The following report originally published 20 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…
WWE Raw house show report
July 24, 2004
Erie, Pa.
Report by Brandon Boyd, PWTorch.com correspondent
(1) Hurricane & Rosey defeated Chuck Palumbo & Mike Bucci. Hurricane & Rosey were really over here in Erie but didn’t want to see Palumbo & Bucci. Hurricane pins Bucci after the shining wizard. Okay match
(2) Rodney Mack pinned Steven Richards. Crowd really loved Stevie. It was kind of a boring match but the fans really got into it. Can’t remember how Mack won though.
(3) Val Venis pinned Tyson Tomko. Tomko looked very green in the ring but I think when he gets more expirience he can become a better wrestler. Anyway, Venis wins with a rollup.
(4) Victoria pinned Jazz. For divas, this was a solid match. They surprisingly has good chemistry out there. Both divas deserve to be Woman’s Champions again. Victoria wins with the Widow’s Peak after Richards comes out in a drag.
(5) Batista pinned Maven. This match was a total squash! I could tell from the start that it was gonna be quick. Batista wins with the Sit-Down Powerbomb. What a move!
During Intermission Howard Finkel and a local guy were shooting out t-shirts and trying to get people to go to the shopzone stand.
(6) Chris Jericho pinned Kane. Before the match, Kane came out and called out Lita. Lita came out and badmouthed Kane. So Kane backed her into a corner and Y2J came running out to make the save. Y2J wins with a rollup with his feet on the ropes.
(7) La Resistance defeated Rhyno & Tajiri. Good tag team action. Starts out with Griener starting to sing the Canadian anthem but Rhyno & Tajiri interuppted it. Second best match of the night. One of the La Resistance members rolled up Rhyno with a hand full of tights.
Before the main event, Finkel said we were one of the best crowds ever. Yeah, right.
(8) Chris Benoit beat Triple H via submission with the Crippler Crossface. Excellent match. Before the match everyone was chanting “You tapped out” to The Game. After the ref got knocked out. Batista came out and they were double teaming on Benoit. The fans behind me were joking about Eugene coming out… but he actually did! Before Eugene came out the crowd was chanting Eugene! Eugene! After beating up Triple H and Batista, Eugene used his finisher on the Game. Then Beniot came over a made Triple H tap out with a Crippler Crossface. After the match Eugene gives the title to Benoit. Then Beniot says he was worried about him for two weeks. Were was he? Eugenes response was…. Eating Ice cream. He then said, “I scream, you scream, we all scream for Eugene!” Then Benoit asked him if he had learned anything over the past few weeks. Eugene the said, “Evolution Sucks!” When that was all over Eugene and Benoit ran around the ring like airplanes.
Notes: This show was awesome! This was my third WWE event in Erie and it was the best yet. Nice Job WWE!… Earl Hebner did referee a match… No Edge or Randy Orton…
(1) TIE Eugene and Chris Beniot
(2) Hurricane
(3)Rhyno and Tajiri
(4) Y2J
(5)Steven Richards
(1) Triple H
(2) La Resistance
(3) Kane
(4) Batista
(5) Chuck Palumbo (Crowd just didn’t want to see him)
OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Powell’s TNA Impact Hit List: Nic Nemeth and Mustafa Ali, Ace Austin, Chris Bey, and Matt Hardy vs. JDC, Eddie Edwards, and Brian Myers, Jordynne Grace and Eric Young vs. Ash By Elegance and Hammerstone
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