JULY 17, 2020
Rina pointed out that her sister beat her in a singles match on the last show, so she wanted to return the favor here. Hina said she’s been fighting her over and over and couldn’t lose this one.
(1) HINA vs. RINA
Evenly matched in the opening minutes, naturally. Rina looked for a hydrangea but Hina countered into a Gedo clutch for a near-fall. Rina got the hydrangea a moment later and Hina tapped.
WINNER: Rina in 4:29.
(Pageot’s Perspective: The eternal struggle rages on. Updated twin battle 2020 stats: they are 1-1 in singles matches and 1-1 over each other in tag matches but Rina tapped out her sister in a threeway so she’s in the lead.)
-Oedo Tai were evidently called to film their promo while they were getting their gear on so Sumire said they had nothing to say to us! Hayashishita said this is the first time she and Riho were tagging. Riho called out the booking for just putting them together because they were the leftovers after the important matches were already set. Hayashishita denied this and said this would be the catalyst for Riho joining Queen’s Quest. It was also Riho’s one-year anniversary in Stardom. Riho joked about being homeless, one year into her Stardom tenure and still not having joined any faction.
Sumire attacked Hayashishita during her introduction to start the match. Riho avoided the crotch assault and Sumire crashed into the corner. Kashima came in to double-team the champ, though, and the heels regained control. Tiger feint kick to Kashima. High crossbody. Hayashishita dropkicked Kashima into Sumire, knocking her off the apron. Sumire tripped the babyfaces from ringside. Riho visibly slithered into position to take a top rope double-stomp from Kashima. Pedigree but Riho kicked out. My Emblem attempt blocked by Riho.
Tag to Sumire who lifted and cradled Riho like a baby. She delicately carried her over and placed her in the corner in crotch assault position. Hayashishita cut it off with a hiptoss. Tag. Hayashishita cleaned house. Dropkick to the back of Sumire. Chinlock from Hayashishita but a rope break from Sumire. Sumire pushed the referee aside and grabbed her whip, cracking it across Hayashishita. Northern lights suplex. Sumire went up top but Riho grabbed her foot to delay her and Hayashishita yanked her off the top rope. Missile dropkick from Hayashishita. Bridging German suplex but Kashima broke up the pin. She wanted to use her bucket as a weapon but Riho took her out. Sumire fell to a torture rack bomb from Hayashishita.
WINNERS: Hayashishita & Riho in 8:59
(Pageot’s Perspective: A nice little match. I can’t believe it’s been a year since Riho arrived. The fact that she remains the only person on the roster unaffiliated with a faction remains curious. Is it because they know she won’t be around too long or too often? In which case we may as well just let her team with anybody any time for fun. Is it building to something bigger? Maybe they were planning on having her join a group in a 2020 draft but COVID-19 and Kimura’s death rearranged all the plans. Hopefully she sticks around in some capacity for a while still since her AEW time is a distant memory. Kashima and Riho could also be a fun feud if they let them do a lot of character work. Feuds like that (see: Kashima vs. Sumire from last year) are where Kashima really shines.)
-Kyona said this was their first encounter with Syuri and Himeka. She was excited to face another power fighter. Syuri was looking forward to teaming with Himeka as a duo for the first time. This was Himeka’s first Korakuen so she wanted to show off. They also wanted a clean sweep for DDM today.
(3) DONNA DEL MONDO (Himeka & Artist Of Stardom Champion Syuri) vs. TOKYO CYBER SQUAD (Jungle Kyona & Death Yama-san)
Death did her death chant to all four sides of the ring while an unimpressed Himeka looked on. DDM isolated Death early on. Kyona eventually got the hot tag and went to work, including suplexing both opponents at the same time. Himeka took down Kyona with a clothesline. Kyona returned the favor. Death and Syuri faced off. Abdominal stretch to Death. Himeka with a firewoman’s carry to both TCS members at the same time. Syuri with a knee strike to Death. Death with a roll-up on Syuri but Himeka saved her. Syuri with a gutbuster and a buzzsaw kick for the pinfall on Death.
