VIP NEWSLETTER – PRO WRESTLING TORCH #1488 (December 14, 2016) – Keller’s Cover Story on VICE reporting Shane made power play for Creative control, Mitchell column, Parks column, Newswire, Keller’s Raw & SD reports

December 14, 2016

PWTorch Newsletter #1488 Cover-dated December 14, 2016 LINK: 1488TorchNewsletter –LIST OF ALL LATEST NEWSLETTERS SUMMARY: This week’s newsletter begins with Wade Keller’s cover story detailing the key aspect of the VICE article regarding Shane McMahon’s power play a few years […]

VIP AUDIO 6/30 – Interview Thursday Livecast w/Wade Keller & Kevin Eck (AD-FREE): Shield backstory, Roster Split insights, backstage details on how Smackdown is written, Steph’s self-awareness, Lesnar’s UFC-WWE connection, Vince stories, more (118 min)

June 30, 2016

SHOW SUMMARY: PWTorch editor Wade Keller talks live with former WWE Creative Team member Kevin Eck (2011-2014), now of the Kevin Eck Wrestling Blog, discussing hot topics in pro wrestling right now including Roster Split insights, backstage details […]

VIP AUDIO 6/30 – Interview Thursday Livecast w/Wade Keller & Kevin Eck (AD-FREE): Shield backstory, Roster Split insights, backstage details on how Smackdown is written, Steph’s self-awareness, Lesnar’s UFC-WWE connection, Vince stories, more (118 min)

June 30, 2016

SHOW SUMMARY: PWTorch editor Wade Keller talks live with former WWE Creative Team member Kevin Eck (2011-2014), now of the Kevin Eck Wrestling Blog, discussing hot topics in pro wrestling right now including Roster Split insights, backstage details […]

WWE TV executive cashes out stock payday

June 8, 2016

WWE executive producer Kevin Dunn cashed out 40,000 shares of WWE stock this week for about three-quarters of a million dollars. In an SEC filing released Wednesday for events on Tuesday (June 7), WWE disclosed […]