out again to congratulate Zayn then walks down the ramp with him… and then Owens dumps him into the floor and powerbombs him right into the apron. The crowd is stunned. William Regal charges down the ramp, bumps into Owens and checks on Zayn, who is knocked out. Regal screams for help. Cut to black as the doctors arrive.
Final Reax: The tag matches weren’t perfect and that’s the worst thing to be said about this Takeover. Kevin Owens’s explosive debut, the hard-hitting Itami/Balor vs. Ascension match, and the two brutal singles matches made this a show you should not miss if you have the WWE Network. Congrats to Zayn for proving that a true “nice guy” babyface can get over and build investment over two years. The ambush by Owens… I almost missed it and I bet a lot of folks did, too… it was emotionally powerful and extremely effective. I honestly felt sick watching it.
OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Powell’s NXT Deadline Hit List: Iron Survivor Challenge matches, Trick Williams vs. Ridge Holland for the NXT Title, Jaida Parker vs. Lola Vice in an NXT Underground match
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