WINNERS: Donna Del Mondo in 9:06.
(Pageot’s Perspective: This does nothing for Kyona’s momentum heading into her world title shot in one week but, hey, DDM continue to remain strong and that seems to be the sole priority in Stardom in 2020.)
-Watanabe only had eyes for Iwatani. AZM wanted to pin Kid in order to establish herself as the true #1 contender to Riho’s high speed title. Kid said she and Iwatani hadn’t teamed since January. Iwatani acknowledged Watanabe coming for her red belt.
(4) STARS (World Of Stardom Champion Mayu Iwatani & Starlight Kid) vs. QUEEN’S QUEST (Momo Watanabe & AZM)
Iwatani and Watanabe started. Kid was falling prey to tandem offense at 10:00. Tilt-a-whirl armbar from AZM but Kid immediately made it to the ropes. Code Red avoided by AZM. They traded roll-ups. Top rope double-stomp from AZM but Kid kicked out. Tilt-a-whirl armbar again. Iwatani broke it up.
With Iwatani on the second rope Stars attempted to have Kid stand on her shoulders and possibly leap off for a missile dropkick? Unfortunately Iwatani was unable to support her weight as she poised to jump and they collapsed, Iwatani hitting the mat with Kid landing on top of her in a heap. Kid immediately got to her feet and traded forearms with AZM while Iwatani rolled to ringside. Swinging neckbreaker from Kid. Second rope moonsault. Watanabe broke up the pin. Kid with a Code Red for the pin on AZM.
WINNERS: Stars in 13:44.
(Pageot’s Perspective: Kid was nursing her left arm. It was hurt enough that she spoke quietly to the referee and he raised her right arm to celebrate instead. She could be seen shaking it out as they talked trash with QQ. I assume it’s a result of that bad fall in the corner. Iwatani is a lot of things but a strong power base she is not. She’s a skinny ragdoll so I don’t know who thought Kid standing on her shoulders while Iwatani stood on the ropes was a good idea. They’re lucky if all it is is a sore wrist for Kid.
The Iwatani-Watanabe feud progression seems to indicate that Kyona won’t be capturing the gold next week. Which is fine. It would seem a bit soon and a bit like a token handout in the aftermath of Hana Kimura’s death. I’d much rather see her win the 5Star Grand Prix and earn her way to the gold that way. Plus they can further a Watanabe-Iwatani challenge in the GP as well if they put them in the same bracket and keep Kyona on the other side.)
-Maika reminded us that the last time she challenged for the Future title she lost to Utami Hayashishita. Kamitani said the future of Stardom is her. Iida said they’re both damn annoying. She’s going to be the future.
We got footage of the other competitors warming up in the hallway backstage as Maika made her entrance first. Kamitani did her entrance dance that she hasn’t done in ages. Iida was stoic.
A graphic listed this as a tomoe-sen battle. It’s a singles match between two wrestlers with the third waiting at ringside to face the winner. The first to win two consecutive matches wins the Future Of Stardom title.
Lock-up. Dropkicks from Kamitani. Single-leg crab but Iida made it to the ropes. Dropkicks put down Kamitani. Body slam to Iida. A restless Maika was shown looking on. They traded dropkicks, then forearms. Spinning heel kick from Kamitani. Missile dropkick. Pele kick. She called for the running shooting star press and landed it.
WINNER: Saya Kamitani in 5:08.
Maika shoved her into the ropes. Kamitani slapped her. Maika ate a series of forearms and shrugged them off. She returned the favor, dropping Kamitani. They exchanged clubbing blows. The fresh Maika continued to hold the advantage. Armbar blocked by Kamitani and her long legs reached the rope break. She caught Maika with a dropkick as she ran the ropes. High knee in the corner. Another dropkick for a near-fall. Into a single-leg crab. Maika nearly reached the ropes but Kamitani pulled her back into the center of the ring. Maika made it on the second try. Armbar from Maika and Kamitani immediately tapped.
