MAY 3, 2021
Announcers: Tony Schiavone and Paul Wight.
Ring announcer: Justin Roberts
Miro asked Allday to lock up with him, then threw him hard to the mat, twice. Allday came back firing with a knee to Miro’s face, which ticked him off further. Allday hit a dropkick, then landed a few shots to Miro’s stomach. Miro caught Allday charging in, then threw him down to the mat yet again. Miro laid in a series of kicks to Allday’s chest, then threw him once again, this time hard into the corner. Miro knocked Allday down again with a few vicious knees to the stomach. Miro, seemingly fueled by the boos from the crowd, yelled, “Give me your champions!” Allday evaded a charge in the corner, then pulled the top rope down, which flung Miro to the outside. Allday hit a tope suicida. He tried for a second, but Miro caught him. Miro went to throw Allday, but Allday reversed and ran him into the post. Inside, Allday missed a top rope move, then went for another but was caught by Miro’s boot. Miro locked in Game Over for the tap out.
WINNER: Miro in 4:00
(Moynahan’s Take: I was all geared up for a quick squash match, but Allday had a few good moments of offense here, which surprised me. Miro continues to look vicious.)
– Tony Schiavone and Paul Wight welcomed us to the eighth episode of AEW Dark: Elevation. They quickly ran down this week’s Dynamite, showcased by the first Blood & Guts match.
Mizunami ducked a few charge ins by Abadon. Mizunami took her down with a shoulder tackle resulting in Abadon freaking out and scaring Mizunami to the outside. Back inside, Mizunami landed her patented series of chops in the corner. Abadon chomped down hard on Mizunami’s arm in defense, then planted Mizunami’s face to the mat multiple times. Mizunami fought back via repeated blows to the face of Abadon, and finally knocked her down with a short clothesline. Mizunami hit a guillotine leg drop for a two count. Mizunami looked to be going for a suplex but Abadon fought out of it. Mizunami hit a clothesline for another close two. As Abadon got to her feet, Mizunami charged in but was caught with a stiff clothesline. Abadon missed a backslide, allowing Mizunami to hit a back suplex, then a spear. Mizunami went to the top but missed a guillotine leg drop. Abadon hit her Cemetery Driver finish and picked up the win.
WINNER: Abadon in 8:00
(Moynahan’s Take: Wow, a solid match, plus a surprising victory by Abadon. While there are certain elements about Abadon I appreciate, the uniqueness factor for one, there’s just too much going on to fully get into her character. This was a good match, nevertheless.)
Moxley took Palace down with a shoulder tackle then proceeded to head to the ramp-way and lay down. Back inside, the two traded headlocks, and Palace took Moxley down with a deep arm drag. He took too much time appreciating his work, however, as Moxley got right back up and nailed him with a stiff shot. Moxley nailed Palace with a stiff kick to the chest. Palace mounted some offense, but Moxley cut him off with a clothesline and a piledriver. Moxley hit a modified Thunder Driver into a rear naked choke for the submission victory.
WINNER: Jon Moxley in 3:30
(Moynahan’s Take: A solid showcase for Moxley. Palace also got some more offense in here than perhaps expected.)
(4) 10 (w/The Dark Order) vs. D3
10 took down D3 with a stiff forearm shot, then took him up for a back suplex. 10 kept the offense on, hitting a standing stalled vertical suplex. D3 tried getting some momentum in, but 10 cut him off, nailing him with a clothesline, then a pump kick in the corner. 10 nailed D3 with a spinebuster, then locked in the full nelson for the tap out.
WINNER: 10 in 2:30
(Moynahan’s Take: A very good victory for 10, who follows up his main event performance against Darby Allin with a strong showing here. 10 is now 13-1 in singles competition.)
– A commercial for the AEW mobile casino game aired.
(5) ORANGE CASSIDY (w/Kris Statlander) vs. VSK
VSK nailed Cassidy with a dropkick, which staggered him into the corner. Cassidy went for the Beach Break but VSK rolled out, then hit Cassidy with a kick. VSK caught Cassidy on his shoulders, but Cassidy rolled out of it into a DDT. Cassidy hit a running Spanish Fly, then the Beach Break for the win.
WINNER: Orange Cassidy in 2:00
(Moynahan’s Take: Quick win for Cassidy, but this ended up being his longest match on Elevation in weeks.)
