Tatum Paxley vs. Wendy Choo in a casket match: Hit
If you’re a regular reader of my column, you’ll know it would take the act of a Deity for me to give a Miss to Tatum, but this is an actual genuine Hit. I liked this match more than I thought I would. Just enough Halloween silliness, but when there was actual wrestling, I thought Tatum showed her improvements since a year or so ago. Paxley is over with the fans, so I’d like to see her get a decent push. As for Choo, I wouldn’t mind if they found a way to bring back her Mei Ying character. She was awesome in that role.
Trick Williams and Bubba Ray segment: Hit
Sometimes I forget just how good Bubba is on the mic. Although I know he said No, I’m sure by the end of the night, something will happen where he’ll accept Trick’s invitation…and they turn on him. No offense Bubba, but I think Trick might be the ONLY guy you haven’t turned on (and you’re so damn good at it!) Addendum: later in the show, Bubba did indeed accept. Watch your back, Trick!
Charlie Dempsey vs. Lexis King: Hit
First, this was the best King has looked since coming to NXT. When the wrestling was mat based, I thought King looked solid against Dempsey. I also like the two straight falls finish. Too often there is a “need” to even things up, so I like the different approach. I’m not sure what to think of the King character: is it a face turn or a ruse? It happened like in one week, there wasn’t even a slow burn. I am intrigued where they go next with Lexis King. But man, was it great to see William Regal back on TV. One of my all time favorites.
Zaria vs. Brinley Reece: Hit
My first ever look at Zaria in the ring. I love the whole Mad Max look. Reece’s ability to torque her arm that way is both awesome and gross. Nice squash from the newcomer. But then…
The best damn Women’s Division in wrestling going face to face: Hittus Maximus
Wow…just wow. I re-watched that segment multiple times simply because it was awesome. Guilia, Zaria, Kelani Jordan, Stephanie Vaquer (my new favorite…I’m so sorry Tatum!!!) and the woman I pop for the most on NXT TV, Jordynne Grace (Tatum, I’m sorry!!!). I love the upcoming 10 woman tag team match. (I just went and re-watched again as I was writing this…Very little gets me out of my seat, but I thought this whole thing was awesome)
Kelani Jordan vs. Nikkita Lyons: Hit
I’m not sure how a heel Lyons will work, but I’m game. She’s going to be some sort of a fan favorite, based solely on her social media posts (which I have never seen…ahem…cough cough). Lyons looks so much smoother in the ring. When she was pushed hard initially, she lacked that smoothness, but she’s come a long way. The distraction finish was fine and it’s nice to see how Rizzo can perform physically, instead of being a mouthpiece for the family.
Nathan Frazer & Axiom vs. Je’von Evans & Cedric Alexander: Hit
I don’t think I have ever given Frazer and Axiom a Miss, they’re that damn good. Evans and Alexander are no slouches, either. The friction between Axiom and Frazer subtly continues and now I wonder if there will be beef between Alexander and Evans, for Evans walking out on him during a match. Really nice main event.
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