SEPTEMBER 18, 2024
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz
Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts
Attendance: WrestleTix reported earlier this week that 2,535 tickets had been distributed so far; arena is set up for 3,390. The arena has a capacity of 10,000 spectators when configured for concerts. More tickets have been sold since then. Subscribe to WrestleTix on Patreon for detailed up-to-date information.
—The show opened with Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli and Marina Shafir arriving to the arena. The camera cut as Darby Allin was shown skateboarding into the arena.
(1) CHRIS JERICHO (w/Brian Keith & Big Bill) vs. ORANGE CASSIDY (w/Mark Briscoe & Kyle O’Reilly)
Both sides stood inside the ring and began brawling. Briscoe and Orange both delivered dives to the floor. Jericho teased a dive but instead waved to the crowd. Orange appeared blasting Jericho with an Orange Punch for a two count. Orange teased a second Orange Punch but Jericho rolled to the floor. Orange rocked Jericho with a tope on the floor. Back inside the ring, Orange caught Jericho with a springboard splash for a near fall. Jericho stopped Orange from climbing the ropes. Jericho caught Orange flying off the ropes with the Walls of Jericho. Orange countered into a rollup for a near fall. Jericho responded by catching Orange with a running powerslam for two. Jericho caught Orange with a Lionsault for two. Orange responded by catching Jericho with a Michinoku Driver for two. Orange went for a dive but Jericho got his knees up. Orange used Jericho’s momentum and dumped him to the floor. They stood on a crate as Jericho delivered a backdrop suplex sending Orange crashing through a table. [c]
Jericho and Orange exchanged strikes as they returned from break. Orange took control stomping away at Jericho in the corner. Jericho responded by catching Orange charging with a lariat for a near fall. Orange responded by catching Jericho with a flying crossbody. Orange went for a DDT but Jericho countered into the Walls of Jericho. Orange grabbed the ropes to force a break. Big Bill appeared nailing Orange with a big boot with the referee distracted. Jericho covered Orange for a two count. Big Bill and O’Reilly brawled to the back. Jericho planted Orange with a Death Valley Driver for two. Orange responded by planting Jericho with a pair of DDTs. Orange connected with a flying DDT for two. Jericho caught Orange charging with a Codebreaker for two. Jericho called for the Judas Effect. Orange countered into the Beach Break for two. Brian Keith ran down. Mark Briscoe brawled with Keith. Jericho grabbed a roll of quarters. Orange responded by hitting Jericho with an Orange Punch into the roll of quarters for the win.
WINNER: Orange Cassidy in 19:30.
(Amin’s Thoughts: I had no interest in wanting to see this match. This was one of Jericho’s better matches on AEW in quite sometime. That doesn’t mean this match should’ve gone 19 minutes. I would like Orange to move onto something different. Jericho having one good match doesn’t change anything that his onscreen character hasn’t been good at all.)
—They aired clips of Claudio Castagnoli and Pac calling out Wheeler Yuta. Pac said they are the AEW Trios Champions but haven’t heard from Yuta since the PPV. He said they have a championship match. He told them to come to work. Claudio said he was just disappointed in Yuta. He told Yuta to show up. Jon Moxley said Yuta had the strength inside him to do the right thing. He said Yuta could leave. He said Yuta had a greater responsibility to the greater good. He said Yuta had to look inside the mirror and asked what kind of man they teached him to be.
—Alex Marvez caught up with Wheeler Yuta who was leaving the arena. Yuta said he was conflicted by recent events. He said he worked his career to be a champion. He said it was WrestleDream. Marvez corrected him and said the match was happening at Grand Slam. A strange hand appeared handing Yuta the AEW Trios Title he left in the locker room. He said Bryan Danielson told him you don’t change who you are because other people are changing. He said he’s a fighting champion. He said he will kick whoever’s ass he needs too.
—Excalibur, Taz and Tony Schiavone spoke about Wheeler Yuta. Roderick Strong joined commentary for the next match. Strong was accompanied by Matt Taven and Mike Bennett.
(2) HOOK vs. J.D. INKY
Hook sent JD flying with a pair of suplex. Hook applied the Red Rum for the submission win.
WINNER: Hook in 2:00
(Amin’s Thoughts: A quick showcase win for Hook.)