WINNER: Maika in 4:12.
Shoulder tackle from Iida. She stomped away at Maika. Dropkick to the spine. Body slam. Maika with a monkey flip. STO. Iidabashi avoided but she hung on and caught Maika with her shoulders down for three.
WINNER: Saya Iida in 1:35.
Iida was fired up. Dropkicks battered Kamitani. Gorilla slaps to the chest. Kamitani caught her with a roll-through and a bridge, though.
WINNER: Saya Kamitani in 1:42.
More dropkicks. Body slam from Maika. Hip-tosses. Monkey flip. Spinning heel kick from Kamitani. Missile dropkick. Shooting star press avoided. Spinebuster from Maika. STO.
WINNER: Maika in 2:48.
Armbar out of nowhere from Maika. Rope break. Elbows from Iida. Bridging suplex blocked. Shoulder tackles traded. The bigger Maika prevailed. Kimura lock from Iida! Rope break. Iidabashi avoided. Bridging suplex on Maika for two and a half. Armbar out of nowhere into a rear naked choke. Iida fought it but was forced to tap.
WINNER: Maika in 3:04 to capture the vacant Future Of Stardom title.
-Maika said she’s the third Future champion. She’ll carry Stardom on her back and lift the value of the belt.
(Pageot’s Perspective: I’ve never seen a tomoe-sen battle before. It’s a fun format. All the matches were very short but that’s a Stardom thing in gauntlet-style matches like this. DDM are getting the mega push right now so Maika winning shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone, even though Kamitani won the 2019 Rookie Of Stardom tournament. I just don’t know who she defends against other than these two and the Hanan Shimai girls.)
-Konami was ready to face every challenge ahead of her. Giulia said Konami was the biggest one in the tournament to watch out for. She vowed to win here and win the vacant white belt in the finals.
Slow mat wrestling to start. At 10:00 Konami was in control with kicks and a suplex. They traded forearms, then knees to the gut, then German suplexes, then kicks to the head. Armbar from Giulia. Powerslam. STF. Back suplex. Glorious Driver avoided by Konami. Roundhouse kick. Chinlock. Giulia faded but Konami slammed her over into a suplex. Side slam. More kicks. Triangle lancer but Giulia reached the ropes. Inside cradle from Giulia for two. Glorious Driver but Konami kicked out. A second and another kick out. A third, Giulia hung on, and immediately stood back up to drop her into a fourth one.
WINNER: Giulia in 19:04 to advance to the finals.
(Pageot’s Perspective: DDM sweeps the night.)
-Tora didn’t have a damn thing to talk to us about and swatted the camera out of her face. Nakano said Tora is the most crazy obsessed person in Stardom. There was no way she would lose, though, as she made a promise to Arisa Hoshiki.
As Nakano posed on the ropes during her introduction Tora smashed a steel chair across her back three times. She tumbled over the ropes and to the floor. The referee rang the bell to start the match. (Dick.)
The rest of Stars tried to check on Nakano but Oedo Tai jumped into the fray. Kashima threw Starlight Kid into the guardrail and choked her with her boot. Tora whipped Nakano into the guardrail, still dressed in her pre-match costume. Another steel chair to the back. Nakano into another guardrail. Tora ran her head-first into the ring post before tossing her into the ring. She immediately threw her out the other side. Sumire distracted the referee while Tora tied her steel chain around Nakano’s neck. Iwatani protested his obliviousness as Tora hanged Nakano from the middle rope. He eventually got involved and told Tora off. She shoved him into the corner and smacked him. Facewash to Nakano in the ropes. Nakano tried to muster some forearms but Tora bludgeoned her some more. Nakano charged in the corner but Tora had loosened the turnbuckle pad and Nakano crashed back first into the exposed turnbuckle. Cannonball to Nakano in the corner.
