JULY 5, 2021
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Byron Saxton, Corey Graves
Tonight after the show, I join Wade Keller as his co-host to break down the show with live callers and emails.
•CALL: (347) 215-8558
•EMAIL COMMENTS/QUESTIONS: wadekellerpodcast@pwtorch.com
-The Money In The Bank briefcases hung high over the ring as Jimmy Smith, Byron Saxton and Corey Graves hyped the upcoming men’s MITB match. The Miz and Morrison were in the ring with them welcoming us to Miz TV.
His guests were all four members of the mens MITB match, first introducing the man that he “knew would win”, he introduced Morrison. He then introduced Drew McIntyre, the person who he cashed in last year’s briefcase on successfully. Drew McIntyre came out and said he hasn’t stopped and will not stop until he becomes the champion again this time, through the MITB match. He then brought up the Alamo, saying that he was a distant relative of Davy Crockett. Through his great-great-great-great grandmother, Miram McIntyre the Fourth. He said he then told Morrison to get himself moist so then they could tell the story of when he shoved him up The Miz’s Aaa… nyway.
Ricochet came out next, and they replayed his dive to Morrison on the barricade last week. Ricochet said he was shook about last week and knows Morrison is too. He’ll do everything it takes, including using Miz’s wheelchair as a battering ram during the match.
Riddle and his scooter emerged next, his ankle taped up from last week’s match against AJ Styles. Riddle climbed to the top of the ladder that was ceremoniously in the ring. When they asked why he was up there, he said “Whoa, I’m really high. Isn’t this what you’re supposed to do on the MITB edition of RAW?” He went on and on about Randy Orton and their friendship when AJ Styles and Omas came out next. AJ said he was robbed of his opportunity to be in the MITB match. Where Orton had to drop out of the last chance qualifier, it should have been a 1 vs 1 against McIntyre.
Riddle called AJ Styles a cute little bunny rabbit “down there”, and Omas tipped the ladder over sending Riddle to the mat. He sold his ankle before AJ kicked the injured angle. Ricochet protected Riddle out of respect, but was attacked from behind by Morrison. Ricochet sent Morrison over the ropes. McIntyre sent Omas over the ropes. All three faces stood tall and shouting at the Miz as they cut to break. (c)
(Lindberg’s Analysis: As most pre-MITB match angles are, this was just as convoluted as the rest. That said, at least it did showcase all of the potential entrants in the match-up and allowed Riddle to use a marijuana related pun that actually got me to chuckle for once, rather than seeming juvenile. Only one though. Just one.)
-They replayed the opening angle before going to the first match.
The bell rang and Ricochet came out swinging, backing Morrison into the corner. Corner clothesline followed by an elbow to the back and Ricochet covered for two. He stayed on the offensive with another clothesline into the corner, big body slam and standing elbow drop for two. Ricochet locked in a chinlock, Morrison tweaking his fingers to break the hold. Morrison then turned the momentum backed Ricochet into the corner. He set him up for a slingshot into the bottom rope, throat first.
They replayed last week’s stunt by Ricochet in split screen as Morrison locked in a chin lock, conveniently for the duration of that replay. Morrison tried to shoot Ricochet off the ropes, but a kick stopped him in his tracks. Neckbreaker for a two count by Morrison. He locked in another chinlock, Ricochet trying to fight his way out. They traded punches and kicks for a bit before Ricochet was able to hit a Hurricanrana sending Morrison outside by The Miz. Ricochet flew outside, missing both Miz and Morrison, but he then used the Miz as a ramp of sorts to attempt another Hurricanrana. This time, Morrison reversed into a barricade powerbomb as they cut to commercial. (c)
Back from break, Morrison was in control with a series of strikes and kicks to Ricochet. He rolled Ricochet up for two, Ricochet reversing it into a roll up of his own. Morrison kicked out, and hit a standing Spanish Fly for a two count.
Morrison locked in some sort of a seated abdominal stretch while Ricochet fought his way out. Ricochet was backed into the corner but was able to kick Morrison away. He hit a standing tornado DDT, leaving both men on the mat. Ricochet stayed in control with a series of strikes into a clothesline, covered for two. Ricochet was tripped by Miz’s trip-stick, allowing Morrison to nearly get a rollup win.
The momentum stayed in Morrison’s favor as he hit a knee to Ricochet’s face, but missed an elbow to a prone Ricochet. Ricochet launched himself at Morrison, sending them to the outside with Ricochet landing on his arm. Ricochet then couldn’t get back into the ring to answer the 10 count.
WINNER: John Morrison by Count Out
(Lindberg’s Analysis: One wonders if that was the scheduled finish of the match, or if Ricochet was injured, or potentially injured and an audible was called on the fly? With The Miz and Morrison acting as the foil for most of the MITB contenders right now, I didn’t think Ricochet would advance in this matchup anyway. Hopefully, all is well and he’s fine but that was one bad looking bump.)