—Alex Marvez was backstage with Private Party. Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen accepted Moxley’s new faction’s challenge for a AEW Trios Title match at Grand Slam. Kassidy then called out Moxley. [c]
—Renee Paquette was backstage with The Patriarchy. Renee brought up how Christian Cage has a guaranteed shot at the AEW World Title. Cage turned his attention to Nick Wayne’s match on Rampage. He said this match was the road to glory. He said himself and Nick will hold championships at the same time. He told Renee that the news doesn’t sound good for the Moxley household. He told Renee to introduce him as the next AEW World Champion. Nick walked away after something caught his attention. They saw Kip Sabian wanting to speak to Nick. Christian told the camera man to stop filming him. He told Sabian he doesn’t care about his dad. He said he would bury Sabian beside his dad.
Deeb and Sakazaki began exchanging pinning combinations. Aminata and Sakazaki took control, rocking Deeb with combination strikes. Deep responded by catching Aminata with a dragon screw against the ropes. May tagged herself into the match. May rocked Aminata with a running dropkick. [c]
Sakazaki rocked Deep with a missile dropkick as they returned from break. Sakazaki planted May with a suplex onto Deeb for a near fall. The action broke down with everyone hitting a German Suplex. Sakazaki connected with a springboard splash to everyone on the floor. Sakazaki connected with the Magic Girl Splash to Deep. May just entered the ring attacking Sakazaki with the AEW Women’s Title for the lame DQ!
WINNERS: Queen Aminata & Yuka Sakazaki in 7:20 via disqualification.
—Mariah May kept whipping Yuka Sakazaki with the AEW Women’s Title after the match. May taunted and kissed Sakazaki on the cheeks.
(Amin’s Thoughts: A mostly forgettable Women’s Division match on Dynamite which had a fitting end with a lame DQ finish. This finish did nothing interesting in wanting me to see May defend the AEW Women’s Title against Sakazaki. This actually felt like a time filler on the show. That’s a real shame because the AEW Women’s Division was one of the biggest bright spots on the show.)
—They aired a Mina Shirakawa highlight package. Mina said she hasn’t heard from Mariah May. She saw May win the AEW Women’s Title at Wembley Stadium. She said May has changed but still misses her. She said Mina is coming soon.
—They hyped Jon Moxley’s appearance on the show next. [c]
—Excalibur hyped up Nigel McGuiness challenge for Bryan Danielson at Grand Slam. They aired a Nigel McGuinness highlight package. This was comical as they had some technical difficulties for the video. The commentators then spoke about Danielson and Nigel’s history in Ring of Honor. They said the technical difficulties were fixed. They aired the Danielson and Nigel video package. They had comments from Nigel. Mark Briscoe, Roderick Strong and Jerry Lynn.
(Amin’s Thoughts: The video package was fine for those who are hardcore ROH fans. This video package didn’t get me anymore excited in wanting to see the actual match. This just felt like AEW was just panicking because of the lacklustre ticket sales for Grand Slam. They just threw the Danielson and McGuiness match on the Dynamite Grand Slam show.)
—That first hour of Dynamite was completely forgettable. This felt like you were watching a meaningless episode of Rampage but had the Dynamite name instead.
—Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli and Marina Shafir came out from the crowd. Private Party attacked Claudio and Moxley from the crowd. Claudio and Moxley quickly took out Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen. Kommander appeared catching Claudio with a dropkick. Kommander went for a dive but Claudio blasted him with an uppercut. Shafir took out Alex Abrahantes at ringside. Shafir grabbed the microphone from Alex. Claudio launched Kommander into the crowd.
Moxley grabbed a hammer from the tool box. Moxley said he could end Private Party’s career right now for what they just did. He said he wasn’t going to do that. He said Private Party was in the exact same spot they have been in for the past five years. He said he was giving them some friction and some resistance. He said he was going to give them an obstacle to overcome. He smashed Kassidy’s hand with a hammer.
Darby Allin attacked Claudio from behind with the skateboard. Moxley tossed Darby into the ring. Darby and Moxley had a stare down to a minimal reaction. Darby swung the skateboard but Moxley ducked and left the ring. Darby told Moxley he’s not the same person from five years ago. He said he’s going to run through Moxley at Grand Slam. He said he’s going to win the AEW World Title in his home state in WrestleDream.
