The following report originally published 10 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…
WWE NXT Results
September 25, 2014
Taped at Full Sail University
Report by Justin James, PWTorch contributor
[Q1] Mojo Rawley is out, hyped, and ready for a re-match with Bull Dempsey. The audience is filled with males on their feet cheering for Dempsey, but he gets jumped by Rawley before he gets to the ring. The ref rings the bell-mid brawl.
The announcers are Jason Albert, Renee Young, and Rich Brennan.
Rawley with early offense off the pre-match atack, but Dempsey knocks him down and lands the top rope headbutt for the win.
WINNER: Bull Dempsey in 0:45. Who’s the heel here? I can’t tell. But I sure like me some Bull Dempsey ring action.
Tyler Breeze immediately selfies his way to the ring as Rawley scrapes himself off the floor. Breeze tosses him into the ring post just to be rude.
Video package on Baron Corbin. He’s into wolves and motorcycles. I feel like this actually made him slightly less cool.
Justin Gabriel is here to face Tyler Breeze. Again, who’s the heel here?
Breeze has the face corner and crowd support. He comes out strong against Gabriel who tries to cover up in the corner. Breeze and the ref argue over the corner. Low dropkick to the knee puts Breeze down and a quick DDT gets one. Breeze dodges in the corner but Gabriel lands on the ropes and hits a thrust kick to drop Breeze gain. Springboard moonsault gets Gabriel two. Breeze writhes on the man in pain. The crowd starts to rally Breeze. Side slam and Gabriel wants a 450 splash, but Breeze rolls away. Supermodel Kick, Beauty Splash, and Breeze has the win.
WINNER: Tyler Breeze in 4:05. Between the match booking and the announcing, this is the beginning of a face turn for Breeze. Can he turn his good looks and smug attitude into an HBK-like face character? We’ll see. They both sing their own songs.
Backstage, Natalya talks to “Mr. Regal” to ask for a favor. She doesn’t want Tyson Kidd to know, but she’s asking for another title match for Kidd. Regal says that Kidd’s blown it twice already. Natalya pleads, and Regal agrees, and says it is his last chance. If he can’t win, he will never get another chance to face Adrian Neville for the NXT Title.
[Q2] Alexa Bliss has new music. She’s facing the popular Bayley. Bayley still has her updated look from Takeover, with the streamers on the arms. She gives a headband to a young boy in the audience. Not quite Bret Hart and the sunglasses…
Bliss is all smiles and so is Bayley as the crowd cheers for Bayley. Young: “it’s a pile of adorable right there.” Bayley with an early cover. Bliss turns it around with speed. Head scissors sends Bayley across the ring and Bliss curtsys. They give each other high fives. Bayley elbow drops into an armbar. The more experienced Bayley is able to counter Bliss as needed. Standing moonsault from Bliss, Bayley dodges and hits the Belly-to-Bayley for the win.
WINNER: Bayley in 3:35. Bliss still needs to work on her moves, a lot of them nearly miss or look a bit off on the timing, but she has ability. Bayley is starting to feel like a veteran as she dials-in her character to be more serious and gains confidence.
Post-match, Bayley checks on Bliss and gets a microphone. She politely requests that charlotte come out. After a moment of nervousness, Charlotte’s music hits. Bayley looks nervous being in the same breathing air as the alpha dog.
Bayley says she can’t sleep since Takeover and that she let herself and the NXT audience down. Her mom saw he lose at Takeover. She asks for another match. “Bayley, you didn’t let me down, you finally earned my respect.” She’d be honored to face Bayley again, but vows to win again. Charlotte declines a friendlier display.
[ J.J.’s Reax: More shades of “who’s the face?” Bayley’s performance here was outstanding. She took what used to be this goofy kid character, and has turned it into someone who shows that they are afraid, nervous, or vulnerable, but willing and able to move forwards despite it. It’s an intriguing presentation. ]
“Earlier this week” Colin Cassady is at the Performance Center. Enzo Amore has a has a leopard print Wu Tang shirt. He’s annoyed that the Carmella the hairdresser presented herself as his sister since it could ruin their chances of hooking up. She shrugs him off and wants to get down to business with training. Amore says she needs to get in shape first, she’s “hair dresser hot” not “Diva hot.” She comes back in a sports bra and shorts and Cassady sounds like Howard Stern complimenting her. He ogles as she warms up, and Amore falls off the treadmill.
Marcus Lois comes out with Sylvester Lefort. He has a messy wig stuff under an amateur wrestling head protector to cover his bald head. Lois is shaken as Amore and Cassady rip him on the mic. These guys are so much fun.
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4 – ENZO AMORE (w/Colin Cassady) vs. MARCUS LOIS (w/Sylvester Lefort)
[Q3] Lois with a back-elbow to quickly take control as Brennan walks us through the Tragedy of Carmella the Hairstylist. Amore gets sent outside but Cassady keeps Lefort away from Amore. Amore hotshots Lois on the ropes taking off the wig too. Lois is so worried about getting his wig, Amore rolls him up for the win.
WINNER: Enzo Amore in 2:40. Not a great match, but the Amore character is engaging enough that you don’t notice so much.
Backstage, Tyson Kidd says he doesn’t need anyone asking for a title shot on his behalf. I guess he’s the only WWE wrestler who watches the show. Live, at that. He acknowledges that this is the last chance he will have at Neville and says he will win.
Backstage, Zayn has no opinion on Kidd getting another match, and says it is pitiful that his wife had to ask for it. He says that Kidd is desperate and dangerous, but Neville has been asking desperate too. Either way, he’s going to the title.
O’Brian immediately pounds on Sin Cara. Kalisto in. He takes offense from Viktor and O’Brian. Sin Cara blind tags in, letting the Lucha Dragons tag team him. Some really sweet spots from the Lucha Dragons here and Viktor rolls with it nicely. O’Brian in against Kalisto. O’Brian gator rolls around the whole ring.
[ Break ]
[Q4] O’Brian throws Kalisto like a ball halfway across the ring. Kalisto hangs on as he gets worn down. Kalisto manages to get Sin Cara in. Sin Cara dazzles against Viktor. Kalisto in, but he gets whipped into a back-elbow from Viktor. Hideo Itami’s music hits and he comes on the stage. Solida del Sol from nowhere in the ring picks up the win.
WINNERS: The Lucha Dragons in 10:40. This simply did not feel like a title match from The Ascension.
Post-match: Itami and O’Brian brawl, with Itami easily taking down O’Brian.
Final Reax: Nothing really stood out tonight other than Bayley’s character work and the enjoyable Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady.
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