NOVEMBER 9, 2022
Announcers: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz
Before the match, Keith Lee refused a fist bump from Swerve Strickland. Billy Gunn ran out and attacked Swerve before the match. The match started proper with Dax Harwood and Colton Gunn as the first men out, Colton hit a drop kick and then tagged in Austin Gunn. Dax hit a shoulder tackle and hit a catapult into the corner. Dax then hit an atomic drop and then sent Austin into the Babyface corner, where he ate three punches.
Cash Wheeler and Swerve were tagged in and battled evenly. Cash hit a back breaker than tagged in Max Caster, Swerve made a head scissor counter and tagged in Keith Lee. Caster sent Lee into the corner and then Lee’s team came to the ring and in the end of the melee all four members of the face team were on the middle rope hitting punches on their opponents. [c]
Dax and Swerve were battling as the show returned, Austin Gunn then was tagged in. Dax hit a suplex and then tried to crawl for a tag, but Colton Gunn was tagged and stopped the attempt. Dax then got a tag to Anthony Bowens who ran through Colton, then Swerve as he entered the ring. Bowens hit a leg drop on Colton for a two count, then he looked for a tag but his team was pulled off the apron.
The Gunn’s hit a Big Rig, but the cover was broken up by Caster. All eight men were then in the ring and they all traded worked punches, in the end it was The Acclaimed and Swerve in our Glory in the ring. Lee power bombed Bowens into Caster, then Swerve did a dive off the top rope to the wrestlers on the outside. Dax then hit a superplex off the top rope down to the floor on the crowd.
Dax and Austin were in the ring, Dax applied a Sharp Shooter, Colton hit a straight punch to break the hold. Bowens came in and hit Austin, Caster hit the Mic Drop. Then FTR hit a Big Rig for the pinfall win.
WINNER: The Acclaimed & FTR
(Sage’s Analysis: A fun opening match, with a predictable finish. Fun opener.)
-MJF was on the podcast “Pardon my Take,” a clip of him talking about his upcoming match was shown. He said there that he shouldn’t travel to be healthy. He then said that his match is one of the most important matches in Wrestling history. He said that he needs to have a long title reign to be a true generational talent. He then talked down about Jon Moxley, but said that he respected him. He said that he has no athletic ability and earned that title. But, MJF said that he was born to be the #1 wrestler in the world. He is made to carry the flag for AEW and Wrestling in pop culture. He said that he will take that mantle. He said all his big matches have had someone steal the spotlight. He said that he is not waiting for the spotlight, he will take that at Full Gear. [c]
(Sage’s Analysis: At first I did not like that MJF was not going to appear live, but that promo was so good that it actually worked better that he did not have to fight the crowd live and could go form point A to B and really framed this main event in the way that it needed to be.)
-Stokley Hathaway had a video calling out MJF for “dick riding,” Jon Moxley and said win, lose or draw he would see Max in hell.
The crowd chanted “Eddie,” as the match started. Ethan Page leaned out of the ring and yelled at Ortiz who was ringside with Eddie. Page then punched Kingston in the corner, Ethan hit a elbow drop off the apron on Kingston. Back in the ring, Eddie hit a double undertook suplex. Page then Irish Whipped Kingston into the corner, Page took the match to the outside and hit a vertical suplex on Kingston. [c]
Kingston hit a suplex and got a two count as the show returned. Both men were on their knees and traded shots in that position. The strikes continued as both men got to their feet, Eddie got another near fall after a big strike. Eddie applied a stretch plum and Page was tapping out, but Hathaway distracted the ref. Page then hit a roundhouse kick and then went to the top rope. Kingston knocked Page off the top and then bit the forehead of Page.
Page then hit an Ego’s edge off the middle rope and got the pinfall on Kingston.
WINNER: Ethan Page
(Sage’s Analysis: A fun match that I am thankful didn’t end with the distraction. The Ego’s edge off the middle rope was impressive and man Eddie had a lot of faith in his opponent to take that move.)