(6) HUGHES BROS. (Terrell & Terrence) vs. FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood w/Tully Blanchard)
Terrell and Cash kicked things off. Cash took Terrell to the mat, then jaw-jacked with him a bit. Dax tagged in and raked Terrell’s eyes before slamming him down. Cash tagged back in and FTR double-teamed Terrell. Terrell countered Cash with a standing suplex, then tagged in his brother, Terrence. Terrence hit a senton drop covered for a two count on Cash. Dax tagged in and nailed Terrence with a series of stiff punches and chops in the corner. Cash tagged back in and continued the onslaught, hitting a snap suplex for a two count. Terrence countered a snap suplex for one of his own. Dax and Terrell each tagged in, with Terrell getting the upper hand. Terrell took out both members of FTR. Dax hit a suplex on Terrell, then tagged in Cash, who hit the spike piledriver for the win.
WINNERS: FTR in 6:30
(Moynahan’s Take: Good to see the Hughes Bros. back in action after not covering them in weeks. They look to have progressed since the last time I saw them. This was a solid tag team match.)
– A commercial for “Outside the Ring” w/ Lexy Nair aired
(7) MADI WRENKOWSKI vs. NYLA ROSE (w/Vickie Guerrero)
Vickie cut off Justin Roberts, yet again, and told him to get out of the ring. Vickie called the ref over and put some cash in his pocket. She then introduced Nyla Rose. Wrenkowski charged in and hit Rose with a few shots. Rose shrugged her off but Wrenkowski kept coming. Vickie distracted from the apron, which allowed Rose to hit a German suplex. Wrenkowski tried fighting back again but Rose was too powerful. Rose draped Wrenkowski across the top rope, then flew off the top with a knee to Wrenkowski’s head. Rose covered but picked Wrenkowski’s head up after two. Rose hit the Beast Bomb for the win.
WINNER: Nyla Rose in 2:30
(Moynahan’s Take: Wrenkowski deserves credit for coming out swinging, but Rose was too powerful in the end.)
(8) BARON BLACK vs. NICK COMOROTO (w/The Factory)
As is customary at this point, Comoroto picked up the ring steps and placed them on the ramp for QT Marshall. Comoroto landed two strong right hands to Black, which knocked him right to the mat. Comoroto followed it up by throwing Black from the corner to the middle of the ring. Black tried gaining some momentum back, and rocked Comoroto with a few shots, but got caught in the end with a shot to the stomach. Comoroto hit Black with a nasty looking powerbomb for the win.
WINNER: Nick Comoroto in 2:00
– After the match, the ringside Dr. hit the ring, as it looked like Black was feeling the affects of the powerbomb by Comoroto. Not sure if this was storyline or not, but something to follow.
(Moynahan’s Take: Comoroto looked vicious here, ending Black’s evening quickly with a sick looking powerbomb.)
Tehaka threw Velvet to the mat a couple of times, before getting nailed with a dropkick. Velvet had Tehaka in the corner and landed a series of kicks to the stomach. Velvet charged in but was met with a kick by Tehaka, who trained at the Nightmare Factory. Tehaka hit Velvet with a pump kick. Tehaka hit a crucifix slam for a two count. Velvet was thrown into the corner, but moved when Tehaka charged in. Velvet nailed Tehaka in the back with double knees as she was draped across the middle ropes. Tehaka hit Velvet with a headbutt, which ricked Velvet back. Velvet came right back, however, with a spin kick, resulting in the win.
WINNER: Red Velvet in 4:30
(Moynahan’s Take: An enjoyable match, with Tehaka coming away looking very impressive.)
(10) PRIVATE PARTY (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen w/Matt Hardy) vs. DUKE DAVIS & GANON JONES
Davis and Quen started things off for their respective teams. Davis used his impressive size and threw Quen to the mat. Kassidy tagged in and slapped the much larger Davis, who nailed him with a stiff right. Quen came in and distracted Davis to the outside. Quen flew over the top rope and landed right on Davis. With the ref distracted inside the ring, Matt Hardy threw in a shot on Davis for good measure. Back inside, Davis threw Kassidy up in the air, then tagged in Jones for the first time. Jones came off the top with a corkscrew senton for a close two count. As Jones bent over to pick up Kassidy, Quen made the blind tag and came off the top with a sunset flip with the pin.
WINNERS: Private Party in 4:00
(Moynahan’s Take: AEW just keeps finding impressive new tag teams; Davis and Jones have a great look and physical ability to get over. I hope we seen more of them sooner than later.)
