The following report originally published 20 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…
WWE Raw Alternative Perspective Coverage
December 20, 2004
Best of Raw 2004
Aired on Spike TV
Report by Mallory Mahling, Torch Team Contributor
-The show opened with the hilarious NFL parody with Shelton Benjamin being surprised by Trish Stratus (and her towel) in the locker room. “Are ya ready for some wrestling?” asked Mister McMahon with a twinkle in his eye.
Hosts Jonathan Coachman and Jerry “The King” Lawler were in an empty arena with the Raw stage visible behind them.
Quarter Hour 1
(1) From WrestleMania XX: Christian over Chris Jericho.
The hosts recapped the budding romance between Jericho and Trish. Near pins by each, then Christian pulled Trish into the ring and threw her down. Jericho went to her aid and she “mistakenly” slugged him, giving Christian the opportunity to go for the winning pin. Trish tried to apologize, but Jericho was confused. Then Trish show her true colors and joined Christian. The two smooched in front of a bewildered Jericho.
(Commercial break) What more festive way to spend Christmas Day than watching a marathon of James Bond movies on Spike TV.
Lawler teased Coach about having to dress like a woman at Taboo Tuesday, which led into a look back at Eugene’s debut.
Clips showed Uncle Eric giving William Regal his assignment to watch over his nephew Eugene. Regal was initially reluctant, but the endearing Eugene eventually won him over. Eugene’s magical journey on the road to becoming a Tag Team Title holder was recapped.
(Commercial break)
A look back at Shelton Benjamin’s phenomenal year started with a videotaped visit to his hometown of Orangeburg, South Carolina. He had a troubled youth and a lot of aggression, and saw wrestling as a means to take out his aggression. It taught him the value of hard work and persistence.
(2) From a March 2004 Raw: Shelton Benjamin over Triple H.
Triple H clearly wasn’t expecting Benjamin to be such a formidable opponent. Benjamin came off the top rope with a clothesline that resulted in a near fall. Power slam and other near fall. Triple H started a Pedigree, but Benjamin reversed it. Flair was up to no good on the outside, but Chris Benoit came out to even the odds for Benjamin. A surprise roll up and a pin by Benjamin to take the win.
Lawler said Benjamin’s win was inspirational.
Speaking of inspiration, added Coach, last year the Smackdown crew had gone to Iraq for a Christmas show. (Watching that show was truly heartwarming.) Smackdown had returned to Iraq again this year and the tribute to the troops will air this Thursday night.
(Commercial break)
Quarter Hour 3
Coach recalled Bischoff’s “shocking” announcement last week about the Elimination Chamber Match to determine the World Heavyweight Champion.
For some reason, that segued into highlights of Kane and Lita’s dark wedding. Matt Hardy had interfered in the ceremony and was thrown off the stage for his trouble.
Both Lita and Kane had embraced her pregnancy and looked forward to the birth of their baby. Then along came tragedy in the form of Gene Snitsky. At Taboo Tuesday, the Big Snit had crushed Kane’s throat with a chair. (Based on Shawn Michaels’ remarkable recovery from the very same injury, Kane should be just fine.)
Last week, Snitsky had terrorized a multitude of nameless divas, but had been put in his place by Lita, who said Kane would be coming back. Soon.
(Commercial break)
Quarter Hour 4
Chris Benoit had joined the Raw roster earlier this year, much to the chagrin of Triple H. He’d vowed to become the next World Heavyweight Champion, and Triple H found that amusing. Shawn Michaels had been an obstacle in the chase for the title, which led to the Triple Threat match at WrestleMania.
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(3) From WrestleMania XX: Chris Benoit over Triple H and Shawn Michaels to capture the World Heavyweight Title.
The match was intense, with no one giving an inch. Back and forth they went. Then Michaels with a moonsault off the top and onto Benoit and Triple H on the outside.
(Commercial break)
Back to the match. Benoit with a series of German suplexes on Michaels. Benoit signaled for the end and went up top. He came off the top with a head butt, but Michaels kicked out of the two near falls that followed. HBK sent Benoit to the outside, which left Michaels and Triple H to do battle. Michaels came off the top with an elbow, and began to tune up for the Sweet Chin Music. Superkick to Triple H, but Benoit pulled Triple H out of the ring before the ref could say “3.”