-Jinder Mahal was interviewed backstage about his match with McIntyre tonight.
-Nia Jax, Shayna and Reginald were tormented by Alexa Bliss showing up in the shadows. Reginald saw it, the women did not sending Shayna into a tirade. As they walked away, Bliss was shown in the shadows once again.
-They hyped an 8-woman tag match for later tonight. Asuka, Naomi, Nikki Ash & Alexa Bliss vs. Shayna, Nia Jax, Eva Marie & Doudrop. (c)
-An NXT Great American Bash ad was played for tomorrow night. (Listen to PWT Talks NXT after!)
-They replayed the events of New Day at Hell in a Cell and Lashley, as well as last week when MVP confronted Kofi.
-Nikki Ash’s win over Shayna last week was played, with Bliss attacking Nia and Reginald.
-Naomi, Asuka and Nikki Ash were getting hyped up before their match with Nikki saying she wasn’t a superhero yet, she’s almost a super hero. Tension between the three arose when they discussed who would win the MITB match. (c)
Naomi and Piper Niven (Do I really need to call her Doudrop?) started the match off, when Marie tagged herself in. She and Naomi pushed one another before she tagged out and brought Niven back into the ring. Naomi took out Jax and Baszler after throwing Niven outside the ring again, sending Asuka flying into Niven. Eva Marie stood tall on her own with Bliss coming up behind her, screaming. Eva jumped out of the way, scared as they cut to commercial.
(Lindberg’s Analysis: Tune into NXT tomorrow night to see what Women’s Wrestling should be. What is this nonsense? Over the top and does not come across as a legit contest, yet scripted and rehearsed.
Nikki was in the ring with Doudrop and tagged Asuka in. Doudrop tagged in Jax and the two bigger women pancaked Asuka between them. Jax flatted Asuka in the corner, dropped and elbow and covered for two. Jax tagged Shayna in and they double teamed her before Shayna covered Asuka for two. Baszler worked the knees of Asuka and then taunted Bliss, Naomi and Nikki. Eva Marie tagged in and delivered three kicks to Asuka before tagging Jax back in.
AJ vs. Riddle was announced for later in the night as Jax put Asuka in an armlock. Asuka fought out but couldn’t tag in one of her partners. Jax headbutted Asuka, and then Jax stood there looking confused as she noticed Bliss had Reginald caught in her gaze once again. Baszler attacked Bliss, breaking the “spell” and sent Reginald back to their corner. Eva Marie tagged in and began to get kicked by Asuka. She fled immediately and tagged in Bazsler who locked in an armbar. Asuka rolled Bazsler on her back for a two count, breaking the hold. Asuka tagged Naomi who covered Shayna, but Niven/Doudrop broke up the pin. Nikki tagged in and hit a top rope cross body for two, rolled up Shayna but Shayna wasn’t legal. Jax was. Jax hit a Samoan Drop for the win.
-Eva Marie got on the mic and announced herself as the sole winner. None of her partners seemed too amused while Doudrop made excuses for her rudeness.
(Lindberg’s Analysis: The latter half of the match was a better wrestling match, but this stuff with Bliss is too much. The Undertaker can pull it off. Kane can pull it off. The Fiend can barely pull it off. Alexa Bliss is chatting with the girls in Gorilla before the match and then using superpowers during it. It’s just not entertaining. I’m okay with supernatural, but it needs to be done better than this. Eva Marie is playing her character brilliantly, I hate it. I hate the fact that I love what Eva Marie is doing right now, lol. I don’t, however, like what they’ve done to Piper Niven. Whether she’s on board with Doudrop or not, I think it’s a tasteless character and I hope she gets one over on Marie before long. And drops that stupid name.)
-Lashley and MVP were partying backstage when they were asked about what happened earlier with the New Day and why it’s changed to a tag match. MVP said that Woods doesn’t deserve to be in the ring with Lashley. MVP was disrespected by Kofi and Woods, and he wanted to step in tonight to show them that they need to show respect. Lashley grabbed the mic and said he’d send New Day on a permanent vacation. He said that Kofi called him soft and all the women in the room laughed. He said that they’re the Hurt Business and that’s what they do. (c)
The bell rang and the two locked up with the two jockeying for position, swapping submissions for the first few moments of the match. Ali delivered an arm drag into a chin lock, allowing Mansoor to begin a bit of a comeback. He shot Ali off the ropes and shoulder blocked him to the ground. He told Ali to get the hell up, and delivered a flurry of offense ending in a spinebuster for two. Mansoor kicked Ali outside the ring, but his ankle got caught up in the ropes. Mansoor helped him free, allowing Ali to capitalize on his kindness. He rolled up Mansoor for a quick win. He told Mansoor to stop thinking with his heart as he walked up the ramp.
