AUGUST 20, 2024
NXT Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T
Ring Announcer: Mike Rome
Backstage Correspondent(s): Kelly Kincaid, Sarah Schreiber
-We got shots of some of the women slated for tonight’s Gauntlet entering the building, and Karmen Petrovic was attacked by Izzi Dame, who wanted to be in this match. The announcers wondered about Petrovic’s status for tonight.
-Chase U’s celebration from last week was shown. Apparently they made confetti angels in the ring at some point after they went off the air.
-Chase U hit the ring with mics in the hands of Thea Hail and Riley Osborne. Ridge Holland and Andre Chase were waring their new tag team championship belts. There was a “Chase U” chant. There was also the usual “you deserve it” chant. Can we save that one for when guys win their first championships? Duke Hudson said Ridge Holland is a little much sometimes, but it’s exactly what they needed to bring home the gold. Osborne added that he gave Holland a lot of flack when he showed up here but now he’s brought the championships home. Chase thanked Holland on behalf of the group, and they shared a group hug.
Axiom and Nathan Frazer hit the ramp to break up the little party. Axiom said they were the better team that day, but they’re not the better team every day. Frazer said Ridge picked the perfect time for a championship match because they had been spread thin that week, and now is the right time for a rematch. Holland said he appreciates how good they are but not how they’re breaking up a Chase U moment. He said when everyone turned their back on him, Chase U stood by his side. He put over every member of Chase U for what they offered him in the way of development and finding himself. He said last week was bigger than him, and it was about bringing gold to Chase U. He said the new mission statement was “Mission accomplished.”
Axiom and Frazer still wanted their rematch, and Osborne and Hudson stepped forward and said if they can beat them, they’ll have a match with the champions at No Mercy. Axiom and Frazer said they’d see them tomorrow night, but Hudson said they’re always ready, and he and Osborne ripped off their pants to reveal their gear, and the match was on.
(1) DUKE HUDSON & RILEY OSBORNE (w/Andre Chase & Ridge Holland & Thea Hail) vs. AXIOM & NATHAN FRAZER – if Axiom & Frazer win, they get a championship match at No Mercy
Things broke down early and went outside. Osborne hit a wild tope con giro on Axiom and all five members of Chase U posed together as the match went to an early commercial. [c]
Osborne and Axiom traded rights. Axiom caught Osborne with a lariat and Osborne hit a superkick, then ran right into a standing Spanish Fly by Axiom for two. Axiom worked an ankle lock as Osborne played face in peril, and he made the hot tag and Hudson hit a big release belly-to-back suplex. Frankensteiner and a Bossman Slam by Hudson got two on Frazer. Frazer rolled up Hudson after a powerbomb attempt and got two. The two evaded shots until Osborne tagged in and hit a blockbuster on Frazer assisted by Hudson, and he got a long two, broken up by Axiom.
Osborne went up and missed a shooting star but landed on his feet. Osborne went for a springboard, but Frazer was right there after him and hit a springboard Spanish Fly for two. The would-be challengers dominated Osborne with team offense, and as Frazer laid out Hudson on the outside, Axiom scored the pin.
WINNERS: Axiom & Frazer at 9:16.
(Wells’s Analysis: It was fast and frenetic, but for me, better than last week’s championship match. I like this way of getting to a championship match, even if it’s a rematch, better than the usual multi-person match)
-It was announced Petrovic was out of the Gauntlet Eliminator. Stevie Turner and Rob Stone were tripping over one another trying to suggest solutions to Ava. Izzi Dame stepped in and said she could now be added to the match she should’ve been in in the first place, and Ava said she wouldn’t reward bad behavior. She said Brinley Reece was being added to the match. Stevie Turner said she’d go inform Reece (apparently she doesn’t watch the show?) and Stone was offstage saying he was already on it. Turner rushed to catch up with him. [c]
-Vic promoted the two-week introduction of NXT on the CW, with CM Punk and Randy Orton.
