FEBRUARY 1st, 2025
Announcers: Michael Cole & Pat McAfee
On the PWTorch YouTube Channel tonight, PWTorch’s Brandon LeClair & Greg Parks will go live right after the WWE Royal Rumble. We’ll be incorporating live viewer comments into the show so join us LIVE!
If you can’t join us live on YouTube, stream the show on demand later at YouTube or listen or stream later on a podcast app. Subscribe to all of our free podcasts by searching “wade keller” and “pwtorch” in your podcast app of choice including Spotify and Apple Podcasts and most other iOS and Android apps. This Rumble Post-show will be on the PWTorch Dailycast feed.
FEBRUARY 1st, 2025
Announcers: Michael Cole & Pat McAfee & Wade Barrett
On the PWTorch YouTube Channel tonight, PWTorch’s Brandon LeClair & Greg Parks will go live right after the WWE Royal Rumble. We’ll be incorporating live viewer comments into the show so join us LIVE!
If you can’t join us live on YouTube, stream the show on demand later at YouTube or listen or stream later on a podcast app. Subscribe to all of our free podcasts by searching “wade keller” and “pwtorch” in your podcast app of choice including Spotify and Apple Podcasts and most other iOS and Android apps. This Rumble Post-show will be on the PWTorch Dailycast feed.
Click that link during the post-show to enter the waiting room as “live video caller” (or just audio if you turn off your cam, which is fine). This is a private link, so don’t share. It’s just for VIP members at this time.
-“This is Indianapolis, a WWE hot-bed!” Michael Cole exclaimed over a a sky shot of the exterior of Lucas Oil Stadium, site of this year’s Royal Rumble. The camera faded into a sweeping wide shot of the interior of the stadium.
Cole talked over footage of the arrival of various wrestlers from earlier in the day.
-Alicia Taylor introduced Stephanie McMahon, who received a strong reaction. Stephanie posed at the corner tunnel entrance and said she was proud to be in Indianapolis. She thanked the crowd for making it “the biggest Royal Rumble in history.” She welcomed the audience to the show and fireworks exploded from the ring. The broadcast faded into an opening video package, narrated by Pat McAfee.
Michael Cole welcomed the crowd to the show over another wide-shot of the stadium. At the announcers desk, he introduced his partners, Pat McAfee and Wade Barrett. Cole quickly tossed to Alicia Taylor, waiting in the ring. She introduced the women’s Royal Rumble match.
Iyo Sky drew unlucky #1, heading to the ring first to a decent reaction. Cole said it’s not impossible to run the gauntlet, but it’s extremely difficult. Barrett called Sky “the unluckiest woman on the planet.” McAfee said that Iyo is built to go on a run, but it was going to be a long road. Liv Morgan was then revealed at the #2 spot. Cole mentioned that she’s one of only two women to have competed in every single Royal Rumble match. He also mentioned her runner-up placement the last two years.
(1) 30 Woman Royal Rumble match
Iyo Sky (#1) and Liv Morgan (#2) stood opposite one another as the bell rang and the crowd let out an anticipatory pop. They circled and locked up with a low “Iyo” chant building in the background. Morgan grabbed a headlock and Sky shot her to the ropes. Liv caught Iyo with a shoulder, then arrogantly danced over her. Iyo flipped over Liv’s back and flipped through her offensive attempt. Iyo knocked Morgan to the southwest corner and motioned to the crowd. Sky charged, but Morgan hoisted her up over the top and onto the apron. Morgan tried to kick Sky to the floor, but Iyo fought her off and stepped back in the ring.
Sky stumbled toward the ropes and Morgan tried to capitalize, looking for Oblivion. Sky countered and tossed Morgan to the apron. Liv held onto the ropes and grounded herself to avoid elimination. The clock ran down, and Roxanne Perez (#3) entered. Perez immediately toppled Sky and peppered her with punches. She tossed her into Morgan, then gave her a quick ‘rana. Perez whipped both Sky and Morgan to the corner and crushed them both. She tossed Morgan to the apron, but Sky quickly cut off the elimination attempt. Perez have Iyo another ‘rana. Liv returned with a Codebreaker on Perez.
Reigning women’s Intercontinental Champion, Lyra Valkyria (#4) was out next. She immediately went to work on Morgan and Perez, dropping them both with spin kicks. She gave Sky a tornado DDT off the middle rope, held on, and finished the sequence with a Fisherman’s Suplex. Lyra had to stop to readjust her top. Morgan knocked her to the corner to buy her some time. Morgan and Sky battled on the edge of the ring. Perez and Valkyria returned to the fray, trying to eliminate both. Everyone managed to slide to safety just as Chelsea Green (#5) entered. Cole mentioned that Green holds a record for fastest elimination in a women’s Rumble at just five seconds.
Green marched down the long ramp, waving at the crowd. She slid in the ring and started slapping the other women. She tossed Sky to the apron first, then Lyra, Perez, and finally, Liv. She posed, thinking she’d eliminated all of them. The crowd cheered. All four women returned to the ring and took down Green. The clock expired again, bringing B-Fab (#6) into the match just before the 9:00 mark. She climbed onto the apron and immediately kicked Green in the face. B-Fab and Lyra jostled in the northwest corner. Morgan charged them, but B-Fab gave her a body slam onto Valkyria. B-Fab slammed Iyo Sky next. She tried to toss her out, but Iyo kept a leg tied around the middle rope.
A “Chelsea” chant grew in the crowd until being drowned out by the next countdown. Ivy Nile (#7) was entered next. She slid under the bottom rope and gave Valkyria a quick slam. Nile started delivering German Suplexes to all comers, including a double to Green and Perez. Nile posed before being worked into the corner by Lyra. Morgan joined Sky in the northeast corner, trying to eliminate B-Fab. Barrett mentioned that no one has been eliminated and the ring is filling up. Zoey Stark (#8) joined the fold. She flipped into the ring over Morgan and gave Iyo a quick half-Nelson Suplex. She tossed Nile across the ring, then got tossed to apron by Chelsea Green. Stark leapt to the top rope and dove back into the ring. Cole mentioned that Sky and Morgan have now been in the match for nearly 14:00.
Women paired off in corners, awaiting the next entrant. Liv kicked Green to the apron, but Chelsea managed to wrap her legs around the bottom rope to hold on. Lash Legend (#9) was next to enter. She exploded into the ring, dropping Sky with a big right hand. She gave Morgan a big slam, then a delayed Suplex to Valkyria. Legend stopped to point to the WrestleMania sign. Ivy Nile tried to catch her with a ‘rana, but Lash Legend held on and swung Nile’s body into other competitors. She finished up with a big Powerbomb. B-Fab threw a punch at Lash and the two began trading blows. They hit stereo pump kicks, taking each other down.
