FEBUARY 3, 2021
Announcers: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur
Jurassic Express, Sammy & Hager, Jericho & MJF, The Acclaimed, and The Young Bucks all got televised entrances.
The Young Bucks jumped off the stage area onto the other teams, causing the opening bell to ring. After this all the teams were in the ring. Donte Martin of Top Flight was the first eliminated. Jake Hager then eliminated Alex Reynolds. John Silver and Evil Uno then eliminated Hager.
Matt Jackson was thrown over the top rope, then Anthony Bowens. Luchasaurus then dropped all comers in the middle of the ring. Luchasaurus then eliminated Stu Grayson, Silver then eliminated Luchasaurus. Evil Uno was then eliminated by MJF. Team Grayson and Uno were the first team eliminated.
Marc Quen was then eliminated. Santana and Ortiz then teamed up to eliminated Silver. Nick Jackson then eliminated Ortiz and then Santana. The Good Brothers came out and interrupted and exchange between Nick Jackson and Isaiah Kassidy. Kassidy was then eliminated with Good Brother help. MJF then eliminated Nick Jackson.
MJF, with the help of Jericho and Sammy earlier, eliminated Jungle Boy. Max Caster then eliminated MJF, Caster was then eliminated by Darius Martin. It was now Sammy, Jericho, and Darius. Jericho eliminated Sammy, and the used the Judas Effect on Darius to win the Battle Royal.
WINNER: Chris Jericho and MJF in 12:00
(Sage’s Analysis: Solid battle royal that did not overstay its welcome. It seemed that Matt Jackson’s elimination was not supposed to happen as scheduled, if it was it was an odd spot. I like that Top Flight and The Acclaimed had good moments. The spots with Inner Circle were all good as well.)
-The announce team went over the remainder of the card for the evening.
-A video of Jade Cargill working out was shown. [c]
-Tony Schiavone was in the ring and he introduced TNT champion Darby Allin and Sting. It was announced that Darby would be defending the TNT title next week against Joey Janela. Taz and team broke in via video, he said they were banned and that next week they would be in the area in full force. Ricky Starks then said that Sting is not who he once was, he then said Darby would need all the luck next week. Sting then said that Team Taz would be there next week, and that Sting would be there as well. He would make sure Darby’s match would be a 1-on-1 match no matter what. He said that Starks needs dto take a closer look at Sting if he thinks the old Sting isn’t there.
-A video recap of the Dr. Britt Baker and Thunder Rosa feud was shown.
Thunder Rosa threw Rebel out of the ring before the bell rang. Britt Baker tried to apply the Lock Jaw to end the match quickly. Rosa got out of that and began to throw Baker from corner to corner, with chops mixed in between. Baker was able to reverse the attack, Rosa was able to counter herself and get control of the match back in her favor. Baker was able to then tie Thunder Rosa in the ropes and kick he ran the head. Baker then took the fight to the outside of the ring. She used forearms and slammed Rosa into the barriers at ringside. Rosa then returned date favor and threw Baker into the same barriers. [c]
Thunder Rosa hit a Death Valley driver on Baker, on the stage area, when the show returned. Back in the ring, Rosa was again appealing offense in the corner, leading to a two count. Baker countered a move by Thunder Rosa and was able to get a two count of her own. Baker then reversed a suplex attempt and got another near fall. Baker then put on her right glove and tried to apply the Lock Jaw, Rosa broke the hold with a rope break.
Baker did a head kick, into a submission hold. The two then rolled, trading pinning attempts. Rosa then hit a second Death Valley driver for a near fall. The referee was looking away as Rebel took a turnbuckle off for Baker. Rosa was then thrown into the exposed turnbuckle. Baker then applied the Lock Jaw that led to a ref stoppage.
WINNER: Dr. Britt Baker in 15:00
(Sage’s Analysis: That match lived up to my personal hype. Baker always has done great character work, and has improved greatly in the ring. Thunder Rosa was great in the ring as well. Both told a great story, and I really would like to see these two in the final of the #1 contender tournament.)
-In a video that took place last week, Matt Hardy and Adam Page were in Hardy’s huge locker room. Hardy suggested they team up against Luther and Serpentico to defend the honor of Dark Order and -1. [c]
Matt Hardy and Serpentico started the match, with Hardy throwing around Serpentico. Page was tagged in and he hit a shooting star press to get a two count on the beaten down Serpentico. Hardy then was tagged in and he hit an elbow drop. Luther was tagged din and he punched and stomped Hardy. Serpentico was then tagged in and Chaos Project teamed up on Hardy.
Serpentico tried a front flip, but Hardy rolled away from it. Page was tagged in, he hit a spinbuster on Serpentico and got a near fall. Page tried to set up a Buckshot Lariate was thrown off the ring by Luther, he took out Luther and hit the Lariate on Serpentico. Hardy tagged himself in and pinned the downed Serpentico.
WINNER: Adam Page & Matt Hardy in 4:00
(Sage’s Analysis: This was totally fine, not really loving this story, but I am still open minded going forward.)
