Netflix Premiere: Hit
I admit: I was nervous about whether or not Netflix could pull off a live show (see: Paul/Tyson), but on my end, it was seamless and smooth. Everything looked great and the added celebrities/wrestlers (past and present) were a nice touch to making the event feel more than just a standard debut on a new ‘network’.
Ring Aesthetics: Hit
I know a lot of people will disagree with me, but I really like the mat sponsorships. It gives WWE a UFC seriousness in my opinion. I didn’t think any one of the sponsorships icons distracted me from any of the matches.
Solo Sikoa vs. Roman Reigns: Hit
They gave these guys enough time to tell their story and this was one of the few times when the interferences didn’t wear on me. I’m curious to see where the New Bloodline goes from here. It was a lot of fun.
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John Cena Promo: Begrudging Hit
Look, I’m not the biggest Cena fan (although I do respect everything he’s accomplished in the business), but you cannot deny what time away and a retirement announcement has done to his divisive popularity. The crowd was behind him completely. Do I want to see Cena win a World Title? No. Would I mind him getting the opportunity though? Not at all. I just hate when wrestlers win a Championship and then retire, vacating the title. I’m hoping we’re not headed down that road.
Rhea Ripley vs. Liv Morgan: Hit
I love Ripley, but she’s so over, I wouldn’t have minded her not win the title here. My main concern is the lack of credible heel challengers for Ripley. I know the brand shake up is coming and maybe some ladies can be moved around, but otherwise almost all of the strong competitors are faces now. But, a cool moment between The Undertaker and Ripley. Taker got the easiest paycheck of the night!
Jey Uso vs. Drew McIntyre: Minor Hit
The match quality was there, but I couldn’t get really invested in this match. There just wasn’t as much meat to what led to this match than I would’ve liked. But, Michael Cole “Yeeting” on the announce desk was an absolute hoot. Cole, under this new regime, must be enjoying his job so much! His cracks about being winded and how to get down from the desk were laugh out loud for me.
Hulk Hogan being booed: Major Hit
The only victim in this was Jimmy Hart. Please WWE: do not let Hogan speak or even appear on your Live shows. This was an epic fail all around.
Seth Rollins vs. C.M. Punk: Hit
Definitely the match of the night. Almost 20 minutes of great action. Punk going over will hopefully lead to another reboot for Rollins. Seth just exudes heel so well, but if they do turn him, they have to dump his sing-a-long music. Judging from what I heard: I’d say a 60/40% cheer ration for Punk/Rollins. I also like the clean finish.
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