Chelsea Green grabbed B-Fab and tossed her over the top, eliminating her. She saluted the crowd. Green tried to do the same to Lash Legend, but was easily thwarted. Bianca Belair (#10) closed out the opening third of entrants. She leapt into the ring from the top, taking down Green with a cross body as the match crossed 17:30. She gave Sky a marching Suplex, then kipped up. Belair drove Sky into the corner with a shoulder,. then mounted her for some punches. Ivy Nile tried to charge her, but she flipped right over and mounted both. Stark tried the same. Belair flipped over her, too. Then did the same to Lash Legend. Belair had a stack of four women sandwiched in the corner, all mounted for punches. She tried to add Liv Morgan, but Liv blocked her.
Belair gave Stark a Fallaway Slam, then danced a little for the crowd. Shayna Baszler (#11) entered. “Zoey Stark has backup!” Cole exclaimed. Baszler dropped Green, then Iyo Sky. She stepped on Sky’s hand, but Morgan cut her off. Shayna bent Morgan’s arm back and launched her toward the corner. Meanwhile, Zoey Stark tried to leap off the top at Lyra. She lost her footing, but managed to recover in stride and catch Valkyria with a clothesline. Ivy Nile tossed Lyra Valkyria out with minimal fanfare. She pointed at her, saying she’s coming for the Intercontinental title.
Nile celebrated the elimination as the clock ran out again. Bayley (#12) joined the match. She tossed Roxanne into the corner and began trying to work her over the ropes as the match approached 23:00. The center of the ring cleared as Bayley and Iyo Sky came face to face. Bayley removed her entrance gear and the two appeared poised to engage, but Stark and Baszler attacked them from behind. Belair joined Bayley and Sky in trying to take Shayna and Zoey out. Sonya Deville (#13) made her timely entrance, coming to the aid of her Pure Fusion Collective cohorts. Chelsea Green tried to ingratiate herself to PFC. Deville gave her a mocking handshake, then hit her with Deville’s Advocate.
“Are you eliminated?” Cole called to Chelsea Green. Green told him she just needed a time out. PFC continued to dominate as the clock ran down again. Maxxine Dupri (#14) entered. Pure Fusion Collective were waiting for her. Ivy Nile stepped between them, offering to take care of Dupri. Maxxine dropped her with a spin kick, then a Fisherman’s Suplex. Dupri called for a Caterpillar, paying homage to her friend Otis. PFC were waiting for her. Bayley, Bianca, and Iyo fought them off. Maxxine hit the reverse Caterpillar on Nile. Dupri hoisted Nile onto the apron, then kicked her to the floor to eliminate her. PFC immediately came behind Maxxine and tossed her out.
Naomi (#15) marked the half-way point at 28:00. Noami took on PFC from the apron, dropping them and then leaping into the ring to deliver a Blockbuster to Chelsea Green. Naomi gave Roxanne a bicycle kick, but then got swarmed by PFC. Belair and Bayley helped fight them off. They quickly tossed Stark, Baszler, and Deville. Jaida Parker (#16) was next in. She quickly dropped Bayley with a shoulder, then she hip checked Liv Morgan. Jaida used the ropes to create leverage as she dropped a knee on Chelsea Green. Jaida met with Lash Legend in the center. Bianca and Naomi joined and the four seemed friendly. Green stepped in the middle of all of them, trying to make friends. She was rejected, but managed to toss out Lash Legend. Green begged off of Naomi and Belair. Just then, Piper Niven (#17) entered. Green begged her to hurry up. Green stood behind Piper, mocking Naomi and Belair. Niven gave Naomi a big slam. Belair jumped on her back, but Piper just swung her off. She dropped the women’s tag champions with a running cross-body.
Niven gave Sky a big Uranagi. Naomi hoisted Chelsea over the top to the apron, but Green held on. Niven charged Naomi, who moved. Niven knocked Chelsea to the floor, eliminating her. The tag champions took it to Piper as Natalya (#18) headed to the ring. Nattie dropped Bayley with a big clothesline first. She gave Belair a German Suplex. Natalya tried to Powerbomb Iyo over the top to the floor, but Sky held on. Natalya tossed Perez to the apron, but Roxanne hit Nattie with a hard shoulder to save herself. Jaida Parker worked over Natalya against the ropes. Jordynne Grace (#19) made her official company debut next, as confirmed by Michael Cole. The announcers talked up her legacy in TNA, and mentioned her performance in last year’s Rumble.
Jordynne Grace dropped several women with clotheslines. She tossed Parker to the apron, then gave her a hip check to eliminate her with ease at 37:50. Grace dead-lifted Niven and gave her a Death Valley Driver. Grace and Naomi met in the center of the ring, sharing a big hug. Belair grabbed Grace by the hair and tried to toss her out, but Jordynne held on. Naomi and Belair went to work on Niven in the northeast corner as Michin (#20) entered. Michin dropped Niven, then Natalya with quick kicks. Michin tossed Nattie and Bayley into the southeast corner, then caught them with a running cannonball. Nattie popped up and immediately tried to work Belair to the floor. Bianca held on by her fingertips, her boots nearly scraping the floor. Bayley worked over Grace in the southeast corner. Naomi and Belair plotted a double team attack on Perez as the clock counted down again.
Alexa Bliss (#21) made her surprise return, receiving a massive ovation. “I thought she wasn’t coming back!” Cole said. Bliss marched down the ramp, hardly able to contain her smile. She slid in the ring and gave Bayley a playful wave. Bliss dropped Nattie, then Bayley. She gave Bayley her signature double knees, then posed for the crowd. Natalya scooped Alexa up, trying to Powerbomb her over the top, Bliss held on and fought Nattie off. Zelina Vega (#22) joined the match. Vega tripped up Bayley as she entered the ring. She fought off an early elimination attempt by Liv Morgan, then dropped Iyo Sky. Vega caught Piper Niven with a tornado DDT off the middle rope. She traded blows with Jordynne Grace, who worked her onto the northwest turnbuckle. Vega climbed her back and delivered a top rope Code Red.
Belair and Naomi gave Michin a double hip toss. The crowd counted down the clock, bringing Candice LaRae (#23) out. Candice caught Bayley with a shoulder thrust, then tossed her into Naomi. Belair worked over Jordynne Grace. LaRae tried to eliminate Roxanne in the corner. Michin joined the battle, kicking Candice to the apron. LaRae fought her off. Niven stomped at Perez against the ropes. The crowd rose in anticipation of the next entrant. It was Stephanie Vaquer (#24.) She received a strong reaction. Vaquer hit a springboard clothesline into the ring, taking down Bayley. She dropped Nattie with a snap Suplex. Meanwhile, Grace tossed Sky to the apron. Vaquer slammed Nattie’s head against the mat repeatedly. She gave Bayley a violent Dragon Screw out of the corner, then double knees to Nattie in the adjacent one.