WINNER: Mustafa Ali
(Lindberg’s Analysis: Glad to see them utilizing Ali in a way to give Mansoor a boost on the main roster. They both have a lot of charisma and Ali may help Mansoor get over the “they’re just pushing him because he’s Saudi” stigma. Personally, I think Mansoor has the “it” factor to be a star. Maybe just not a major star like the Saudi’s may have wanted.)
-McIntyre responded to Mahal earlier, and wound up telling us that his sword was made of the tooth of The Loch Ness Monster. It was at that point that I tuned out. I’m sorry. I tried. Best part of the promo was Graves sarcastically saying that he couldn’t wait to hear McIntyre’s story about Lord Farquaad next.
The two men locked up, and Drew wound up overpowering Mahal, who looked back at McIntyre in shock. Mahal shot Drew off the ropes who shoulder blocked Mahal. Mahal backed Drew into the corner and whipped him across into the other corner. Drew sprung off the turnbuckles with a clothesline sending them into a frenzied back and forth of punches and strikes.
Drew went for a suplex, but Mahal reversed it into one of his own. Drew tossed Mahal out of the ring, and Mahal’s lackeys went on the defensive allowing Mahal a chance to slam McIntyre to the table as they cut to commercial. (c)
Mahal was in control after the break with Drew in a chin lock. Drew fought out with a series of chops and a kick to the face. Mahal delivered a knee to the face for two. He toyed with Drew for a bit and choked him with his boot before the ref backed him off. Mahal delivered forearms to the back of the head of Drew, who wound up hitting a Glasgow Kiss on Mahal. He fired up with a series of clotheslines before sending Mahal flying twice with belly to belly suplexes. He hit a neckbreaker, kipped up but Mahal went for a submission. McIntyre reversed with a DDT, held up three fingers for his former 3MB brethren, when Mahal’s two lackey’s interfered for the DQ finish.
WINNER: Drew McIntyre by DQ
Mahal massacred McIntyre after the matchup delivering a Kallas. He then stole McIntyre’s sword before heading to the back.
(Lindberg’s Analysis: DQ finish to protect both men. Mahal looked great here. Physically, he looked just as imposing as McIntyre and looked like he would be a great next feud for him. Over a sword, however — ehhh, I’m not sold on that story per se. This should be over a title, even if it was for the US title. Over a prop, though one could argue that a title is just a prop, is almost a waste of this feud.)
-The New Day were asked about MVP and Lashley and their game plan for tonight’s tag match. They said that they are 11 time tag team champions, tag team environments are what they do. They namedropped WWE.com and being named the best tag team of all time before mouthing off at Lashley and MVP. They said that once MITB rolls around in front of a live audience, they’ll see Kofimania reign once again.
Lince Dorado and T-Bar started things off with T-Bar being dropped to a hurricanrana within moments. Dorado was then clubbed to the ground by the big man’s fist. Dorado climbed to the top and was caught by T-Bar. T-Bar hurled Dorado over the top rope, allowing Mace to pick Dorado up and smash his face off the announce table. He sent Dorado back into the ring and covered him for two. Then he tagged T-Bar in who delivered a Big Boot for another two count.
The two big men couldn’t keep Dorado down, as he kicked out of yet another two count following a leg drop. Mace knocked Gran Metalik off the apron and tagged in T-Bar. They went for a double chokeslam but it was interrupted by Gran Metalik. Metalik dove over the top rope at Mace while Lorado hit a roll up Hurricanrana for the upset win.
WINNERS: Lucha House Party
(Where do Dominik Dijakovic and Brennan Williams even go from here? Dijak was one of my favorites on the indies, and a favorite in NXT and now he’s losing to LHP on RAW. He has so much more potential than being in an Ascension-esque tag team, floundering in the mid-card with another talented big man. Break them up, repackage them. Please. For the love of their careers in your company.)
-Riddle and Priest ran into one another backstage. Priest made sure Riddle was okay after falling off the ladder. Riddle said he was and went into a story about jumping off a pool and breaking his ankle one summer. Riddle said he isn’t afraid of heights or AJ or anyone else in the match. He’s going to win the MITB with the three most devastating letters in WWE history. R-K-Bro, and then walked off. Priest stood there counting his fingers and shaking his head.
(6) AJ STYLES (w/Omas) vs. RIDDLE
Riddle was selling the ankle throughout his entrance, continuing as the bell rang. He and AJ danced around the ring before locking up with AJ immediately going for the leg and ankle. Riddle squirmed away and went completely on the defensive, dodging every attack from AJ. He tried to take down AJ and lock him into an armbar, but AJ got his foot on the rope forcing the Ref to break them up. They locked up once again and AJ cheaply kicked his injured ankle and knee.
