FEBRUARY 14, 2017
By Joey Galizia (@RamJam89)
The past few months have been good to Bray Wyatt. Actually, to put it in perspective he has been DOMINANT to them. He was one of the sole survivors during the huge SD vs. Raw match, he was in the final-three at the Royal Rumble, and this past Sunday he finally claimed his throne as World Heavyweight Champion, and pinned A.J. Styles and John Cena to do it. To say that the Eater of Worlds has deserved this honor is an understatement: HE BELONGS IN THIS SPOT. He has consistently one of the best talkers in the company (depending on how you feel about his gimmick) and his “down with the machine” attitude will certainly make for an interesting championship run. However, tonight he has to face the icon John Cena, who could claim his record breaking 17th world championship if he manages to defeat the new face of fear. John and Bray have a battered and bruised past, but I don’t think John has what it takes to stop Wyatt’s incredible main event run. How will Randy Orton perceive tonight’s title bout? At the end of Elimination Chamber Orton stood on the ramp to watch his new comrade celebrate his long-awaited victory, but was he viewing Bray as his Mania challenger? Or as his brother whom he may have to do battle with? I’ve said a dozen times but this particular storyline has been THE BEST angle that WWE has and that includes NXT and 205. While Orton and Wyatt have faced each other in the past, I feel like this momentum could deliver an ACES main event for the show of shows.
Bray wasn’t the only superstar who walked away with gold on Sunday. Naomi proved that her energetic make-over wasn’t just to please the crowd. She came to fight, to prove that she is just as vital to women’s wrestling as the Four Horsewomen. Not only that, but her and Alexa put on a WAY better match than previously anticipated, and the pop that Miss Glow got (after her gorgeous looking split-legged moonsault) was one of the loudest pops Pheonix gave all night. Alexa on the other hand blamed the loss on LITERALLY everything else including the Arizona dry air. Expect a rematch, or at least an address of a rematch on tonight’s show, and also expect your new women’s champ to happily accept that rematch because she’s been waiting to her entire life.
Another guy who belongs in the Main Event is Baron Corbin. (It’s true FIGHT ME MARKS.) After cleaning house at EC that sneaky Lunatic Dean Ambrose rolled up Baron (man he’s just not good at escaping roll-ups) and sent the Lone Wolf home early. At least that’s what he thought would happen. Instead, an enraged Corbin MKD’d Ambrose, throwing him through a chamber pod, wrenching his face off the steel chains, and then delivering the End of Days. Miz would pin Ambrose, but only because of the assault. Will this be addressed tonight? You bet your sweet rocking chair it will be, and I’m more than excited to dive into this feud. #teamBARON
I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who was excited that this recent SD PPV featured three women’s matches. While Raw last night gave us a fantastic main event between Bayley and Charlotte, the blue brand has presented it’s ladies as a featured ensemble and in doing so, given it the strength to tell intriguing tales. Becky defeated Mickie James but I don’t believe that will be the end. Nikki and Natty went to a double-count out so THAT ALSO may not be the end. Nikki then had a run in with Maryse which could possibly set up the aforementioned Mixed-Tag Mania match? Your guess is as good as mine, all I know that I’m as excited about this women’s division as I am about Wyatt’s title run.
-Randy Orton is headlining WrestleMania so I understand the idea to put him over but MAN was I rooting for Luke Harper on Sunday. Even in defeat Harper looked like a million bucks, and if treated correctly the guy could be a beast in the mid-card/main event scene. What’s next for Harper I don’t know, but I don’t think he’s done with his former family just yet.
-American Alpha overcame the “odds” and remained tag-team champs. I love AA, I do, but they need a feud and they need one bad because if there is one weak link on SD (Raw’s isn’t any better) it’s the tag-team spot. They have the talent necessary, but besides the Usos are there really any legitimate contenders? There are, but they’re in Full Sail.
Tonight is worth checking out just for the sheer joy of Wyatt possibly burning the title on air calling it “a prop for man that a God doesn’t need.” You have my attention. Does he have yours? 205 after!
NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S ARTICLE: SMACKDOWN PRIMER: What to expect tonight based on what happened last week including Cena vs. Orton, Mickie James, Shane, Naomi, Tag Turmoil
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