-Brinley Reece readied herself for the Gauntlet match in the locker room, talking with some of the not-yet-ready-for-prime-time players. Wren Sinclair showed up and said she was going to win this one and bring it home to the Wren-QCC. The others laughed at “Wren-QCC” after she left.
Choo charged right at the bell and dominated the early moments of the mat. She snapped on a sleeper variation and Vice rolled her up to break. Choo got in some blocks in acorner and Vice fought back with repeated knees, then a kick to the spine. Powerslam by Vice. The match went to commercial. [c]
Choo was punishing Vice against a rope. She did a head twist on Vice, which was very familiar after watching Zack Sabre through the G-1 Climax. Choo took Vice to a corner and Vice tried to fight back but Choo hit a snap suplex for two. Choo leaned in for a suplex attempt but Vice hit an inside cradle for two. Choo growled and beat Vice into the mat. Choo leaned on Vice with a boot in the corner. Vice managed some body shots but Choo hit a neckbreaker for one. Choo sold frustration.
Choo hit an elbow in the corner and set up Vice in the tree of woe. Choo nailed a dropkick and got two. Choo worked a headlock, subtle grabbing the hair at times. Choo charged in a corner but Vice schoolgirled her for two. Vice hit a few cyclone kicks, then her rapid-fire alternating kicks. She did her “I’m a Latina” hip attack in the corner and covered for two. Choo rolled up Vice for two, then snapped on a sleeper and hopped up on Vice’s back, but Vice nailed a jawbreaker to break the hold.
Both women sold for a moment. Kelani Jordan hit the ring and wanted to get in Choo’s face, and Choo ducked a Vice backfist, and Vice nailed Jordan. While the ref checked on Jordan, Choo nailed Vice with a (loaded?) pillow, which Vic called a “pellow” because of course he would pronounce it the dumbest way available. Choo tossed away the evidence and covered for the win.
WINNER: Wendy Choo at 8:02.
After the match, Jordan said if Choo wanted her championship, she had to earn it…at No Mercy. She hit the ring, evaded a pillow shot, and then nailed one of her own. She retrieved her belt out of the pillow sham, and Vic “caught on” that it was the belt in the pillow well after even the most dense viewers would have.
(Wells’s Analysis: These two had a pretty decent match, though I was surprised by the small amount of offense by Vice. Maybe I shouldn’t have been, as Choo is the one moving to a championship match while Vice likely misses No Mercy unless something comes together real quickly.)
-Wes Lee, by the lockers, talked to Kelly Kincaid. He said he’d send his opponents back to Raw and TNA. Elsewhere, Joe Hendry was talking with Sarah Schreiber, and he and Lee had a dueling talk segment briefly. Hendry said this was the biggest night in his career, and he said nobody thought two months ago that something like this was possible. He said tonight he’ll make a believer of everyone when he becomes #1 contender.
-Vic promoted the Gauntlet Eliminator up next. [c]
-Fallon Henley and Jacy Jayne had a sit-down promo about working their whole lives to get to NXT just to end up in a locker room full of D1, D2 and D3 athletes. Jazmyn Nyx, the “only one who listened to them,” was added to the segment. They said they were the leaders of the women’s locker room, and they were now known as The Fatal Influence.
The rules are that two women start, and another is added every three minutes until all have entered. Women can be eliminated anytime along the way.
#1 Wren Sinclair, #2 Sol Ruca
Sinclair worked a technical opening as Ruca flipped and kicked to break free of Sinclair’s various holds. Sinclair ran the ropes and Ruca tripped her and worked a brief leg submission. We were shown Roxanne Perez watching on a monitor backstage. Sinclair worked a surfboard and snapped it back on, this time leaning all the way back, as Ruca tried to break free. The two took each other out and sold on the mat as time expired.