In the center, the tag champions gave Bliss a double Suplex, then tried to toss her out. At the strike of :00, Trish Stratus (#25) made her return. She went to work on Natalya, catching her with a quick press and punches. Trish went for Stratusfaction on Grace, but Jordynn blocked it and tossed her to the corner. Trish countered out, catching Grace and Candice with a Bulldog. She hit the Stratusfaction on Natalya. Niven dropped the Stratus with a clothesline. Raquel Rodriguez (#26) was out next. Cole said that Liv Morgan finally has her ally, having survived over 50 minutes alone. Rodriguez gave Natalya a big boot, then she Powerbombed Morgan onto Nattie. Raquel dumped Nattie to the apron. Liv gave her a Codebreaker, sending her tumbling to the floor. Bliss rushed in, spearing Morgan to the apron. Rodriguez intervened. Morgan gave Bliss a Codebreaker on the apron, sending her to the floor. The crowd booed heavily.
Morgan and Rodriguez celebrated their eliminations of Nattie and Bliss. The clock counted down again, bringing out the returning Charlotte Flair (#27.) Fireworks exploded from above the entrance way as she posed. Flair sauntered down the ramp, in no hurry. Liv Morgan watched her the whole way. Flair slid into the ring and immediately dropped her with a clothesline. She chopped Bayley into the corner. Roxanne tried to cut her off, so she ate a handful of chops. Naomi got dropped next. Jordynn Grace stepped to the Queen and was quickly taken down. Flair flipped over the turnbuckle onto the apron and kicked Grace in the face. She gave Michin a kick to the side of the head, sending her to the floor unceremoniously. Grace and Vaquer worked together to give Flair a stalling Suplex, but Charlotte countered into a double DDT. She looked around at the bodies strewn about the ring as the match crossed 57:00.
Flair continued her onslaught, hoisting Niven over the top and launching her to the floor. Morgan and Rodriguez went after Flair just as Giulia (#28) made her Royal Rumble debut. She entered the ring, staring down Iyo Sky. They traded quick kicks and counters, dropping each other with overhand strikes. The graphic on screen noted that 14 women were currently active in the match, and 14 had been eliminated. Grace and Giulia battled on the apron. Giulia tried to German Suplex Grace, but Jordynn blocked her. Giulia leapt back in the ring and caught Grace with a running knee to eliminate her. Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer traded a fist bump and then turned to face Flair and Bayley. A brawl ensued as the crowd counted down again.
Nia Jax (#29) entered, scowling. She marched down the ramp as Stratus and Vega worked each other in the northwest corner. Jax smelled blood in the water, finding Zelina on the apron when she got to ringside. She ripped her to the floor, eliminating her. Jax got in Trish Stratus’ face when she entered the ring. Candice LaRae tried to get involved, but Trish tossed her out. Stratus battled Jax for a moment, but Nia lifted her onto the apron. Trish held on initially, but Candice grabbed at her ankle from the floor. Jax bodied her off the apron, eliminating her. The clock counted down for the final time and the crowd waited with baited breath. Nikki Bella (#30) entered to a strong reaction. Cole said it’s the first time in over three years.
Nikki Bella came face to face with Nia Jax. The other ten women still in the match rose to surround Jax. Everyone attacked Nia at once. She threw them all away. One by one, they came at Jax separately. Flair gave Jax a big boot. Bella kicked her and did some push-ups in the center of the ring. Perez tried to challenge her, but Bella scooped her onto her shoulders and dumped her onto the apron. Perez fought Bella off. Vaquer and Sky jostled on the ropes and apron. Perez got involved, kicking wildly at both of them. Morgan and Rodriguez joined the fray, trying to eliminate all the women on the apron. Belair and Naomi broke it up, dumping Liv and Raquel to the apron, too. Nia Jax dumped them all – Iyo Sky, Naomi, Raquel Rodriguez, and Bianca Belair. Liv initially held on, but Jax knocked her to the floor, too.
Only six women remained. Bella put Giulia on her shoulders and worked her against the ropes. Perez caught Nikki with an uppercut. She and Giulia slid to the apron. Flair charged them both, buth they moved. Charlotte got hung up on the top rope. Roxanne and Giulia pulled Flair to the apron and knocked her down. Perez speared Giulia into the ring post, sending her to the floor. Only five women remained. Bayley got taken to the apron by Perez. Nia tried to attack. Bella charged Jax. Nia moved, and Nikki elbowed Bayley off the apron, eliminating her. Jax immediately tossed Bella out.
Perez and Flair worked together to topple Jax into the corner. Flair took her up and over with a big boot, leaving only she and Perez. Roxanne leapt into the air. Flair caught her feet on her shoulders and tried to toss her, but Perez held on. Flair pushed her to the apron and gave her a quick big boot to eliminate her.
WINNER: Charlotte Flair in 70:27
(LeClair’s Analysis: They’ve done a much better job the last few years having enough women to build out a credible Royal Rumble without relying too heavily on legacy acts and NXT entrants. I thought the NXT women they brought in made a lot of sense, and each had some signature moments. I was encouraged by the focus they placed on Roxanne Perez, even going as far as to make her the runner up to the seemingly obvious winner. The returns felt consequential – Trish Stratus is a worthy legend that the crowd is always interested in seeing. Nikki Bella was a great surprise that the crowd seemed to really enjoy, and Alexa Bliss’ appearance felt triumphant. I thought the early story of Belair and Naomi dominating and working against PFC was a good angle to take for the first half, and Chelsea Green provided some great comedic relief that felt natural and fun. This didn’t feel particularly memorable overall, and I think they had a pretty tall order in trying to live up to last year’s match, but it was a fine enough Royal Rumble that sets the table for a number of stories going forward.
Flair was obviously brought back initially as a babyface, but I do think sticking with her in that role long term would be a mistake. She’s such an effective, natural heel and I think they’ll struggle mightily to get her cheered against either Ripley or Stratton.)
-After a quick break, Michael Cole introduced a number of legends and celebrity guests seated at ringside. He then tossed to a video package for the WWE Tag Team title match.
Motor City Machine Guns were out first to a decent reaction. DIY entered next. Tommaso Ciampa held his Tag Team title close to his chest as he marched to the ring. Johnny Gargano talked trash to the camera the whole way to the ring.
(2) DIY (c, Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa) vs. Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) – 2-out-of-3 Falls WWE Tag Team Championship match
Chris Sabin began the match with Tommaso Ciampa. Sabin quickly tagged himself in off the back of his partner. The Machine Guns dropped Ciampa with double kicks. Johnny Gargano tried to enter, but was quickly thwarted by the challengers. They knocked the champions to the floor and hit them with tandem basement dropkicks. Shelley split the ropes for his partner and Sabin dove clear through them, toppling Gargano and Ciampa over the announcers desk. Sabin gave Gargano a hard right on the outside, but then ate a DDT back in the ring from Ciampa. Tommaso covered for a quick two count.
