JUNE 21, 2024
Announcers: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Matt Menard
Ring announcer: Arkady Aura
– The opening of Rampage aired as Excalibur welcomed us to the show. He was joined by Tony Schiavone and Matt Menard.
(1) PRIVATE PARTY (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) vs. METALIK & KOMANDER (w/Alex Abrahantes)
Kassidy and Komander started things off with a few reversals until they ended in a stalemate. Komander took Kassidy down with a hurricanrana off the middle rope, then followed up with a flurry of moves. Metalik tagged in and made a quick cover for two. Kassidy made a tag to Quen as Private Party quickly double teamed Metalik for a two count.
Quen hit a dropkick on Metalik, then slammed him to the mat and made a half-hearted cover. Kassidy tagged back in as Metalik reversed the momentum with a springboard back elbow on Private Party. Komander tagged in and hit a diving crossbody off the ropes, then took Private Party down before driving Quen to the outside. Komander swung Kassidy to the floor next, just as Metalik flew over the ropes onto Quen and Kassidy. Komander followed up with a sky twister press. Komander and Kassidy were back inside the ring as Komander covered for two. [c]
Metalik and Kassidy were in the ring as Kassidy stopped in his tracks and hit a driving forearm. Kassidy hit a spinebuster on Komander before crawling toward Quen for the tag. Metalik cut thighs off but Kassidy rolled out of the way in time to tag in Quen. Quen took out both Komander and Metalik before propping Metalik on the ropes. Quen hit a moonsault on Komander, then hit Metalik with a superplex off the ropes. Quen looked rocked before going to the top rope and hitting a 450 splash. Komander broke up the pin in time before getting thrown to the floor.
Metalik walked the ropes and took down Quen before Kassidy broke up a pin attempt. Kassidy and Metalki had the same idea as they ran into one another and dropped to the mat. Quen and Komander each went to the top rope and missed a shooting star press but also landed on their feet. Quen hit Komander with a poison rana. Private Party hit Gin and Juice on Metalik for the win.
WINNERS: Private Party in 9:00
– After the match, Chris Jericho, Bryan Keith, and Big Bill made their way to the ramp. Private Party immediately left the ring and attacked The Learning Tree and his crew. All five men brawled on the ramp as security came out to break things up.
(Moynahan’s Take: Nice win for Private Party before they face off with Big Bill and Chris Jericho on tomorrow’s Collision. This may be a long night, as the crowd seemed noticeably quiet during this match, but at least seemed to pick things up a bit more during the brawl.)
– A video package was shown highlighting Ultimo Guerrero before his match against Okada on tomorrow’s Collision.
(2) REY FENIX (w/Alex Abrahantes) vs. TURBO FLOYD (w/Truth Magnum)
Fenix chopped away at Floyd who was trying to flex to the crowd. Floyd nailed Fenix with a stiff right hand but missed a follow up splash in the corner. Fenix hit a springboard crossbody off the ropes, before walking the top rope and nailing Floyd across the face. Fenix hit a frog splash off the top for the win.
WINNER: Rey Fenix in 1:30
– After the match, Penta came to celebrate alongside Fenix.
(3) LIO RUSH vs. ACTION ANDRETTI (w/Top Flight) – TNT Title Ladder Match Qualifier
The crowd chanted for Rush as things kicked off. The two showed off their quickness in the early going as Rush brought Andretti down. Andretti popped right to his feet and the two went back to their speedy back and forth. Rush and Andretti smashed together in the center of the ring as they each went for a flying crossbody. [c]
Rush whipped Andretti into the corner but caught a boot to the face by Andretti. Andretti dumped Rush to the apron then nailed him with a running boot which sent him to the floor. Andretti followed up with a springboard moonsault onto Rush before throwing him back into the ring. Andretti missed a 450 as both men traded kicks. Andretti hit a falcon arrow for two. Andretti picked up Rush across his back but Rush countered and nailed Andretti with a combination strike. Andretti countered Rush by hitting a quick flipping sault for a two count.
Andretti set up Rush before going to the top. Andretti missed a split-legged moonsault as Rush caught Andretti with a roundhouse kick. Rush hit a springboard stunner, then went to the top rope. Rush hit a frog splash for the win.
WINNER: Lio Rush in 8:30
– After the match, Rush picked up Andretti and went for a handshake as Darius and Dante Martin looked on. Andretti shook Rush’s hand, and so did Darius and Dante.
