SEPTEMBER 19, 2024
-Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt
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-Highlights of Victory Road.
-Alisha Edwards walked to the ring and said what happened at Victory Road was a travesty. Fans cheered when she complained about losing the Knockouts Tag Team Titles. Masha Slamovich’s music played and she walked down the ramp smiling. Alisha said she was the brains behind the team and Masha was nothing without her. She said that Masha couldn’t understand a word she was saying.
Masha spoke in English and said she could understand everything Alisha said and she was sick of her voice. Tasha Steelz attacked Masha from behind. The crowd roared when Masha made a comeback. Alisha hit Masha with a kendo stick. As Tasha was about to hit Masha with the stick, Jordynne Grace ran in for the save. Grace and Masha stood back-to-back, fending off Alisha and Tasha, who were joined by Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers.
Matt & Jeff Hardy ran to the ring for the save. Santino Marella made a mixed tag team match for tonight. Arianna Grace came out and said that Grace could get a partner to face Rosemary & Wendy Choo next week.
-Eric Young confronted Josh Alexander backstage. Eric said that he’s been in Alexander’s place before. He said the young guys were looking to him as an example. Eric told him to think about what he’s doing and take his role as a leader seriously. [c]
Jordynne Grace approached Masha Slamovich backstage. They exchanged words. Masha said that her and Grace would meet up some time down the line, but she had business to take care of first. Masha thanked the Hardys for having their back. She showed them a picture of herself with Matt when shew as a child and she said she never dreamed about being saved by the Hardys. Matt told them to be prepared for their upcoming matches.
(1) SAINT & SINNER vs. FIRST CLASS (AJ Francis & KC Navarro)
S&S had the early advantage on KC. AJ used power moves to give his team the upper hand. KC used athletic moves to keep the momentum. S&S made a comeback with some unique offense. AJ hit a chokeslam, followed by a frog splash by KC for the pin.
WINNERS: First Class in 5:00.
(D.L.’s Take: Good showing by Saint & Sinner. The new First Class continues to gel as a team.)
-Mike Santana had a barbed wire bat and cut a backstage promo. He told JDC we would find out if he’s ready to walk through the fire. He used a bad word but was bleeped. [c]
-Gia Miller interviewed Mike Bailey. He talked about regaining the X Division Title in one of the greatest matches in TNA history at Victory Road. She informed him that he would team up with Leon Slater and Kushida to take on ABC and Zachary Wentz. He said they would have a match no one would soon forget.
-A Digital Exclusive with Steph De Lander encouraging PCO.
Cardona stalled early. Rhino went on offense and the action spilled to the floor. Rhino suplexed Cardona on the ramp. Cardona dropkicked Rhino from the second rope. Rhino powerbombed Cardona for a two count. Rhino brought a chair into the ring. Cardona hit Rhino in the ribs with the chair. The referee called for the bell.
WINNER: Rhino by DQ in 3:00.
Cardona gave Rhino the Radio Silence. He was about to hit him with a chair when the lights went out. They came back on and PCO attacked Cardona. Cardona escaped up the ramp. PCO gave the chair a moonsault. He continued hitting the chair. [c]
(3) SPITFIRE (Dani Luna & Jody Threat) vs. KENDAL GREY & CARLIE BRIGHT
Spitfire did their enthusiastic entrance, then Arianna Grace walked to the stage. She brought out Kendal Grey & Carlie Bright from NXT to face Spitfire tonight. Jody started off against Grey and they wrestled on the mat. Dani used power moves against Grey. Bright finally tagged in and got in some impressive offense. Bright got a two count on Luna. Threat did a senton on Grey and Bright. Spitfire hit the Pressure Drop on Grey for the pin. [c]
WINNERS: Spitfire in 5:00.
(D.L.’s Take: An energetic win for Spitfire to start off their latest title reign. I like the use of NXT talent to keep things fresh.)
-Heather Reckless approached Ash By Elegance and The Concierge in their dressing room. She said she would accept their offer to help with her style. Heather asked if they could watch her match next week against Xia Brookside.
Check out the latest episode of “Wrestling Coast to Coast” with Chris Maitland and Justin McClelland, part of the PWTorch Dailycast line-up: CLICK HERE to stream (or search “pwtorch” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any other iOS or Android app to subscribe free)
(4) MIKE SANTANA vs. JDC — Street fight match
Santana came out through the crowd. They started the match brawling on the floor. They got back in the ring, where Santana dominated the action. JDC rolled out to regroup. Santana hit a dive to the outside. Santana brought chairs in the ring. JDC powerbombed Santana into the chairs and got a two count.