Ciampa tagged in Johnny Gargano and the two gave Sabin some quick shots, followed by a high-low clothesline. Gargano smirked at the crowd and worked Sabin into the heel corner. Johnny tagged out. Sabin tried to make a diving tag, but Tommaso caught him mid-air and tossed him to the mat. Barrett said the first fall is crucial. Sabin still managed to make the tag. Ciampa made a diving tag toward Gargano, but Johnny pulled his hand away. Shelley thought the tag occurred. He attacked Gargano, then ate a surprise knee from Ciampa. Tommaso covered Shelley for a 3 count to take the first fall at 3:15.
The announcers replayed the whole sequence so show DIY’s trickery. Ciampa tagged Gargano for real this time. They gave Shelley a double team back drop and Johnny covered for a two count. Gargano worked Alex to the corner and tagged in Ciampa. DIY traded tags, working Shelley over corner to corner as the match crossed 5:30. Shelley managed to fight off the champions, catching Johnny with a DDT and Ciampa with a Flatliner. Ciampa rolled underneath the ring and came out the other side, trying to pull Sabin from the apron. Gargano distracted the referee. Shelley tagged in Sabin, but the referee didn’t see it. Gargano sized up Shelley in the northeast corner. Gargano went for the slingshot spear through the ropes, but Shelley caught him with a kick to the face. He finally managed to tag Sabin.
Chris Sabin dumped Ciampa from the apron, then whipped Gargano off the ropes. He exploded with a leaping shoulder. Sabin leapt to the apron and went for a P.K. to the champs. Gargano ducked, but Ciampa ate the kick. Johnny stepped back into frame and ate one as well. Sabin dove onto both Ciampa and Gargano. He dragged Gargano back in the ring and have him a Tornado DDT off the middle rope. Sabin tagged in Shelley. He and Sabin connected with Skull and Bones for a cover and three count on Gargano at 9:05. Cole noted that it’s now sudden death, next fall wins the tag team titles. The Machine Guns gave Gargano a number of kicks. Ciampa entered to break it up. Gargano managed to make a tag to Tommaso. He kicked Sabin into Ciampa’s grip for a Fairy-tale Ending. Ciampa hit Sabin with Project Ciampa for a leg hook and near fall just before 11:00.
Tommaso worked Sabin into the northwest corner and hoisted him onto the top. Sabin flipped over him into Powerbomb position, but Ciampa fought him off. Sabin managed to shove Tommaso, causing him to slam his head off the ring post. Ciampa fell into Tree of Woe position. Gargano entered the ring and ate a kick from a returning Shelley. They whipped Gargano into his own partner and then dropped him with a kick. Cole called it “classic Motor City Machine Guns wrestling.” MCMG hit Ciampa with sit out Powerbomb combo Blockbuster for a stack cover, but Gargano threw himself into the pinfall to break it up.
Gargano and Sabin tagged in. Johnny went for a Superkick, but it was ducked. Gargano Superkicked Ciampa. Sabin and Shelley caught Gargano with double boots in the corner. Two hooded figures leapt onto opposite aprons. It was Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins. They distracted Sabin and Shelley long enough for DIY to recover and connect with Meet in the Middle for a cover and three count.
WINNERS: DIY in 14:01 to retain the WWE Tag Team Championships
Gargano and Ciampa left the ring in a hurry. The Street Profits had regrouped behind them. Dawkins attacked Ciampa with his crutch. They beat down DIY at ringside, then posed with the Tag Team titles. Barrett was confused. Cole said it’s because they want the tag titles.
(LeClair’s Analysis: This was a good match, but it just had no heat. The tag team division has been getting a lot of TV time on Smackdown, and I commend the effort, but the crowd has just not connected with DIY or MCMG in any meaningful way. It’s a bummer, because both teams are supremely talented and have been making the most of their push in terms of in-ring work, but the investment just isn’t there. The Street Profits return is welcome, though the crowd didn’t seem to care all that much about that, either. It’s a small thing, but I do think it’s worth noting how bad both teams’ theme music is. It’s such a small detail that used to help acts get over, and now everything is so incredibly generic. You could feel it especially here, as both teams came out to bad theme songs that give the crowd nothing to get excited over.)
-Cole and company talked about their host city. McAfee talked over some clips of his playing career for the Colts – namely his fake punt pass and a kickoff tackle. Cole introduced more legends and celebrity guests seated on the floor. He tossed to a video package for the WWE Championship match.
Kevin Owens emerged first, wearing a shirt that said “The Canadian Dream of a son of a security systems technician.” He slung the winged eagle title belt over his shoulder and began his walk to the ring. Cole called him “delusional”, sure to point out that he is not the WWE Champion. Barrett said it won’t be recognized in any record books and is being used purely as a means of taunting Cody Rhodes. McAfee said carrying the title around has given Kevin his swagger and moxie back. Owens climbed the ladder positioned at the ramp opening and held up the title.
Dan Engler, the official for the match, was shown wearing the ref cam. Cole promised “unique shots” during the match. “Kingdom” rang out and Cody Rhodes entered through a cloud of smoke, sporting a jacket instead of his signature robe. The crowd sang along with his theme. Cody’s signature fireworks exploded from above the stage as Rhodes soaked in the massive reaction from the crowd in Lucas Oil Stadium. Cole said this would be Cody’s toughest title defense since winning the Championship 300 days ago at WrestleMania 40. Rhodes crossed under the ladder as he made his way to ringside. Alicia Taylor delivered Championship introductions.
Both men received big reactions during introductions. Dan Engler placed both title belts on the rung and signaled for it to be raised high above the ring. Both men watched it ascend into the air.
(3) CODY RHODES (c) vs. KEVIN OWENS – WWE Championship Ladder match
Neither man made a move out of the gate. Michael Cole set the scene, explaining the rules of a ladder match. The crowd rose to their feet in a frenzy. Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens looked around, soaking it in. They stepped to center and came to blows. Rhodes gave Owens a quick uppercut, dropped to the mat and delivered a second. Owens shrugged it off and dropped Cody with a shoulder. He worked the champion into the northwest corner, downing him against the bottom turnbuckle and driving his boot into Cody’s chin.
Kevin left the ring to retrieve the ladder at ringside. Cody immediately attacked him from behind, toppling the ladder over. The two men jockeyed for position between the open rungs of the downed ladder. Cody went for a Suplex, but it was blocked. Owens gave Rhodes a body slam right on the arms of the ladder, caving it in. He used the support to choke Cody. Owens tossed Rhodes into the ringside barrier, then went to retrieve something underneath the ring. Rhodes gave him no respite, attacking him from behind and tossing him over the barricade and into the crowd. Rhodes and Owens walked and brawled to the back of the floor. Rhodes hit Owens in the head with a beer. They traded punches.
