One month down, 11 more to go on “The Rock” Dwayne Johnson’s packed 2016 filming schedule.
On Tuesday afternoon, Rock released an estimated break down of how 2016 will unfold. Included is an appearance at WrestleMania 32 in Texas.
– February: Finish Season 2 of the “Ballers” HBO series in Miami.
– March: Begin filming “Baywatch” in Georgia.
– April 3: Appear at WrestleMania 32 in Texas.
– April-May: Complete the 12-week “Baywatch” shoot.
– June-early September: Film the eighth installment of the “Fast & Furious” series. Rock said they are turning up the volume on his “Hobbs” character for the latest franchise movie.
Co-star Vin Diesel then revealed that Fast 8 will begin a trilogy to bring the franchise to its conclusion. Release dates are April 2017 for Fast 8, April 2019 for Fast 9, and April 2021 for Fast 10.
– September: Spend time researching for the “Rampage” movie by visiting the San Diego Wildlife Preserve.
– September-December: “Rampage” movie based on the 1980s arcade movie. “As big and fun as this movie is, the key is grounding it in research and authenticity. The entire team that brought you San Andreas is back and we can’t wait to get started on this one,” Rock noted.
Rock also announced the hiring of two lead writers for the movie following their work on San Andreas.
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