Crowd chanted “This is awesome!” JDC put a metal trash can over Santana and hit the can with a stick. JDC legdropped Santana and the trash can. Santana was bleeding. Santana hit JDC with the end of the barbed wire baseball bat. Santana dug the bat into JDC’s head. [c]
The brawl continued on the stage. Both wrestlers were bleeding. Santana gave JDC a piledriver. JDC gave Santana a tornado DDT. Santana backdropped JDC into some equipment. Santana rolled a road case into JDC. Santana climbed a ladder and splashed JDC through a table to get the pin. The referee counted to ten and JDC couldn’t get to his feet.
WINNER: Mike Santana in 16:00.
As Santana celebrated on the stage, Moose attacked him from behind and repeatedly hit him with a chair.
(D.L.’s Take: A really good brawl and the crowd was invested. Both wrestlers stepped it up here and both made a good showing.)
-Josh Alexander approached Saint & Sinner backstage. Alexander encouraged them to keep working and said he was available if they needed advice. [c]
-A promo advertising that Lei Ying Lee (the former Xia Li of WWE) will be debuting next week.
-Joe Hendry came to the ring for a promo and received an enthusiastic reception. He talked about his roller coaster year. He said he made a statement by beating Josh Alexander at Victory Road. He said his goal is still the TNA World Title. Fans booed when he said there were some people in the back that didn’t want him as champ. Fans chanted “We believe!” Hendry talked about the fans lifting him to the TNA World Championship.
Frankie Kazarian’s music played and he walked to the ring. He insulted the crowd and questioned if Hendry should get a title shot. Frankie said he was the one who deserved a title shot. He challenged Nic Nemeth to come out and grant him a title shot.
Nemeth’s music played and he walked to the ring. Frankie said he knew all of Nemeth’s strengths and weaknesses and would take the title. Crowd cheered when Nemeth told him to shut up. Nemeth said that Hendry did a great job at Victory Road. Nemeth raised the belt and said that was as close as Frankie would get to the title.
Santino Marella walked to the stage and said that next week Frankie and Hendry would have a match to determine who would challenge Nemeth at Bound for Glory.
-Brian Myers, Eddie Edwards, and Tasha Steelz (with Alisha Edwards) walked to the ring for the main event. Masha Slamovich and the Hardys followed with their ring entrances. Jeff had face paint that looked like The Fiend Bray Wyatt. [c]
Masha and Tasha started the match. Matt tagged in to huge cheers and took on Eddie. Jeff tagged in and the Hardys double teamed Eddie, then Myers. Tasha attacked Matt, but Masha pulled her off. Masha did a springboard off Matt’s back and splashed Tasha. Masha did a dive from the top rope to the floor onto The System. [c]
Eddie went to chop Masha, but she escaped and Eddie chopped Myers instead. Jeff made the tag and got a two count on Eddie. Eddie escaped the Whisper in the Wind, thanks to Myers. Tasha chopped Jeff and mocked his entrance dance. Jeff suplexed Eddie. Myers put Jeff in a chinlock. Myers knocked Matt off the apron and pushed Masha to the floor.
Jeff made a comeback on Myers and Eddie. Matt made the hot tag. The referee caught Alisha interfering and ejected her from ringside. The poor woman was almost in tears. ABC carried Alisha to the back. Masha threw Tasha out of the ring and did a dive on her. Matt gave Myers the Twist of Fate. Jeff hit the Swanton on Myers. Matt pinned Myers for the win.
WINNERS: Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy & Masha Slamovich in 17:00.
(D.L.’s Take: Another fun and crowd-pleasing main event featuring the Hardys. The crowd is really into them. This brought out a new side of Masha Slamovich because she seemed to be having the time of her life teaming with them.)
Stay right here and keep the flow going. We think you’ll like to read this next…
RECOMMENDED NEXT: TNA VICTORY ROAD PPV HITS & MISSES (9/13): Nic Nemeth vs. Moose, Hardys vs. Frist Class, Joe Hendry vs. Josh Alexander, Grace vs. Choo, more
OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: ROH on HonorClub results (9/12): Robinson’s review of ROH TV Champ Atlantis Jr. vs. Peter Avalon in a Proving Ground match, Harley Cameron vs. Queen Aminata, Rocky Romero vs. Lio Rush
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