“This is like a bar fight,” Cole said. Owens bounced Cody’s head off the camera lens. They worked around the floor and back toward the ring. Owens Suplexed Cody over the barricade, back to ringside. He retrieved a ladder from underneath the ring and propped it. He gave Rhodes a hip toss off the ladder as the match crossed 5:00. Kevin slid the ladder in the ring and set it up. He only got a few steps up before Cody cut him off. Owens quickly fought him off and tossed him to the floor. Owens began his second climb. Cody again cut him off quickly. He tossed Owens haphazardly into the ladder, toppling both it and his opponent.
Owens rolled to the outside. Cody followed. Kevin slammed Cody’s head off the announcers desk, then tossed him into the ring post. Cole said that Owens is losing it. “I’m not losing it!” Owens barked. He retrieved another ladder and bridged it between the announcers desk and the ring. Rhodes recovered enough to toss Owens into the steel steps. He slid in the ring, pulling a ladder into position. Owens followed closely behind with a step ladder. He beat Cody with it repeatedly. Owens set up the step ladder and climbed it, then leapt off of it and tossed it out of the ring. Cody retrieved the little ladder and hit KO with it multiple times.
The champion began to climb. Owens tossed the small ladder at Cody’s legs, forcing him down. He gave Cody a back body drop right on the small ladder. Owens looked around with contempt. Rhodes reversed an Irish Whip into the standard ladder. He steadied it and began to climb. Owens grabbed at his boot, but Cody kicked him away. Cody got his hands secured around the brass title holder. He briefly dangled, but got his footing on the ladder. Owens pulled him off the ladder and gave him a Pop-Up Powerbomb at the 11:00 mark. Owens tossed Rhodes into the corner of the ladder. He pinned him underneath it and began to climb. Rhodes had enough strength to lift the ladder just enough to keep Kevin off balance. He dropped down and continued his attack instead.
Outside the ring, Cody got hands on another ladder underneath the ring. Owens cut him off, tossing him violently into the barrier and then the steps. Owens retrieved the ladder and slid it into the ring. The crowd continued to ask for tables. Now back inside, Cody blocked a kick from Owens and delivered a snap Suplex onto a ladder. Cody set up the ladder and began to climb. KO quickly stopped him. Cody kicked the bottom rung of the ladder free and tried to use it as a weapon. Owens kicked Cody in the gut, saving himself. Owens stole Dusty’s signature punches, then used the broke ladder piece to complete the final blow.
KO stalked the WWE Champion with the metal bar. He draped it around Cody’s face and pulled. Rhodes gasped for breath, draped against the middle rope. Owens tossed Cody into the ladder again. He tossed Rhodes to the southeast corner and threw the small ladder at him again. Owens pulled out another ladder. Cole asked why Owens need another ladder. Barrett said all the others are broken. In the ring, the two battled against a downed ladder. Rhodes managed to backdrop KO onto the edge of the ladder. Both men were down for an extended period. When they stood, Owens propped across the bottom rope in the southeast corner. he gave Rhodes a Powerbomb onto it.
Rhodes rose to play defense as Owens climbed the ladder just before 19:00. Owens stepped off and tossed Cody back to the corner. Owens grabbed ladder and bridged it between the bottom rope and another ladder. He walked Cody around the ring, tossing him against ladders as he saw fit. “I didn’t want to have to do this,” he told Rhodes. He laid Cody across the bridged ladder and headed for the middle rope. Cody popped up and leapt onto the ropes to meet KO. They struggled on the top. Owens hooked Rhodes and delivered a Fisherman Buster off the middle rope, onto the propped ladder. “He might be dead!” McAfee exclaimed.
General manager Nick Aldis rushed to ringside, along with several trainers. Both KO and Cody Rhodes were writhing on the mat. Sami Zayn emerged from the crowd, checking on both Kevin and Cody. Barrett said he smelled a fix. Pat agreed. Owens was the first to stand. He was clutching the back of his neck. He went for a Stunner, but Cody blocked it and hit a desperation Cross Rhodes. Kevin spilled to the floor. Cody tried to climb the ladder, but Kevin caught his boot and pulled him to the floor. In a sudden flurry, Rhodes sprang to life and slammed Owens’ head off the announcers desk repeatedly. He threw him into the ring post. Owens came up bloody. Cody went right at the cut, punching at it and clawing at the wound.
“Kevin Owens brought this upon himself!” Cole exclaimed as Rhodes continued his beat down. He climbed onto the desk, yelling at Owens the whole way. KO caught Cody with a low blow. He pulled Cody in, looking for the package Piledriver. Cody blocked it. He lifted Owens into the air and gave him an Alabama Slam off the table, through the propped ladder. It broke it half on impact. Owens was folded up like an accordian. Cody slid back in the ring, climbed the ladder and retrieved the WWE Championship.
WINNER: Cody Rhodes in 25:08 to retain the WWE Championship
Trainers surrounded Kevin Owens and blotted the blood spilling from his face. Sami Zayn sat by his friend. Cody climbed back onto the announcers desk and posed over Owens.
(LeClair’s Analysis: Really good match to cap off what became a bit of a blood feud. Rhodes’ list of opponents during his 300 day title run haven’t exactly been strong, but Kevin Owens went to great lengths to make himself into a credible threat and major foil. You could tell they’d done their job as the crowd rose in anticipation at the start of this one. These two worked incredibly hard, going from a walk and brawl in the early minutes to a more refined, ladder brawl as it progressed. The final ten minutes of heavy hitting moves involving ladders were fun, if at times, wince-inducing, and once again, the sparing use of blood proved to be effective. The outcome never seemed to be in much doubt, but I thought they told a compelling story on the way there.)
-After showing more celebrities at ringside and thanking Charli XCX for the Royal Rumble theme song, Cole tossed to Joe Tessitore and Big E up in the stands at the panel desk. Joe asked E what he’s looking for the men’s Royal Rumble. Big E wondered if John Cena could win his third. Joe tossed back to Cole, who introduced the “all about the numbers” video package.
Alicia Taylor introduced the match and explained the rules. Rey Mysterio drew #1. He received a solid reaction as he slapped hands with fans on his way to the ring. The announcers talked about Rey’s storied history in the Rumble match, holding the record for longest Rumble appearance until Gunther broke it in 2023. The lights in the stadium went out and flames slid back and forth across the scaffolding above the stage. Penta exploded onto the stage, set to enter his very first Royal Rumble in the #2 spot. Cole said they’re starting the Rumble with two of the greatest Luchadors to ever step foot in a ring.