-Renee was backstage with Rush and Dark Order. They then offered 10 the first title shot , then they brawled.
-Ariya Daivari offered his butler for a title shot, I think?
Wardlow hit a head strike, then a lariat. Wardlow then hit power bombs, then won via pinfall.
WINNER: Wardlow
-After the match Wardlow grabbed the mic and called out Powerhouse Hobbs. Hobbs walked out to the stage area. Wardlow said he finally had a good opponent, and that he would take every title in the company. Samoa Joe then hit Wardlow with his belt and then put Wardlow to sleep. [c]
(Sage’s Analysis: A much prefer a loose cannon version of Joe, and this seems like a path for Wardlow to lose to either him or Powerhouse, good stuff.)
-Jade was backstage, it was made official she would take on Nyla Rose at Full Gear.
-Tony Schiavone was in the ring and introduced Britt Baker, who walked to the ring. Tony then introduced Saraya, who walked to the ring as well. Saraya said everyone was asking if she could or couldn’t wrestle, she said unfortunately for Britt she is 100% cleared and that AEW is her house. Britt then replied that is there anyone more fickle than an AEW fan. She asked if she knew what it was like to wrestle. Britt said she built AEW until it was a fortress that “superstars,” like Saraya wanted to move in too, and she is proud of that. She said that her pride in that has lead to resentment as she hasn’t laid a single brick in building this house. She said she left her house and walked into hers. Britt told Saraya that she doesn’t take walk-ins so make an appointment.
Saraya said that Britt was hand picked by Tony Khan, and took out QT’s trainees. She said Britt has only been on TV for three years. She said that she has been a true star and then talked about her bonafides in the business, how she loves wrestling more than her. She said that she doesn’t know what it takes, then talked about her past and how her life was put on display. She said that her comeback match was her story and Britt’s biggest match of her career. It will be her and Britt at Full Gear. Britt attacked Saraya, but Saraya dodged and hit her finisher on Britt and walked out of the ring.
-Jay Lethal and company were backstage and they thanked Cole Carter for being fake sting. Danhausen and the Best Friends walked in and confronted The Factory. It set up a match between Lee Johnson and Orange Cassidy. Trent then called out Jay Lethal that led to a match.
Jay Lethal attacked the knee of Trent Beretta as he was walking to the ring, Lethal continued to beat down Trent as the match started officially. Lethal continued to stomp and kick the injured knee, Lethal tried a move off the middle rope, but Trent caught him and hit a side suplex. Lethal quickly regained control and threw Beretta to the outside. Chuck Taylor and Danhausen walked out as the break started. [c]
Trent hit a German Suplex, then a half-n-half. Trent then tried a DDT, Lethal countered but Trent then threw Lethal into the top turnbuckle. Trent then hit a move and got a two count for his efforts. Trent hit a running knee and then tried a strong zero. Dutt and Singh were on the apron. Danhausen punched Dutt in the groin and then was taken out by Singh. Lethal then hit Lethal Injection for the pinfall win.
WINNER: Jay Lethal
(Sage’s Analysis: Why was this here, very Rampage like segment.)
-Dutt took the mic and brought out Jeff Jarrett. He talked about what his motivations are, he said he signed Lethal to his first contract. He said Dutt is the smartest guy he knows, he then said Singh is seven foot five and played in the NBA. He called out Sting and Darby Allin and said they would put him in a body bag. Jarrett then yelled at a stage manager for trying to get him to wrap up the segment.
-Jungle Boy said that what he did to Luchasaurus was just the beginning, he said that he a challenge for LS at Rampage.
-Jon Moxley and William Regal walked to the ring. Moxley asked how old he was when he and Regal first met. He said that he thought he had it all figured out, he wanted to be feared and respected. He tried to pick a fight with Regal and that did not go well, he said Regal kicked his ass. That made him work harder, then knocked out Regal when he got another chance. He asked who that young kid reminded him off and he said that it was MJF. He beat MJF in the summer of 2020 and asked what would be different this time.
