The following report originally published 20 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…
Ring of Honor event
September 11, 2004
Elizabeth, N.J. at the RexPlex
Report by Bob Nichnadowicz of Roselle Park, N.J., PWTorch.com correspondent
(1) Jimmy Rave defeated Dixie. Rave came to the ring wearing a Prince Nana type of robe. Rave won with the “Rave Clash”. Afterward, Nana came into the ring and said that Mick Foley was the newest member of The Embassy, but Foley did not appear.
(2) Jay Lethal defeated Matt Stryker. If Lethal lost, he would lose his job in ROH, and if Stryker lost, he would lose his plane ticket to all East coast shows. Crowd hated Stryker, and he played it up as the heel. After Lethal won, Stryker cut a promo saying he was going back to the “west…east…mid-west” where fans appreciate wrestlers like him. Fans chanted you f—ed up at him after his misstatement.
3) Trent Acid won a Six Man Mayhem match by pinning Angel Dust. Also involved in the match were Ace Steel, Kahagas (indy guy from Florida), Fast Eddie and Izzy. Kahagas was terrible, but not Iceberg terrible. Lots of crazy moves. More dissension in Special K after the match as Izzy’s new girlfriend Lacey and Becky Bayless, who accompanied Angel Dust, had to be kept apart.
(4) C.M. Punk defeated Austin Aries. Just seemed to never really click. Punk worked over Aries’ arm for most of the match. Near the end, Generation Next came out and attacked Punk until the returning Steve Corino made the save, allowing Punk to get the roll up. Corino then challenged Homicide, who made his way to the ring. He cut a decent promo, but in the tasteless remark of the night, said that he wished the ROH fans were in the World Trade Center on 9/11. Even though he’s a heel, that’s uncalled for. Homicide told Corino to shake his hand, but Punk stopped it, and the two left together.
(5) Dan Maff & B.J. Whitmer defeated Flash Venom & Chicano – Venom is the former Flash Flanagan of OVW. Maff & Whitmer’s former manager Allison Danger brought Venom & Chicano in from Puerto Rico to take out the former Prophecy members. Venom did the Sabu triple jump onto Maff, while Whitmer pinned Chicano. Danger berated her two newest charges, before they walked out on her.
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Mick Foley made his way to the ring. Danger said “Mick, you came!”. Mick replied with, “That’s what my wife said last night…except it was followed by ‘so quickly’.” Foley put over the guys in ROH saying that after watching some tapes and DVD’s of the shows, if he had any athletic ability, he would have stolen some of the moves. The Embassy attacked until the faces overcame their numbers. He said guys like Whitmer & Maff are the future of wrestling, and referred to ROH as “Ring Of Hardcore.” Huge pop for Foley as expected.
(6) Bryan Danielson defeated Alex Shelly with the cattle mutilation. Excellent 20 minute technical match. Danielson said that a certain ROH Heavyweight champ has been ducking him, but first he wants to face a New Japan wrestler who will be making his debut next month, Jushin Liger. Can’t wait for that.
(7) John Walters defeated Nigel McGuiness to retain the Pure Wrestling title. Nigel is so smooth working the European style. Both guys used 2 of their rope breaks before Walters hit his finishing move (don’t know what its called, but he holds his opponent’s arms behind them, then drops their back onto his knees while he falls to the mat) 3 times in a row. Nigel finally submitted. Another really good technical match.
(8) Samoa Joe defeated Doug Williams to retain the ROH Title. Started slowly, with similar European type moves as the two previous matches. Joe threw Doug outside. A fan yelled “Hey Joe, put him in the corner in a chair and kick his ass!” Joe responded with “Good idea!” and hit Williams with the Ole Ole kick. Lots of stiff brawling, with Joe hitting a muscle buster and Williams kicking out, much to Joe’s disbelief. Joe finally got the pin after a wicked lariat.
(9) The Havana Pitbulls defeated B.J. Whitmer & Dan Maff and The Carnage Crew and Roderick Strong & Jack Evans in an Ultimate Endurance match to retain the ROH Tag Titles. First fall was a submission match. Finish came after Maff & Whitmer put Tony DeVito of the Carnage Crew’s legs around the ring post, whacked them with a chair, and then put on a double crab until he submitted. Second fall was a scramble match with Maff pinning Evans after a Burning Hammer. Final fall was a regular match, with Reyes pinning Whitmer after some kicks to the head. Crowd was into Maff & Whitmer big time, on their feet and counting on the near falls. A lot of crazy high impact moves throughout the match, and an excellent main event.
Afterwards, Generation Next attacked Whitmer & Maff, followed by The Embassy. Crowd chanted for Foley, who cleared house by spraying a fire extinguisher on all the heels. Crowd continued chanting “Foley! Foley!” until Mick said he didn’t do anything tonight, and the guys that deserve the praise are all of the ROH wrestlers.
Very good show, not sure of the attendance, but it looked to be around the usual RexPlex crowd.
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