#3 Adrianna Rizzo
Rizzo hit a high cross-body on both women, and then hit suplexes on each. Rizzo kipped up and took off her hoop earrings and tossed them one by one. Ruca caught her with a boot. Sinclair jumped on Ruca’s back and then Rizzo jumped up on Sinclair, and Ruca was able to hold them both until a slam occurred. Ruca had Rizzo beat but…Sinclair broke it up? Why? Sinclair was cleared out of the ring and Ruca hit a slam on Rizzo that took her out at 4:58.
Elimination #1 – Adrianna Rizzo
Well, that’s longer than Rizzo got to be in the battle royal a couple of months ago, but it’s apparently not her time yet. The match went to split-screen. [c]
#4 Brinley Reece
Reece entered during the break and was on offense on both women. Time expired soon after return to full-screen.
#5 Kendal Grey
Vic said Grey had really put herself on the match on this show recently. Has she? She hit suplexes on everyone and finished off Reece at the ten minute mark with a fallaway slam at exactly the ten minute mark.
Elimination #2 – Brinley Reece
The three women traded control and pin attempts. Grey dropkicked Sinclair from the ring but Ruca caught Grey with a slam and then worked a surfboard. Sinclair entered the ring and used Grey’s angle to hit her with a slam for two. Ruca hit Sinclair with X-Factor. Sinclair exited the ring and Ruca tossed Grey onto her. Time expired.
#6 Jaida Parker
Parker rushed Ruca on the ramp and took her out there. In the ring, Grey and Parker paired off. Grey got a near-fall on an early rollup but Parker hit the hip attack with Grey draped on the second ropes. Parker hit the gourd buster to finish Grey at 13:35.
Elimination #3 – Kendal Grey
Sinclair tried something on Parker, but Ruca surprised Sinclair with the Sol Snatcher and pinned her at 13:55.
Elimination #4 – Wren Sinclair
Parker and Ruca are your unsurprising final two, though Sinclair could’ve snuck in. They exchanged impact moves. Ruca hit a German suplex but missed a springboard splash as Parker moved. Parker ran and hit the Drive-By hip attack to get the shot at Roxanne Perez.
Elimination #5 – Sol Ruca
WINNER: Jaida Parker at 15:43.
Sarah Schreiber interviewed Jaida after the match, and she was flanked by OTM. She said she was hyped, and she’s got next.
(Wells’s Analysis: Solid action throughout, and those who I thought might be unready for such a moment were kept short in there, but it was cool to see them rub elbows. Parker’s work certainly warrants a championship match, but the heel-heel dynamic will be interesting. Parker will be the de facto babyface, I imagine, though I hope she doesn’t lean into it too hard)
-Kelly Kincaid interviewed Ethan Page. He only got a few words in before Pete Dunne stepped in and said when he gets a championship on his shoulder, it stays there. He said when he gets to the match, he’ll make Page snap at No Mercy.
-Hank & Tank entered for their match with The O.C. [c]
(4) HANK WALKER & TANK LEDGER vs. THE O.C. (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows)
Tank entered with a motorcycle helmet on. Why not? Tank and Anderson opened the match. Anderson got into it with fans as he was on offense. Hank made the tag and Tank slammed Hank atop Anderson. They met in the middle with lariats and Hank covered for two. Hank charged into boots and Anderson hit a back elbow that sent Hank outside. Gallows tagged in, and walked to the outside and booted Hank to the mat. Gallows threw some forearms and took it back inside.
Gallows worked Hank over in the heel corner with punches and kicks. Anderson tagged in and covered for two. He went right into an armbar, then a double wristlock. Anderson tried to plant himself to avoid the hot tag. Hank managed a backdrop and Gallows tagged in, but Hank reached Tank as well. Tank was a house afire until Gallows booted him in the head. The OC set up the Magic Killer but Hank yanked Gallows out and charged him to a corner. Hank and Tank managed their team finisher on Anderson.
WINNERS: Hank & Tank at 4:32.