(Amin’s Thoughts: Moxley’s promo about Private Party being in the same spot came off a bit harsh. This felt like Moxley was calling out the AEW creative team for their decision making. There have been lots of creative misses in AEW to mention right now. I would like it if this leads to a change in creative direction for Private Party. The promo from Darby was good, sending out his mission statement. I would like to see Darby win the AEW World Title at WrestleDream. That has been my creative pitch for sometime now for those who have listened to my Collision Cafe PWTorch VIP Podcast.)
—They aired a quick highlight package for TNT Champion Jack Perry going over his wins over Lio Rush and Christopher Daniels. This was fine.
Mortos and Ricochet began exchanging strikes. Mortos went for a flying knee but Ricochet moved out of the way. Ricochet took the lead hitting a tope on the floor. Ricochet connected with a springboard lariat. Ricochet followed with a running Shooting Star Press for two. The action picked up with Mortos and Ricochet having a nice counter exchange. Ricochet went for a dive but Mortos caught him on the floor. Mortos planted Ricochet with an apron powerbomb. [c]
Ricochet caught Mortos with a Tiger Feint Kick returning from break. Mortos responded by catching Ricochet with a popup Samoan Drop for two. Ricochet used Mortos momentum, sending him to the floor. Ricochet went for a flip dive but Mortos no-sold it. Mortos went for a powerbomb but Ricochet countered into a Code Red on the floor.
Ricochet connected with a springboard 450 Splash for two. Mortos stopped Ricochet from climbing the ropes. Mortos planted Ricochet with an avalanche Gorilla Press Slam for two. Ricochet responded by catching Mortos with a Crucifix Bomb. Ricochet connected with an axe kick to Mortos hand. Ricochet connected with Vertigo for the win.
WINNER: Ricochet in 11:15
(Amin’s Thoughts: Things finally turned around for the better on this show. A very fun action packed fast paced match that we are used to seeing on Dynamite. Ricochet looked good getting the expected win. I thought Mortos was just as impressive in the match with his power and quickness. A good match between Mortos and Ricochet.)
—They aired a highlight package on “Hangman” Adam Page saying he will get what he wants.
—The commentators hyped “Hangman” Adam Page’s appearance on the show. [c]
—Tony Schiavone was inside the ring. He called “Hangman” Adam Page to the ring. Schiavone asked Hangman about the support people had for “Swerve” Strickland. Hangman said a day like this would come when Strickland would be dealt with. He said there were dozens of people who stood and supported Strickland. He spoke about people cheering for Strickland as champion and inside a cage. He said he was reminded when he was suspended sitting at home. He said he heard the voice coming from the commentary desk. He said Schiavone was here. He backed Schiavone in the corner. Jeff Jarrett ran down.
A brawl broke out between Hangman and Jarrett around ringside. Security ran down to hold Hangman and Jarret back. Jay Lethal and Satnam Singh held Jarrett back. Jarrett called for the microphone. He said he wasn’t going to let Hangman put a finger on Schiavone. He said the locker room wants some of Jarrett. He said he was at the front of the line. He said he was going to kick Hangman’s ass if that’s the last thing he does in his career.
(Amin’s Thoughts: Hangman working a program with Jeff Jarrett after beating Strickland in the main event of All Out is pretty underwhelming to say the least.)
—Renee was backstage with Ricochet. Will Ospreay appeared and wanted a word with Ricochet. Ricochet said he wanted to remind Ospreay what he told him. He said Ospreay told him to get some wins. He said from his perspective to call him out. He said people are calling him out and not Ospreay. He said Ospreay was busy preparing for a match at Grand Slam. He challenged Ospreay to an AEW International Title match for the 5th Year Anniversary show of Dynamite. He spoke about their past matches that changed the landscape of professional wrestling. He said will see Ospreay soon. He called Ospreay little bro. Ricochet walked away. Taz on commentary. “That’s massive!”
(Amin’s Thoughts: This came of no surprise at all. We are just four matches into Ricochet signing with AEW and they are already giving away a match with Will Ospreay. This was just another example of Tony Khan playing matchmaker to please his AEW Internet wrestling fans.)