(4) 30 Man Royal Rumble match
Rey Mysterio (#1) applauded Penta (#2) as the bell rang. The crowd rose to their feet, cheering both men. Rey offered a handshake, Penta quickly accepted. Rey tried to pull away, but Penta pulled him in close and did his “no fear” taunt. Rey fired the first shot. The two battled toward the ropes. Rey gave Penta a ‘rana, and both men spilled to the apron. They quickly battled back to the ring, then did it again. This time, Penta came within centimeters of touching the floor. The referee signaled only one foot touched. The two battled onto the northwest turnbuckles. Penta gave Rey a ‘rana and Rey clutched at his knee.
Chad Gable (#3) made his entry. He tossed Penta to the apron, then caught Mysterio with a slingshot to the apron. Rey nearly grazed the floor, but saved himself. Gable went for a German Suplex on Rey, but Penta kicked him in the back. Rey and Penta shared a nod of respect, deciding to work together against Gable. Rey used Penta’s shoulders to dive onto Gable’s knee. Carmelo Hayes (#4) entered next. Barrett said he hasn’t been on a good run lately, but he’s always shooting from the logo. Hayes dropped Penta immediately with a head scissor. He turned to Rey and flashed a smile. He caught him with a club to the back of the neck, then a springboard reverse DDT. Carmelo enlisted Gable’s help in taking out Rey and Penta. He hit Penta with a springboard clothesline into a German Suplex from Gable.
Gable and Melo taunted the crowd briefly, but Hayes tried to toss Gable out. Chad saved himself and went for a German Suplex. Hayes ducked initially, but hit it on the second attempt. The crowd counted down, bringing out Santos Escobar (#5.) Escobar caught Hayes with a sharp elbow on his way into the ring. He gave Mysterio a slingshot into the middle rope, then called for a 619. He hit it. Santos turned around, walking right into Penta. Penta caught him with a kick, but Escobar hit the ropes and delivered the Mexican Destroyer to Penta on the ricochet. Wrestlers then took turns throwing each other onto the apron. Gable was last. Everyone re-entered the ring and went after Chad. As the clock counted down again, there was no one left standing. Oits (#6) was out next. “Things just went from bad to worse for Chad Gable,” Cole exclaimed.
Otis hit the ring and immediately gave Santos a Chokeslam. He shuffled to the corner and began the Caterpillar. Gable slid in and picked his ankle, trying to apply the Ankle Lock. Otis broke free and the two rolled to their feet. Gable slapped Otis. Otis returned the favor, slapping Gable hard across the face. They traded blows, but Gable gave Otis a German Suplex. While he celebrated, Otis stood up and put Gable in the Torture Rack. Hayes pulled Gable to safety. He and Gable worked together to try to topple Otis, but the big man fought them off as the match crossed 11:00. The countdown brought out Bron Breakker (#7.) “The dawgs are barking in Indianapolis!” McAfee said. Breakker ran to the ring and speared Hayes halfway across the ring. Bron tossed Hayes out with ease. Gable was perched on the middle rope. Breakker immediately gave him a ‘rana from the top. He dropped Otis.
Escobar hoisted Penta onto his shoulders. When he spun around, he got flattened by a Spear from Breakker. Bron tossed Escobar out. Otis worked Breakker into the corner as the clock counted down. Akira Tozawa (#8) emerged from the curtain. Carmelo Hayes, making his way to the back, attacked Tozawa from behind. Adam Pearce immediately ran out, checking on Akira. They helped him up and carried him to the back. The camera followed. Pearce told Triple H that Akira couldn’t compete. Triple H looked around, looking for a replacement. He spotted IShowSpeed and sent him out.
IShowSpeed (#8) headed to the ring. He immediately helped push Otis over the top, eliminating him. Speed briefly celebrated with Bron Breakker. The Intercontinental Champion then hit the ropes and speared Speed. He lifted him high above his head and tossed him out. Otis caught Speed and dumped him over the announcers desk, officially eliminating him. Sheamus (#9) entered after things calmed down. Breakker met him at the apron, but the veteran fought him off. Penta nearly sent Sheamus packing, but he held onto the bottom rope. Sliding back in the ring, Sheamus charged at Breakker. He caught him with a Brogue Kick after ducking Bron’s spear. Sheamus began trading chops with Gable. Jimmy Uso (#10) entered next, rounding out the first third just after 19:00. Jimmy ascended the turnbuckles and dove onto Sheamus. He caught Penta with a Corkscrew off the top rope, then kicked Breakker and Sheamus. Jimmy hit hip checks to three corners, beating down Rey, Penta, and Gable.
Sheamus tossed Jimmy to the apron and drove his boot into his chest, trying to force him out. Jimmy pushed him away. Andrade (#11) made his entry, his 4th appearance in the Rumble match. Jimmy Uso leapt at him and ate a quick kick. Andrade tripped Gable into the turnbuckle, then caught Sheamus with a step-up Enziguri. Andrade posed for the crowd, hit the ropes and caught Gable with double knees in the corner. He did the same to Sheamus on the opposite side of the ring. He tried to toss Penta to the apron, but the new comer reversed. The two battled underneath the bottom rope. Jimmy Uso, Rey Mysterio, and Sheamus worked together to try to hoist Bron Breakker over the top. Penta gave Andrade a Superplex. The timer ran down again, bringing Jacob Fatu (#12) out. Cole called him a dark horse. Barrett said he’s a “lawless, feral thug.”
Jacob Fatu hit the ring and immediately dropped Gable with a Superkick. He gave Andrade a pop-up Samoan Drop, then hip checked Chad Gable in the corner. Fatu met Penta in the center of the ring and gave him an uppercut. Mysterio went for a Springboard cross body onto Fatu, but Jacob caught him. Penta leapt at him and Fatu just put him on his shoulders and dropped both men. Fatu tossed Gable over the top rope, eliminating him. Mysterio charged him and Fatu sent him packing, too. Andrade was next. Fatu grabbed him by the throat and tossed him up and over. The camera showed Bron Breakker stalking Fatu. Sheamus and Penta attacked both men. Just then, Ludwig Kaiser (#13) entered. He ran to ringside, then slowed himself to a stop. Kaiser marched around the ring arrogantly, deciding to pick his spot.
Kaiser slid in the ring when everyone’s backs were turned. He tried to attack Penta, but Penta quickly countered and threw him out. Cole thought it might’ve been a record, but was quickly corrected. Officials surrounded Kaiser, forcing him to leave. Penta and Sheamus worked on Breakker in the corner. Kaiser continued to circle the ring, furious. The Miz (#14) entered next – making his 16th Royal Rumble appearance, tying for second all-time. Miz immediately began jawing at the Intercontinental Champion. He nearly tossed him out, but Breakker held on. Sheamus tried to take control of the situation, attacking Breakker on the apron. Bron laid out and slid under the bottom rope. Miz caught Uso with a Skull Crushing Finale. He tried to build on the momentum, throwing a punch at Fatu. Jacob shrugged it off, smiled, and tossed Miz to the apron.