He said that MJF is having an identity crisis, he wears fancy clothes and talks the talk. Moxley said that he is the real multi-millionaire and multiple world time champion. MJF calls himself the devil, Moxley said that he has met and seen things way worse than MJF has ever done. He wants to bring out the best in MJF and wants him to one day be his true potential, just not right now.
-A video showing Kenny and The Bucks was shown, with a collage of old photos of them before and after AEW was formed, then a clock stuck midnight (or noon I guess) and then an AEW logo without the E was shown and faded out. [c]
-Sammy Guevara and Bryan Danielson had pre-taped promos for their main event match.
Toni Storm walked out with Skye Blue. Toni distracted Jamie Hayter, Skye Blue took advantage and hit a move. The match moved to the outside where the two battled. Blue threw Hayter into the barricade and back into the ring. Britt Baker grabbed the boot of Blue, Jamie then hit a back breaker and a suplex. [c]
Blue hit a crossbody off the top rope, Hayter then hit a gut kick and tried a lariat. Blue rolled through and then hit a snap code red on Hayter for a near fall. Hayter then tried a roll up, then laid in forearm strikes. Blue then hit a pump kick, Hayter followed that up with a high boot and threw Blue into the turnbuckle and chopped her opponent. Hayter hit a big Lariat for the pinfall win.
WINNER: Jamie Hayter
(Sage’s Analysis: A fine match, same old story for the women’s match. The first two minutes are shown then the break, then the last four minutes are shown with a good final two minutes. It just feels like this matches can never get going based on the format.)
-Content setting up the other two matches in the eliminator tournament were shown.
Bryan Danielson rushed Sammy Guevara as the match started and laid in multiple strikes in three of the four corners of the ring. Sammy hit a corkscrew dropkick to stop the assault, Danielson then hit a top rope drop kick and was gonna jump t the outside but was stopped by Tay Melo. Danielson moved to the outside and moved Tay out of the way. Sammy threw a chair at Danielson, Danielson was awarded a fall for the DQ by Guevara. Sammy then stabbed Danielson in the eye with the ringside mic. [c]
Bryan Danielson was bleeding as the show returned, Sammy hit a running knee and GTH for a pinfall. The total was now one fall each, can you believe it? Sammy hit a move off the top rope and applied a submission, Danielson tried to roll through but Sammy kept the hold applied. Danielson stood up, and Sammy held on and the two went back to the mat. Danielson finally got to the bottom rope and broke the hold.
Sammy then hit strikes in the corner, Danielson countered and laid in stiff kicks. Sammy tried a springboard knee strike, but Danielson hit a jumping knee to counter. [c]
Tay Melo was ejected as the show returned. Both men were on their knees and then stood applying their fighting spirt to the match. Danielson put Guevara in the tree of woe and kicked him in the chest. Sammy hit a leaping knee, knocking Danielson off the top rope. Sammy then hit a shooting star press off the same top rope. Sammy tried for a springboard cutter, Danielson caught him and applied a submission, Sammy used the bottom rope to break the hold.
Sammy tried for the GTH, but Danielson hit a reverse hurricanrana, then the running knee. Sammy applied the Lion Tamer, Danielson broke the hold and tried the GTH, but Danielson countered and hit the running knee. Sammy then hit a top rope DDT and then went to the top and tried for a senton. Danielson got his knees up and applied the crossface hold. Sammy tapped out in this position after Danielson sued Guevara’s hand back from the rope.
WINNER: Bryan Danielson
(Sage’s Analysis: A solid 2/3 falls match, the whole match felt very intense. But, more so than I personally feel this story has been. This felt like the end to a multi-week/month story as opposed to a set up for a four-way match in a few weeks.)
Final Thoughts: An improved show over last week with a sting first hour and a rather up and down second hour. But, big time matches for Full gear were advanced or announced which pushes this into the successful category.
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