Hank and Tank were excited and they celebrated with Vic. A bunch of “security guys” got involved and partied with them too. The OC wanted to jump them but the security guys got in the way.
(Wells’s Analysis: Why are The OC here? I’m sure they want to know too. A few months ago it looked like they were there to face the champions – Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin – but man, it feels like that was a long time ago, as they’re mired in the midcard, at the very best. Adequate tag quickie, I guess)
-Backstage, Edris Enofe & Malik Blade, somewhere in the back, ran into Shawn Spears. Spears called them men without direction. He said they weren’t good friends to Brinley Reece. Enofe fired up and said he’d better shut the hell up about Reece, and a brawl ensued. [c]
-We saw via X that Ava went to a Slipknot concert. Is this show in need of padding?
-No Quarter Catch Crew (minus Tavion Heights, who’s still in Japan) were in the ring. Charlie Dempsey put over Lou Thesz and Billy Robinson and their quotes about wrestling. Wren Sinclair stepped in front of him and said although she doesn’t know who Lou Robinson and Billy Thesz are, but if Charles likes them, they must be okay. She stepped in front of them again and said Charles would take on anyone, and she doesn’t care who it is. Oba Femi’s music played and Sinclair went “I am so sorry!” to Dempsey.
Femi walked the ramp with a mic and said the most respected belt on the brand was the North American Championship and he’s defended it against all sorts of opponents, and he won’t hesitate to add a Heritage Cup champion to that list.
Tony D’Angelo’s music played and the Family headed to the ring. Dempsey tried to focus on D’Angelo so he wouldn’t be stuck with Femi, but D said he’s focused on something else. He looked at Femi’s belt to a big reaction. He said the family doesn’t forget, though, and he snapped his fingers. His minions attacked NQCC. We were left with Femi and D’Angelo, and D’Angelo rolled through a powerbomb attempt and hit a spinebuster.
-Three women walked with Ashante Adonis. He tried to mack on them ahead of his match with Dion Lennox, but at the mention of Lennox’s name, they all sighed thirstily. Lennox appeared through the scene, and the women left Adonis for him.
The scene moved to a different hall, where Je’Von Evans was sitting. Wren Sinclair happened by with the Heritage Cup and said “This is so heavy. Can you watch this? I’ll be right back. They would literally kill me if I lost it.” Gallus showed up after Sinclair was gone and said Evans wasn’t fit to even be near the Heritage Cup. They teased taking it from him, but instead hinted at a match between Evans and Joe Coffey. [c]
The gimmick is that when Lennox takes his studious glasses off, he flips a switch. I’ve heard they took “Thee” from Adonis’ name, but it’s on the video screen and the inset, so apparently it’s back?
Lennox launched Adonis with height so preposterous that wild yells went out. Good god. Big bodyslam by Lennox. Lennox tossed Adonis with a release suplex. This kid has superhuman strength. Adonis baited Lennox to the outside and booted him, then hit him with a twisting splash from the top to the floor. Back inside, Adonis covered for two. He threw a big slap to Lennox’s face, and the audience let out an “ooooohhh.”
Lennox fired up and beat Adnis around the ring. He returned with a slap of his own and a big spinebuster for a long two. Vic said it would be an upset if Lennox wins, which, no. Adonis thumbed Lennox in the eye and then choked him on the top rope. Adonis tuned up the band and hit the Long Kiss Goodnight.
WINNER: Ashante Thee Adonis at 3:43.
(Wells’s Analysis: I’m not one who needs realism in wrestling, but after Lennox’s strength display it was genuinely ridiculous to see Adonis win. Good stuff by both men, however)
-Lexis King and a lackey were shining up his throne. Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend happened by. King referred to them as the Meta-Two, trying to sow dissension. He took his leave and Mensah showed up, and said things weren’t the same with his head since he lost to Ethan Page. The women tried to gas him up.