-The entrants for the Woman’s #1 contender tournament were announced. [c]
-Jericho and MJF were backstage celebrating their victory with, well you know, some bubbly. The rest of the Inner Circle were backstage and not happy about their loss. Sammy left and Jericho followed. MJF was then with Hager, Santana, Ortiz, and Wardlow. The door was shut as MJF began to speak to the group.
-The wedding of Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford was next. Kip, Miro, and Charles Taylor were backstage. Vicki Guerrero said it was time and they walked out to the ring. The wedding started, and they shared their vows. Kip said Ford was beautiful on the inside and hot on the outside. Ford said Kip had the biggest…then Kip grabbed the mic and stopped that. Charles Taylor handed the rings to Miro, who handed them to the officiant. Kip said I do, Penelope said I do as well. It was asked if anyone had objections, Miro said to move on. Kip and Penelope then kissed. Miro then was asked to do a toast, He told Charles to get the champagne for the toast. Miro then started his toast, he said marriage is all about love. But what is love? He said his knowledge was this present. Miro then asked what the human size box was, he then attacked the box, but it was empty. Charles used a handcuff on Miro, he then punched Kip and pushed Penelope into the cake. Kip then hit Miro on accident, and beat up Chuck Taylor. Orange Cassidy emerged from the cake and took out Kip. [c]
(Sage’s Analysis: I did not like this at all, way too long, it went of the rails and the swerves leading to the most likely outcome did not help. Really bad, I hope this story is over soon.)
-Shaq was shown on Inside the NBA talking about Cody and showing off his moves. The tag match between Cody & Shaq will be on March 3rd on Dynamite, not on PPV, so thats something.
The heel corner pulled out Lance Archer to start and Archer fought his way back into the ring. Kingston was thrown out and he attacked everyone he could. Archer launched and dove over the top rope into everyone on the outside. [c]
The show returned with Kingston throwing Archer to the outside and he was roughed up before entering the ring. Archer hit a number of suplexes on Kingston, leading to a near fall. Bunny then appeared and jumped on the back of Archer, he was going to slam her, but Kingston hit him with the backlist.
Archer then hit some moves and Archer was held for a moment and Kingston hit an exploder. Butcher and Blade brought in a table. Blade was sent through it and it was Archer and Kingston alone in the ring. Archer hit the Blackout for the pin.
WINNER: Lance Archer in 9:00
(Sage’s Analysis: an ok match, I think there was way too much going on. I also think the last two weeks have downgraded Kingston. I also and not a huge Archer guy as a full disclosure, but I think he has been upgraded at Kingston’s expense. So mission accomplished.)
-FTR had a message about being suspended, they could not believe that Jurassic express tattled on them. They showed that they had kidnapped Marco Stunt. [c]
-The announce team hyped the card for next week, a video by Joey Janela was shown. He said they have a long history of hung each other, he said Joey Janela was back and that the next TNT champion will be a bad bad boy. [c]
Pac and Karl Anderson started the match. They started with stiff forearms and ran the ropes to start. Anderson stagger in Doc Gallows, Pac then tagged in Jon Moxley. Moxley took the fight to Gallows, leading to Moxley getting Gallows off his feet . Anderson and Rey Fenix were both tagged in. Pac was tagged in soon after. Gallows and Kenny Omega then teamed up to attack Pac. Anderson took advantage leading Pac to be thrown in the corner of the Omega team. Gallows, then Omega tagged in, taking turns working over Pac. Pac hit a suplex, and tagged in Moxley.
Omega tagged in Anderson, who was assaulted by Moxley. Moxley then dived to the outside on The Good Brothers. H Ethen tossed Omega into the barrier. [c]
Moxley was being beaten down by Gallows, Anderson was tagged in and they tried to use Magic Killer, but Moxley was bale to get out. Moxley then tagged in Fenix as Omega was tagged in. Omega almost had a power bomb, but got out leading to a tag to Pac who hit a drop kick and then Fenix took out The Good Brothers. Fenix then got a two count on Omega. Omega and Fenix then had a chop off, leading to a top rope snap dragon suplex by Omega.
Gallows then entered as the legal man and got a near fall on Fenix. Pac then entered and kicked Gallows until he was on his knees. Anderson was tagged in as Omega and Gallows softened up Pac. Moxley broke up a pinfall on Pac. Omega then hit a liger bomb for a near fall on Pac. Omega then hit a V-Trigger, Pac then got out of the One-Winged Angel attempt. Moxley, Fenix, and Pac then teamed up and got a near fall on Omega. Moxley and omega then traded forearms, and the match then broke down with al six men involved. Omega hit a DDT on Moxley and Pac hit a 450 on Omega. Omega tagged in Anderson, Moxley stunned him, Fenix then tagged in and got a near fall.
Anderson hit a spinbuster on Fenix, Magic Killer was applied on Fenix and the pinfall occurred.
WINNER: Kenny Omega & The Good Brothers in 15:00
-After the match Archer came out and cleared all but Moxley. Kenta from New Japan Pro Wrestling came out and dropped Moxley to finish the show.
(Sage’s Analysis: Quite a main event six-man tag. About as good of multi-man tag match that you can have. The stuff with Archer makes sense with his booking. The Kenta stuff was so great, what a finish.)
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