Benoit attempted a sharpshooter, but when that didn’t work he locked Michaels into the Crippler Crossface. HBK was about to tap, when Triple H grabbed his hand. Michaels was bleeding heavily due to his face connecting with the ring post.
Triple H cleared off the Smackdown announce table, but Benoit and Triple H climbed up onto the Spanish announce table. Shawn Michaels joined them, and HBK and Triple H teamed up to slam Benoit backwards onto the Smackdown announce table. “Holy shit” chants from the crowd.
Michaels’ face was a crimson mask as he and Triple H traded punches and chops. J.R. continued to ask for EMT’s to come out to help the motionless Benoit. HBK and Triple H were on wobbly legs as they got back into the ring. Triple H with a Pedigree, and he rolled over to put an arm across Michaels for the pin. Benoit came out of nowhere to stop the pin.
(Commercial break)
Back to the match. Benoit was chopping Triple H, then got the Game into the sharpshooter. Triple H was screaming in pain and tried to crawl to the ropes. Benoit pulled him back into the center of the ring. Michaels broke the hold with a superkick to Benoit. Michaels covered Benoit, who kicked out. Michaels went for some Sweet Chin Music, but Benoit sent him through the ropes instead. It was down to Triple H and Benoit. Benoit had the champ in the Crippler Crossface…and he tapped out. Benoit captured the World Heavyweight Championship as the crowd went nuts.
A look back at Chris Benoit’s 18-year odyssey was set to music.
Special Raw Moment: The Diva Search Contest. It got about 30 seconds of time, which was about 29 seconds too many.
Special Raw Moment: The Rock had hosted “This Is Your Life” for Mick Foley. Guests included his pie-eating old biddy teacher and a book reviewer who got a taste of Mister Socko.
(Commercial break)
Special Raw Moment: Jericho thought he was sweet-talking Trish in the shower room, but Mae Young stepped out instead–in her shower cap and nothing else. It wasn’t a pretty sight.
Lawler said how much he admired Vince McMahon and how Taboo Tuesday had been pure genius. That led to more “highlights” of the Diva Search contest, which recalled such fine entertainment as the Kamala seduction, ice cream sales, pie sitting, trash talking, and many other truly forgettable moments. Christy won…Carmella lost…and NONE of them went away. They keep popping up everywhere.
Lawler sprayed on some Bod Man Body Spray, in a not-too-subtle product placement moment, and introduced Christy Hemme. Coach asked her a question, but she attacked the King, saying she “wanted his bod.” Ugh!
The same old highlights were shown of Triple H and his movie star buddies on the set of “Blade Trinity.”
(Commercial break)
Coach and Lawler recounted the adversity Lita had endured this year.
(4) Raw 2 weeks ago: Lita over Trish Stratus for the Women’s Title. Trish had been dropped to the outside and Lita dove out headfirst with a sick-looking landing. It had been a tremendous battle, but Lita had prevailed with a Twist of Fate and a moonsault.
Special Raw Moment: Triple H had turned on Randy Orton and kicked him out of Evolution.
(Commercial break)
Special Raw Moment: Batista had given Jericho a devastating clothesline.
(5) From Survivor Series last month: Chris Benoit, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho & Maven over Triple H, Gene Snitsky, Batista & Edge. This was the match with the General Manager stipulation.
(Commercial break)
It had been a hellacious battle, with Snitsky responsible for many of the eliminations thanks to a metal chair he bent over several heads. It had finally come down to Edge and Triple H and Orton. Orton told them to bring it, but he was being double-teamed. Power slam by Orton on Edge. Spinebuster on Orton by Triple H. Triple H was speared by Edge, but Orton managed to eliminate Edge.
Now it was down to Triple H vs. Orton. Low blow by Triple H when Orton tried for the RKO. Triple H set up Orton for the Pedigree, but Orton turned it into an RKO for the pin and the win. His team became the collective general manager of Raw for the next month.
Last week on Raw, Eric Bischoff had returned from his four-week vacation to a vacated World Heavyweight Title. Bischoff had been lobbied by all sides to “do the right thing,” but he decided on an Elimination Chamber Match at New Year’s Revolution to decide the winner. Chris Benoit, Edge, Triple H, Chris Jericho, Batista, and Randy Orton would be vying for the championship.
And there you have it…2004 as WWE would like to have you remember it.
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