Nakano fired up with some forearms and a boot directly to the top of Tora’s skull. A high crossbody took out all of Oedo Tai at ringside. Knee strike from Nakano back in the ring. A trio of kicks found their mark. Bridging German suplex for Nakano’s first two-count of the match. She went up top to hit Hoshiki’s step-off kick. Running knee strike for another two-count at 10:00.
Tora reversed a whip that sent Nakano crashing into the ref in the corner. Tora with a chain-assisted clothesline to Nakano. Ascension! Nakano rolled her shoulder at two and a half. Tora with a top rope frog-splash. No cover, just right back upstairs. Top rope leg drop! Nakano barely got her shoulder up. Another Ascension from Tora was countered into a bridging tiger suplex from Nakano but she couldn’t keep Tora’s weight on her shoulders in order to secure the pin. Sumire jumped onto the apron and grabbed the ref. Tora grabbed her chain again. Nakano ducked. Tora hit Sumire by accident. Nakano rolled up Tora!
WINNER: Tam Nakano in 12:43 to advance to the finals.
-An enraged Tora leapt to her feet and kicked the ref. She dropkicked Nakano to her back and mounted her, choking at her. Stars tried to help but Kashima and Sumire tossed them all. They stood on Nakano’s face while Tora barked orders. Nakano’s music played as Tora continued to pummel Nakano. Hanan and Starlight Kid tried again to help but were dispatched effortlessly. Tora finally decided she was satisfied and led her troop to the back.
The referee tried to help Nakano to her feet but she collapsed. She was wrecked, her hair dishelved and makeup smeared. Kid propped her up while she was given a microphone. She declared she was going to win the white belt in Korakuen Hall as promised and called out Giulia.
Giulia strolled out and slid lazily into the ring on her stomach. Nakano met on the mat face to face. Nakano screamed that she definitely, definitely (x9) won’t give her the white belt. She vowed to make Giulia’s cool demeanor into the messiest face. Giulia lay the white belt between them for the media to snap some photos. She said Nakano’s been winning a lot and encouraged the crowd to clap. She said Nakano’s white belt universe is about greed and coveting. She hoped people would see through the façade. Arrivederci.
Nakano slapped her. Giulia just smiled, wiped it off her cheek, and walked away.
Nakano asked if she thinks she can just walk into Stardom and steal away everything. She’s a thief and she’ll never let Giulia get the white belt. She said that she and Stars would protect Stardom.
(Pageot’s Perspective: First off, I love this Oedo Tai. Their energy is unlike any of the other groups in the promotion and they have a serious violence to them wholly unlike the Kagetsu era. As great as that era was it was very much like the Elite era of Bullet Club where everything was a little tongue in cheek and tweener. Tora, Kashima, and Sumire are heels the likes of which Stardom rarely sees. They feel dangerous and unpredictable.
Giulia’s character is getting a bit of dimension to her solely through having Nakano to play off of. Until this point she’s been all about staying calm and cool through everything, which was easy because she was undefeated and she held all the cards, continually surprising the rest of the roster with new signings and DDM members. As we saw with her pinfall loss in the trios match the other day, though, she doesn’t handle defeat well. If she loses her first singles match in Korakuen to Nakano and fails to win the white belt in the process there’s no telling how she’ll react to that.
As for Tam… The rest of Stars need to keep an eye on her. Her behavior has grown increasingly erratic and troubling. Giulia’s comment about an obsessiveness is not off the mark. She spent the better part of the last year telling everyone that she would be the one to take the white belt off Arisa. And it never happened. Arisa suddenly retired out of nowhere before they could ever face off again so her big dream went unfulfilled. She’s telling everyone that winning the vacant title for Arisa will be just as good but the truth is it isn’t. Even if she manages to defeat Giulia on the 26th it won’t be the same and I suspect it won’t bring her the satisfaction she’s seeking. And if she loses? Oedo Tai might not be the most volatile force in Stardom after all.)
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