(Moynahan’s Take: Two matches with the same frog splash finish? Weird. That said, glad to see Rush back in the fold in AEW. While I don’t expect him to win the TNT at Forbidden Door, he should bring a ton to the match itself.)
– Excalibur ran down a preview of tomorrow’s Collision and next week’s Dynamite cards.
Fox attacked Takagi before the bell from behind. Takagi fired back with a chop across the chest but Fox cut him off with a leg lariat. Takagi went to the floor and Fox quickly followed and vaulted off the apron right onto Takagi. Both men went back inside the ring as Fox hit a senton bomb off the top for a two count. Fox fired away at Takagi which only seemed to rile him up more. Takagi nailed Fox with a stiff shot that dropped him to the mat. Takagi followed up with a snapping neckbreaker.
Takagi hit Fox with hammer and elbow strikes but missed a sliding lariat. Fox hit a modified cutter then came off the top again with a 450 splash for two. Fox missed a move off the ropes as Takagi held on. Takagi hit a lariat but Fox reversed another move into a rollup for two. Takagi hit a pumping bomber after a DVD. Takagi hit Made in Japan for the win.
WINNER: Shingo Takagi in 4:30
– After the match, Bryan Danielson hit the ramp. He clapped for Takagi before getting in the ring. Danielson asked the crowd to cheer for Takagi as he extended his hand. Takagi thought about it before slapping Danielson’s hand away. The two stared one another down before Takagi brushed Danielson aside and walked away. [c]
(Moynahan’s Take: Good showing for Takagi here, even as Fox got his fair share of offense; don’t ask me why. The post-match showdown between the two dragons was a fun touch and preview for their match at Forbidden Door.)
(5) WILLOW NIGHTINGALE vs. SERENA DEEB – Owen Hart Foundation tournament
Deeb and Willow shook hands as the bell rang and the match kicked off. Tony Schiavone noted this was the first time the two women ever faced off in the ring. Willow took Deeb to the mat as the crowd had competing chants going for each woman. Deeb tried a few shoulder blocks to no effect. Willow knocked Deeb down, then hit a crossbody for a two count. Willow followed up with a stalling suplex, then flew off the middle rope and missed a dropkick. Deeb tried for a single-leg crab but Willow broke it by getting to the ropes. Deeb knocked Willow off the apron and onto the floor. Deeb followed to the outside and hit a snapping neckbreaker. [c]
Willow had the upper hand as she hit Deeb with a charge in the corner. Willow knocked Deeb down with a kick, then hit a spinebuster for two. Deeb kicked Willow as she ducked her head, then locked in a submission that Willow quickly countered. Willow went for her finish but Deeb fought out of it and locked in another single-leg crab. Willow turned over and kicked out of the move but Deeb hit a snap German suplex, then a clothesline for a close count.
Deeb climbed the ropes but Willow cut her off and hit a superplex. Both women were slow to their feet as the traded blows. Willow won the battle with a huge clothesline before she covered for a two count. Deeb rolled into the corner as Willow charged and missed the cannonball. Deeb hit Detox for a close count. Deeb hammered away at Willow’s knee, and tried for a submission that Willow kicked out of. Willow hit a pounce before hitting a powerbomb for the win.
WINNER: Willow Nightingale in 11:30
(Moynahan’s Take: Willow moves on in the Owen Hart Tournament to face her old pal, Kris Statlander. That could just as easily be the finals, so I’m curious how that one will go down. As you would expect, this match was a good one so check it out if you have a chance.)
FINAL THOUGHTS: Wow, two meaningful matches with stakes on the line on tonight’s show? That immediately puts it up there as one of the better Rampages in a long while. That said, there were some odd match elements, such as finishing moves and key moves, that seemed redundant across matches. Can the match producers get on the same page? No single match is a must-see but go out of your way to catch the opener and the main event if nothing else. Oh, and I will always recommend checking out a Shingo Takagi match. Until next week, stay safe everyone!
RECOMMENDED NEXT: AEW DYNAMITE HITS & MISSES (6/19): MJF vs. Rush, Swerve-Ospreay promo, Owen Hart Tournament brackets, The Acclaimed’s win, MJF-Ospreay tease
OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Powell’s AEW Hit List: MJF vs. Rush, Swerve Strickland and Will Ospreay, Claudio Castagnoli vs. Pac and Kris Statlander vs. Nyla Rose in Owen Hart Cup tournament matches
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