(5) WILL OSPREAY & KONOSUKE TAKESHITA & KYLE FLETCHER vs. THE ELITE (Kazuchika Okada & Matthew & Nicholas Jackson)
Fletcher and Ospreay took control working over Nicholas. Okada tagged himself into the match. Takeshita wanted into the match but Ospreay refused. Ospreay caught Okada with a head scissors. Takeshita tagged himself into the match. Okada shoved Ospreay into Takeshita. Okada and The Bucks all delivered stereo dives. Ospreay, Takeshita and Fletcher responded by hitting stereo plancha to the floor. [c]
Fletcher ran wild rocking The Bucks with a double clothesline. Fletcher rocked both Matthew and Nicholas with a running kick in the corner. Fletcher delivered a Falcon Arrow to Nicholas for two. Nicholas responded by nailing Fletcher with a screw kick. Fletcher caught Okada charging with a Michinoku Driver. Fletcher tagged Takeshita into the match. Takeshita took control, planting Okada with a suplex. Takeshita connected with a flying senton to Okada for two. Okada responded by planting Takeshita with a DDT. The Bucks went for a double team but nailed Okada by mistake. Ospreay, Fletcher and Takeshita rocked Okada with a triple dropkick. Takeshita delivered a sit-out F5 to Okada but The Bucks made the save. The Bucks connected with a double superkick but Takeshita no-sold it. Takeshita rocked The Bucks with a double clothesline. Okada caught Takeshita with a running dropkick. Okada delivered an Air Raid Crash for two. [c]
The Bucks caught Takeshita with Sliced Bread but Fletcher made the save. The Bucks delivered stereo dives to Takeshita. Okada followed by hitting a flying elbow drop. Okada and The Bucks flipped off the crowd. The Bucks went for the EVP Trigger but Takeshita ducked. Takeshita delivered a double German Suplex to The Bucks. Ospreay ran wild, rocking The Bucks with a double handspring kick. Ospreay connected with a standing corkscrew splash to Matthew for two. Ospreay went for the OzCutter but Okada shoved Matthew out of the way. The Bucks delivered a flying stomp into a rebound powerbomb to Ospreay but Fletcher made the save.
The Bucks rocked Ospreay with a series of superkicks for two. Fletcher and Ospreay delivered an Alabama Slam/Tiger Bomb combo for two. Fletcher and Ospreay delivered a flying cutter with Matthew. The action broke down with Takeshita catching Okada with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Takeshita followed by hitting a dive onto Okada. Fletcher caught Matthew with a Tombstone but Nick made the save. Ospreay nailed Nicholas with a Hidden Blade. Ospreay and Fletcher delivered The Corriolis to Matthew for the win.
WINNERS: Kyle Fletcher, Will Ospreay & Konosuke Takeshita in 21:04.
—Don Callis shook hands with Ospreay and Fletcher after the match. Fletcher and Takeshita shook hands. Ospreay offered a handshake but Takeshita pie faced him. Callis held Takeshita and Ospreay back. Ospreay and Fletcher celebrated. Takeshita kept looking in Okada’s direction. Ospreay gave Takeshita a look. The show ended.
(Amin’s Thoughts: This was your party match on Dynamite. A very fun action packed match with everyone getting a chance to shine. Good to see Fletcher getting some nice wins on TV. I don’t think Ospreay and Fletcher will win the tag titles at Grand Slam. I could see some angle coming with Fletcher and Ospreay coming out of the match. They seem to be teasing something between Ospreay and Takeshita from their interactions. I will say Okada and Takeshita is the big match that feels most interesting to watch for myself.)
FINAL THOUGHTS: The first hour of the show felt like a forgettable episode of Rampage. Dynamite got better in the second hour. The second hour didn’t make up for the lack of interest for the Grand Slam show. This episode of Dynamite highlighted the bigger problems. AEW still remains a very cold product.
Stay right here and keep the flow going. We think you’ll like to read this next…
RECOMMENDED NEXT: AEW DYNAMITE HITS & MISSES (9/18): Ricochet differentiating himself, Danielson-McGuiness hype, Poor First Hour, Lack of Build for Later Segments
OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Powell’s AEW Dynamite Hit List: Orange Cassidy vs. Chris Jericho, The Elite vs. Will Ospreay, Kyle Fletcher, and Konosuke Takeshita, Ricochet vs. The Beast Mortos
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