Miz thought he’d outsmarted Fatu. He leapt back into the ring, but Fatu picked him out of the air and gave him a Samoan Drop. The clock struck :00 again, bringing Joe Hendry (#15) to the match. The crowd exploded. Hendry wore the TNA World Championship. He gave The Miz a Chokeslam after leading the crowd in a clap. Sheamus just sat back and watched it happen, amused. Fatu speared Hendry across the ring. Sheamus took exception. “I was enjoying that!” he told Fatu. The crowd rose for another entrant. It was Roman Reigns (#16.) Ones flew to the sky and filled the stadium. Roman Reigns emerged from the tunnel entrance, Paul Heyman flanking him. He bent his neck for Heyman to retrieve the Ula Fala. Barrett said it feels foreign for Roman to have to earn his spot at WrestleMania.
Roman Reigns hit the ring and immediately gave The Miz a spear. He tossed him out. Reigns spun around and dropped Sheamus with a Spear. Sheamus stumbled against the ropes and Reigns gave him a clothesline over the top to the floor. Joe Hendry caught Reigns with a kick to the gut. Reigns shrugged it off and tossed Hendry out. When Reigns turned around this time, he came face to face with Bron Breakker. Both men hit the ropes. Breakker caught Reigns out of nowhere with a Spear. Reigns coughed, clutching his ribs. Breakker tried to toss him out, but Reigns spun him around and tossed Breakker instead. Bron looked on at Roman with a smirk on his face. Reigns looked on at him, clutching his ribs.
Jimmy Uso helped Reigns to his feet. Jacob Fatu attacked Jimmy from behind and tossed him out. Only Reigns, Fatu, and Penta remained at the moment. Fatu and Reigns began trading blows in the center as the match crossed 36:00. Fatu tossed Reigns toward the ropes, and Roman caught him with a Spear. Roman looked toward the entrance as the clock counted down again, bringing out Drew McIntyre (#17.) McIntyre marched to the ring with purpose. He got right in Reigns’ face. “It started with you and it’s gonna end with you,” he told the Tribal Chief. The two began trading punches. Fatu attacked Reigns from behind. He and McIntyre shared a quick glance of understanding, then began beating down Reigns together.
With Reigns neutralized, Fatu turned his attention to Penta. He caught him with a hard check in the corner. The countdown brought Finn Balor (#18) out next. Balor beat down Penta and tossed him to the apron. He caught Drew with a Slingblade, but then got taken down with an uppercut by Reigns. Roman downed Finn in the corner and stomped at him. Reigns worked with Penta to help him deliver headstand drop kicks in the corners to both Balor and Fatu. Shinsuke Nakamura (#19) entered next. Cole talked up Penta’s performance thus far. Nakamura went right for Penta, getting in his face. Nakamura dropped him with a draping kick. Balor joined him on the attack. Fatu formed a temporary alliance with Balor to work over Penta. Penta used Balor’s back to leap onto Fatu’s back and deliver a Mexican Destroyer. Balor immediately grabbed him and tossed him out. Cole noted that Penta lasted over 40 minutes in his Rumble debut.
Balor talked some trash to Penta after tossing him out. The clock struck :00 again and Jey Uso (#20) emerged to a huge reaction from the crowd. Jey gave Balor a Spear, then delivered a ‘rana to Jacob Fatu. Nakamura ducked an Enziguri from Uso and connected with one of his own. Jey shrugged it off and kicked Nakamura, then dumped him over the top rope to the floor. The crowd counted down the next entrance. It was the returning A.J. Styles (#21), using his original theme music. Styles got a big reaction as he rushed to the ring. He gave Balor a neckbreaker, then clotheslined Reigns in the corner. The crowd opened up a big “A.J. Styles” chant. Cole said this might be the most star-studded field in Rumble history.
Styles turned around to meet Jacob Fatu. They traded punches, then hit the ropes. Fatu gave Styles a big back drop. Styles rolled right into the arms of McIntyre, who beat him down some more. Braun Strowman (#22) entered next. Barrett was shocked that Strowman was even back on his feet following the beat down he received from Jacob Fatu at Saturday Night’s Main Event. Strowman went right for the Samoan Werewolf. They traded blows, but Strowman quickly tossed Fatu out. “You can’t f—ing kill me!” Strowman screamed at Fatu. Jacob tore apart the ringside area, tossing chairs and scaring McAfee away from the desk.
Cole and company reset the scene as things calmed down and the clock counted down again. John Cena (#23) was next man up. The reaction was massive. Cena talked to Stu before rushing to the ring. He immediately went for an Attitude Adjustment on Strowman. Braun slid down the back, but Cena then pulled down the bottom rope as Braun charged him. Strowman went toppling to the outside. Balor leapt at Cena. Cena caught him and gave him an Attitude Adjustment over the top, into the waiting arms of Strowman. Braun dropped him for the official elimination.
Cena turned around and came face to face with Roman Reigns. They looked poised to engage, but the clock ran out again and “Cult of Personality” hit. CM Punk (#24) marched into view, receiving a reaction as big as Cena’s. Cole said that it just keeps getting bigger. Cena and Roman turned away from each other to watch Punk make his approach. CM Punk stepped in the ring slowly, looking back and forth from Cena to Reigns. he threw out his arms and the crowd popped big. Cena leapt up and down in anticipation. Styles, Uso, and McIntyre, all still in the match, were downed in separate corners.
The clock ran out again before anyone could attack. “Burn it down!” rang out and Seth Rollins (#25) ran to the ring. He broke the stalemate, immediately going after Punk. Rollins paired off with Jey Uso. Punk and Reigns worked over McIntyre. Cena and Styles battled in the adjacent corner. The crowd were seemingly chanting for multiple wrestlers all at once, at least until it came time to count again. Dominik Mysterio (#26) entered. Barrett said it would be an incredible story with all the legends in the ring. Cole called it the ultimate buzzkill. Dom climbed right to the top rope and hit a Frog Splash on John Cena. He pulled Reigns in for Three Amigos, but couldn’t even get the first off. Reigns scooped him up and gave him a big Samoan Drop. Reigns worked Mysterio into the corner. Dom offered Roman a handshake. Reigns laughed and punched him in the face as the clock counted down again.
Sami Zayn (#27) ran through a cloud of smoke at the entrance and slid into the ring, immediately charging McIntyre and catching him with a Heluva Kick. The crowd sang to him. Sami caught Rollins with a Heluva Kick on the opposite side of the ring. Cole said that Zayn drew one of the best numbers in the Rumble, producing former multiple winners. Zayn downed Punk in the corner. Jey caught Styles with a Superkick. Sami went to work on McIntyre while Cena and Rollins worked in the southeast corner. Damian Priest (#28) entered the crowded field. He caught McIntyre with a spinning kick on his way in. Priest climbed the ropes for Old School on McIntyre, terminating with a cross body. He hit Cena and Reigns with running elbows in the corner, then a spin kick on Styles.
