The following report originally published 10 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…
WWE Live show results
September 14, 2014
Monroe, La.
Report by Brandon “The Booker” McCormick, Heath “Big Red Machine” Futch, and Danny “Vader” Mejia a/k/a 3MB (3 Monroe Boys)
Attendance looked to be 85 percent overall. I expected it to be higher, but I guess it took a hit due to Superstars like John Cena and Bray Wyatt being in Boston.
(1) R-Truth beat Fandango. The crowd was hot for Truth and decent heat for Fandango. Comedy from Truth at the start. Back and forth with a couple comedy spots. Truth with the win and a dance for the crowd afterward.
(2) Sami Zayn beat Tyson Kidd. A lot of the crowd didn’t know how to react; they must not be forking out money for the Network yet. Did you know you can get it for $9.99? Excellent technical match with Zayn coming out on top after rolling up Kidd when he tried to lock in the Sharpshooter.
(3) Brie Bella & Eva Marie & Naomi beat Nikki Bella & Alicia Fox & Cameron in a six-Divas tag match. It was a Fans’s Choice of a Divas tag match or dance-off. The match won out. Surprisingly long match with Eva Marie getting a lot of ring time. And that’s not necessarily a good thing. Brie got the win and then teased the Yes! Lock on Nikki after the match, but she escaped.
(4) Los Matadores beat The Ascension. El Torito got the biggest pop so far. (Welcome to Monroe, La.). Los Matadores won with a back-stabber (shades of Carlito). El Torito then splashed Connor off the top to the floor after the match. Possibly the longest match I’ve seen for The Ascension with exception of the NXT match this week with Lucha Dragons.
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Video package for young Connor the Crusher Michalek and the foundation that WWE started in his memory. Sad to watch and it took the wind out of the crowd a little.
(5) IC champion Dolph Ziggler beat The Miz and Bo Dallas in a three-way match to retain the IC Title. Big heat for Miz after trash-talking the Saints. (Miz’s Cleveland Browns beat the New Orleans Saints earlier in the day.) Dolph blew the roof off with the ladies and kids. A lot of ring time for Dallas and Dolph. Miz took an extended break after getting thrown over the top, then re-entered and started offense on Ziggler. Miz got the figure-four leglock on Ziggler, but Bo broke it up. Tons of back and forth with all three getting signature moves in. Ziggler with a Zig-Zag for the win.
[ Intermission. Slightly disappointed by the relatively small selection of merchandise they had at the booth. ]
After intermission, Miz’s music played out to bring out Damien Sandow in his stunt double garb. In the middle of his promo, Adam Rose came out with the Party Express in tow.
(6) Adam Rose beat Damien Sandow. A lot of back and forth filler on this match with Sandow getting in a lot of offense. Out came the Bunny to distract Sandow; Rose hit the Party Foul for the win. By the way, It’s Party Time (all the time).
Rusev and Lana come out to INSANE heat. Deep South isn’t the place to bring a Russian antagonist apparently. Lana cut a typical house show promo, but it was inaudible over the “USA” chants. Out came Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter to what may be some of the biggest face reactions he has gotten during his WWE run. They really found his perfect arch-enemy in Rusev.
(7) Rusev (w/Lana) beat Jack Swagger (w/Zeb Colter). Swagger took a beating for quite a while. Belly-to-belly by Swagger to start a comeback. He hit his Swaggerbomb. Rusev went for a superkick and got caught in the Patriot Lock. The ref called for a rope break, then Lana with a distraction and Rusev hit the superkick this time. He followed that with The Accolade. Swagger nearly powered out to a standing position for a backpack slam, but faded. Swagger tapped and the crowd is ready to riot on Rusev.
The main event was Roman Reigns vs. Randy Orton in a Street Fight. Mixed reaction from the crowd for Orton. He still got cheered from a select portion of the WWE Universe. Reigns came out from the crowd right where we were seated. This place was deafening. Biggest pop of the night by far.
(8) Roman Reigns beat Randy Orton in a Street Fight. Orton worked the crowd’s patience by continually rolling out of the ring until Reigns chased him down. Orton dominated early on with his usual offense and put a chair to use. Then a kendo stick. Then a table. Reigns must be paying his dues for being the next big thing because he is getting brutalized on a regular basis it seems. After what seemed like forever, Reigns made his comeback with all of his signature offense spots. BIG spear by Reigns to send the crowd home happy. Really good Street Fight match.
Overall, the show was about two hours and 45 minutes. Mainly a night for faces, as Rusev was the only heel to get a win. Really entertaining house show and looking forward to their return.
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