The following report originally published 30 years ago this week in the Pro Wrestling Torch Newsletter paper copy…
JANUARY 1, 1995
-Gorilla Monsoon replaced the vacationing (who Monsoon said was under the weather) Vince McMahon as host of Raw. Shawn Michaels on color was once again the highlight of the program…
(1) Lex Luger & British Bulldog fought Tatanka & Bam Bam Bigelow to a double countout. Bulldog arrived to the ring late allowing the heels to double team Luger in the opening seconds of the match. Luger worked most of the match until a hot tag to Bulldog led to a four-way brawl at ringside…
-Todd Pettengill hosted a Royal Rumble Update. He did an out of date Wayne’s World impersonation (even Beavis & Butt-head would not be considered old hat, but Wayne in 1995?) while hyping the event…
(2) Duke Droese beat Mike Bell…
-A clip aired of Kama riding a motor cycle and working out in the gym doing a variety of disciplines…
-On King’s Court with Owen Hart, Owen announced he will win the Royal Rumble, win the WWF Title, and never lose it unlike his brother, the “loser”…
(3) Jeff Jarrett beat Buck Quartermaine. After the match, Jarrett said he would finally sing on TV. When he was ready to sing “Ain’t I Great,” he kept telling Roadie to adjust the height of the microphone. When that was finally situated, feedback began so Jarrett left the ring in disgust…
-A promo aired with Super Dave for his new show on USA…
(4) Lex Luger & British Bulldog beat Tatanka & Bam Bam Bigelow. Because the TV main event opener didn’t end decisively, the match was restarted. Smith swung Tatanka into Bigelow, who was on the ring apron, and then covered Tatanka for a three count. The show ended with Luger and Bulldog posing in mid-ring…
Strong Point: Michael’s color commentary is improving every week. Witty and hip…
Weak Point: Owen’s interview dragged… [WK]
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