No Mercy was promoted. Roxanne Perez vs. Jaida Parker, Oba Femi vs. Tony D’Angelo, Chase U vs. Axiom & Nathan Frazer are all locked in. I would imagine Choo vs. Jordan will be as well, though I guess they could do that on the weekly show.
-Wes Lee was introduced ahead of the main event. [c]
-Next week, No Quarter Catch Crew will face The Family (minus Tony) in a six-person match. Fatal Influence (minus Jazmyn) will face Jakara & Lash. Izzi Dame will face Karmen Petrovic.
-Ethan Page sat in on commentary.
(6) JOE HENDRY vs. PETE DUNNE vs. WES LEE – Triple threat match to determine the #1 Contender to the NXT Championship
Page was disgusted by Hendry’s entrance. Booker said it was catchy, and Page told him to stop. Hendry got the crowd waving their arms (again, through the theme song). Both heels jumped Hendry. Lee wanted a fist bump from Dunne, who of course put the fists to him as well. Referee Darryl Sharma called for the bell.
Hendry dominated once he recovered, with press slams for both opponents. Lee took down Hendry and posed just long enough for Dunne to jump him. Lee got dumped and Dunne booted Hendry’s digits. Hendry and Dunne went to an exchange of forearms and chops until Dunne raked the eyes to boos. Lee hit the ring and took his chances with Dunne, who stayed on offense. Dunne had Lee down, but Hendry monkey-flipped Lee into Dunne’s family jewels (Book said family jewels, not me) to a pop. The heels ended up on the outside and Henry cleared them with a flying cross-body heading into split-screen. [c]
Hendry had fallaway slams for everyone as Vic asked Page who he’d prefer to face. He sidestepped that but stressed that Joe Hendry, as an outsider, didn’t deserve to face him. Booker T says “I get it.” Given the way Booker T was treated by the locker room when he got to WWE, I assume he “gets it” in a very clear way.
Dunne took over on offense. He stacked Hendry and Lee and worked the digits of both. He hit an X-Plex on Lee atop Hendry, then covered Hendry for two. Hendry went outside and Lee hit him with a basement dropkick, then hit some quick offense on Dunne. He hit a DDT off the top for a long two. Lee went to the top and Dunne crotched him on the turnbuckle. Dunne went up and Hendry flew in to meet them there. Lee kind of tried to clip Hendry as he hit a moonsault, and I guess we’re supposed to assume he did. Lee hit a frog splash on Hendry for a long two.
Lee ran the ropes to attack Hendry, but Dunne grabbed him and worked the digits. Hendry had Dunne beat, and Page yanked the ref from the ring, bumping him. Hendry caught Lee and choke slammed him on the announce table, which didn’t break. Inside the ring, he caught Dunne with the slam, and Page was holding up a second official from getting to the ring. Dunne got the upper hand with the Bitter End. Lee tried to get involved, but Trick Williams showed up and hit the Trick Shot on Lee and rolled Hendry atop Dunne to finish.
WINNER: Joe Hendry at 12:21.
After the crawler showed up, Zachary Wentz jumped Wes Lee, and the two former MSK mates brawled to end the show.
(Wells’s Analysis: Wow. What a series of wild angles to end the show. Hendry vs. Page to main event an NXT was the farthest thing from the imagination as recently as a few months ago, as was a match between Lee and Wentz (which I assume will play out on NXT TV and not TNA, given that it was promoted here). Nate and I thought the match was probably headed this way, so now it’s time to see what we actually think of Hendry’s chances as the match is made official. Good action leading to the hot angle)
FINAL THOUGHTS: Maybe I’m just in a great mood for some reason, but this show had me all the way through. We moved aggressively toward No Mercy in a satisfying way without any expense at the weekly show, and we have a main event coming that feels very personal, which is an impressive thing as neither has been part of NXT for long. Nate Lindberg and I will break down the show shortly on PWT Talks NXT.
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