MARCH 5, 2024
Dijak vs. Joe Gacy: Hit
Both men worked hard to deliver on this PG hardcore match. The top of the cage moonsault by Dijak just reminded me just how talented this guy is. I know his contract is up soon, but I would love to see him go to the main roster (yes, I know he was there before as part of the awful Retribution group), but I think he could work as a mid-card bad ass. I’m on the fence with Joe Gacy: he seems to be over with the fans, but he also seems to lose every meaningful feud he’s in. I enjoy the ‘crazy’ character, but I think for him to have any long term success, he needs more wins under his belt (or straitjacket).
Baron Corbin & Bron Breakker vs. Chase U: Hit
I loved this match! Breakker & Corbin have a chemistry that no one would have seen (it seems they were a throwaway mash up that just happened to work and get over) and I’ve always been a fan of Hudson and Chase. I’ve mentioned before how under looked Andre Chase is as a talent. He sells perfectly and comes across as the perfect underdog. Hudson is ultra talented in the ring, but I spend more time that I should wondering during every match if THIS is when he turns on Chase. The furthering storyline of Chase U and the division between Chase and Jacy Jayne continues to make Chase U relevant.
Shawn Spears vs. Uriah Connors: Hit
I know a lot of people crapped on the return of Spears, but I liked it. One: it was a surprise that wasn’t ruined by the dirt sheets (or at least the ones I read!) and Two: in no way do I believe he was brought back to be a Main Eventer, but the guy is solid mid-card and I could see him eventually transitioning into a coaching role down the road. I know we’re supposed to cheer for Ridge Holland in this feud, but Holland is so better suited as a heel, so I’m not sure how far “sad and conflicted” Holland will go. The fans have already seemed to sour on him.
Lyra Valkyria & Tatum Paxley vs. The Kabuki Warriors: Hit
Disclaimer: I like Valkyria and Asuka and I’m enamored by Kairi Sane and Tatum Paxley, so if all they did was play musical chairs in the dark I’d give this a Hit, so yes…there’s bias here! But, that notwithstanding, I enjoyed the match. I think it Paxley a world of good to work against the well-traveled Sane and Asuka and her taking the pin made perfect sense. I’m hoping that the errant kick from Lyra to Tatum doesn’t dissolve the pairing: I’ve enjoyed their work together and I think the wackiness of Paxley’s character has brought a bit or personality out of Valkyria’s character. No real surprise to outcome of the match for this guy, but I spent most of it smiling with my pupils dilated into the shape of hearts!
Roxanne Perez: Hit
The furthering development of Perez’s heel turn is awesome. She’s still getting cheered, so I think she needs to do more than attach a lukewarm face to get full heel treatment from the fans.
Fallon Henley vs. Blair Davenport: Minor Hit
This gets a slight downgrade due to the lack of time they were given, but they had worked nicely. This was more of a setup for the return of Sol Ruca (hooray!) more than anything. I’m wondering if this is going to lead to a bevy of ‘returning’ wrestlers that were taken out by Davenport to lead to her losing series of matches. I’d be okay with that if it meant a move to main roster for Davenport, who I think is terribly underutilized.
Carmelo Hayes vs. Tony D’Angelo: Hit
First off: I love the new music/presentation of Tony D’s entrance! The match was what you’d expect from these two: I’ve been so impressed by D’Angelo’s work since his arrival in NXT: you’d think the guy has been doing it for 20 years sometimes. A distraction finish worked in this case as it brought back Trick Williams (man, I never thought the guy would get this over) and his reappearance caused his foil to take the loss. I’m assuming that a match between the two will take place at Stand and Deliver and I imagine that the roof will blow off the joint for Trick. I wouldn’t mind Tony D taking the title from Ilya, so Ilya could go main roster. It seems Tony D will be NXT bound for a little while longer, as they seem to be strengthening The Family with additional members.
All in all, I really enjoyed the show. Even the return of Booker T wasn’t as annoying as it usually is. They’re creating a nice build for Stand and Deliver and I’m excited for that show as part of Wrestlemania weekend!
RECOMMENDED NEXT: NXT TV RESULTS (3/5): Wells’s live report on Roadblock featuring Carmelo Hayes vs. Tony D’Angelo, Valkyria & Paxley vs. Kabuki Warriors, more
OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: NXT Roadblock Hit List: Carmelo Hayes vs. Tony D’Angelo for a shot at the NXT Title, Kabuki Warriors vs. Lyra Valkyria and Tatum Paxley for the WWE Women’s Tag Titles
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