The following report originally published 10 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…
WWE NXT Results
July 31, 2014
Taped at Full Sail University
Report by Justin James, PWTorch contributor
[Q1] No pre-credits video.
Renee Young, Byron Saxton, and Tom Phillips have the call.
Tyler Breeze heads to the ring to start the show. He has much less tape on his hand and a much smaller splint than last week. Angelo Dawkins is already in the ring.
Quick takedown from Dawkins which angers Breeze. Breeze sends Dawkins outside. Unique camera shot looking directly down over the barricade. Back in the ring, the Beauty Shot ends it.
WINNER: Tyler Breeze in 1:10. Quick win to keep Breeze credible.
Post-match, Breeze dumps Dawkins out of the ring and gets a mic. He says he didn’t come out for a match, but to show us a video. It’s a replay of last week when Breeze attacked Adrian Neville in his match against Rusev, and the post-match beating. He gives the uggos time to get their phones out so they can tweet about his big announcement. He announces that he has submitted his music video for an Oscar in the “documentary” category. Big “Thank You Tyler” chant. He wants to play his video, but Adrian Neville’s entrance hits, he comes out in nice clothes.
Neville doesn’t want to watch Breeze’s video, which draws boos. Neville wants to know when Breeze will finally have his championship match and lose. Breeze compares Neville to the Hobbit. Neville says he got a snapchat from Breeze’s mom, something about him not being the only member of the British royal family who likes taking selfies. Huh? Breeze attacks, but Neville takes him out and kicks him out of the ring.
[ J.J.’s Reax: Why did Neville come off so much more heelish than Breeze in that exchange? Mom jokes? ]
Backstage, Jo Jo (from Total Divas Season 1) interviews Natalya about Adam Rose. Natalya says that Rose is fun. Tyson Kidd comes in and calls Adam rose a circus clown without facepaint. Fact. He squanders his chances on Raw. Fact. Natalya tells him to relax and enjoy Rose. Kidd issues a challenge to Rose, if he has the “rosebuds” to face Kidd. Fact.
The announcers relay that The Authority have announced a Tag Team Tournament to determine the #1 contender to the Tag Team Titles. What happened to JBL running the show?
Eden Stiles tells us that Tyler Breeze has left the building, then Charlotte comes out to a fairly positive reaction. The heel side of the NXT women’s roster makes no sense at the moment. She is facing Becky Lynch, who I think has new music. She certain has a new presentation, with no dancing, but high energy and energy. That’s a big improvement.
2 – NXT Women’s champion CHARLOTTE vs. BECKY LYNCH – non-title match
Charlotte takes down Lynch, who returns the favor. Lots of fun, fast action here.
[Q2] Charlotte grabs the turnbuckle to stop a whip and retaliates with a stiff elbow to the jaw. Charlotte starts to work the leg. The crowd is really behind Lynch. Charlotte seats Lynch on the corner ropes and lands knees to the hamstrings. Lynch with a surprise schoolgirl that gets two, which shifts the match. Leg drop gets two for Lynch. Bow Down to the Queen wins it for Charlotte.
WINNER: Charlotte in 4:11. I really liked what I saw here, and I want to see more of Lynch now. Charlotte needs to stay strong, but Lynch needs to be given some wins. That’s a bad booking corner to be in. None of the female babyfaces have much of a record to stand on right now.
Backstage, Jo Jo interviews Mojo Rawley. She says she heard he is looking for a partner for the Tag Team Tournament. He says as long as they are hyped, he’ll work with them. Bull Dempsey comes in and offers a partnership even though he doesn’t really want to. He threatens to wreck Rawley if he messes it up for them. There’s an odd couple pairing of two guys who the crowd likes but haven’t had much ring time, could be good.
The Ascension make their way to the ring.
Cutler and Viktor start it off. The Ascension both hit a three-point stance and land a shoulder tackle for a unique team move. Viktor whips Cutler into a top rope clothesline from O’Brian. Matt Miles gets cleared from the apron, and the Fall of Man ends it to a “one – two – yah!” count from the crowd.
WINNERS: The Ascension in 2:30. Typical Ascension squash, with a few new, fun moves.
Viktor has a mic and reminds us that they are the longest champions in NXT history. He says that the winner of the tournament will get… O’Brian finishes with “total anihil-yah-lation.”
Video package for C.J. Parker. It covers his environmental stances and his beef with Xavier Woods.
Mojo Rawley and Bull Dempsey make separate entrances for their first match as a team. A group of guys in Mojo Rawley shirts and Zubaz pants are shown in the audience. They are facing the return Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder calling themselves The Mechanics. Great to see Dawson back. I’d like to see Dawson and Dempsey team up.
Dawson and Dempsey lock up. Dempsey gets the edge, but Dawson isn’t intimidated. Rawley tags in to Dempsey’s distress. Rawley works a wrist. Rawley gets cornered by Dawson and Wilder. Rawley sends Wilder into the corner, they double team Wilder, then the Bulldozer ends it.
WINNERS: Mojo Rawley and Bull Dempsey in 2:29. Fine match all around. The FSU crowd definitely is going to like this pairing of Dempsey and Rawley.
Backstage, Rich Brennan asks Bayley about the BFF breakup and Charlotte’s win. Bayley doesn’t like being negative, but she was glad to see the BFFs breakup. Bayley makes the case that she should be the #1 contender because she beat Charlotte a few weeks ago. Charlotte interrupts her and disses Bayley. She says she pities Bayley and doesn’t want to humiliate her, so Bayley needs to keep her mouth shut.
Rose with a single leg takedown to start, then wrist work. There’s some sort of mixup on Kidd’s routine of going through the ropes. Rose leaves the ring and makes eyes at Natalya and offers her a lolipop. She starts licking it. Wasn’t that in Rose’s mouth? Kidd leaves the ring and takes the lolipop. Kidd gets in the ring and unloads on the homewrecker Rose. Rose responds in kind. Mule kicks then a snap suplex get one for Rose. They brawl on the outside. Rose drops Kidd’s face onto the apron then hits a baseball slide from the ring to the outside.
[ Break ]
Rose is grinding Kidd down out of the break, who makes a comeback. Kidd clears Rose from the ring.
[Q4] Rose wants a sleeper, but Kidd drops to the mat and hits a jawbreaker. Kidd lands knees to Rose in the Tree of Woe. Rose looks lifeless in the corner as Rose steps on his head. Kidd with a side chinlock and Rose is fading. Suplex gets Rose some space to recover. Rose fights out of the corner and builds momentum. Rose sets up the Party Foul but a kick to the middle stops it. Spinebuster gets two for Rose. Rose fires up. Natalya wants the crowd to sheer for Kidd, but they cheer for her instead. Kidd reverses the Party Foul into a Sharpshooter attempt, but Rose gets to the Ropes so Kidd transitions to a catapult. Kidd gets the lollipop and means to do something with it to Rose, but Rose gets an inside cradle off the mat for the win.
WINNER: Adam Rose in 10:19. Nice story being told here, with Kidd going to a more brawling style to emphasis his anger at Rose. But please do not turn this into a feud.
Post-match, Natalya consoles Kidd in the ring.
FINAL THOUGHTS: Good episode to set up the tag team tournament, Breeze gets built as #1 contender, and Kidd develops as a heel.
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