Dominik Mysterio dropkicked Priest from behind, calling for a 619. Priest shrugged off the kick and gave Mysterio a South of Heaven, then tossed him out. LA Knight (#29) entered his very first Royal Rumble match. He posed atop the middle rope for a crowd chant-along, then hit the leaping elbow to John Cena. Styles tried to take him down, but ate a neckbreaker. Knight and Jey traded punches for dueling “yeet” and “yeah” chants. Knight won the exchange with a spin-out backdrop as the match crossed 61:00. Sami Zayn offered a hand to Roman Reigns in the corner. McIntyre pushed Reigns into Sami, then tossed him to the apron. McIntyre tried to loosen Sami’s grip on the ropes, but couldn’t. Jey charged in for a Superkick on Jey, but Drew moved. Jey kicked Sami off the apron and eliminated him. McIntyre laughed.
McIntyre caught Jey with a Claymore as the clock struck :00 for the final time, bringing Logan Paul (#30) out. Paul hit a Buckshot Lariat on his way into the ring, entering to a chorus of boos. Cole noted that there’s ten men left in the match. Priest unceremoniously dumped McIntyre, the camera nearly missed it. Drew looked back in shock, furious. Styles attacked Logan Paul in the corner and beat him down. LA Knight joined the fold, working Paul onto the apron. He turned Paul around and drove his boot into Logan’s back. Paul went flying off the apron, but he leapt clean onto the announcers desk, saving himself. Knight clotheslined Damian Priest over the top and eliminated him.
Logan Paul drank a Prime from atop the desk. In the ring, Styles dumped LA Knight over the top and to the floor. Paul leapt from the desk to the barricade, plotting his return to the ring. He jumped to the ring steps, sneaking up on A.J. Styles. Styles leapt to the top rope, looking for a Phenomenal Forearm. Paul swept his feet out. Styles fell to the apron, then to the floor. Paul celebrated. Six men remained – Logan Paul, CM Punk, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Jey Uso, and Seth Rollins.
Wrestlers paired off in opposing corners. Punk caught Logan Paul with a GTS. Rollins gave Punk a Superkick. Jey went for a Superkick on Rollins, but Seth ducked it and gave him a Pedigree. Rollins hit Cena with a Stomp, then hit one on Punk, too. The camera zoomed in on Seth’s face to show Roman Reigns rising to his feet behind him. Rollins knew it. Cole touted their history. Seth and Roman walked slowly toward each other in the center, exchanging words. Rollins told him this is where it ends, “you’re not getting another WrestleMania main event.” Reigns poked him in the chest. Rollins fired the first punch. They traded punches, then uppercuts. Rollins ducked a clothesline and went for a Stomp. Reigns moved and went for a Superman Punch, but Seth ducked. Reigns scooped Rollins onto his shoulders and tumbled toward the ropes, teetering. Seth slid down his back. He hit Reigns with a pair of Superkicks, then hit the ropes. He tried to clothesline Reigns, but Roman ducked. He delivered a clothesline of his own. Rollins hung onto the top rope. He and Reigns teetered. Punk came in from behind and dumped them both. Before Punk could spin around, Logan Paul dumped Punk, too.
Punk, Reigns and Rollins immediately came to blows on the floor. Rollins gave Punk a Superkick, then went after Paul Heyman. Paul pleased with Seth to calm down. Rollins saw Reigns trying to recover on the steel steps. He gave him a stomp right onto the steel. Rollins went right back after Punk as officials swarmed around him and barricaded him from another attack. Punk came to and stepped over Reigns, sharing words with Heyman on his way out.
The match crossed 73:00 as Cole reset. The three remaining men dragged themselves to their feet. Jey and Logan met in the center and traded punches. Paul caught Jey with a hard forearm, sending Jey staggering against the ropes. He bounced back and gave Paul an Enziguri. John Cena finally returned to action, whipping both men into the corner. He caught them with elbows, then hoisted them onto his shoulders. Jey slid down the back. He kicked Paul off of Cena’s shoulders. Cena reacted immediately, charging Paul and clotheslining him over the top to the floor. John Cena and Jey Uso remained.
Cena looked around as the crowd rose to its feet. Jey stood, hands on hips, staring Cena down. The crowd began a big dueling chant. Cena and Uso began trading punches. Cena stumbled himself off a headbutt, but managed to catch Jey with a pair of shoulder tackles and a spin out slam. The camera pulled back wide as Cena called for, and hit, the Five-Knuckle Shuffle. Cena called for the Attitude Adjustment. Jey slid down his back and caught him with a kick. Cena fell against the ropes, then walked right back into another kick. Jey was exhausted. He worked Cena into the corner, but Cena fought him off. Cena hit the ropes, but Jey picked him off with a Spear. Both men were down as the match approached 80 minutes.
Jey tried to toss Cena, but Cena turned it around on him. He sent Jey over the top, but Uso held onto the ropes. Cena thought he’d won. He turned around to find Jey still waiting for him. Jey dropped the top rope to bring Cena spilling out to the apron with him. They traded punches. Jey caught John with a Superkick. Cena had a foot and arm dangling in the air. Jey tried to kick him again, but Cena ducked it. He lifted Uso onto his shoulders, looking for the Attitude Adjustment. Jey slid down his back and into the ring. Jey bumped Cena and sent him flying to the floor.
WINNER: Jey Uso in 80:13
(LeClair’s Analysis: Wow. This feels like one of the more shocking results in Rumble history. With one of the most star-studded, crowded fields in WWE history and any number of winners you could have picked from, Jey Uso certainly wouldn’t have been my guess. This was an incredibly entertaining match from start to finish. The early onslaught of Luchadors, particularly Penta and Rey Mysterio, ensured that the match quality was high out of the gate. There were a half dozen or more inter-woven stories sprinkled throughout the match, either opening new stories or progressing existing ones. Despite a few unremarkable eliminations that felt a little out of place, like Drew McIntyre and Damian Priest, this was incredibly well booked. We often talk about how rare it is these days for WWE to use the Royal Rumble to truly elevate someone to the next level, and, amidst a star-studded field, they opted to do just that tonight.)
FINAL THOUGHTS: WWE has successfully turned Royal Rumble into a major stadium event that feels like a massive bookend to the biggest season of the year. The women’s Royal Rumble match took a step back over last year’s bout, but still provided plenty of fun moments. I thought the WWE title match was a great closing chapter to that feud and another effective use of heightened violence. The men’s Royal Rumble felt like a who’s who of this generation and last, with a shocking result the presents plenty of intrigue and a lot of questions for the weeks that lie ahead. A fun, eventful, and incredibly consequential way to kick off the road to WrestleMania.
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