Rosa took Nightingale to the mat, then synched in a headlock. Rosa continued focusing on Nightingale’s upper body, landing a few stiff elbows to her neck. Nightingale fought back and nailed Rosa with a thrust kick. Rosa side stepped Nightingale and hit her hard with a clothesline in the corner. Rosa took Nightingale over with a double under hook for a close two count. Nightingale fought back again with a few chops to the chest. Rosa fired up, nailing Nightingale with her own series of shots. Rosa hit a cutter for another two count. Nightingale hit a fall away slam, then went to the top rope, but Rosa cut her off. Rosa picked Nightingale up for the Fire Thunder Driver for the win.
WINNER: Thunder Rosa in 6:30
(Moynahan’s Take: That’s 15 wins for Thunder Rosa, who continues to shine in each outing.)
(12) DILLON MCQUEEN vs. QT MARSHALL (w/The Factory)
Marshall went for a handshake, but then slapped McQueen across the face. McQueen fired up and came back with a series of forearm shots. Marshall caught him with a boot to the face then a clothesline. McQueen took a stiff chop to the chest. Marshall looked like he was trying to hurt McQueen, which Schiavone and Wight called out. McQueen was bleeding from the nose. McQueen fought back again, this time nailing Marshall with a clothesline, then a cross body in the corner. Aaron Solow tripped up McQueen from the outside, which allowed Marshall to hit the Diamond Cutter. Marshall picked up McQueen after two. Marshall hit the Cross Rhodes for the win.
WINNER: QT Marshall in 3:30
(Moynahan’s Take: McQueen received a full ring entrance and was talked up by Paul Wight and Tony Schiavone as being a prized pupil of the Nightmare Factory. I have to say, I’m not a huge fan of Marshall, but he is leaning into this new heel character very well in my opinion. Looking forward to how he and The Factory progress, specifically on Wednesday as Marshall squares off with Cody.)
(13) GUNN CLUB (Austin & Colten) vs. CHAOS PROJECT (Luther & Serpentico)
Luther and Austin faced off, shouting at one another to shut up. Austin took him down, and Luther rolled over to tag in Serpentico. Colten tagged in and took down Serpentico with an arm drag. Colten and Austin made quick tags, keeping Serpentico in their corner. Colten hit a Stinger splash on Serpentico, who crawled over to his corner to tag in Luther. Austin, back in, used his quickness to evade Luther. Serpentico, however, hit Austin on the outside, then threw him back into the ring. Luther used Serpentico as a battering ram against Austin. Chaos Project continued the double team on Austin. Austin finally made a comeback and the hot tag to Colten, who took out both members of Chaos Project. Luther pulled Austin out of the ring, but Austin came back in and helped Colten hit the Colt 45 on Serpentico for the win.
WINNER: Gunn Club in 9:00
(Moynahan’s Take: This felt slow for the majority of the match and ended up being a bit too long for my taste. That being said, Gunn Club continue to work well together and improve each time out.)
(14) THE BLADE & MATT HARDY (w/H.F.O.) vs. COLT CABANA & ALAN “5” Angels (w/Dark Order)
Blade took Cabana to the outside, allowing Hardy to square off with 5. Hardy focused on 5’s left arm before tagging in Blade. 5 nailed Blade with a clothesline, then tagged in Cabana. Blade hit Cabana with a scoop slam, but Cabana came right back. 5 tagged back in and kept Blade in Dark Order’s corner. Cabana was back in and was distracted by Hardy, which allowed Blade to attack from behind. HFO took control at this point and kept Cabana in their own corner. Cabana reversed a move on Blade, and went for the tag, but Hardy cut him off. Cabana finally made to tag into 5, who came in firing against Blade. 5 went for the Wing snapper, but Blade reversed and tagged in Hardy. Hardy hit the Side Effect for a close two count. Hardy attempted the Twist of Fate but 5 fought out of it, then came off the second rope with a moonsault for a close two count of his own. The Bunny distracted the ref from the apron. On the opposite side, Cabana and the Dark Order took out the rest of the HFO. Inside, Blade shoved 5 off the top rope, which allowed Hardy to lock in his Leach submission for the tap out.
WINNER: Blade & Hardy in 12:00
(Moynahan’s Take: Slow in spots but the ending picked up nicely. HFO continue to add to their victory count. A good, not great, main event.)
FINAL THOUGHTS: This week’s Elevation moved along very nicely, although nothing really stood out to me when compared to most other weeks. I don’t have a Match of the Week but go out of your way to watch Moxley and Miro in their respective matches, as well as the tag team match of Davis and Jones, and finally, Tehaka, who all look very impressive.
NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S AEW DARK ELEVATION REPORT: 4/26 AEW DARK ELEVATION TV REPORT: Chucky T vs. Rey Fenix, Sky & Page vs. Dark Order, Janela vs. Sydal, plus Statlander, Comoroto, Cassidy
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