AJ rolled Riddle up for two. Riddle gained some momentum but the ankle brought him down once again. AJ hit a standing elbow drop into a modified ankle lock. Riddle fought out and was shot across the ring, but collapsed before hitting the ropes on the opposite side. Selling that he couldn’t put weight on the ankle, he gave AJ a hurricanrana to the outside. AJ climbed back onto the apron and guillotined the knee of Riddle on the middle rope. He walked back into the ring, Riddle went into a crane pose and then kicked AJ in the face. He then pounded AJ into the corner and delivered a suplex for two. AJ distracted the ref as Omas swept Riddles feet from under him, as they cut to commercial. (c)
AJ had Riddle in an ankle lock, with Riddle looking like he was about to tap. Instead he rolled through and kicked AJ in the face. Riddle hit an Orton style DDT from the middle rope, but couldnt make the cover because of his ankle pain. Instead, he climbed to the top and went for a moonsault. Instead, he landed on his feet. He tried for a fireman carry, but collapsed. AJ rolled him up for two.
The Viking Raiders showed up and spooked AJ allowing Riddle to get the roll up win.
WINNER: Riddle
(Lindberg’s Analysis: The roll up. The most devastating move of all time.)
-Charlotte Flair addressed the crowd for her medical update after the beat down by Ripley last week. She had a crutch and said that she knew it was shocking to see her like this. She said she might miss MITB because Rhea beat her with her own moves. She said Rhea was afraid to lose the title. Rhea came out, mocking Flair with a crutch of her own. She feigned pain trying to get in the ring, needing assistance from a crew member. She said she was bluffing and called Charlotte a drama queen before kicking out Charlottes crutch. Flair was clearly fine and faking as the two had a sword fight with crutches like eight year olds. Flair escaped and ran up the ring to end the segment.
(Lindberg’s Analysis: R-Truth’s entrance is even better without a crowd. He seems 1000x more delusional telling people over “there” to cheer in an empty arena.)
The 24/7 Champion, Tozawa ran to the ring and R-Truth rolled him up for two. The rest of the 24/7 division ran out and chased Tozawa to the back. R-Truth told Riker that he’s sorry and ran after his 24/7 championship.
The match was just turned into a handicapped match. However, Elias backed down when Cedric looked to tag in, effectively turning it into a one vs one. Jaxson hit a devastating sideslam before covering Cedric for the win.
WINNERS: Jaxson Riker & R-Truth
(Lindberg’s Analysis: Riker looks like a monster who is going to absolutely flop in front of a live crowd. Book him strong now and pray, WWE. But, I don’t see this happening in front of a live audience.)
MVP and Woods kicked the match off with MVP quickly overpowering Woods. He knocked Woods to the mat with force and basically played with Woods like a cat with their prey. Woods was able to tag in Kofi and the two double teamed MVP, allowing Kofi to keep the momentum in his favor. Not for long, however, as MVP tagged Lashley in who promptly ran Kofi over almost as fast as Brock Lesnar did on the debut episode of Smackdown on Fox.
He delivered a neckbreaker and covered, but broke his own pin after one. Kofi escaped Lashley’s powerbomb attempt and kicked Lashley in the face. It didn’t matter much though, as Lashley slammed Kofi to the mat and tagged MVP back in. Kofi reversed a suplex and sent MVP into Woods awaiting boot. He tagged Woods in and the two double teamed MVP. Woods tagged Kofi back in who sent MVP to the outside. Lashley went to MVP’s aide and was met with Air Kofi as New Day taunted the Hurt Business to enter the commercial break. (c)
Lashley was in control after the break with some stiff suplexes to Woods. He picked Woods up by the trunks and then tagged MVP in. He held Woods so MVP could punch Woods over and over again. Woods fought from underneath and finally made the hot tag to Kofi. Kofi exploded in and took Lashley off of the apron and then attacked MVP with a bulldog for two. He kicked MVP in the face and then hit his leg drop. He super kicked Lashley off the apron allowing MVP an opportunity to knock Kofi down and cover for two. MVP fell to a Trouble in Paradise with Kofi getting the win.
WINNERS: The New Day
(Lindberg’s Analysis: Exactly what should have happened, the New Day wins leaving the Champion upset and angered going into the bigger match at MITB. Overall, this may have been my match of the night. Lashley has grown into his own as a heel so well, and MVP continues to be a flawless veteran in the ring. A perfect match to Lashley. They told a great story tonight, keeping New Day as the clear underdogs making their win feel like it came out of nowhere. While somewhat predictable, I still enjoyed it and thought that this was the way it should have gone.)
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